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New Nintendo Products registrated


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
- Nintendo Magic

- Wii Body Controller

- Wii Handle

- Soma Bringer


Soma Bringer may be that "hardcore game" that Matt IGN was going on about. The one which was allegedly "toned down" to be "less hardcore."

I'm a bit disappointed at what Nintendo Magic is. I thought it'd be more EPIC, since they used "Nintendo" in the title.

But I'm glad that they're doing more Mii stuff. Oh, we'll probably find out about Soma Bringer and Pikmin 3 tomorrow. Hopefully =X


I heard that Wii balance board isn't an official name for that pressure board controller. So I assume Wii body controller would be.


Scribble said:
Soma Bringer may be that "hardcore game" that Matt IGN was going on about. The one which was allegedly "toned down" to be "less hardcore."

I'm a bit disappointed at what Nintendo Magic is. I thought it'd be more EPIC, since they used "Nintendo" in the title.

But I'm glad that they're doing more Mii stuff. Oh, we'll probably find out about Soma Bringer and Pikmin 3 tomorrow. Hopefully =X

Oh right, that event... As far as I'm aware, that's only for the 2007 Christmas line-up though. I'm not expecting any announcements.


Dascu said:
Oh right, that event... As far as I'm aware, that's only for the 2007 Christmas line-up though. I'm not expecting any announcements.

Yeah. Oh well, at least we'll probably get new Galaxy and Brawl stuff.

Oh, and "Soma" = Greek, right? Kid Icarus Wii on the horizon? :D
Dascu said:
Oh right, that event... As far as I'm aware, that's only for the 2007 Christmas line-up though. I'm not expecting any announcements.
There's also that September surprise thing that will probably br nothing more than a puff.

That or this Soma Bringer thing is a brand new traditional IP.


Scribble said:
Yeah. Oh well, at least we'll probably get new Galaxy and Brawl stuff.

Oh, and "Soma" = Greek, right? Kid Icarus Wii on the horizon? :D

"Soma" means "body" in Greek. So..."Body Bringer"? Doesn't make any sense. And why would a Greek word be linked with an English one? I really don't have a clue what the name's about.

titiklabingapat said:
There's also that September surprise thing that will probably br nothing more than a puff.

That or this Soma Bringer thing is a brand new traditional IP.
What was the source of that "September surprise" again? PR talk from Reggie?
Scribble said:
Oh, and "Soma" = Greek, right? Kid Icarus Wii on the horizon? :D


Soma was the Sanskrit name of a drug used in ancient Vedic culture-this was the origin of the drug Soma in Huxley's Brave New World. Quote from the Rigveda: " Dear is the pious, the devout, to Indra dear is the zealous, dear the Soma-bringer."


Many believe that this drug was fly agaric mushrooms.

From wikipedia:
"Though it is generally considered poisonous, Amanita muscaria is otherwise famed for its hallucinogenic properties with its main psychoactive constituent being the compound muscimol."

"Two of the most famous uses of the mushroom are in the video game series Super Mario Bros. and the dancing mushroom sequence in the 1940 Disney film Fantasia."

It also seems that something called the Soma Cube is a kind of puzzle:


The goal is to form different shapes, including a cube, from the seven pieces shown.


SumGamer said:
Soma Bringer is a non-game from the guy who brought you Electroplankton if mymind servedme correctly.

Whoa, wait a sec...Toshio Iwai is back working with Nintendo? I know he said he'd like to do something similar to Electroplankton for Wii, but that was last year.


4soma time.

Soma Bringer may be that "hardcore game" that Matt IGN was going on about. The one which was allegedly "toned down" to be "less hardcore."


SumGamer said:
Soma Bringer is a non-game from the guy who brought you Electroplankton if mymind servedme correctly.

SumGamer said:
Soma Bringer is a non-game from the guy who brought you Electroplankton if mymind servedme correctly.
Where is your memory coming from? Neither I nor anything available on google have heard of anything like this.


leroy hacker said:
Soma was the Sanskrit name of a drug used in ancient Vedic culture-this was the origin of the drug Soma in Huxley's Brave New World. Quote from the Rigveda: " Dear is the pious, the devout, to Indra dear is the zealous, dear the Soma-bringer."

It also seems that the Soma Cube is a kind of puzzle:
The goal is to form different shapes, including a cube, from the seven pieces shown.

Wow. Well, I hope the game has something to do with the drug and not the puzzle =x


Those photos only make me think how cool a Shooting Star (Tintin marooned on island with exploding mushrooms) game could be. At the very least, Haddock's dialogue tree would rock.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
later said:
Nintendo Magic (working title), known in Japan as Magic Taizen (マジック大全 Majikku Taizen?), is a magician simulation video game for the Nintendo DS. It was developed and published by Nintendo, released in Japan on November 16, 2006, and is set for release in America on November 26, 2007. [1]



DO WANT! Please please please say this is coming to the UK too, that will be so fucking awesome.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
So wait, Wii Magic is supposed to make you be a magician? Fucking awesome.

Michael: So .. this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob: "Illusion," Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money. [Michael points out that a bunch of kids are staring at Gob with their mouths open] ... Or cocaine.

Oh Pikmin 3 is pretty sweet.


oooh, Pikmin.

aoi tsuki said:
"Registrated?" Really?
God, don't get me started on this. That mistake is so fucking common for Germans, it's not even funny anymore. German: registrieren -> the brain jumps to 'registrate' instead of 'register' because of the number of syllables. I stopped counting how often I've encountered it. *sigh*


Soma Bringer = Harvest Moon type gameplay set in Mario Bros. universe in which you farm the Super Mushroom, and sell your harvest to the Mushroom Kingdom. Obviously.


Canadians burned my passport
AlternativeUlster said:
So wait, Wii Magic is supposed to make you be a magician? Fucking awesome.

Oh Pikmin 3 is pretty sweet.

It's actually

Michael: So .. this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob: "Illusion," Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money. [Michael points out that a bunch of kids are staring at Gob with their mouths open] ... Or candy.


Jocchan said:
- Nintendo Magic

- Wii Body Controller

- Wii Handle

- Soma Bringer

:lol :lol :lol

I'm glad I registrated at GAF.


Somma Bringer is the new RPG by Monolith Soft, they are making it alongside Disaster Day of Crisis.

I have No idea what Somma Bringer is


Junior Member
Oldschoolgamer said:
Please tell me that they already have "demo channel" registered...

Why the hell would they need to register that? I don't know much about trademark laws, but Demo Channel seems way too generic to warrant a trademark protection...
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