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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


Nintendo invented the pixel...
Ronin said:

IGN had "Ridge Racer 6 {TBA}" (exactly as I typed it) listed in their games database a while ago but the listing was removed. Now, a month or so before the DS was launched in the U.S. back in 2004, they has "Ridge Racer DS" listed in their database... before there was any word of a possible DS version of the game. Also, as an aside, when Metal Slug Anthology was officially announced for the Wii by SNK, IGN listed the game as "Metal Slug Anthology {TBA}" (see the connection?), but then removed the "{TBA}" part since it was, you know, announced.

Now, I'm not saying that Ridge Racer 6 is definitely coming to the Wii, but with Namco recently revealing a list of games they have in development for next-generation consoles and not seeing a single Wii game on there, and with IGN's history of listing games before they've been officially announced, it seems that Ridge Racer 6 may be a possible E3 surprise. Add to that the fact that Reggie recently said that Nintendo's preparing a racing game that will show how the "Wiimote" will be used for racing games, and the fact that Nintendo (well, NST, anyway), has worked on Ridge Racer games in the past... I think you know what I'm getting at.

I know I'm doing nothing more here than speculating, but it wouldn't be surprising (to me, at least) that Ridge Racer 6 would be headed to Nintendo's next console.


I going to watch Mission Impossible 3 the night before the press conference so I can keep my mind off this momentous occassion.

And I shall stay away from the boards until I witness the press conference video with my own eyes and see the introduction of Wii as the media saw it. Then it's GAF time.


Oh god, I can't believe it! Tuesday is just around the corner. I can't freaking wait to see what Nintendo and some third parties will have in store for the Wii and the DS, especially Nintendo.
These are the games I'm looking forward to:
1. Mario 128
2. Red Steel
3. FF:CC 2
4. Metroid Prime 3
5. Zelda: TP
Mother 3
7. FF3
I just pray I can refresh the front page at GAF on Monday & Tuesday. At least I'll get a glimpse of thread titles before everything burns :lol
Here's the main thing that I want from this E3 conference.

I want to be surprised. Yeah, I'm really really excited to see the new Smash Bros, MP3, Twilight Princess with its Rev capability, Red Steel, whatever racing game they have, and of course, whatever form that Mario shows up in, but I also want something that I'm not expecting and just to be impressed by it. This goes for both 1st and 3rd parties; and while I think that 3rd parties aren't gonna be giving this thing full-on support yet, we've gotten a few bits and pieces in the past couple weeks.

I CANNOT wait. :)


IAmtheFMan said:
Here's the main thing that I want from this E3 conference.

I want to be surprised. Yeah, I'm really really excited to see the new Smash Bros, MP3, Twilight Princess with its Rev capability, Red Steel, whatever racing game they have, and of course, whatever form that Mario shows up in, but I also want something that I'm not expecting and just to be impressed by it. This goes for both 1st and 3rd parties; and while I think that 3rd parties aren't gonna be giving this thing full-on support yet, we've gotten a few bits and pieces in the past couple weeks.

I CANNOT wait. :)
I agree. Surprises are good. :)

1) Wii will win system of the show. On the back of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, & Super Smash Bros and, of course, the controller

2) The system will look on par with the lesser 360 titles, but the games will be very clean and vibrant giving them a more appealing look to many media folk.

3) Everyone (and I mean everyone) will love the controller

4) They will have MAJOR Japanese 3rd party partners on stage with some killer announcements.

5) American made games will be underwhelming and ~many will make uninspired use of the controller, but there will be a few games which will capture folks imagination and fancy.

6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.


Anticipation rising.

This Tuesday is bound to please Nintendo fans. There might be a slight disappointment here and there, but overall I don't think Nintendo fans will have any major reason to go away from this E3 dejected.

OK Ami, if Mother 3 isn't announced, that's a bummer. And for me, sadness if Metroid Dread isn't mentioned or shown.

Otherwise though, everything looks ace.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I want to see Marionette.


There is a reason why Nintendo chose the Kodak Theatre for this year's conference. It is because their conference is going to be HUGE.

And it is also because Emeril is going to demo the new Wii cooking game on stage.
sonycowboy said:
6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.
sorry, just wanted to make a note about this, but there are now GameCube games for download through the virtual console service. Its simply backwards compatible with gamecube discs, thats all. and with only 512MB of included storage, its not likely anyway.

but :O at sonycowboy saying nintendo will "win" the show?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
sonycowboy said:

1) Wii will win system of the show. On the back of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, & Super Smash Bros and, of course, the controller

2) The system will look on par with the lesser 360 titles, but the games will be very clean and vibrant giving them a more appealing look to many media folk.

3) Everyone (and I mean everyone) will love the controller
Oh, c'mon! Even I don't believe that will happen. Some people's hate for Nintendo knows no bounds. Those people will lie to thier readers (and themselves).

4) They will have MAJOR Japanese 3rd party partners on stage with some killer announcements.

5) American made games will be underwhelming and ~many will make uninspired use of the controller, but there will be a few games which will capture folks imagination and fancy.

6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.
See comments.
sonycowboy said:
6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.

It is backwards compatible with GC games, they're not on the virtual console. The Wii only comes with 512mb of (expandable:) ) flash memory.
Thought I should post this here. During an interview with Morgan Lockjaw Webb (I'm sorry I luv u morgan), N-Philes got word from her that a DS game coming over from Japan was to be shown at E3:

I'm a dork, but I also like, you know this game for the DS, it's called [oops!-ed]. It's the US version of [bad Morgan Webb! bad!]. I like that Nintendo is taking chances on some of these interesting games and translating it for the American audience.

N-P: That's pretty exciting!

MW: Yeah, it is really exciting!

Effing Ouendan!!!!!


I'm a dork, but I also like, you know this game for the DS, it's called [oops!-ed]. It's the US version of [bad Morgan Webb! bad!]. I like that Nintendo is taking chances on some of these interesting games and translating it for the American audience.

N-P: That's pretty exciting!

MW: Yeah, it is really exciting!

maybe Mother 3, EarthBound


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

1. Nintendo say something enigmatic to keep the mystery from the last few years (3rd Pillar? Revolution?) going by alluding to some other hardware project they have in the works.


I'm very excited about Wii, it's going to rock and i'm also excited about the DS lineup , i'm sure it's going to be huge and i don't mind the Wii to the DS connectivity since we won't need an extra add-on , it's going to be wireless.


cvxfreak said:
It's either Ouendan or Daigasso... has anything from Japan still been unreleased, stuff like English Training aside?

Starfi. Magical Vacation, Jump superstars , Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Dungeon Crawlers and Project Hacker so far unnanounced for the US. Hope they bring them.


Emotions said:
Starfi. Magical Vacation, Jump superstars , Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Dungeon Crawlers and Project Hacker so far unnanounced for the US. Hope they bring them.

This game will never make it to the US.


This is the conference we've all been waiting for. Honestly, you can't say this about any other company, at any other E3, in the history of video games, IMO.

All eyes are on Nintendo. This could be amazing, and I can't wait.


beelzebozo said:
One rule: They HAVE to show a Mario for this system.

Otherwise, they can play around and show what they want to show. The more, the better.

And am I the only huge Nintendo fan who just can't get into SSBM?

you are not alone...


Tag of Excellence
I guess it's the most "exciting" conference for me since I haven't a clue what Nintendo is up to. I'm just hoping the graphics at least look adequate comparitvely. I guess the only surprise will be the amount of third parties supporting it. Other than that bring on the Wii-mote and a shitload of Wii-nabled Nintendo properties.


Duderz said:
This is the conference we've all been waiting for. Honestly, you can't say this about any other company, at any other E3, in the history of video games, IMO.

All eyes are on Nintendo. This could be amazing, and I can't wait.

I agree. Even the haters have to acknowledge that the way Nintendo has managed to completely rejuvenate their image and brand over the past year is nothing short of amazing.

E3's going to be a huge moment of truth for them. The only problem is there's been so much hype that I think disappointment is inevitable. How much can they really change in an hour? I don't know.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Nintendo did rent the ballroom in the Kodak theatre, so surely they must have huge things in surprise. Mario 128 could make it. :)
Gawaian said:
Oh god, I can't believe it! Tuesday is just around the corner. I can't freaking wait to see what Nintendo and some third parties will have in store for the Wii and the DS, especially Nintendo.
These are the games I'm looking forward to:
1. Mario 128
2. Red Steel
3. FF:CC 2
4. Metroid Prime 3
5. Zelda: TP
Mother 3
7. FF3

I thought Mario 128 was confirmed to be there, and then subsequently confirmed NOT to be there by some "important" person on these boards?


sonycowboy said:

1) Wii will win system of the show. On the back of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, & Super Smash Bros and, of course, the controller

2) The system will look on par with the lesser 360 titles, but the games will be very clean and vibrant giving them a more appealing look to many media folk.

3) Everyone (and I mean everyone) will love the controller

4) They will have MAJOR Japanese 3rd party partners on stage with some killer announcements.

5) American made games will be underwhelming and ~many will make uninspired use of the controller, but there will be a few games which will capture folks imagination and fancy.

6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.

Is that really you Sonycowboy ? I must say that you are optimistic.

I really hope that your previsions will become reality. Some sketch now:


Prodi: Nintendo will win at this E3 !".

Fassino: "(I really hope you're right...)".
sonycowboy said:
6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.
Just on that point: GCN games won't be sold online. Wii is just backwards compatible with the physical GCN discs.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Chris Remo said:
Just on that point: GCN games won't be sold online. Wii is just backwards compatible with the physical GCN discs.
you're the third person to point that out :)
People need to back off these secrets things. There is no way slow-talking-in-English Iwata or Reggie-takes-a-name-every-5-minutes is going to be able to talk about all this predicted crap in an hour. Let's just summarize what they have to talk about, from a confirmed perspective:

1. Brain age / Japan DS success.
2. New DS Games / DS Lite
3. 10 DS Games that use Wii connectivity
4. Wii launch date (perhaps!)
5. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii
6. The Wiimote and anything that has changed with the console
7. Disrupting the market
8. Metroid Prime 3 Wii
9. Red Steel (perhaps!)
10. Excitebike Wii
11. Pilotwings Wii (perhaps!)
12. Some random ass kid playing Wii for the first time
13. What will be included with the Wii console when it launches (perhaps!)
14. Helmet/Visor (added for AniHawk)
15. Other 3rd party games being worked on for Wii
16. DEMONSTRATIONS of some of the games listed above.

I'm sure there are more.

Its an hour guys. An hour.


TheKingsCrown said:
I thought Mario 128 was confirmed to be there, and then subsequently confirmed NOT to be there by some "important" person on these boards?

? News to me. Can somebody link this?

I really believe it'll show though, I'll honestly be disappointed if it doesn't.


Gold Member
my top 5

1.) Zelda: Twilight Princess
2.) Mario Wii
3.) Metroid Prime 3
4.) Smash Bros Wii
5.) Castlevania PoR

I thought Mario 128 was confirmed to be there, and then subsequently confirmed NOT to be there by some "important" person on these boards?

sadly I am leaning towards that as well. I will be very upset if new Mario isn't there, but it might happen since Nintendo will show off so many franchise games at the same time :/


SantaCruZer said:
sadly I am leaning towards that as well. I will be very upset if new Mario isn't there, but it might happen since Nintendo will show off so many franchise games at the same time :/

Mario will be there if not into a game, you will see a demo of him at least, he can't miss a console unveilling.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
He did, when GameCube was shown (besides the 100 Marios demo, but this doesn't count, as it resulted in Pikmin ^^)


Second-rate Anihawk
sonycowboy said:
1) Wii will win system of the show. On the back of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, & Super Smash Bros and, of course, the controller
It all depends if the controller is underwhelming or not. If it doesn't dissapoint, it will "win" easily.

2) The system will look on par with the lesser 360 titles, but the games will be very clean and vibrant giving them a more appealing look to many media folk.
Are you talking about in standard def? If so, I agree.

3) Everyone (and I mean everyone) will love the controller
No chance in hell.

4) They will have MAJOR Japanese 3rd party partners on stage with some killer announcements.

5) American made games will be underwhelming and ~many will make uninspired use of the controller, but there will be a few games which will capture folks imagination and fancy.
Agree 100%.

6) Virtual console games will be $10 and less for GCN games and select N64 games, $5 and less for other N64 and older games with some being as low as $2-$2.50.
Those prices are to low in my opinion. I am guessing $20 for N64, $10 for SNES, and $5 for NES, with select games, such as Super Mario Bros., going for a premium.

My wish list (and it is hard to only list 5):

1) New Miyamoto IP
2) Kojima project
3) Mario 128
4) Upcoming DS line up
5) Unknown Third party Wii games.

I know Nintendo will have the usual heavy hitters, so I don't have a frothing demand to see Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3. But I am still interested in what else they have up their sleeve.
TheKingsCrown said:
Stop changing your icon.

Sorry Scrow (if your'e getting off on this)... but after hearing someone say this for like the tenth time - it's a RANDOM avatar people! He's not manually changing it!

E3 wait is driving me crazy it seems!


the androgyne said:
Sorry Scrow (if your'e getting off on this)... but after hearing someone say this for like the tenth time - it's a RANDOM avatar people! He's not manually changing it!

Please read the spoilers!
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