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Nintendo GC 2005 Revolution Teaser Video now available, get it while its hot.


Gold Member
I haven't watched this video, but let me guess. It's only the intro to the leipzig Games Convention? I saw this 4 days ago.


quadriplegicjon said:
do you think zelda will be short? i think he's talking about adding those short games like warioware into their arsenal.. in addition to their normal crap.
Yeah, like Brain Training (which is doing very well in Japan). Brain Training series will also hit the Revolution.


AndreasNystrom said:
Nintendo will be the new Apple.
Apple will be the new Microsoft.
Microsoft will be the new Sony.
Sony will be the new Nintendo.



I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
And countless gaming geeks think to themselves "The only thing that's gonna expand is your ass around my foot if you don't give me some real details, nintenbiatch."

Kon Tiki

Talk about wasted potential, jeez.

Why did they not mention the areas where they did expand? Like 64DD, BS-X, tilt control, Power glove, etc. You know, stuff that actually did expand the gaming experience, not just some picture of a console. :lol



Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Society said:
Talk about wasted potential, jeez.

Why did they not mention the areas where they did expand? Like 64DD, BS-X, tilt control, Power glove, etc. You know, stuff that actually did expand the gaming experience, not just some picture of a console. :lol

power glove was crap. 64dd wasnt released in europe (i think) and whats BS-X ?
You can't really call this a "teaser" can you? Shouldn't it be more of an intro to Nintendo's part of GC? It's not like its a commercial they're going to put on tv, and it wasn't really for us to see and "get" anything out of. But if they do a real teaser in this same style, with some actual information, I'd be all over that.


I think we should be hearing some more news on REV. this week. I bet there are a lot of gaffers on the edge of their seat waiting for something.


AssMan said:
I think we should be hearing some more news on REV. this week. I bet there are a lot of gaffers on the edge of their seat waiting for something.

Matt-IGN has said to expect news this week.


AssMan said:
I think we should be hearing some more news on REV. this week. I bet there are a lot of gaffers on the edge of their seat waiting for something.
Matt said very soon "it could be a day it could be a week". This NoE guy on GC 2005 said it "very soon", too. I'm thinking the 24th of August, since that's the usual date where important news on Nintendo products are revealed.
Society said:
Talk about wasted potential, jeez.

Why did they not mention the areas where they did expand? Like 64DD, BS-X, tilt control, Power glove, etc. You know, stuff that actually did expand the gaming experience, not just some picture of a console. :lol

FYI: Power Glove was made by Mattel.
Ruzbeh said:
Matt said very soon "it could be a day it could be a week". This NoE guy on GC 2005 said it "very soon", too. I'm thinking the 24th of August, since that's the usual date where important news on Nintendo products are revealed.

Could you please back that up with some facts, just reading your post got me anticipating the 24th for the wrong reasons. My girlfriends birthday is on the 24th.


Could you please back that up with some facts, just reading your post got me anticipating the 24th for the wrong reasons. My girlfriends birthday is on the 24th.

IT BEGINS! :lol :lol


OG_Original Gamer said:
Could you please back that up with some facts, just reading your post got me anticipating the 24th for the wrong reasons. My girlfriends birthday is on the 24th.

Well, I don't know. I'll do some research. Maybe someone here knows some stuff about 8/24 being some sort of special date for Nintendo?


Gold Member
Damn, why did you make it Wednesday? Friday would have resulted in two days more of baseless speculation, we would have been way past holographic Mario and Smell Pak by Thursday noon!


I think the unveiling of the Revolution will mark the end of unrealistic "Nintendo hype". Get ready for 5 years of the boring and predictable. Expected partnerships, expected exclusives, expected hardware features.


Speevy said:
I think the unveiling of the Revolution will mark the end of unrealistic "Nintendo hype". Get ready for 5 years of the boring and predictable. Expected partnerships, expected exclusives, expected hardware features.

Edit: Maybe someone should create a special wednesdayton thread?


El_Victor said:
I vote for Drinky, it went so well the last time.
:lol I'd start it myself but there isn't enough evidence to support the wednesdayton theory... I dun wanna get banned!


I think once the Revolution is unveiled there will never be another megaton in history. Nintendo fans will know there is nothing for them to be excited about ever again.


Yamauchi said:
I think once the Revolution is unveiled there will never be another megaton in history. Nintendo fans will know there is nothing for them to be excited about ever again.
A world without megatons? Now that sounds boring, Thursdayton is still the best thing that have happend this year.


I guess Matt fell asleep watching this teaser.
When he woke up he was like: wow Revolution info.
Explains the Very soon Revolution info comment! :lol
Ruzbeh said:
I can't believe you have to _pay_ just to read a message board.

"Some more news from Leipzig. James Brown from Epic Games (who is working on UT2007) delivered this message when asked about the Revolution:

"I, too, have seen the controller. I can see why some developers are approving the idea, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. For sure. For example, I don't see sports developers like EA engaging themselves with this technology. What I do predict is many games....well, think Wario Ware."


The post however was supposedly taken off the site so there is no way to prove this quote is real.


force push the doodoo rock
tgat james brown guy said

I, too, have seen the controller. I can see why some developers are approving the idea, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. For sure. For example, I don't see sports developers like EA engaging themselves with this technology. What I do predict is many games....well, think Wario Ware."

its gyro.


there is no source forthisquote so its most likely bs.


The quote is fake. But who cares knowing that there will be important news about revolution in about 2 days. 8/24-Ton!


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I cant be bothered downloading the trailer because so much crap has been sad about it, but Im just too exited for wednesday. Nintendo relevaled both the GC and GBA on August 24th. Coincidence, I think not.
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