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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect

I remember that one YouTuber walked around a planet and finished in 14 real-life hours or so, but I just went back and looked at that planet and it's definitely not the biggest I've seen (judging from the distance while in space). So the biggest ones might take more like a full 24 hours to walk around.
Well, the most famous one was 42 hours. I know he said it could take weeks, but I don't think he meant literally, just in the context of playing a game for weeks. We must actually be travelling at a deceptively fast pace. It really didn't hit home how big these planets are until the photo mode. A hole in an asteroid dwarfs your ship...even the small ones do. What would be nice is to be able to scan the planet once and get that basic info. Then when you're on the planet you survey the land, giving you a map, then if someone else comes along they can download that map and even add to it. And I would really favour a map in the bottom left corner, over the compass at the top. That way you could see the direction without confusing the compass marker for the 3D marker.
Well, the most famous one was 42 hours. I know he said it could take weeks, but I don't think he meant literally, just in the context of playing a game for weeks. We must actually be travelling at a deceptively fast pace. It really didn't hit home how big these planets are until the photo mode. A hole in an asteroid dwarfs your ship...even the small ones do. What would be nice is to be able to scan the planet once and get that basic info. Then when you're on the planet you survey the land, giving you a map, then if someone else comes along they can download that map and even add to it. And I would really favour a map in the bottom left corner, over the compass at the top. That way you could see the direction without confusing the compass marker for the 3D marker.

Ah right, forgot about that guy. I don't remember ever seeing a space shot of his planet though, so it's hard to tell how big it was.

A ground map recording the generated data could be cool. Speaking of maps, that star system map is truly awful for finding anything. I would've rather had a 2D overhead map of the planets.


I just want to add that I finally got my platinum trophy today :D I had about 15 jumps to make so I decided to do them all in one go today to get it over with. Feels good to be done, maybe now I can focus on playing the game in a more casual manner. On the one hand, landing on planets is completely useless to me now, the only reason would be to get new fuel and collect my final Vykeen words, but on the other hand, there are still ships to collect and upgrade. It would be kinda cool to reach that Reddit location and set up my base there instead but I have no idea how to get there.


Gold Member
I think it's fairly accurate... recently I made a couple of ~1400 light year jumps directly towards the center and went from 176k to 173k from the center.

I just did some testing and it most definitely is not accurate for me. My previous system was 171,395 to the centre. I lined that system up right on the centre and then flew the camera in a dead straight line towards it. The next system (my current one) is 1,538 linear distance away from the previous system but the distance to centre is still 171,010 which means I've really only warped 385 light years... Something is not right.

dreamstation said:
Can anyone else see a small black circle whenever they look at a sun? I only just noticed it now since updating to the latest version on the PS4. Not sure if it was there before but I imagine I would have noticed it if it was. It's easier to see while using pulse engine in space.

This must have just been a glitch as it's not happening now. Strange.


I really enjoyed the game and played probably 100h+, but I think I'll stop playing it soon. I like to have a goal in a game - when I reach it, I head over to the next game. Possible goals at NMS for me:

1. finish the Atlas path
2. reach the center of the universe
3. get the Platinum

Number 1 is quite easy, but I screwed it up. I had only 8 Atlas Stones when I approached the final interace, now the quest is gone (I can see black holes anyway).

Number 2: too much grinding for me. I really spent a lot of time in the game, but am still 160k light years away from the center. wtf? Even if I am only going to use black holes, I need 100 of them. Even if I concentrate only on doing that, it's probably 20-30min playtime per black hole (in case I have a freighter with a spare ship, that I don't have to repair - I don't have that yet, sitting at 6ml without a freighter). 50h playtime just grinding for black holes? No thanks...

Number 3: the Galapagos trophy is really annoying. I managed to do it on one planet, and it wasn't fun. Running around for hours, just starring at white, green and (hopefully) red dots... You also need that milestone for a theta warp drive...

All in all I really enjoyed my time with nms so far, but I think I am done now. Too much grinding to reach a goal (center / theta warp drive or platinum).
Yeah, I can get the "no goal" thing. That's why I stopped playing after 2 months of relative fun until patches started rolling around.

Now I found a very neat goal, and that is to reach the Galactic Hub. That's where the "action" is and it is especially even more compelling to get to now that bases are visible. Still have a lot of jumps to go as I decided to not use Black Holes.


Yeah, I can get the "no goal" thing. That's why I stopped playing after 2 months of relative fun until patches started rolling around.

Now I found a very neat goal, and that is to reach the Galactic Hub. That's where the "action" is and it is especially even more compelling to get to now that bases are visible. Still have a lot of jumps to go as I decided to not use Black Holes.
How do you find it?


So do you guys do all the base building stuff in sandbox or normal mode?

I do mine in normal mode but i've been playing since day one so most of my of time has been in normal mode.

If you don't mind mining go for normal or survival but if you don't like that go for creative.
So do you guys do all the base building stuff in sandbox or normal mode?

I plan stuff out in Creative to see how it will work and then do it for real in Normal mode. I'm also on a PC with limits turned off, which it turns out can lead to some pretty major issues (pieces just flat out not registering so you can end up falling through the floor or walls), so I've found it helps to test any idea before devoting resources to it.


Dreams in Digital
I love this game




Why the hell is this still $60 on the store? I can get it for $25 off Amazon, but i hate switching disks.

I just got a Pro over the weekend and I really want to give it a try. Even more annoying, the 20% coupon that came w/ my Pro was invalid and Sony customer services is making it a pain in the ass to get another code.

I bought a couple of week ago at 16€ from EU store thx to the PS Plus promotion... probably will go cheaper again anytime in the future.


I'll never understand the hate this game gates.
I've loved it from launch and if I saw myself playing this when I was Ten playing Elite on a ZX Spectrum, I wouldn't have believed it was possible.


I'll never understand the hate this game gates.
I've loved it from launch and if I saw myself playing this when I was Ten playing Elite on a ZX Spectrum, I wouldn't have believed it was possible.
Lol I agree! I used to play Elite on the C64. NMS takes me back to when your own imagination was a big part of the game. It's strangely nostalgic.


Dreams in Digital
The lighting in this game now is just fantastic. It's the first time in a long time I just took a stroll on my new home planet, which for anyone not familiar with the less stressful planets, is Spadonium based. These planets are dry and you do have hot and cold but most of the time it's pleasant.

I just want to see rare anomalies from time to time. Picture this:

'You've been strolling across the planet for the better part of two hours when suddenly, as you crest the peak a mountain range you're confronted by a plane that stretching on as far as the eye can see. In the distance you see a shadowy mountain, it's craggy tor reaching down like a clawed hand to the sun-naked planes. At it's palm a darkness that you can't quite make out from this distance. You set off across the plane, that darkness growing in clarity until you realise it's a cave entrance, unlike anything you've seen before. It's dark ... so dark.

For a moment you pause before the cave entrance, your eyes unable to pierce it's black heart. The walls are smooth and as you move inside, the music quietens, until you're left with only your fatfalls and the whine of a breeze for company. The tunnels are complex and as you forge on they narrow, a mere arms reach in width. You can hear the grunts and growls of a creature reverberating through the caves but you can't tell whether it's in front or behind you. Turning back could be just as perilous as continuing on.

There is no turning back now, you're convinced something is down there, something that would make the risk worth it. Eventually the narrow tunnel begins to give and throws it's dark walls open to reveal a hidden cavern, at its centre a lake, the shores of which are patrolled by a crooked shadow man. Around the shores and upon an island in the very centre, are pillars of crystal gold, a bounty that would surely make the acquisition of your new freighter a little less troublesome.'

I know it's a bit fanciful, but for me there is absolutely no reason it couldn't exist in NMS. The thing is though, it needs to be rare, rare to the point of potentially getting overlooked for hundreds of hours. Someone will eventually find one of these anomalies and they will post pics, and THEN you'll see a huge resurgence in people playing NMS for the reason it was created in the first place: exploration.


Can you make a base on any planet or only the ones with the icon? I really want a base on a garden world but aĺl of mine have been on hellholes so far.


Great screens. And impressive base, NotSelf. Creative mode? Otherwise it must have took ages to get all the resources/money.

Just started playing Horizon, but tbh I miss nms already a bit ;)

Ya normal mode gathering resources is quite easy playing survival for the first time showed me how easy normal mode is.


Guys, I just started the game, found the first atlas thing and anomaly.

Here the problem:

I'd buy from a npc a new ship with 19 slot (very cheap) inside a space station, then before move all my materials, I did some farming in another solar system with my old ship. When I returned on the space station the new ship was gone! Disappeared!

Any help? I lost it?


Dreams in Digital
Guys, I just started the game, found the first atlas thing and anomaly.

Here the problem:

I'd buy from a npc a new ship with 19 slot (very cheap) inside a space station, then before move all my materials, I did some farming in another solar system with my old ship. When I returned on the space station the new ship was gone! Disappeared!

Any help? I lost it?

Just wait around. It will come back. It's worth letting the ships loop a little because they can have different strengths and weaknesses. You're looking for 'S' ranked ships if you can get them.


Just died after playing 20 hours on permadeath mode. Got careless and the local wildlife/hostile sentinels made me pay for my mistake.

I should have avoided the "pleasant planets" until my shields and multi tool weapons were better. The always hostile sentinels make "pleasant" planets extremely high risk early in permadeath. Usually I can handle the sentinels eye bots with the plasma grenades easily, but this planet also had a ton of hostile wildlife.

The only somewhat easy type of planet now in the early game of Survival/Permadeath is the Dry/Desert ones. Unless they have blasted atmospheres which have frequent severe heat storms. Otherwise they don't impact your hazard protection except brief cold period in middle of the night.

Also, I much prefer Korvax systems in the early game now since they sell suit upgrade blueprints. Even Sigma upgrades are fantastic now. They only need carbon and iron to install and uninstalling them after they quickly run out will get you half of the carbon/iron back. Plus the sigma upgrade will usually recharge your basic hazard protection. So I just keep installing and uninstalling the sigma upgrade, especially on planets with adundant plants and iron. The Life support Sigma upgrade also makes the game much easier as dashing and jet packing doesn't drain the life support as quickly. It also makes landing on no atmisphere planets somewhat feasible.

I have seen a Tau warp upgrade sold by the Gek I think once but otherwise they seem much harder to come by since the recent updates. I guessing Polo is the easiest way now, but getting a theta from him takes a long time also.

Everything seems super expensive and much more grinding since the updates. Even the multi tools can cost millions now. Finding one with the plasma grenades is essential in the early game of Survival. Just basic storms can drain your hazard protection so quickly.

Shame that the planet my game ended on was so beautiful as well. Sucks that every single "pleasant" planet has those annoying hostile sentinels.


Dreams in Digital
It's good to see a little life coming back to this thread. I reckon the next update -- no matter what it is -- will cause another big spike in interest. I'm seeing stacks of new Youtube players jumping on the bandwagon and getting quite a bit of success from it.
Shame that the planet my game ended on was so beautiful as well. Sucks that every single "pleasant" planet has those annoying hostile sentinels.

I really love the challenge survival/permadeath provides, but this is becoming really annoying.
I don't even bother landing anymore if I see somewhat dense forest or lots of grass (another reason why photomode is awesome: check the surface before you land), because I know what's coming: "WARNING! EXTREME SENTINEL PLANET!" Every. Time.


Dreams in Digital
I discovered something today that makes gathering Rigogen much easier. Pardon me if I'm the last to know this, but you can actually run on the bed of the ocean. Not only do you run but you push off with longer strides as if you're moon walking.
Came across my first crashed ship earlier today and I got all excited until I noticed that half of it's inventory slots were damaged. That was new. I didn't take it because I had way too much cargo on my current ship that I couldn't transfer over and had no idea what I would need to repair the new ship.

Bummer. Feels like I've been searching for a new ship since forever. I did get to the end of the Atlus path, though. Uhh, that was disappointing. I should have just sold my Atlus Stones if that's what was going to happen.


Yeah since they introduced broken slots and ships with random number of slots, crashed ships have been completely useless, even more so if you're picky about the design. Way smoother to just buy your way up the ranks imo :/


Dreams in Digital
Some of these planets since the latest updates are stunning. What it needs is some more sound 'colour'. Things like bees, flies or crickets. We don't need to see them but it would add a layer most of us subconsciously realise isn't there.



Dreams in Digital
Can someone tell me how you get more than one solar system on your Portal? For some reason I just can't do it and a while back before the latest updates I'd managed to do it, even though I didn't know how. I know you can have up to 4 ... So how the hell do you do it!?
Can someone tell me how you get more than one solar system on your Portal? For some reason I just can't do it and a while back before the latest updates I'd managed to do it, even though I didn't know how. I know you can have up to 4 ... So how the hell do you do it!?

I believe what adds a system is when you teleport back to your home base from a space station teleporter in the star system you want to add.


Dreams in Digital
I believe what adds a system is when you teleport back to your home base from a space station teleporter in the star system you want to add.

Yes, but when I then move to another solar system and then teleport back to my home base, it leaves me with only the one I just teleported from. There's a way of having up to four but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Just to make it clear what I mean: I go to another solar system and then teleport back to my base. Then I return to the solar system I just teleported from. I then move to another solar system and repeat the process, but the last solar system is replaced with the new solar system, meaning I only ever have 1 solar system to teleport to. You can have up to 4 and I can't think of how to do it.
Yes, but when I then move to another solar system and then teleport back to my home base, it leaves me with only the one I just teleported from. There's a way of having up to four but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Just to make it clear what I mean: I go to another solar system and then teleport back to my base. Then I return to the solar system I just teleported from. I then move to another solar system and repeat the process, but the last solar system is replaced with the new solar system, meaning I only ever have 1 solar system to teleport to. You can have up to 4 and I can't think of how to do it.

Ah, well that sounds like a bug then. When I do what you described, the new one gets added, and if there's already 4 in the list, the oldest-visited one gets removed. I remember someone else was complaining about the same problem a while back.


Dreams in Digital
Ah, well that sounds like a bug then. When I do what you described, the new one gets added, and if there's already 4 in the list, the oldest-visited one gets removed. I remember someone else was complaining about the same problem a while back.

Bloody hell, I nearly asked if it was a bug too. I was racking my brains for days trying to figure out what I used to do. Thanks.


Yes, but when I then move to another solar system and then teleport back to my home base, it leaves me with only the one I just teleported from. There's a way of having up to four but I can't figure it out for the life of me. Just to make it clear what I mean: I go to another solar system and then teleport back to my base. Then I return to the solar system I just teleported from. I then move to another solar system and repeat the process, but the last solar system is replaced with the new solar system, meaning I only ever have 1 solar system to teleport to. You can have up to 4 and I can't think of how to do it.
Yeah that's how we all do it afaik. You should have a history of 4 systems. Have you been to the station in your home system and used that teleporter? Maybe that's a trigger? I don't think anyone knows for sure how it works, or even IF it works (as intended/not buggy).


Dreams in Digital
Yeah that's how we all do it afaik. You should have a history of 4 systems. Have you been to the station in your home system and used that teleporter? Maybe that's a trigger? I don't think anyone knows for sure how it works, or even IF it works (as intended/not buggy).

At some point, yes, but I daren't do it now because I'll lose all my progress if it replaces the last solar system I was in.

edit: Ok, so I tried adding to the list by using my own solar system. I can now have 4 on the list ... the problem is 3 of them have to be my home solar system ...

I'm going to uninstall and reinstall to see if that sorts it out.


edit 2: By leaving my own solar system four times and then teleporting back to my base, I can have 4 different solar systems registered. The problem is only the top one gets replaced when I then continue on from anywhere but my home solar system. I've uninstalled the game, reinstalled the game+update, deleted my Creative file and started again. It's still the same. How can I completely wipe the game and save from my computer and be unlucky enough to get exactly the same 'bug' again? There's something more to this and I'm wondering if some of you are using older saves that didn't require 'perhaps' a new approach. Surely it can't be a bug.
There's something more to this and I'm wondering if some of you are using older saves that didn't require 'perhaps' a new approach. Surely it can't be a bug.

Well, it might be a save data corruption, but who knows. It could also be that the bug only exhibits itself under certain conditions, or perhaps certain game modes. For instance I think you only play in Survival, while I play on Normal. Hopefully you can narrow it down.


Dreams in Digital
Well, it might be a save data corruption, but who knows. It could also be that the bug only exhibits itself under certain conditions, or perhaps certain game modes. For instance I think you only play in Survival, while I play on Normal. Hopefully you can narrow it down.

It showed up while I was playing Permadeath so I took a look at Create to see if it was the same there, and it was. In Survival mode I only ever had one solar system to teleport to but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. It can't be save data corruption because I deleted both the game and my 'Create' save data and yet it still persisted. There's something more to this and I'm missing it. I can't think of any other combinations though.

Do you have to do something like find a monolith? That's in the back of my mind for some reason.


It's likely a bug, they'll fix it for sure. I haven't found it particularly useful myself. You're not really missing out but I guess it depends on how you play.
It's likely a bug, they'll fix it for sure. I haven't found it particularly useful myself. You're not really missing out but I guess it depends on how you play.

Yeah, it's pretty hard to use when they don't show you the names you gave the systems. I've filed this bug twice now and it's still not fixed.


Yeah, it's pretty hard to use when they don't show you the names you gave the systems. I've filed this bug twice now and it's still not fixed.
Oh wow, didn't know that. It's already hard enough, I never pay attention to the default names either. Real pain to look it up after the fact too I believe.


Dreams in Digital
Simple quality of life additions that we need. Things that wouldn't unbalance the game:

1: To set a way point, please make is so we also need to hit 'X' while looking through the visor. I'm really fed up with accidentally setting waypoints when all I want to do is scan creatures or take a look around.

2: Make Rigogen yield 8-10 instead of 4-5. A small adjustment but 'come on now'.

3: Grey out all the upgrades we install instead of removing them from the list. How many times have people deleted an upgrade from a newly bought ship in order to place it better only to find they didn't have it?

4: Give us a gridded menu that we can access anywhere to check what we can build at our base and what ingredients we need to build it.

5: Please let me walk and run a tad faster. I'm not asking for much, just a 'tad'.

6: When crafting in your ship, if you have enough ingredients, simply holding 'X' will continue crafting until you have 5. (10 in your freighter if you can craft there. I haven't tried it, so I don't know).


Bonus. WARNING, flashing lights: 65daysofstatic No Man's Sky live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-6uQNORINc

Extra, extra Bonus: Is this a bug because it looks purposeful to me and I'd love this to be something that could happen occasionally. This is weird behaviour for NPC ships but just look at what they do and how it all seems programmed. Is this perhaps one of the reasons there are now more options for our weapons? Could it be ramped up in the next update? Note how the ships stop and hang in mid air. The thrusters stop and then they right themselves and move on, as if deliberately animated that way:

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