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North Carolina GOP Moves to Curb Power of New Democratic Governor (NYT)

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We will work this out eventually. The pendulum will swing back.
The southeast US was under the control of the Democrats for almost a 100 years. Not a Republican in sight all those years. The Democrats created Jim Crow laws and intensified the oppression of the blacks. Now the Democrats are the good guys.

That's because the Democrats were the conservative party back then, and the Republicans were the liberals. The GOP was struggling, so they changed into the Southern White party to capitalize on their frustration about the civil rights movement and became the new conservative party and won elections.


That's because the Democrats were the conservative party back then, and the Republicans were the liberals. The GOP was struggling, so they changed into the Southern White party to capitalize on their frustration about the civil rights movement and became the new conservative party and won elections.

The funny thing is that the Democrats were almost two different parties, the conservatives in the South and liberals elsewhere.
For all the shushing I'm hearing in the form of people warning Democrats not to look like sore losers by raising questions about the events of the 2016 presidential election, the North Carolina GOP is providing a good study of how Republicans are capable of actually acting in the aftermath of a loss.
Some asshole was just on Meet the Press and defended this bullshit stating that it's within the bounds of the law so it's fine. He couldn't even look Chuck Todd in the eye when he was saying this.

I'd love to see the reaction if a democratically controlled Congress did this to the incumbent GOP President.
Disgusting. This guy really needs to be shot.

While a lot of the blame falls on McCrory, the state legislature, which is also overwhelmingly GOP, should share in your contempt.

I gotta live here for my job, but holy fuck the GOP have screwed this state something fierce. Won't be surprised if more companies decide to either not bring jobs here or even vacate and shift work out of state to other locations.

It's one thing to be corporation-friendly to the bottom line, as the GOP usually is... it's another to be blatantly opposed to equality. Most corporations only want the best people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. If the state is specifically working against the best people living here, then it's going to have an impact on corporations hiring the best people if said corporation is located in NC.


While a lot of the blame falls on McCrory, the state legislature, which is also overwhelmingly GOP, should share in your contempt.

I gotta live here for my job, but holy fuck the GOP have screwed this state something fierce. Won't be surprised if more companies decide to either not bring jobs here or even vacate and shift work out of state to other locations.

It's one thing to be corporation-friendly to the bottom line, as the GOP usually is... it's another to be blatantly opposed to equality. Most corporations only want the best people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. If the state is specifically working against the best people living here, then it's going to have an impact on corporations hiring the best people if said corporation is located in NC.

While I doubt that it'll happen, I hope people take what's happened to NC as a warning to go out and vote during Mid Term Elections.


The law enforcement in this is disgusting. Trump's police huh?

This should be illegal. Republicans LOST, suck it up and let Democrats take over.


The law enforcement in this is disgusting. Trump's police huh?

This should be illegal. Republicans LOST, suck it up and let Democrats take over.

Seriously. All the Democrats did was cry a bit, throw money at a fraudster, and look for anyway to use the rules of the electoral college to try and prevent a tyrant from getting elected. All within the realm of perfectly acceptable things to do when you lose and are going through the five stages of grief. And this isn't sarcasm.

If Obama even toyed with the idea of doing this, he would be flayed immediately by the right for over stepping his bounds and being unpatriotic.

The GOP does it? Oh well. Let's turn a blind eye.


I don't think democrats can even play dirty right now in the name of politics because their numbers are so low compared to Republicans nation wide. Maybe after their numbers grow a bit...


We need to kick out any Democrats that try to work with Republicans.

There's always such an emphasis on bipartisanship when Democrats are in power but when Republicans are in power they do whatever they want.

From this point on, I'll view any Democrat who tries to work with the Republicans as an enemy of the Democratic party.


We need to kick out any Democrats that try to work with Republicans.

There's always such an emphasis on bipartisanship when Democrats are in power but when Republicans are in power they do whatever they want.

From this point on, I'll view any Democrat who tries to work with the Republicans as an enemy of the Democratic party.

I agree. This is worth thinking about.


We need to kick out any Democrats that try to work with Republicans.

There's always such an emphasis on bipartisanship when Democrats are in power but when Republicans are in power they do whatever they want.

From this point on, I'll view any Democrat who tries to work with the Republicans as an enemy of the Democratic party.

This is an unintelligible opinion. We find Republicans disgusting and undemocratic in large part because of the tactics they use, saying that Dems should fight fire with fire is not a solution, they have to be held to a higher standard, they have to maintain Democracy and not just shut things down over partisanship. If they can't do that then neither of them is worth having as a party.


This is an unintelligible opinion. We find Republicans disgusting and undemocratic in large part because of the tactics they use, saying that Dems should fight fire with fire is not a solution, they have to be held to a higher standard, they have to maintain Democracy and not just shut things down over partisanship. If they can't do that then neither of them is worth having as a party.

Agreed. Democrats aren't the greatest, but we're above Republicans
We need to kick out any Democrats that try to work with Republicans.

There's always such an emphasis on bipartisanship when Democrats are in power but when Republicans are in power they do whatever they want.

From this point on, I'll view any Democrat who tries to work with the Republicans as an enemy of the Democratic party.

I disagree. This could, very quickly, be a "path to hell" argument, as the alternative to working with the GOP is to literally do nothing in many cases.


This is an unintelligible opinion. We find Republicans disgusting and undemocratic in large part because of the tactics they use, saying that Dems should fight fire with fire is not a solution, they have to be held to a higher standard, they have to maintain Democracy and not just shut things down over partisanship. If they can't do that then neither of them is worth having as a party.

The problem that we're running into is that the Democrats have been taking the highroad and that resulted in them loosing everything. Something has got to change, unfortunately. (Not saying I agree, just putting it out there)
This is an unintelligible opinion. We find Republicans disgusting and undemocratic in large part because of the tactics they use, saying that Dems should fight fire with fire is not a solution, they have to be held to a higher standard, they have to maintain Democracy and not just shut things down over partisanship. If they can't do that then neither of them is worth having as a party.

GOP has proven they will refuse to govern or compromise no matter the negative effects. Even if Dems are in power, any compromise simply leads to the GOP getting their way.

That has to stop.

Where's that picture with the guy in the line in the sand saying "If you move a little, I'll move a little." Then the conservative walks backwards after the liberal gave up some of their position in hopes of compromise. It really is a perfect picture for what is going on.

Voters are not interested in holding the GOP accountable for that, so I'm finding it really hard to have the position that the Dems should continue to try to compromise with a party with zero interest in doing so. This new GOP isn't the GOP it was even 15 years ago.

I disagree. This could, very quickly, be a "path to hell" argument, as the alternative to working with the GOP is to literally do nothing in many cases.

But already very little has been accomplished and if anything, things have gone backwards. See: GOP dominating every level of government. How has "working with the GOP" helped the Democrats at all since 2009?
I disagree. This could, very quickly, be a "path to hell" argument, as the alternative to working with the GOP is to literally do nothing in many cases.

Compromise is a two way street. We are getting off literally 6 years of Republicans doing this and winning enough to where they are in striking distance of a constitutional amendment majority. We are one exit from hell, there should be no compromise with the GOP and Dems need to lock them out in blue states like they do in red ones.
I disagree. This could, very quickly, be a "path to hell" argument, as the alternative to working with the GOP is to literally do nothing in many cases.

Right. We have to look at the end results, and not just obsess about morality.

If on some issues we can work with the Republicans to improve things, I think we should. Because other wise we get fuck all.

And the purity tests don't make us more electable. That's what we've got to focus on. Winning votes. and if that means not voting against any good ideas the GOP accidentally have, then that's what we should do.


GOP has proven they will refuse to govern or compromise no matter the negative effects. Even if Dems are in power, any compromise simply leads to the GOP getting their way.

That has to stop.

Where's that picture with the guy in the line in the sand saying "If you move a little, I'll move a little." Then the conservative walks backwards after the liberal gave up some of their position in hopes of compromise. It really is a perfect picture for what is going on.

Voters are not interested in holding the GOP accountable for that, so I'm finding it really hard to have the position that the Dems should continue to try to compromise with a party with zero interest in doing so. This new GOP isn't the GOP it was even 15 years ago.

It depends on context. I wouldn't say something like a bathroom bill is worth compromise, but what you're calling for is blind obstructionism, the type that will likely hurt everyone. My suggestion to people is, if you don't like the political climate then don't deal with it. There are plenty of extra-governmental ways to deal with problems, some even more potent be it economically, socially, technologically.
It depends on context. I wouldn't say something like a bathroom bill is worth compromise, but what you're calling for is blind obstructionism, the type that will likely hurt everyone. My suggestion to people is, if you don't like the political climate then don't deal with it. There are plenty of extra-governmental ways to deal with problems, some even more potent be it economically, socially, technologically.

Well the GOP certainly isn't interested in progress. So any obstruction would serve to at least try to keep the status quo. If they get their way, you will see policies that go backwards economically, socially, and technologically. We're already seeing this in motion with who will be in Trump's cabinet.
But already very little has been accomplished and if anything, things have gone backwards. See: GOP dominating every level of government. How has "working with the GOP" helped the Democrats at all since 2009?

The GOP didn't dominate every level of government exclusively because of shitty tactics. There are actual members of the GOP that aren't vile people, and that want to see progressive change within their platform. I know them. I work with them. They voted fo Bernie in some cases, and then for Hillary. Appealing to that during negotiations can at least slow the damage that, in my (and many others) opinion that the upcoming government will do. We're going to take a beating here, there's no two ways about it. But we can at least try to slow the bleeding.

Compromise is a two way street. We are getting off literally 6 years of Republicans doing this and winning enough to where they are in striking distance of a constitutional amendment majority. We are one exit from hell, there should be no compromise with the GOP and Dems need to lock them out in blue states like they do in red ones.

Compromise is a two way street, I agree. And I agree that we need to draw a line in the sand. But we're not one exit from hell yet. I think two, or three and maybe we'll be there. But not negotiating or working within our system is basically jumping off the ship, since the GOP has enough of a majority to push you off if they want to. And I don't believe that all of them want to. We have to appeal to the common sense and decency of people rather than just assuming that they're all comic book villains. Make no mistake, there are actual bad guys in government, and there are actual bad guys influencing it. But there are decent human beings there too. There are some that just need to be woke. We need to keep working, but dig in our heels the right way.

Right. We have to look at the end results, and not just obsess about morality.

If on some issues we can work with the Republicans to improve things, I think we should. Because other wise we get fuck all.

And the purity tests don't make us more electable. That's what we've got to focus on. Winning votes. and if that means not voting against any good ideas the GOP accidentally have, then that's what we should do.

I don't necessarily think it's morality...more using the tactics that the GOP has used against them. I do not think that will work. Also, anyone not seeing the irony in purity tests for the left should brush up on their history.


Well the GOP certainly isn't interested in progress. So any obstruction would serve to at least try to keep the status quo. If they get their way, you will see policies that go backwards economically, socially, and technologically. We're already seeing this in motion with who will be in Trump's cabinet.

But that's the thing, they want the status quo, you don't, so by keeping it they win and you lose. And while I understand people have despair, it doesn't matter what kinds of power-grabs Republicans go for, some genies aren't going back in the bottle and it's your power to unleash them.
The GOP didn't dominate every level of government exclusively because of shitty tactics. There are actual members of the GOP that aren't vile people, and that want to see progressive change within their platform. I know them. I work with them. They voted fo Bernie in some cases, and then for Hillary. Appealing to that during negotiations can at least slow the damage that, in my (and many others) opinion that the upcoming government will do. We're going to take a beating here, there's no two ways about it. But we can at least try to slow the bleeding.

Unfortunately not enough of those type of GOP people to make a real difference I guess. I know some GOP people too that were and are disgusted by Trump and actually voted for Clinton, someone they hate but know would have treated the office with dignity and overall have been good.

I mean if a policy comes up that actually truly helps people, then sure ok, let's talk with extreme caution. But anything else, fuck it.

But that's the thing, they want the status quo, you don't, so by keeping it they win and you lose. And while I understand people have despair, it doesn't matter what kinds of power-grabs Republicans go for, some genies aren't going back in the bottle and it's your power to unleash them.

No, they seem to not only want the status quo, but to also go backwards. The status quo simply serves to stop the bleeding - and is about all we can expect given the Dems have been marginalized at every level of government. My option is status quo or backwards right now. So, as a progressive of course status quo is bad, but going back is even worse.
There is literally no point in working with the GOP until its leadership abandons all their vile policies. Since they are never going to do that . . .


The classic that predicted it all.


Barb Wire
The GOP didn't dominate every level of government exclusively because of shitty tactics. There are actual members of the GOP that aren't vile people, and that want to see progressive change within their platform. I know them. I work with them. They voted fo Bernie in some cases, and then for Hillary. Appealing to that during negotiations can at least slow the damage that, in my (and many others) opinion that the upcoming government will do. We're going to take a beating here, there's no two ways about it. But we can at least try to slow the bleeding.
And where have these good Republicans been hiding during this and all the other shitty things the GOP have done?

This is literally the notallcops excuse
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