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November 2014 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes December 9th


So if 100k if not a disaster, what is it? a disappointment? they might not even care?
I guess there is no way to really know.
I would expect we should see MS PR tonight or tomorrow morning if they won November. If they do not put anything out until NPD time then maybe they didn't win. Sound about right?

It completely depends on the tone of their press release. I'm sure if they've won they'll shout about it, but if they discuss sales generally and don't talk about winning NPD or if they say the "Xbox brand" sold the most then they're probably pre-empting the bad news that the PS4 outsold the Xbone.

If they don't make a press release until after the results I wouldn't be surprised if they have won, as these early releases strike me as exclusively trying to pre-empt the bad news.
So if 100k if not a disaster, what is it? a disappointment? they might not even care?
I guess there is no way to really know.

It's clear from their earlier PR that their aim is to have as close as possible to a 10 million sold-through.

Ultimately, they can only sell what they've produced/shipped. Like, based on anecdotal Black Friday threads, they could've afforded more stock to some Targets, but they didn't, or perhaps they simply couldn't have more ready for that day. ( or weren't ready to eat too much loss )


Well since MS basically threw everything + the kitchen sink at BF.

Even if the XBOX one outsold the PS4, if it turns out that the latter was still close on the former's heels even with all the effort , i cannot see how it could be considered a real "victory "

Naw, a win is a win. One can definitely argue MS might have exhausted future sales with with their aggressive Black Friday specials. MS put so much effort into winning Black Friday they could have a smaller bump in December. We won't know the answer to this question until December 2014 NPD.
When does MS usually put out a pre-NPD statement if they do one? Are we expecting one today?

They have traditionally released a Black Friday PR based on their internal sales tracking.

This year they didn't release anything around Black Friday outside of a vague "sales are incredible, thank you fans" Twitter reply...and it remains to be seen if they'll release anything pre-NPD.


Even if the XBOX one outsold the PS4, if it turns out that the latter was still close on the former's heels even with all the effort , i cannot see how it could be considered a real "victory "

But how is that not a disaster to Microsoft?
They threw everything they had (huge price cut, amazing bundles) just to outsell the PS4 by 100k?
If it really is 100k (or somewhere close), I doubt the boost they got from the price cut will carry to December and the rest of 2015.

Going to copy/paste what I said in one of my previous posts:

November is such a big month for sales that a small difference would still be good. If MS didn't do the deals then I could have seen the PS4 beating the Xbox One by more than 300K.

Their move has...
*Pushed many people who were planning to stick to last gen for another year or so into this new gen (via Xbox One).
*Caused current PS4 owners to get an Xbox One (with a good number originally planning not to get one so soon).
*Caused people to get sucked in Xbox Live for some more years.
*Caused future new IP Xbox One exclusives to have a better chance at selling well in comparison to if MS didn't make these Holiday Xbox One deals/bundles; thus causing those games to have a better shot at having sequels in the future and becoming new franchises.

There's many good things about MS doing this (especially at this time). The amount they beat the PS4 by doesn't matter much (that is, if they did). I also bet that MS will push ads and PR statements stating that the Xbox One is the top selling console this Holiday season which will thus make it seem to some people as if the system is the hotter item (that is again, if XB1 won November NPD). MS could make those statements via simply beating the PS4 by less than 1,000.


Most important thing is Xbox One sell well. People are giving too much importance for sales difference.

Listen, I don't really know you
And I don't think I want to
But I think I can fake it if you can

And let's agree there's no need
No more talk of money
Let's just keep pretending to be friends

I get carried away
Carried away from you
And I'm hoping and I'm praying
Cause I'm sorry, sorry about that
Sorry about the things that I said
Always let it get to my head
As aqua illustrated earlier in this thread, that normally doesnt stop microsoft putting out a pre-npd statement.

But not a "we're #1" statement... they can say "we sold X" or "we shipped Y" sure.

All of the tracking stuff I've seen made me think this month will be close. I'm betting they're waiting like the rest of us to see what happened before going too crazy. Who knows.

Once that first report hits though... look out.


Slayer of Combofiends
I think the Xbox One and PS4 will be neck and neck with each other. PS4 will probably sell a couple thousand more is my prediction, even though MS dropped the price to $350, Sony had those two bundles for $400...


But not a "we're #1" statement... they can say "we sold X" or "we shipped Y" sure.

All of the tracking stuff I've seen made me think this month will be close. I'm betting they're waiting like the rest of us to see what happened before going too crazy. Who knows.

Once that first report hits though... look out.

I can already see Greenberg's smug face filling up my screen.
The real tragedy is that if the win is by around 100k, that's still makes up less than 10% of the current gap, but it'll still cause chaos.

Looking forward to the "Xbox is catching up!" and "competition" and "sony better get its crap together" and "how will Sony respond" and "Doom" and all the other goofy threads that will flow like water.

It will be interesting to read the NPD thread if no numbers leak for a while. GAF will go crazy trying to figure out what the PS4 <-> Xbox One difference is, haha.

$20 says someone on twitter throws it out there early. No way a data point that big stays hidden for long at all this month.
But not a "we're #1" statement... they can say "we sold X" or "we shipped Y" sure.

All of the tracking stuff I've seen made me think this month will be close. I'm betting they're waiting like the rest of us to see what happened before going too crazy. Who knows.

Once that first report hits though... look out.

It will be interesting to read the NPD thread if no numbers leak for a while. GAF will go crazy trying to figure out what the PS4 <-> Xbox One difference is, haha.


Going to copy/paste what I said in one of my previous posts:

November is such a big month for sales that a small difference would still be good. If MS didn't do the deals then I could have seen the PS4 beating the Xbox One by more than 300K.

Their move has...
*Pushed many people who were planning to stick to last gen for another year or so into this new gen (via Xbox One).
*Caused current PS4 owners to get an Xbox One (with a good number originally planning not to get one so soon).
*Caused people to get sucked in Xbox Live for some more years.
*Caused future new IP Xbox One exclusives to have a better chance at selling well in comparison to if MS didn't make these Holiday Xbox One deals/bundles; thus causing those games to have a better shot at having sequels in the future and becoming new franchises.

There's many good things about MS doing this (especially at this time). The amount they beat the PS4 by doesn't matter much (that is, if they did). I also bet that MS will push ads and PR statements stating that the Xbox One is the top selling console this Holiday season which will thus make it seem to some people as if the system is the hotter item (that is again, if XB1 won November NPD). MS could make those statements via simply beating the PS4 by less than 1,000.

Yeah if you look past the console wars for a second, it really comes down to increasing the install base. Bottom line is that Microsoft sold consoles with those deals that would not have sold otherwise and that is a victory in and of its self. The more it exceeds Sony's numbers, regardless of how close they are to each other, the better for them. If they are below slightly or match them it's good because they managed to compete with a console that is selling like crazy. Regardless of what happens Microsoft put their hat in the ring and gave it their all and I can't see them not having some sort of victory in this NPD.


Looking forward to the "Xbox is catching up!" and "competition" and "sony better get its crap together" and "how will Sony respond" and "Doom" and all the other goofy threads that will flow like water.

And that's why an Xbox One win in November would be good for MS no matter the gap. MS could make the Xbox One appear to be doing better than it actually is since November is such a huge month; Them doing that will push even more people to buy an Xbox One in the future.
How can you draw this conclusion from the comment which abdiel made? His comment indicates that sales were very similar.

Or are you being sarcastic and the joke has gone right over my head.
Nope! My comment has nothing to do with Abdiel's post.
The Xbox One simply won November NPD. There is absolutely no doubt, imho.
It will be interesting to read the NPD thread if no numbers leak for a while. GAF will go crazy trying to figure out what the PS4 <-> Xbox One difference is, haha.

Ha Ha, yeah, that is going to be entertaining to watch.

Looking forward hopefully to some vague charts broad statements.....

I'm really hoping that MS gives some ballpark numbers though like "more than a million, or almost a million", or whatever.
I'm bored, full top 10 chart position guessing time:
1. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3, PC) (first three will be close, also I think including bundles XB1>PS4 here)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3)
3. Far Cry 4 (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3, PC)
4. Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4, XB1) (not sure about this at all lol)
5. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
6. Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS) (will US follow Japan or Europe in this little battle? stay tuned)
7. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U, 3DS) (yes they are combined, which should help its position)
8. Madden NFL 15 (PS4, 360, PS3, XB1)
9. NBA 2K15 (360, PS4, XB1, PS3, PC)
10. Skylanders: Trap Team (360, Wii, Wii U, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, 3DS, mobile) (fuck it, might as well put down something)

not exactly sure on the Nintendo trio's spots lol

Interesting question.

April 2008, 360 beat PS3 by <1,000 units.

And what Aqua said. Aqua, is that the Panama Jack logo as your avatar?

oh yeah, the "Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo" :p


Hopefully at random, erratic intervals.

Like the first post in the NPD thread is a leak, then we go thousands of posts and then bam! Another one. Thousands more and bam! Another.

Maybe someone will leak through Twitter or a random youtube video that no one will ever find.
This month was a major disappointment Both consoles below 200k with GTA IV.

Crazy what we consider "disasters" today compared to recent years, isn't it? Right now, the big 2 time aligned installed base is almost 75% ahead of the last gen, and people still freak out and think that one month of poor sales means the whole thing is doomed.

Want to know doom? 2012. Software down almost 25%, Hardware sales down almost 30%, all because all 3 platform holders waited a year too long to release new boxes.
I'm bored, full top 10 chart position guessing time:
1. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4, 360, XB1, PS3, PC) (first three SKUs are a complete tossup tbh, since 360 will have better legs than either last gen version)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3)
3. Far Cry 4 (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3, PC)
4. Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4, XB1) (not sure about this at all lol)
5. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
6. Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS)
7. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U, 3DS) (yes they are combined, which should help its position)
8. Madden NFL 15 (PS4, 360, PS3, XB1)
9. NBA 2K15 (360, PS4, XB1, PS3, PC)
10. ??? (Dragon Age? Skylanders? I have no idea)

I'm going with:

1) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

2) Grand Theft Auto V

3) Super Smash Bros.

4) Assassin's Creed Unity

5) Far Cry 4

6) Madden NFL 15

7) Pokemon Sapphire

8) Pokemon Ruby

9) NBA 2K15

10) Skylanders: Trap Team


Its possible that we don't had Black Friday MS press release because internal tracking numbers showed a loss or a tiny win, so they can't brag reliably victory.

The answers will come tomorrow (or later).

Crazy what we consider "disasters" today compared to recent years, isn't it? Right now, the big 2 time aligned installed base is almost 75% ahead of the last gen, and people still freak out and think that one month of poor sales means the whole thing is doomed.

Want to know doom? 2012. Software down almost 25%, Hardware sales down almost 30%, all because all 3 platform holders waited a year too long to release new boxes.

Well, I have a feeling that both consoles are more front loaded. Sure the numbers are better than the beginning of last gen because of the very strong launch sales, but I still have doubts about the future.

I'm very curious about holiday sales, will give a better idea of the strength they have.
How can there be 'absolutely no doubt' that MS won when the evidence we have indicates that it was close run thing? This may be a semantic issue but you see my point lol
I see what you mean.
But there is no doubt, imo.
Just hearing stuff on forums, news/informations on social media, here on Neogaf etc. -> Xbox One won.

But hey, tomorrow is the day.
Crazy what we consider "disasters" today compared to recent years, isn't it? Right now, the big 2 time aligned installed base is almost 75% ahead of the last gen, and people still freak out and think that one month of poor sales means the whole thing is doomed.

ehhh last gen (well at least PS360) got off to a horrible start, even Xbox/Gamecube would be tracking ahead of it


I'm bored, full top 10 chart position guessing time:
1. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4, 360, XB1, PS3, PC) (first three SKUs are a complete tossup tbh, since 360 will have better legs than either last gen version)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3)
3. Far Cry 4 (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3, PC)
4. Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4, XB1) (not sure about this at all lol)
5. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
6. Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS)
7. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U, 3DS) (yes they are combined, which should help its position)
8. Madden NFL 15 (PS4, 360, PS3, XB1)
9. NBA 2K15 (360, PS4, XB1, PS3, PC)
10. ??? (Dragon Age? Skylanders? I have no idea)


1. Call of Duty AW (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3, PC)
2. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3)
3. Assassins Creed Unity (PS4, XB1)
4. Far Cry 4 (PS4, XB1, 360, PS3, PC)
5. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U, 3DS)
6. Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS)
7. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
8. NBA 2K15 (PS4, 360, XB1, PS3, PC)
9. Skylanders Trap Team
10. Halo MCC
Eh, I actually think the xb1 version of COD would beat the ps4 version. Also Halo would beat nba 2k

With the bundles counted, this could happen, but they don't count those, so PS4 will probably win as it has a larger install base.

I'm thinking he is probably right about PS4,360,XB1,PS3.
Thought the gap between PS4-360-X1 will likely be marginal either way.


Well, I have a feeling that both consoles are more front loaded. Sure the numbers are better than the beginning of last gen because of the very strong launch sales, but I still have doubts about the future.

I'm very curious about holiday sales, will give a better idea of the strength they have.

It's pretty interesting to see if they're front loaded tbh. i think this gen will show large growth in the EMEA markets. Sony recently shared their mid-term strategy and their internal outlook sees a lot of growth in middle eastern markets, claims germany is transitioning to consoles etc.
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