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NPD March 2011 Sales Results [Update 2: Super Street Fighter IV 3D]


Flying_Phoenix said:
The 3DS's problem is the price.

Nintendo got WAY to cocky.

$199 should have been the price....at most.

I hope you're not serious, the 3DS outsold the DS at $100 more and in March instead of late November.. How does it have a problem?

I would hope that Nintendo learnt from the Wii and will pace itself in the future instead of blowing its load in the first two years the system is on the market. The 3DS reflects that my hope will be fulfilled.

In any case with video game hardware, it's always software that is paramount in determining success. Yes factors such as price have their place but software is always number one. The 3DS lacks software that makes DS owners want to upgrade. The first piece of software from Nintendo that I see being able to pull big hardware numbers is Mario Kart and that's quite a while away.

So while I disagree that the 3DS has a major problem, I do think that its sales could be relatively slow until Mario Kart 3DS hits. Why don't I think that's a problem? Well no other system has had it's first year be its peak year and there's only so many people that are able/willing to buy a new handheld gaming system, it's sales will mature with time.
Flying_Phoenix said:
The 3DS's problem is the price.

Nintendo got WAY to cocky.

$199 should have been the price....at most.

Thing is, with Nintendo, when they get too cocky, people just buy a regular DS and Nintendo GETS MONEY PRINTED.

New system where every hardware sale is profitable. Old system where every hardware sale is MORE profitable.

So why was it so important the 3DS launch in March when it should have been a sept or October launch? Really who gives a crap about a new game console at the start of the year?


Warm Machine said:
So why was it so important the 3DS launch in March when it should have been a sept or October launch? Really who gives a crap about a new game console at the start of the year?
If the hardware is ready, best to ship it as soon as you can. With a Spring launch, they can sell to the early adopters, get some units on the shelf for the up coming summer vacations and hopefully get momentum going into Christmas. Unless Nintendo does something horribly wrong, it should have a good holiday season when more quality software is out. Having a few extra months to stock store shelves isnt a bad thing for Nintendo.
Sony !



After comfortably downing the Wii for the first time in like ever(?) you'd think Sony's PR machine would happily come out to plaaaaaaaeeeyah!


"Sell-In" are units which are bought by the retailer. So pretty much is the same as "Shipped".

"Sell-THROUGH" is when units are sold to customers.

That's how I understand it.

boiled goose

good with gravy
arnoldocastillo2003 said:
THIS, you guys should know that in Latin America, the Move sells like hot cake.

Link or numbers?
Latin america is a tiny market compared to the US for video games.
The biggest markets like mexico and brazil are probably rampant with piracy.


dallow_bg said:
Whole lot more.
Pretty much everyone was, including analysts.

I wasn't and I told Gaf not to count their chickens before they're hatched but would anyone listen? Would they @#&^!! :eek:)

Even now, people are pinning their hopes on Mario Kart 3DS. It just may not have the pulling power of Mario Kart DS and Wii. We've had one successful handheld title that's brought in the casuals and ditto one console version that's also brought in the casuals. That may just be enough for them.

Yes Boss!

M.I.S. said:
I wasn't and I told Gaf not to count their chickens before they're hatched but would anyone listen? Would they @#&^!! :eek:)

Even now, people are pinning their hopes on Mario Kart 3DS. It just may not have the pulling power of Mario Kart DS and Wii. We've had one successful handheld title that's brought in the casuals and ditto one console version that's also brought in the casuals. That may just be enough for them.
Pinning hopes?

Mario Kart was always big but this gen become a monster...one of the top five biggest game franchises with somethong like 50 million copies sold just on Wii/DS. Game will sell systems. Even a fraction of the sales of Wii/DS Kart will be massive.


Steel Diver la bomba.

I'm glad Pilotwings is selling. I'd love a sequel.

* I have seen a million 3DS commercials here in the US, mostly on Comedy Central, and other cable channels.
Arnie said:
Jesus christ the 360 is a beast.
Opus Angelorum said:
Up 28% for the year, in May. Impressive.
MS have the market on lockdown so far. Only in Dec was Nintendo able to beat them iirc. for the last 12 months or something.

Appollowexx said:
Sony must have sold like crap this month. Their PR is as basic as it gets. Sub 200k?
I'm missing the fun keywords, Playstation Ecosystem, Family. . . now it's boring old "platforms".


Looks like Pokemon saved Nintendo's ass this month. I guess they'll redirect their 3DS marketing efforts for the release of OOT3D.


anyone who thinks that the 3DS is going to be selling gangbusters over the next few months has really not been paying attention

3DS is the premium SKU
DS is the regular SKU

its going to be like this for a year or so, Nintendo will gradually phase out the DS and 3DS sales will slowly pick up the slack as the software arrives
Caramello said:
I hope you're not serious, the 3DS outsold the DS at $100 more and in March instead of late November.. How does it have a problem?

No it didn't... NDS sold 479K that November. They're not a million miles away from each other of course, and the GBA outsold it more than 2:1.
Graphics Horse said:
No it didn't... NDS sold 479K that November. They're not a million miles away from each other of course, and the GBA outsold it more than 2:1.

2 weeks for the DS VS 1 week for the 3DS. Yes, I reckon it's safe to say that the 3DS is comfortably outselling the DS in the same launch timeframe.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
lawblob said:
Steel Diver la bomba.

I'm glad Pilotwings is selling. I'd love a sequel.

* I have seen a million 3DS commercials here in the US, mostly on Comedy Central, and other cable channels.
I'd rather have DLC than a sequel. Any chances?
Nuclear Muffin said:
2 weeks for the DS VS 1 week for the 3DS. Yes, I reckon it's safe to say that the 3DS is comfortably outselling the DS in the same launch timeframe.

What happened to that thing about huge dropoffs after the first week being completely normal?


marc^o^ said:
I'd rather have DLC than a sequel. Any chances?
I believe Samuri Warriors has DLC, so the system is easily capable of it. I would gladly pay for some missions, extra island even?
NEO0MJ said:
That really sucks. I really feel this game has potential with a well done sequel, but looks like it won't be happening now.

I really like Steel Diver, but I can't imagine it cost much to make. Maybe if it sells 100k lifetime, it can make a profit. Also, ExciteTruck bombed, and we still got ExciteBots because of the cult following that EXCITE had built up.

Of course, then Bots also bombed even worse, but at least it exists. :p
Nintendogs + Cats seem fairly low. I know it'll be an evergreen title for Nintendo but you could probably draw the line that it's mostly the hardcore are buying the device.


GAF's Bob Woodward
So based on numbers we have from Media Create and MCV for Europe, 3DS moved around 1.5m units up to around the end of March, globally?

Apr-Jun 3DS shipments will be interesting.
gofreak said:
So based on numbers we have from Media Create and MCV for Europe, 3DS moved around 1.5m units up to around the end of March, globally?

Apr-Jun 3DS shipments will be interesting.

How does Nintendo report their quarterly sales, is it as Shipments? If so I can see them hitting that goal, maybe.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Graphics Horse said:
How does Nintendo report their quarterly sales, is it as Shipments? If so I can see them hitting that goal, maybe.

They report shipments of course, and I expect they'll report 4m shipped. They'd have had no inkling that sales might be slower so I presume they went full steam ahead with their plan.

My point is what this would mean for shipments in the next quarter. Unless sales really started to get moving all of a sudden they may have very limited scope for selling more units to retail in Apr-Jun.
Graphics Horse said:
What happened to that thing about huge dropoffs after the first week being completely normal?

So you think that the DS sold 380-400k in it's first week and only 79/90k in week 2?

Seems a bit too steep don't you think?
Nuclear Muffin said:
So you think that the DS sold 380-400k in it's first week and only 79/90k in week 2?

Seems a bit too steep don't you think?

Fair enough, the 3DS likely sold better than the DS in their respective first week, I'll wait to see what happens next month to see what the dropoff was.


Four_Chamber said:
Please don't use poor 3DS advertising as an argument guys

If I see that damn commercial with the guy playing AR games another time, I'm going to go nuts. People also argued back with Killzone 2 that there was no advertising when I saw that slow-mo bullet ad 500 times a day.

Nintendo is a victim of its own success with the 3DS. The DS is still selling like gangbusters and kids don't have a reason to upgrade. I'd wager that the average age of a 3DS owner compared to DS owners is significantly higher.

I think what people really mean is that they aren't marketing it on the same level they did the Wii, which is 100% true, because it's just not possible with the 3DS. With the Wii you could go on talk shows, waggle the Wiimote, and people could see how the motion controls work and understand the new technology this had to offer. You can't do that with the 3DS' new functionality, so the approach so far has largely been through a single ad. That doesn't have nearly the same impact on the mainstream consciousness and we can see that in the sales.

And I'd imagine the age of everyone who buys a console at launch is significantly higher than the average age of the overall user base for the previous generation. New consoles are expensive and older people have more money.


BroHuffman said:
Are these the ubisoft kind of games, or games we might actually want to play?
I suspect a little of both. A lot of casual fare, but I would guess at least two or three core games, I.e.: games for males 15-35-ish.
gofreak said:
So based on numbers we have from Media Create and MCV for Europe, 3DS moved around 1.5m units up to around the end of March, globally?

Apr-Jun 3DS shipments will be interesting.

Do they even need to ship any? With 4mln I guess worldwide, I dont see the point of them continuing to ship units for awhile when the device is marginally moving off shelves. Not even half sold, right.
PhatSaqs said:
360 is on a roll. LOL and smdh at Sony taking they're ball and going home.
Strangely, NPD warned analysts a few weeks ago to stop reporting numbers that publishers didn't offer willingly. Pachter notes that he'll have to stop reporting hw data and bundle sales ratios. Sony responds to the March NPD with a vague PR and worldwide shipment numbers. I'm sure the two aren't related at all.
Good numbers for 3DS considering it hit close to the end of the month. Seems we have people harping on end of the month releases in every NPD thread as if they were failures because their numbers don't match something that was out for the enitre month.


BroHuffman said:
Are these the ubisoft kind of games, or games we might actually want to play?

Ubi soft games can offer the best or the worst... as a matter of fact, their kinect games don't look so bad : there's this super-hero avatar game that looks promising, and they already released Your Shape and the MJ dancing game that look ok. And they're publishing Child of Eden, too.
It reminds me of their strategy at the Wii launch too, with games like Red Steel and Raving Rabbids. Not stellar games, but they were among the few ones using the new tech in interesting ways.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Strangely, NPD warned analysts a few weeks ago to stop reporting numbers that publishers didn't offer willingly. Pachter notes that he'll have to stop reporting hw data and bundle sales ratios. Sony responds to the March NPD with a vague PR and worldwide shipment numbers. I'm sure the two aren't related at all.
Lol. I suspected it was them all along.


Alx said:
Ubi soft games can offer the best or the worst... as a matter of fact, their kinect games don't look so bad : there's this super-hero avatar game that looks promising, and they already released Your Shape and the MJ dancing game that look ok. And they're publishing Child of Eden, too.
It reminds me of their strategy at the Wii launch too, with games like Red Steel and Raving Rabbids. Not stellar games, but they were among the few ones using the new tech in interesting ways.

I was just be facetious with the ubisoft comment.

I know we'll probably see some the Sega horror game and maybe some of the other japanese games, but I doubt the western world is going to put out anything but shovelware unless it comes from in house MS.
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