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NPD March 2012 Sales Results [Up3: ME3 Total, Binary Domain]

Aye, let's call it publisher. That's what publisher do. Developer does different (ie, they are only making game)


You know Nintendo does both right?


It's not just kids. I ride the subway every day to work (Boston, USA), it's amazing watching 75% of the people on the train absorbed in their cell phone on any given trip. Even if they're not playing games, these are all people who are completely socialized to whip their phones out in public. I've seen maybe one 3DS in the wild ever. What can Nintendo and Sony do to drag them away from Bejeweled and Angry Birds and Draw Something and Words with Friends?

There's nothing Sony and Nintendo can do to draw people away from their cell phones. Cell phones offera level of socialization that Nintendo and Sony will never be able to achieve. It doesn't matter what brand of smartphone you own, everyone can still get on the same Facebook, message each other, and more and more often challenge one another in games like Scramble with Friends.
On top of that noone feels awkward whipping out a smartphone in public. I have no problems playing Plants vs Zombies while waiting for my daughter's play to start, but I'd feel like silly playing a 3DS in public.


Nintendo and Sony should join forces if they want handhelds to survive. Sony's hardware with Nintendo's software? The world would not survive.

Me3 sold a mere 1.18m units? Thats pathetic really given the marketing.

Everything that's wrong with this generation summed up in one line.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
There's nothing Sony and Nintendo can do to draw people away from their cell phones. Cell phones offera level of socialization that Nintendo and Sony will never be able to achieve. It doesn't matter what brand of smartphone you own, everyone can still get on the same Facebook, message each other, and more and more often challenge one another in games like Scramble with Friends.
On top of that noone feels awkward whipping out a smartphone in public. I have no problems playing Plants vs Zombies while waiting for my daughter's play to start, but I'd feel like silly playing a 3DS in public.

Well technically Sony does make cellphones. Wouldn't blame you for forgetting that though

Cygnus X-1

Nintendo and Sony should join forces if they want handhelds to survive. Sony's hardware with Nintendo's software? The world would not survive.

Historically, the last time they joined forces successfully the SNES sound chip was created. And what a piece of work is was!

Sony and Nintendo have now almost the same value on the market. If Nintendo weren't so healthy financially (especially compared to Sony) I would indeed suggest a merging between the two companies.
There was some definite optimism when the Vita was first announced since its hardware had superior specs to the yet-unreleased 3DS, but the same price tag. I remember one poster was so enthusiastic that he posted a screenshot of his cancelled 3DS preorder with the reason "waiting for Vita" listed.

But with Nintendo being very aggressive with pricing and games, the Vita's launch titles coming up short in terms of sales, and little reason to expect a matching price cut in the short term, the Vita's outlook has gotten quite gloomy.
Right. It's gloomy because Ninty is looking like the one to have sat down first in the last available chair in the current game of mobile gaming musical chairs, leaving Vita to be squeezed out due to price and lack of a more mature and better-rounded software library. Timing can certainly mean everything for gaming platforms, so Sony came to the party too late and now they've got to hustle. The best thing about this, potentially, is that more experimental, unique games may be published on the platform due to need for more software, but it could also get more copy-catty to try and further ensure success.
Nintendo makes games that sell for years rather than mere weeks or months. Again: It is the #1 game developer on the planet and has been for decades. It has huge competitive advantages against everyone else in the space, nevermind that the company is run far better than the majority of its competitors. Also, it doesn't make games to prove how manly its developers are.
I agree but based on Nintendo IP's the Wii should be experiencing no greater success than any of it's predesessors. Yet somehow it was able to create a Teddy Rumskin level of fervor that should have wore out 3 months after Wii Sports
Good PS360 numbers. Good numbers for the Vita as well.

Hell, my favorite Nintendo games are few and far between. I tend to prefer PC gaming over console gaming by a pretty sizable margin. But that doesn't change the fact that Nintendo is the most successful game company of all time; in fact, it's not even close.

Blizzard says you´re wrong.


Great hardware. Why doesn't it deserve success?

So you can come up with a reason why it "deserves success" but can't reason out why it wouldn't "deserve success"? I don't believe you.

Sure it's great hardware. I'll also preface the reason I give with my own true opinion, I don't care either way beyond the discussion it creates on the board. Maybe people don't think it deserves success because it's a potentially a pretty bad decision to try and succeed with a dedicated handhelds in 2012.

I don't think we should be using the word deserve though, that's for sure.


Historically, the last time they joined forces successfully the SNES sound chip was created. And what a piece of work is was!

Sony and Nintendo have now almost the same value on the market. If Nintendo weren't so healthy financially (especially compared to Sony) I would indeed suggest a merging between the two companies.

Speaking of which, did anyone else see the effect NPD seems to have had on Nintendo and Sony's stock prices? I mean holy fuck. I can only imagine what's going to happen to Nintendo when they report their ~$1 billion loss.

Cygnus X-1

Speaking of which, did anyone else see the effect NPD seems to have had on Nintendo and Sony's stock prices? I mean holy fuck. I can only imagine what's going to happen to Nintendo when they report their ~$1 billion loss.

Nothing is going to happen. Everyone already know. Most importantly is IF Nintendo will predict profits for FY 2012. And they better do.
Nintendo has 10 times the output Blizzard has. Cumulative sales aren't even in the same league. Even on an individual level Nintendo's biggest sell more than Blizzard's.

WOW has 11 million subscribers. That´s 1.65 billion each year for WOW subscriptions only. Nintendo is not even in the same league. That´s not mentioning Starcraft, and software sales.
Everything that's wrong with this generation summed up in one line.

If you're mocking me for some reason, then please do explain why. I much rather be corrected than igonorant.

Funny - I was pissed off it sold so well despite Bioware decline and DLC stinking tricks.

Well, the way ME3 is marketed, combined with the console userbase (which should be more than 100 million I think) should have lead to much greater sales imo. I expected 3-4 million, easily.


WOW has 11 million subscribers. That´s 1.65 billion each year for WOW subscriptions only. Nintendo is not even in the same league. That´s not mentioning Starcraft, and software sales.
The Activision Blizzard conglomerate as a whole has a market cap of 14 billion dollars.
Nintendo has a market cap of around 20 billion.

Not only has wow been hemoraging subs, but even at its peak, over half those subs are asian, where they dont pay a monthly sub fee, but rather pay by the minute through a third party company. So wow even at its peak didn't make nearly that much money.

Blizzard by itself was nowhere near the size of Nintendo, and even as a part of the conglomerate they are still much smaller.
From i learned in this thread is that kids will play with anything. seriously, my first system was a genesis and i was shooting the fucking moon, I'm pretty damn sure if u bought a kid any of these systems they'd be jumping for fucking joy.


My kids cut their teeth on Mario platforming/Mariokart on Gamecube. They also enjoyed them on GBA and DS, and requested them for 3DS. But that's really the only time 3DS got much use from them. They'd play the new Mario/Mariokart for a bit and then the 3DS went back to collecting dust.

Their "i" devices get used everyday, whether it's gaming, Facebook, messaging, whatever. My kids don't care if they don't have their 3DS on a roadtrip, but heaven forbid they forget their iTouch or cellphone.

Yup. I wanted to brain my kid, who had just gotten a 3DS the previous day, when he brought his Touch on a short family road trip. "Don't you want to bring your new 3DS?" He said 'nah', shrugged, and went back to playing on his Touch.

It's crazy.


Nothing is going to happen. Everyone already know. Most importantly is IF Nintendo will predict profits for FY 2012. And they better do.

I don't see how they can. Wii and DS are dead worldwide. There's no way Wii U can have a decent profit margin, and 3DS is probably going to do sub 200k per month for most of the year in the US. (Well, unless Animal Crossing comes sooner than expected I guess.) They'll probably have to wait until FY 2013 to turn things around.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yup. I wanted to brain my kid, who had just gotten a 3DS the previous day, when he brought his Touch on a short family road trip. "Don't you want to bring your new 3DS?" He said 'nah', shrugged, and went back to playing on his Touch.

It's crazy.

Honest question: what games does he have for it? Data gathering here
I don't see how they can. Wii and DS are dead worldwide. There's no way Wii U can have a decent profit margin, and 3DS is probably going to do sub 200k per month for most of the year in the US. (Well, unless Animal Crossing comes sooner than expected I guess.) They'll probably have to wait until FY 2013 to turn things around.

If the Wii U sells for $299 with no HDD I don't see why it can't be profitable from the jump.

I do have to wonder about people hoping that it will spur overall industry sales again, particularly for 3rd party games. Nothing we've seen thus far indicates that Wii U titles will be substantially different from their PS360PC brethren this year. I don't see millions of casuals lining up to play Darksiders 2 or Aliens Colonial Marines just because it has tablet support. I think we'll see a healthy return to form for Nintendo's franchises and a modest bump for titles ported over.
Speaking of which, did anyone else see the effect NPD seems to have had on Nintendo and Sony's stock prices? I mean holy fuck. I can only imagine what's going to happen to Nintendo when they report their ~$1 billion loss.

Sony's has nothing to do with NPD, Sony's stock is down due to Kaz's meeting being considered a failure by analysts.

Bruno MB

02. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (360, PS3)** Capcom USA - 582K

The US market saved this title from being an epic bomb for Capcom. Over half a million units is a great figure for such a shitty game. The Resident Evil brand is still very strong there and unfortunately I have to say that this makes Resident Evil: Revelations an even bigger bomb.

06. Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3, 360)** Capcom USA

This one is a big flop worldwide, Capcom have milked the cow too much. We don't have figures but I don't think it is higher than 300k.

For comparison's sake:

Street Fighter IV (PS3, 360) - 849k
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (360, PS3) - 790.2K

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja (360, PS3) Namco Bandai Games

Its performance in the west market is being good, one of the few overperformers of this year.

XX. Kid Icarus - 135K

I guess it did ok, it is certainly not a failure.

Nintendo 3DS - 225K (-43.8%)

Bad, bad, bad, western market is definitely not Japan.

Both portable systems, especially Vita since doesn't have Mario titles, will have a very tough ride.
If the Wii U sells for $299 with no HDD I don't see why it can't be profitable from the jump.

I do have to wonder about people hoping that it will spur overall industry sales again, particularly for 3rd party games. Nothing we've seen thus far indicates that Wii U titles will be substantially different from their PS360PC brethren this year. I don't see millions of casuals lining up to play Darksiders 2 or Aliens Colonial Marines just because it has tablet support. I think we'll see a healthy return to form for Nintendo's franchises and a modest bump for titles ported over.

I'm guessing he's one of the ones that think it will have hardware significantly more powerful than current gen consoles.
It probably depends on how expensive the tablet costs to produce.

360 + 4GB internal memory + Kinect is $299 and apparently MS makes a ridiculous amount of money on that, I don't see how Nintendo could seriously be breaking the bank at the same price point. At worse they break even.


Nintendo and Sony should join forces if they want handhelds to survive. Sony's hardware with Nintendo's software? The world would not survive.

My brain would explode from the awesomeness. You mean to tell me I can get Nintendo games on top of the line Hardware along with Sony exclusives? I would just quit if I were Microsoft....lol.

Cygnus X-1

Both portable systems, especially Vita since doesn't have Mario titles, will have a very tough ride.

The problem is that iPad and iPhone really took the mass market for gaming. But not for the better unfortunately. I'm sure it's more of an hype effect than real enjoyment on real games.

Said otherwise, I think everyone say they play downloadable games on iOS just because now it's the great thing to do, not because they actually have fun playing games on it. And I'll tell you more: many young males I saw during last months actually play less games overall then 5 years ago because they now spend more time on facebook than playing games.

I see on tram and buses many guys playing on iOS.....for less than 5 minutes. But they surf on facebook for hours. This also became a big factor and also explain why the gaming industry is down overall: the revenue coming from iOS are not even in the slightest enough to compensate the decreasing revenues coming from classic consoles and PC.

It's a paradigm shift, but the industry as a whole is damaged.
This point interests me quite. What exactly were they expecting? A complete shut down of their television section?
They wanted an actual plan on how he plans to turnaround the electronics division.

Investors said they had hoped for more meat on the bones of Hirai's plans.

"I can't make out a growth story here. It's good they've announced numerical targets, but you can't tell how they're going to achieve them," said Kikuchi Makoto, CEO of Myojo Asset Management.

"It doesn't feel like an aggressive makeover," said Tetsuro Ii, president of Commons Asset Management, who oversees $33 million (20 million pounds) of assets and doesn't hold Sony stock. "You can't really see the roadmap for how they're going to revive the electronics business, nor how they're going to create new value."


The problem is that iPad and iPhone really took the mass market for gaming. But not for the better unfortunately. I'm sure it's more of an hype effect than real enjoyment on real

lf I can buy these "casual" games you speak of for a buck, they sure as hell took the market for the better.

Cygnus X-1

They wanted an actual plan on how he plans to turnaround the electronics division.

Analysis are somehow right, but also Kaz is right. After all, we have to keep in mind that he entered as CEO the 1 April. Less then one month ago. Thus it's obvious he can't still make a roadmap to profitability for now. I think that before the end of June 2012 he'll have a picture of what to change and what to shut down entirely and he will hold a press conference on that. It's too early now.


WOW has 11 million subscribers. That´s 1.65 billion each year for WOW subscriptions only. Nintendo is not even in the same league. That´s not mentioning Starcraft, and software sales.

The aspect of this comment that surprises the hell out of me - and I see this sort of post on GAF a lot - is how little people are actually aware of Nintendo's financial position and influence in this industry. That anyone for a second suggested that Nintendo would go 3rd party sometime in the past is just ignorant, nevermind that Blizzard (a company I adore and respect) is equal or greater than they are from a revenue standpoint.

The reality is simple: The Wii was the fastest selling console of all time, and it achieved this with virtually nothing more than Nintendo's support. MS and Sony, two vastly larger companies, had a hard time competing with all their internal resources and all the 3rd party support imaginable.

I'm not saying that everyone has to like Nintendo, nor am I suggesting that they should be everyone's favorite developer/publisher. [Mine are Looking Glass and SEGA Dreamcast Era, to be clear.] But at least have some idea of the role they play within this industry.

They are, by all objective measure, the most successful gaming company ever.


Can't wait for my 10 free PS1 games and Vita Ambassador title :bow
I just want to make sure I understand the full joke here. PS1 games still don't work on PSV, right? :)

Would love to find out I missed the announcement. Would make me more likely to buy one!
Analysis are somehow right, but also Kaz is right. After all, we have to keep in mind that he entered as CEO the 1 April. Less then one month ago. Thus it's obvious he can't still make a roadmap to profitability for now. I think that before the end of June 2012 he'll have a picture of what to change and what to shut down entirely and he will hold a press conference on that. It's too early now.

He's been running the electronics business for a while now. If he doesn't know how to fix that yet, not a good sign for the rest of the company.

Cygnus X-1

lf I can buy these "casual" games you speak of for a buck, they sure as hell took the market for the better.

You didn't get my point: honestly, outside Angry Birds which is known and played, did you see people playing games on iPhone and iPad as long or longer than before?

I don't. Seriously: the main thing people are using now during free time is facebook. And this is a change who is big especially with adolescents. 10 years ago when they had a break, they played Pokémon. 20 years ago it was Tetris and Mario. 5 years ago Nintendogs and Brain Training. Today it's facebook. Well, this is not good for the industry.
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