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NPD May 2011 Sales Results [Update 4: 3DS And Wii Hardware Sales]


galian beast said:
It's such a different market... Who knows where Vita goes in terms of software but even if it had android it wouldn't be trying to compete directly with tablets.

The whole concern is whether the portable Android/iOS devices (be it a phone, tablet, hybrid, or iPod/PMP) are going to annihilate the stand alone game portable. The label isn't important, the functionality is. Clearly they are not such a different market when Sony/Nintendo themselves openly recognize them as their biggest threats. Could you foresee a lot of people interested in a 7" LCD tablet for $400-$500 go with a 5" OLED for $250 instead (with dual touch interfaces and superior gaming capability)? Absolutely, they'd have to be an idiot not to. That is, by definition, the same market.


Tretton doesnt think iOS devices will hurt Vita.

He explained, "The great thing about gamers is that they have tremendous influence over what they want to play. If their parents say I'm getting you an iPad and that's your device, but their friends are playing a dedicated console like a PSP, then the kids will find a way to get a PSP."

Too bad for him that all the kids are playing iPods and iPads. If want he says is true then the Vita is in trouble.
Dunlop said:
exactly. i commute to work each day via train.

used to be a ton of DS and some PSP

now it is IPHONE>>>>>Smartphone>>DS>IPAD

Can't remember the last time I saw a PSP

obviously this is anecdotal

Anecdotal here too, I metro 2 hours every day and this is what I see people using on the metro, from most to least:

- Smartphones (iphones/androids)
- Kindles, readers
- Tablets (ipads/androids)
- books
- ds (saw a total of 3 in about a year timeframe)
- psp (saw a total of 2 in about a year timeframe)
- gba (saw a total of 1 in about a year timeframe)

Have never seen anyone with a 3DS.


y'all should be ashamed
I think a lot of people are underestimating the potential impact of the Vita. I think iOS is a much bigger concern for Nintendo than it is for Sony, simply because the iOS market caters to young kids a heck of a lot more than Nintendo. Not to mention that an iPod touch is $40 cheaper than a 3DS.


Alrus said:
A lot of people acted like PS3 owner were starved for game, but even strong offering didn't seem to spark much interest. (Uncharted 1, Killzone 2...). On the Gamecube nintendo games sold pretty well even when the install base was ridiculously low... Maybe Nintendo fans are more dedicated than Sony ones? (I have no idea, this may be completely stupid...)
Not only are they more dedicated but the PS3's "engaged gamer base" was being overstated due in large part to a number of people buying those things principally to play BluRay movies.

Sony systems may have lots of bells and whistles but their multi-functionality leads to a number of titles underperforming compared to install base versus Nintendo and they don't have the marketing acumen to deliver AAA franchises like Microsoft (Halo, Gears of War).

The reason that anyone that buys a Nintendo system does so to play games is paramount to why they will continue to be a factor in the portable gaming space versus Sony or even smartphone producers where games are often secondary to other handset features.

Shiggy said:
So what's the reason for the lacklustre sales of MonolithSoft games?
Xenoblade Chronicles = 0 lifetime sales in the NTSC North America region.
The reason? It's not getting released here.


The 3DS numbers is the result of the MonolithSoft curse, thats what you get for making me suffer NOA!

So what's the reason for the lacklustre sales of MonolithSoft games?

boiled goose

good with gravy
chubigans said:
I think a lot of people are underestimating the potential impact of the Vita. I think iOS is a much bigger concern for Nintendo than it is for Sony, simply because the iOS market caters to young kids a heck of a lot more than Nintendo. Not to mention that an iPod touch is $40 cheaper than a 3DS.

Average age of DS owner is higher than average age of PSP owner.

I still agree with your main point though, but not because of young kids. Older gamers and females that got a DS to play expanded audience, casual, brain training, etc titles now have a lot more options and will probably be satisfied with mobile phone gaming.


galian beast said:
I don't think a port of a N64 game is going to get the crowds rushing out the door... Not that it isn't an extremely popular game, but it's already on the Virtual Console... I think people are assuming too much here. That might be an example of a game that sells well because the system is already selling well, but I don't see it as a system seller... unless I'm missing something here.

Zelda is very important for Nintendo fanbase. Ocarina 3D is a port/remake of the most popular tittle in the series.

I guess this will push some hardware.


Pokemon B/W has sold 11 million worldwide, so it's surprising to not see it chart. I guess it was heavily front loaded.
allan-bh said:

Already post in the topic actually.
Thanks, but not in the OP, at least not that i can see. A very impressive number, the price was reduced in mid may. Correct?

Do you guys think Nintendo makes any money selling the Wii at 150 U.S.? I've found that amazing if they do.
shintoki said:
Its a 250$ dedicated gaming machine launching with software that appeals directly to the hardcore. I'd say people are overestimating its mass appeal.

2nd, Vita is not due out till the end of this year, if not early next year. New Iphones, Androids, and 3DS will be 200 by that time.
So shintoki, you put the Vita in that "audience" and think that a 50 dollar difference would convince then of buying a 3DS instead? I find that an unlikely scenario, in the sense that the Vita's extra features worth a lot more than the 50 difference.


sparkle this bitch
chubigans said:
I think a lot of people are underestimating the potential impact of the Vita. I think iOS is a much bigger concern for Nintendo than it is for Sony, simply because the iOS market caters to young kids a heck of a lot more than Nintendo. Not to mention that an iPod touch is $40 cheaper than a 3DS.
Its a 250$ dedicated gaming machine launching with software that appeals directly to the hardcore. I'd say people are overestimating its mass appeal.

2nd, Vita is not due out till the end of this year, if not early next year. New Iphones, Androids, and 3DS will be 200 by that time. A lot will change before its even released.
KingDizzi said:
Horrible 3DS sales and yes the software has been lackluster but the fuck happened with Nintendogs? That game sold something stupid like 20 million on the DS yet the 3DS games have not been able to make a dent, to the point that you can get them for £20 here in the UK. Perhaps it will blow up again once the price drops of the handheld but seriously that's a steep drop. With the sales of 3DS thus far and horrible PS3 sales lifetime all it shows is that brand name means nothing, success of predecessor means nothing, price means everything. The next biggie hitting is Mario Kart, beastly franchise but I don't see it propelling the 3DS to DS heights or anywhere near TBH at $250, got DS at launch for £99 which was an impulse buy at that time, £160 not so much.

Its what happens when you recycle the game.

See: Animal Crossing.
See: 3DS Sports Resort (aka, pilotwings)

Adding cats and touching up the graphics does not make people want more. Its cheap, it's lazy.

That, and $250 + $40. Madness. Should have been 149. And based on the technology theyre using, theres absolutely no reason why they couldnt have launched at that price.

The other big fail has been the lack of demo stations. People dont know what the 3D looks like. People dont know what the graphics look like. Where the fuck are the demo stations? Why doesnt Toys R Us have them?

T Ghost

jamesinclair said:
Its what happens when you recycle the game.

See: Animal Crossing.
See: 3DS Sports Resort (aka, pilotwings)

Adding cats and touching up the graphics does not make people want more. Its cheap, it's lazy.

That, and $250 + $40. Madness. Should have been 149. And based on the technology theyre using, theres absolutely no reason why they couldnt have launched at that price.

The other big fail has been the lack of demo stations. People dont know what the 3D looks like. People dont know what the graphics look like. Where the fuck are the demo stations? Why doesnt Toys R Us have them?
All BestBuys here in the Tampa Bay area have a demo station. Some GameStops as well. I never step foot into Toys'r'us as I don't have kids. How is their game sections nowadays? Worth the hassle?

allan-bh said:

Thanks for the info.

So the price cut gave some results. Would the boost be long lived?
AranhaHunter said:
Anecdotal here too, I metro 2 hours every day and this is what I see people using on the metro, from most to least:

- Smartphones (iphones/androids)
- Kindles, readers
- Tablets (ipads/androids)
- books
- ds (saw a total of 3 in about a year timeframe)
- psp (saw a total of 2 in about a year timeframe)
- gba (saw a total of 1 in about a year timeframe)

Have never seen anyone with a 3DS.
I have a 20 minute commute daily each way on the train and saw my first 3DS in the wild yesterday. I usually get 1-3 street passes daily though, so they're out there. Makes sense, I always carry mine but rarely play it in public.

I do see DSes all the time though, usually kids have them. I very rarely see a PSP or GBA. iDevices and Kindles are everywhere though, I definitely see more of each than all gaming handhelds combined.


lunchwithyuzo said:
I have a 20 minute commute daily each way on the train and saw my first 3DS in the wild yesterday. I usually get 1-3 street passes daily though, so they're out there. Makes sense, I always carry mine but rarely play it in public.

I do see DSes all the time though, usually kids have them. I very rarely see a PSP or GBA. iDevices and Kindles are everywhere though, I definitely see more of each than all gaming handhelds combined.
While we're sharing anecdotes, I am really kind of stunned by the number of DSi XL systems I see. Tons of kids have these, at least where I am. Sure, old people model, etc. but kids really do enjoy watching and playing in groups and the DSi XL certainly wins there.

Caveat: I do not live in a big city area, and see these people in shops and restaurants, not during a commute.
mentalfloss said:
The DS launched at $149.99 didn't it?

That's pretty telling.

It did but dropped to $129 very, very shortly after that. Like a month or something.

chubigans said:
I think a lot of people are underestimating the potential impact of the Vita. I think iOS is a much bigger concern for Nintendo than it is for Sony, simply because the iOS market caters to young kids a heck of a lot more than Nintendo. Not to mention that an iPod touch is $40 cheaper than a 3DS.

Every company making a portable has major concerns over iOS and the low price of the games. This is something the DS and PSP didn't have to deal with before but is a very real threat now.


Paracelsus said:
I don't know about the other people, but I've never chosen a PlayStation console for its first party titles. I mean, sure, there were some great ones but none of them was a purchase factor for me. I don't think it's a coincidence that the generation Sony is stripped of all its third party exclusives Sony gets two best selling first party games ever in its history (GoW3 and Uncharted 2), much like it's not a coincidence MGS4 outsold MGS3 despite being on a much lower install base.
I was the same regarding Sony 1st party until God of War on PS2. I bought a PS3 before GoW3 came out though, but i knew that i was going to get a PS3 anyway. This generation, Uncharted was added to my list, so i will definitely get a PS4 :)

With "not a coincidence", do you mean that people bought the multiplatform 3rd party games on Xbox 360 instead, and that is why i.e MGS4 got such good sales, because there were "less" games on the PS3? ("less" as in people bought the Xbox 360 version instead).


chubigans said:
I think a lot of people are underestimating the potential impact of the Vita. I think iOS is a much bigger concern for Nintendo than it is for Sony, simply because the iOS market caters to young kids a heck of a lot more than Nintendo. Not to mention that an iPod touch is $40 cheaper than a 3DS.

Just anecdotal, but I sold my 7 year old daughters DS last week because she hasn't touched it in months since she got an iPod touch. She thought she lost it and didn't really care about it. I found it in the closet and she told me to go ahead and sell it. I'm also trying to sell my DSi because I haven't used it since I got an iPad. I don't find myself caring at all about the 3DS or the Vita and have no plans to buy either.

I personally think both devices are going to bomb because they don't have phone or text functions and we are living in the age of convergence. Plus they are quite expensive. But what do I know..I thought DLC would bomb because I was certain nobody in their right mind would pay for shit like horse armor, avatars, extra levels, and map packs you used to get for free.
test_account said:
I was the same regarding Sony 1st party until God of War on PS2. I bought a PS3 before GoW3 came out though, but i knew that i was going to get a PS3 anyway.
The only NPD evidence that PS3 exclusives are system sellers was for MGS4. Which saw a bump in consoles sold. So I can't smh hard enough when ppl say they'll buy a console for exclusives when theres no evidence of those same sequel farms being system sellers in the first place. Still, alot of known titles available at launch is better than what the 3DS had.
I guess the dead or alive series can sell X-boxes in JP only.

For May the 3DS had what come out?

Dead or alive: Dimensions
Blazblue: Continuum Shift II
Lego Pirates of the Carribean

That's it?
T Ghost said:
All BestBuys here in the Tampa Bay area have a demo station. Some GameStops as well. I never step foot into Toys'r'us as I don't have kids. How is their game sections nowadays? Worth the hassle?

I only go there for specific deals.

Yeah, best buy has them, as do some targets...but walmart? kmart? toys r us? Why the hell dont they have demo stations?


Bisnic said:
Why are people commenting on Witcher 2? NPD never include PC games right?

They include it, but only retail. Who the fuck is buying Witcher 2 retail? I would think Steam or GoG is making up over 90 percent of their sales. If there's any consolation about NPD becoming major jerks, it's that they're also becoming completely irrelevant. They rock it like it's 1988.


Rapid Response Threadmaker

May video game sales worst in five years

After riding high from the thrill of E3 last week, the video game industry got a harsh slap in the face Monday.

As reported by the NPD Group, sales of video games in the month of May were down 19 percent compared to a year ago -- the worst performance for the industry in nearly five years.

You have to look back as far as October 2006 to find a dive this steep. And, making matters worse, none of the industry's fortunetellers saw it coming. Analysts had expected May to be relatively flat thanks to a Wii price cut early in the month.

Game software sales came in at $375.8 million, $90 million less than May 2010. Year to date, the industry is a worrying 14 percent off of 2010's retail sales pace.

"This month's story really is about a light new release schedule as compared to last year," said NPD analyst Anita Frazier.

There's some truth in that. Last year saw eventual Game of the Year winner Red Dead Redemption hit stores, along with Microsoft's Alan Wake and several other big budget releases. This May offered us a different Rockstar Games release in L.A. Noire, the month's top selling game, and Brink, a shooter that didn't score well with critics but managed to capture the #2 spot.

On the hardware front, it wasn't a happy story for Nintendo, which saw sales drops across all of its systems, a fact that particularly underscores the weakness of the Wii these days, given the price cut. The 3DS, the company's best hope for righting the ship this year, saw continued weakness, but that might reverse itself within the next week with the release of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

Sony saw some minor sales increases with the PS3 hardware, though, and Microsoft actually has something to celebrate as the Xbox 360 has consistently had month-over-month sales increases for nearly a year and a half now.

"Overall, the Xbox 360 platform has contributed 34 percent of year-to-date revenues (across hardware, content and accessories) generated by new physical retail sales, gaining 7 share points over last year," said Frazier.


I think the 3DS is going to be fine once the good games start coming out for it. The launch was just pitiful. Nintendo should have launched the system when Zelda is being released.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Amir0x said:
if that's the case than the 3DS number must be probably way low, right?

It's Pachter's number

Unfortunately, no.
So not sure where he's getting his numbers from then.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If it's true that Nintendo held Zelda back from 3DS launch just to give 3rd parties breathing room, that's pretty much Launch Error Prime, right there.


Kaijima said:
If it's true that Nintendo held Zelda back from 3DS launch just to give 3rd parties breathing room, that's pretty much Launch Error Prime, right there.
If they held ANYTHING back from that abysmal launch they deserve the sales they're receiving right now. Anything remotely ready for release should've launched with the console.
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