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NPD Sales Results for October 2010 [Update 6: Rock Band 3]


Relaxed Muscle said:
I think Molyneux words were something like this:"Or we sell 5 millions copies or fuck fable!!"

So, it's quite likely it won't reach 5 millions, I never stood a chance to do so,imo.

Actual quote

Wait, we're actually taking Molyneux quotes at face value?



While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
Elios83 said:
So basically it's fair to say that both PS3 and Wii should be really close and between 200k and 250k.
My guess is that Wii sold close to 280K. Enough to justify "more on a weekly basis" but not enough to gloat any more.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
GhaleonEB said:
New! 06. Halo: Reach **(360) MICROSOFT - 315K

For comparison, Halo 3 sold 434k in October 2007. Reach shipped earlier in the month, but had a nearly identically sized debut. Looks on track to under-perform Halo 3 by a good margin when it's all said and done.
A shame since Reach is everything I hoped for a worthy sequel. As I said, I blame the marketing and the stronger competition.


EviLore said:
That number is in addition to the 360+PS3 number.
360 - 679k
PS3 - ~331k
PC - 107k (+ DD sales)

Fantastic performance overall I'd say.:D It should make the situation at Obsidian a bit better.


Junior Member
I kind like the new NPD.

Like a new game - Weak result from media, Gaf on Math and then we get some better results.


szaromir said:
360 - 679k
PS3 - 331k
PC - 107k (+ DD sales)

Fantastic performance overall I'd say.:D It should make the situation at Obsidian a bit better.

Wasn't it already stated in the other thread about New Vegas selling 1 million that Obsidian doesn't actually get a lot of the proceeds off that?

You know, the thread where all those people were saying the 1 million had to be shipped and not sold...


Don't see the need for a Fable 4.

Franchise had major potential, but Fable 2 killed it. Fable 3 is proof.

Make a new franchise Lionhead.


godhandiscen said:
A shame since Reach is everything I hoped for a worthy sequel. As I said, I blame the marketing and the stronger competition.
I think it's a combination of factors, the marketing being one. The ads were terrible at conveying the game (I don't care for CoD, but the in-game ads were fuck awesome). I also think ODST diluted the brand a bit. The rise of military shooters like CoD definitely ate into the market share.

I'm going to put partial blame on the very shoddy state of the matchmaking playlists at launch as well, which made for pretty rough introduction to players when they went online. It was a terrible showcase for what Reach was about.

Still, seeing Halo flat line while CoD flourishes has been one of the more interesting stories to follow this gen. I'm wondering what lessons Microsoft will take from it.


Instro said:
Nice I nailed the 360 numbers in the prediction thread, feels good man. Surprised that Kirby and CV didnt chart, but on the plus side maybe we will get some more IGAvanias now.

Please god no.

Konami needs to get Team Silent back together. I'm convinced the future of 3D Castlevania is third-person Survival Horror. Some strange hybrid of Gears of War, Silent Hill, and God of War.

Forget all existing CV Lore, and just make it about infiltrating Dracula's castle using CV3 as the touchstone.


WrikaWrek said:
Don't see the need for a Fable 4.

Franchise had major potential, but Fable 2 killed it. Fable 3 is proof.

Make a new franchise Lionhead.
Half a million in 4 days, in one console; is proof that Fable is dead? :p


stupei said:
Wasn't it already stated in the other thread about New Vegas selling 1 million that Obsidian doesn't actually get a lot of the proceeds off that?

You know, the thread where all those people were saying the 1 million had to be shipped and not sold...
I didn't follow the thread. That's a shame, but sort of predictable though, Bethesda brought IP and tech. Well, hopefully Bethesda will contract them for another game.

Regarding Halo 3 vs Reach, back in October 2007 Call of Duty wasn't a juggernaut it became shortly afterwards, so direct comparisons are sort of useless and might not be a sufficient base for ling term sales of Reach.


theBishop said:
Please god no.

Konami needs to get Team Silent back together. I'm convinced the future of 3D Castlevania is third-person Survival Horror. Some strange hybrid of Gears of War, Silent Hill, and God of War.

Forget all existing CV Lore, and just make it about infiltrating Dracula's castle using CV3 as the touchstone.

Castlevania: Other C
GhaleonEB said:
I think it's a combination of factors, the marketing being one. The ads were terrible at conveying the game (I don't care for CoD, but the in-game ads were fuck awesome). I also think ODST diluted the brand a bit. The rise of military shooters like CoD definitely ate into the market share.

I'm going to put partial blame on the very shoddy state of the matchmaking playlists at launch as well, which made for pretty rough introduction to players when they went online. It was a terrible showcase for what Reach was about.

Still, seeing Halo flat line while CoD flourishes has been one of the more interesting stories to follow this gen. I'm wondering what lessons Microsoft will take from it.

Stop creating new IP's and just get exclusive DLC content and Xbox brand association with the new hot FPS IP?.
GhaleonEB said:
Still, seeing Halo flat line while CoD flourishes has been one of the more interesting stories to follow this gen. I'm wondering what lessons Microsoft will take from it.

Make Halo 4 and market it as the return of Master Chief.


godhandiscen said:
A shame since Reach is everything I hoped for a worthy sequel. As I said, I blame the marketing and the stronger competition.

Here in the UK the airways were bombarded with adverts and can only assume it was the same in NA so can't really complain about that much. End of it's not the big boy for MS anymore, that title goes quite comfortably to COD. COD is more popular than Halo in NA and I believe quite a bit more in EU as well, on 360 alone MW2 was taken care of Halo 3. Activision need to ensure the yearly releases remain very high quality and if they do that it's going to remain the big boy for some time. Something else will come along and become the new boss but for now COD is just a beast, biggest franchises on HD consoles with ease. Anyway DKC is going to be the best selling game this year that is not COD or anything else Nintendo, Captain Obvious just letting you lot know. ;)


Will Eat Your Children
I'm actually already used to this way of updating with numbers. Keeps things classy in the threads now

They should've done this a long time ago :lol



ok somehow there's fun in this new NPD

1. we have to scavenge for numbers from different sources
2. we have to decipher the news media cryptic message
3. we havet to do the math ourselves

so ti's not so bad overall :lol


GhaleonEB said:
I think it's a combination of factors, the marketing being one. The ads were terrible at conveying the game (I don't care for CoD, but the in-game ads were fuck awesome). I also think ODST diluted the brand a bit. The rise of military shooters like CoD definitely ate into the market share.

I'm going to put partial blame on the very shoddy state of the matchmaking playlists at launch as well, which made for pretty rough introduction to players when they went online. It was a terrible showcase for what Reach was about.

Still, seeing Halo flat line while CoD flourishes has been one of the more interesting stories to follow this gen. I'm wondering what lessons Microsoft will take from it.

Eh not so inclined to got that far. Halo 3 had incredible legs and so might Reach when it is all said and done. Last Bungie Halo is something to be said and who knows when MS may bring another to the table. Certainly not with Gears 3 next fall. So if folks want their Halo they will go to Reach. COD is also flourishing in part due to multi console status. A 115k or so less than Halo 3 at this point after one month not so sure it's flatline yet.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
GhaleonEB said:
I think it's a combination of factors, the marketing being one. The ads were terrible at conveying the game (I don't care for CoD, but the in-game ads were fuck awesome). I also think ODST diluted the brand a bit. The rise of military shooters like CoD definitely ate into the market share.

I'm going to put partial blame on the very shoddy state of the matchmaking playlists at launch as well, which made for pretty rough introduction to players when they went online. It was a terrible showcase for what Reach was about.

Still, seeing Halo flat line while CoD flourishes has been one of the more interesting stories to follow this gen. I'm wondering what lessons Microsoft will take from it.
Without Bungie at the helm, that truly is the billion dollar question. It could really go anywhere from here on. A lot is riding on Frankie and the rest of 343.

Relaxed Muscle said:
Stop creating new IP's and just get exclusive DLC content and Xbox brand association with the new hot FPS IP?.

They just created one of the biggest studios to churn out more Halo games after Bungie is gone, so they will try to gain back the throne at least once. Fuck, if 343's Halo bombs, I can see MS folding quickly, it would be painful to watch... :(


Relaxed Muscle said:
Stop creating new IP's and just get exclusive DLC content and Xbox brand association with the new hot FPS IP?.
Kinectimals, Kinect Sports, JoyRide, Dance Central - new IPs just published by Microsoft.


Kuroyume said:
Halo 3 and both ODST and Wars to a lesser extent have hurt the series.

Might as well go all the way back to Halo 2's crappy cliffhanger ending and then Halo 3 not delivering a satisfying endcap to the saga. Everything after Halo: Combat Evolved has disappointed me.
the bugs in fallout are just features and or extra charm to the old timey feeling of a post apocalypse universe. I want to see the Harmonix dance game next month tho


"Versus last month, the Nintendo DS and the Wii were the two systems to increase unit sales on an average sales per week basis."

This would also mean PS3 under 250k then as well.


360 325k
Wii >204k
I know this is NeoGAF and all but when a game sells near 4 million copies in a month and a half people are seriously thinking the series is on a popularity decline?


sillymonkey321 said:
Might as well go all the way back to Halo 2's crappy cliffhanger ending and then Halo 3 not delivering a satisfying endcap to the saga. Everything after Halo: Combat Evolved has disappointed me.

Yeah, but multiplayer was really good which is why people cared about Halo 3 when it was released. Halo 3 disappointed people in pretty much everything.


Kuroyume said:
Halo 3 and both ODST and Wars to a lesser extent have hurt the series.
I thought ODST did as well. Not so much the pricing, but many were led to believe it was an actual full fledged game and they went in and just played about 5 hours and a select game of Firefight or two.

Plus it's going up against much tougher competition than Halo 3 had at its current point. It had Gears, which was older at the time, and before CoD 4 sparked.

For Reach itself, this is certainly my favorite since Halo 2. Lots more to do in terms of campaign, Forge, and then a full MP slate. More enjoyable for me for sure than what 3 was.


Kuroyume said:
Yeah, but multiplayer was really good which is why people cared about Halo 3 when it was released. Halo 3 disappointed people in pretty much everything.
Reach is still huge though. Not showing an increase is sort of disappointing, but the whatever "damage" was done to the franchise can be redeemed, especially since current biggest blockbusters are yearly releases and will wear off faster than Halo.


GhaleonEB said:
Still, seeing Halo flat line while CoD flourishes has been one of the more interesting stories to follow this gen. I'm wondering what lessons Microsoft will take from it.

Microsoft themselves are partly to blame here. They got behind CoD4 (and future CoD titles) in such a huge way with the beta, being their big showcase title at E3, the multi year timed-exclusive DLC deal, all the commercials have the 360 logo at the end, the Xbox 360 MW2 bundle last year, etc.

Microsoft seems to push Call of Duty extremely hard despite it not being their own game.


New Vegas managed a respectable number. Nice to see good games getting decent marketing.

Fallout's results are not surprising. They placed too much emphasis on Las Vegas and not enough on the Fallout mystique. It did good, but it could have done great with decent marketing.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 (across all platforms) -- 225K

Numbers are real, unable to comment further. And this is not a policy shift re: leaks, so don't get any ideas.


Mindlog said:
New Vegas managed a respectable number. Nice to see good games getting decent marketing.

Fallout's results are not surprising. They placed too much emphasis on Las Vegas and not enough on the Fallout mystique. It did good, but it could have done great with decent marketing.
For comparison:

Fallout 3 (X360) - 375k
Fallout 3 (PS3) - Less than 183,000, more than 118,559
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