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Nvidia to cease 3000 series and replace with anti-crypto mining variant


Gold Member
This kind of sucks. Nvidia just like every other company doesn't want you making profit off their product.

Glad I have an OG RTX 3080. Although I don't mine, it's a nice to have as I will have the option to do so and in the long run it will be worth more when reselling due to being more capable than its gimped brethren that have been neutered.


How many POW Coins are there left? Bitcoin isn't profitable, Ethereum is alright money, perhaps Litecoin as well. BUT STILL.


How many POW Coins are there left? Bitcoin isn't profitable, Ethereum is alright money, perhaps Litecoin as well. BUT STILL.
Not accurate. A buddy of mine is pocketing $8/day mining Bitcoin on a 3080 (after subtracting out electricity costs) whenever he's not using his PC for something else. If he ran it 24/7 that could be north of $12/day. Doesn't sound like much but it adds up.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Not accurate. A buddy of mine is pocketing $8/day mining Bitcoin on a 3080 (after subtracting out electricity costs) whenever he's not using his PC for something else. If he ran it 24/7 that could be north of $12/day. Doesn't sound like much but it adds up.
Over $4000 a year if you ran it 24/7.

Way more then I thought it would be. If you were prepared to spend a considerable amount upfront for hardware you could make a decent living doing this. Hmmmmm 🤔
Apart from electrical costs, there's also the money spent on the 3090. I wonder how long that card would hold up to mining workloads if used 24/7.
well it was bought at launch for gaming so i only paid MSRP and under full load its running at about 55C. Thinks its running cooler because my CPU isn't being used to mine. Overall my computer works as a heater so its actually saving me money on electricity lol.
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I don’t understand how they could disable the card for just mining. It seems to me that anything they did in software could just be worked around with a custom bios or drivers. If they did anything on the hardware side to fix it, I’d worry that it could unintentionally hurt performance by disabling certain commands or whatever. Even then, I’d imagine that it could be worked around in one way or another.


Not accurate. A buddy of mine is pocketing $8/day mining Bitcoin on a 3080 (after subtracting out electricity costs) whenever he's not using his PC for something else. If he ran it 24/7 that could be north of $12/day. Doesn't sound like much but it adds up.

I can do like ~6 Euro/day on 3070 (memory overclocks quite crazy on my card). I need to start doing this shit :messenger_tears_of_joy:


This thread is the perfect example as to why democracy cannot work;

The destructive opinions of the ones that don't understand how things work are equally valuable as the ones that do, yet the ones that do are less in numbers. The inevitable outcome is things being made even worse, despite good intentions.

Patrick S.

This thread is the perfect example as to why democracy cannot work;

The destructive opinions of the ones that don't understand how things work are equally valuable as the ones that do, yet the ones that do are less in numbers. The inevitable outcome is things being made even worse, despite good intentions.
!Avatar quote


This thread is the perfect example as to why democracy cannot work;

The destructive opinions of the ones that don't understand how things work are equally valuable as the ones that do, yet the ones that do are less in numbers. The inevitable outcome is things being made even worse, despite good intentions.
There is wisdom here.
Interesting take on the matter

That was posted in a different thread a few days ago. It's still cringey as fuck.

Does LinusTechTips care about you? Does LinusTechTips care about gamers? Does LinusTechTips care about the environment? Even if anything that he says is true, dude sounds like a huge pussy.


The more I think about it, the more it becomes a negative and just sounds like advertising. I'm really going to have to see the benchmarks of these cards before anything else. I hope I can find a 3080 at a decent price in the next year...


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Interesting take on the matter

I watched this and his take on the economics of the matter is right.
Nvidia is trying to sell gimped chips for mining. It is still a positive for people who cannot get the GPU they want.


Ethereum uses sha3. i have never heard about a secure hashing algorithm relying on float operations.
The Office Reaction GIF
Interesting take on the matter

What a load of nonsense.

His argument seems to be that this strategy takes much valued gaming silicon away from potential gaming cards which he believes would otherwise have found its way into gamers hands.

The current reality completely shits on this argument though.

Currently gamers cannot get there hands on any gaming cards because all the mining farms are buying them up.

The fact that regular GPUs have resale value means nothing because mining farms will not seek to replace or dispose of them within any reasonable time frame anyway.

So nothing about the status quo is good for gamers.

NVidia taking this action will take silicon stock that is currently maybe 80-95% feeding non-core consumer demand and force it to feed maybe 40-60% core consumer demand whilst allowing them to tailor this new product line as a separate consumer segment with a dedicated product line they can scale over time.

Crypto is not going away anytime soon so the sooner they can properly segment their consumers again the better they can continue to grow their business whilst protecting their core market (i.e. gamers), who would have otherwise got fed up with the status quo and instead fucked off to buy Xbox Series Xs, PS5s or AMD silicon.

This is such poor analysis by Linus. I expected better from him.
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The more I think about it, the more it becomes a negative and just sounds like advertising. I'm really going to have to see the benchmarks of these cards before anything else. I hope I can find a 3080 at a decent price in the next year...
The ti variant is supposedly coming out in the summer in addition to whatever they’re going to call these non mining versions of these cards. I’m hoping we can get access by the summer.
As someone who just recently got into mining on his gaming rig, I'm not happy about this. I'd rather it be hard to get a GPU that can pay itself off in 3 months than be able to buy a GPU whenever I want and have it be a huge cost sink.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
This kind of sucks. Nvidia just like every other company doesn't want you making profit off their product.

Glad I have an OG RTX 3080. Although I don't mine, it's a nice to have as I will have the option to do so and in the long run it will be worth more when reselling due to being more capable than its gimped brethren that have been neutered.

They are literally making a whole line of GPU for you to make profit off their products.
They just want their gaming cards to go to gamers.....which is of course evil as fuck, why would make a device for gamers and then want gamers to have it.


Dude is a clown. he straight up compared nvidia in a rant towards hitler and nazi's.

Stop linking his trash, guy does everything for views.

I wont and I think you're making yourself a much bigger clown with no points what so ever. But plz go ahead and defend your cooperate overlords from evil youtubers who add something critical to the discussion instead of telling you how great everything is.
So what happens to people like me or others who are in a queue for an existing card? I have been waiting for a 3060ti for the evga stepup since December 3rd. Do i get the shaft , timed served? what? no 3060ti now? Wtf.... This is bullshit really. I don't want the cut down 3060 I want the ti model with the more cores and have been waiting for about 3 months now. Others have been waiting for the 3080s and 3070s. They better not make us wait 3 more months. So sick of it all. At least my 2060 runs like a champ. Only doing stepup because it would be stupid not to.
This is likely a good move. Gimping drivers in some cards is a "stick" approach that will not work all that well unless they offer a "carrot" approach too, with products specifically for mining and others for gaming. I hope this happens soon.


I wont and I think you're making yourself a much bigger clown with no points what so ever. But plz go ahead and defend your cooperate overlords from evil youtubers who add something critical to the discussion instead of telling you how great everything is.

Imagine criticizing linus for his deplorable reactions and his shit clickbait youtube video's that he makes every other week to stay relevant is defending cooperate overlords.

Fucking linus fans man.
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This is such poor analysis by Linus. I expected better from him.
I didn't. Behind the "expert" facade, he's often just a hot-headed, know-nothing clickbaiter.

It wouldn't surprise me if he were mad because he is himself a miner and made a lot of successfully content about mining in the past, and is afraid the river is about to run a bit dryer for him.

This is the same guy who brought us choice arguments in the past like "put your GPU in an oven to fix it" and "stack multiple regular SSDs to add up their speeds and easily go beyond the PS5 I/O capabilities".
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Imagine criticizing linus for his deplorable reactions and his shit clickbait youtube video's that he makes every other week to stay relevant is defending cooperate overlords.

Fucking linus fans man.
Ok so let me get this straight.

NVidia takes their current GeForce cards of the market because they are being used by gamers and miners.
Now they take the exact same silicon and gut it via software so that they do less than before and sell it to "gamers" (as some people here have posted, there are gamers who use their cards to make some money on the side, even if its just a little)
Then they take the exact same silicon (the same that is apparently really supply constrained right now) and gut it via hardware so you can only use it for mining and nothing else.

Now its your guess who Nvidia will sell to. I'll tell you right now. Its whoever gives them more money. And as long as crypto prices are high, miners will offer them more money and hence get more silicon. Its not like relabeling your products suddenly solves supply chain issues.
And as he rightfully stated in his video, Nvidia is basically creating feature e-waste because there is absolutely no seconds hand market for these things. Its a move to make even more people buy their stuff new. Because they know, as soon as the current mining craze is over again (it will dip and raise all the time) you can probably get a 3070 mining card for like 200 bucks on ebay. Considering these cards cost 800€ right now, thats a fine deal, even if its heavily used. Constant use under acceptable work loads and temperatures isn't actually a big deal for electronics. Power surges and constant spikes and valleys (like in a normal gaming use case) are worse.

I dont see how this is a good thing for gamers or general users. It doesn't solve supply chain issues right now and it only gets rid of a big part of the used gpu market. It benefits mostly Nvidia and maaaaaybe miners when they get more specialized cards along the road. But as long as the main components are same and GPU parts are short on supply I dont see how "gamers" profit from this. Other then the media wont talk about this much and the higher prices for new cards get more easily accepted as normal and not "because of the miners"

I am happy to hear some good counter points, its not like I am an expert on this, but the general tone against the video suggests that people just want to be against whatever Linus says because Linus said it. Which isnt very reasonable.


Ok so let me get this straight.

NVidia takes their current GeForce cards of the market because they are being used by gamers and miners.
Now they take the exact same silicon and gut it via software so that they do less than before and sell it to "gamers" (as some people here have posted, there are gamers who use their cards to make some money on the side, even if its just a little)
Then they take the exact same silicon (the same that is apparently really supply constrained right now) and gut it via hardware so you can only use it for mining and nothing else.

no, they won't deliberately damage their dies lmao
the point of this is to use defect dies.

they'll probably just stop producing mining cards before they'd have to start cutting dies down.


Ok so let me get this straight.

NVidia takes their current GeForce cards of the market because they are being used by gamers and miners.
Now they take the exact same silicon and gut it via software so that they do less than before and sell it to "gamers" (as some people here have posted, there are gamers who use their cards to make some money on the side, even if its just a little)
Then they take the exact same silicon (the same that is apparently really supply constrained right now) and gut it via hardware so you can only use it for mining and nothing else.

Now its your guess who Nvidia will sell to. I'll tell you right now. Its whoever gives them more money. And as long as crypto prices are high, miners will offer them more money and hence get more silicon. Its not like relabeling your products suddenly solves supply chain issues.
And as he rightfully stated in his video, Nvidia is basically creating feature e-waste because there is absolutely no seconds hand market for these things. Its a move to make even more people buy their stuff new. Because they know, as soon as the current mining craze is over again (it will dip and raise all the time) you can probably get a 3070 mining card for like 200 bucks on ebay. Considering these cards cost 800€ right now, thats a fine deal, even if its heavily used. Constant use under acceptable work loads and temperatures isn't actually a big deal for electronics. Power surges and constant spikes and valleys (like in a normal gaming use case) are worse.

I dont see how this is a good thing for gamers or general users. It doesn't solve supply chain issues right now and it only gets rid of a big part of the used gpu market. It benefits mostly Nvidia and maaaaaybe miners when they get more specialized cards along the road. But as long as the main components are same and GPU parts are short on supply I dont see how "gamers" profit from this. Other then the media wont talk about this much and the higher prices for new cards get more easily accepted as normal and not "because of the miners"

I am happy to hear some good counter points, its not like I am an expert on this, but the general tone against the video suggests that people just want to be against whatever Linus says because Linus said it. Which isnt very reasonable.

U don't understand business and how it works.

I will give you a short explanation of how it goes.

1) nvidia sells 1 million gpu's a year and sells 10% more gpu's year over year, average gpu sold is 300 bucks which means 300 million bucks. 10% year over year - 330 million ( just a example they sell way more then this )

2) miners enter the market, buy 3 million gpu's and no gamer can buy there gpu's anymore, prices go up for nvidia cards

This results in:
- Gamers can't buy nvidia cards anymore ( new )
- Gamers move to second handed market
- Gamers won't upgrade there cards anymore
- Developers keep making games for lower end gpu's, because gamers simple don't upgrade there hardware or else they simple won't sell there product.
- Gamers will stick longer with there gpu's
- Gamers will move to other company's ( amd / consoles )
- Other company's features will be pushed in games over nvidia and nvidia becomes a nich.
- Nvidia features become useless and pointless to the point nobody cares anymore.

3) Nvidia ramps up production to 5 million gpu's ( estimated for the next year to be sold with 4,5 million to miners only 500k to gamers.

- Nvidia ramps up production massively to the point they have to invest big time in more buildings, more people, expand drastically, buy more stuff in, build bigger plants and invest heavily which costs them money into that but still make a bit of profit.

Investors happy, they see there stocks boom.

4) Next year nvidia sells those 5 million gpu's, everybody happy, gamers still the next year. Gamers still sad but are moving on, nvidia expands again to meet 7 million demand for year after it.

5) Mining dies out ( incredible unstable market basically ) and all gpu's are ditched on the market.

6) Nvidia has 7 million cards produced in stock, which costs them a fuck ton of investment / money etc. There buildings / personal / factory's whatever they did all burn them money, and miners dump 5 million cards on the market while they are at it for cheap as chips prices.

7) 12 million cards on the market for peanuts for a userbase that also shrinked already which consists out of 500k people if not less now.

In short nvidia can destroy there entire supply and try to start making deals to buy the cards back on that market in order to not crash and burn. Ever saw a luxurious brand of clothing go after there own stock and buy it out from failed shops that dump there product on the market because they went bankrupt? yea they need to or else there product devalue's over night and it crashes and burns there market.

8) investors start pulling there money as sales went from 5 million to 500k with massive amounts of unsellable stock that they can't get rid off, and the company crashes and burns over night and go to competitors.

9) argument that mining damages the cards and makes it less worthy and risky is also misleading, because those miner company's start there own IT parts shops and basically just sell it too you as new with warranty, as they can swap cards all day long and if they can't they send it on top of it to nvidia to fix because warranty. Nothing nvidia can do about it as shops can sell cards like a decade later towards consumers if they want too. Warranty applies at the sale not at production.

So it gets even worse the moment nvidia doesn't produce the card anymore and can't replace the parts because then they either have to give them a new generation card or full refund or have to give there cards current stock away for free.

10) nvidia doesn't have money anymore or simple goes into panic mode and stops spending wherever it can. which will reduce there features / presence / drivers quality ( welcome to past decade amd, when they got shot down by intel and had to fire most of there employee's ) and relevance entirely in there only stable market.

It's shit business.

Miners are fine and a great source of extra income, the problem is them selling there cards into the second handed market for peanuts is killing there business. They can offset a x amount of cards that get injected back into the market again they can't do that when 95% of there cards end up in mining products.

If somebody here buys a 3090 and mines with it, that's fine for him. Don't expect nvidia to give 2 shits about it when it crashes there company. Nvidia only cares about there company and there progress like i mentioned, because its a company after all and not a charity.

Now how to solve this shitfest entirely?

1) limit cards to the point that upgrading is needed every 2 years.

Will piss of your userbase, devalue the cards sale prices, but could compensate when more newer cards are sold.

How to do that? slam low amounts of v-ram that u know will be outdated quickly, the good old v-ram meta game nvidia played so often.

2) provide meaningful technology advancement like DLSS that give a significant reason for people to keep upgrading, sadly there are multiple reasons why they can't do that which mainly have to do with the market. will not go into it becomes to long

3) remove mining from gpu's that they want to target consumers with so it doesn't hit the second handed market and won't crash and burn there steady income and keep them relevant.

Will upset miners as front costs are way more higher now.

Maybe now u understand why jensen stated this.

Meanwhile linus:

- they are nazi's, this is bad meh freedom, nvidia is evil
- 1 week later, nvidia newest GPU benched here right now, and why nvidia is the best! "input soy click bait picture with himself on it". that we got for free from them because we are partnered with them!.

Linus fans: click click click click.

The end.
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So why arent climate change groups fighting miners? That seems like most absurd waste of energy ever
They have tried this, but when they realize that majority of the energy used for mining comes from renewable sources they generally pipe down quite quickly.

The part I find interesting about this is that, crypto miners have been able to create renewable energy resources to continue mining as profitable as possible. Yet, utility companies haven't done this for the average person as it would do the opposite of what renewable energy mining does; It would cut profits for large power companies as people would begin paying less for the same power.


U don't understand business and how it works.

I will give you a short explanation of how it goes.

1) nvidia sells 1 million gpu's a year and sells 10% more gpu's year over year, average gpu sold is 300 bucks which means 300 million bucks. 10% year over year - 330 million ( just a example they sell way more then this )

2) miners enter the market, buy 3 million gpu's and no gamer can buy there gpu's anymore, prices go up for nvidia cards

This results in:
- Gamers can't buy nvidia cards anymore ( new )
- Gamers move to second handed market
- Gamers won't upgrade there cards anymore
- Developers keep making games for lower end gpu's, because gamers simple don't upgrade there hardware or else they simple won't sell there product.
- Gamers will stick longer with there gpu's
- Gamers will move to other company's ( amd / consoles )
- Other company's features will be pushed in games over nvidia and nvidia becomes a nich.
- Nvidia features become useless and pointless to the point nobody cares anymore.

3) Nvidia ramps up production to 5 million gpu's ( estimated for the next year to be sold with 4,5 million to miners only 500k to gamers.

- Nvidia ramps up production massively to the point they have to invest big time in more buildings, more people, expand drastically, buy more stuff in, build bigger plants and invest heavily which costs them money into that but still make a bit of profit.

Investors happy, they see there stocks boom.

4) Next year nvidia sells those 5 million gpu's, everybody happy, gamers still the next year. Gamers still sad but are moving on, nvidia expands again to meet 7 million demand for year after it.

5) Mining dies out ( incredible unstable market basically ) and all gpu's are ditched on the market.

6) Nvidia has 7 million cards produced in stock, which costs them a fuck ton of investment / money etc. There buildings / personal / factory's whatever they did all burn them money, and miners dump 5 million cards on the market while they are at it for cheap as chips prices.

7) 12 million cards on the market for peanuts for a userbase that also shrinked already which consists out of 500k people if not less now.

In short nvidia can destroy there entire supply and try to start making deals to buy the cards back on that market in order to not crash and burn. Ever saw a luxurious brand of clothing go after there own stock and buy it out from failed shops that dump there product on the market because they went bankrupt? yea they need to or else there product devalue's over night and it crashes and burns there market.

8) investors start pulling there money as sales went from 5 million to 500k with massive amounts of unsellable stock that they can't get rid off, and the company crashes and burns over night and go to competitors.

9) argument that mining damages the cards and makes it less worthy and risky is also misleading, because those miner company's start there own IT parts shops and basically just sell it too you as new with warranty, as they can swap cards all day long and if they can't they send it on top of it to nvidia to fix because warranty. Nothing nvidia can do about it as shops can sell cards like a decade later towards consumers if they want too. Warranty applies at the sale not at production.

So it gets even worse the moment nvidia doesn't produce the card anymore and can't replace the parts because then they either have to give them a new generation card or full refund or have to give there cards current stock away for free.

10) nvidia doesn't have money anymore or simple goes into panic mode and stops spending wherever it can. which will reduce there features / presence / drivers quality ( welcome to past decade amd, when they got shot down by intel and had to fire most of there employee's ) and relevance entirely in there only stable market.

It's shit business.

Miners are fine and a great source of extra income, the problem is them selling there cards into the second handed market for peanuts is killing there business. They can offset a x amount of cards that get injected back into the market again they can't do that when 95% of there cards end up in mining products.

If somebody here buys a 3090 and mines with it, that's fine for him. Don't expect nvidia to give 2 shits about it when it crashes there company. Nvidia only cares about there company and there progress like i mentioned, because its a company after all and not a charity.

Now how to solve this shitfest entirely?

1) limit cards to the point that upgrading is needed every 2 years.

Will piss of your userbase, devalue the cards sale prices, but could compensate when more newer cards are sold.

How to do that? slam low amounts of v-ram that u know will be outdated quickly, the good old v-ram meta game nvidia played so often.

2) provide meaningful technology advancement like DLSS that give a significant reason for people to keep upgrading, sadly there are multiple reasons why they can't do that which mainly have to do with the market. will not go into it becomes to long

3) remove mining from gpu's that they want to target consumers with so it doesn't hit the second handed market and won't crash and burn there steady income and keep them relevant.

Will upset miners as front costs are way more higher now.

Maybe now u understand why jensen stated this.

Meanwhile linus:

- they are nazi's, this is bad meh freedom, nvidia is evil
- 1 week later, nvidia newest GPU benched here right now, and why nvidia is the best! "input soy click bait picture with himself on it". that we got for free from them because we are partnered with them!.

Linus fans: click click click click.

The end.

Its quite interesting that you just use different words to basically say the same thing. NVidia is doing this for their (yes its "their" and not "there") business and not to profit gamers.
My points still stand:

- Regular consumers get cards with a lesser feature set (even though most wont care)
- They are trying to limit the used GPU market (these new mining cards can not be used for anything but mining) --> bad for consumers because it drives up prices and worsens limited supply in the long run
- Artificially limiting the capabilities of your product (and turning it into e-waste much faster) to boost your own business is environmentally very questionable

I'm not here to defend Linus or what he does. I just think he made some good points in his video and so far I find your logic and behavior about this inferior. Though that is just an opinion of mine.

But I am thankful that you took your time to write up a reply like this and we could have a discussion about it. Even if I disagree with you on some points (of course you are right with some of the points you were making).

Have a pleasant day :)
Its quite interesting that you just use different words to basically say the same thing. NVidia is doing this for their (yes its "their" and not "there") business and not to profit gamers.
My points still stand:

- Regular consumers get cards with a lesser feature set (even though most wont care)
- They are trying to limit the used GPU market (these new mining cards can not be used for anything but mining) --> bad for consumers because it drives up prices and worsens limited supply in the long run
- Artificially limiting the capabilities of your product (and turning it into e-waste much faster) to boost your own business is environmentally very questionable

I'm not here to defend Linus or what he does. I just think he made some good points in his video and so far I find your logic and behavior about this inferior. Though that is just an opinion of mine.

But I am thankful that you took your time to write up a reply like this and we could have a discussion about it. Even if I disagree with you on some points (of course you are right with some of the points you were making).

Have a pleasant day :)

I'm of the opinion nVidia needs to do something as the situation is untenable. But, you make a solid argument defending Linus's point of view. I don't think any of us here knows the ultimate solution right now and this is likely a situation that remains highly fluid and experimental as nVidia, AMD, CPU/GPU manufacturers, console manufacturers, retailers, etc...navigate a supply constrained pandemic scenario with massively increased demand exacerbated by all kinds of factors from scalpers to miners. Gimping their GPUs may crash and burn and have some unintended effects on the market or it may help alleviate demand enough that gamers can finally get their hands on one at MSRP, which as a consumer/gamer is my primary concern. Something has to be done, tho Linus may indeed be right that this cure could be worse than the disease. We shall see over the next few months as things shake out.


U don't understand business and how it works.

I will give you a short explanation of how it goes.

Your short explanation reads to me like a long and overexposed version of the post you quoted...

8) investors start pulling there money as sales went from 5 million to 500k with massive amounts of unsellable stock that they can't get rid off, and the company crashes and burns over night and go to competitors.
Well they could release a new lineup of GPUs with price/performance ratios that are able to beat the previous generation even in the 2nd-hand market, which they did with Ampere vs. Turing.
2nd-hand GPUs have always existed, miners didn't invent them. What is new is nVidia's necessity/pressure to increase YoY ASP and profits out of the same TAM at any cost.

Turing not meeting sales expectations in Q418/1H19 happened because nVidia overpriced the lineup when it had little performance advantage over Pascal, which resulted in most reviewers telling people to get the cheaper Pascal cards instead. Had Turing been launched with reasonable prices people would have preferred them over used Pascal cards.

Blaming the miners for putting their cards into the 2nd-hand market was just a poorly executed excuse for the RTX line just not being popular at first.

10) nvidia doesn't have money anymore or simple goes into panic mode and stops spending wherever it can. which will reduce there features / presence / drivers quality ( welcome to past decade amd, when they got shot down by intel and had to fire most of there employee's ) and relevance entirely in there only stable market.
Nvidia doesn't have money anymore from... selling all the cards they produce?


I don’t understand how they could disable the card for just mining. It seems to me that anything they did in software could just be worked around with a custom bios or drivers. If they did anything on the hardware side to fix it, I’d worry that it could unintentionally hurt performance by disabling certain commands or whatever. Even then, I’d imagine that it could be worked around in one way or another.

Yeah, there's a potential to work around anything they do. It could be enough effort though to make other cards the go-to option for mining.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I’ve ordered a custom built pc that will have a 3080 - what is the likelihood of getting this before June?

No chance?


Meanwhile linus:

- they are nazi's, this is bad meh freedom, nvidia is evil
- 1 week later, nvidia newest GPU benched here right now, and why nvidia is the best! "input soy click bait picture with himself on it". that we got for free from them because we are partnered with them!.

Linus fans: click click click click.

The end.
He's previously said he doesn't care about reviewing Nvidia kit going forward mainly because of the 3x00 debacle.
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