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Official Tiburon (EA) Appreciation Thread

Did you ever wonder who the masterminds behind Madden football and other classic series' (NCAA) were? The answer is finally here friends.

Tiburon is clearly and easily the best developer in NA, and as such, the world. They have released such legendary games as Madden 2001, NCAA 2004, Madden 2005, Madden 2002, Madden 2003, Madden 2004 and soon to be Madden 2006. Don't believe Tiburon is awesome? Why not get some testimonial from actual employees!

It's exciting to know that the games we're working on will make millions of people happy. - Vince, Software Engineer

Everyone at Tiburon has the same goal -- delivering a fantastic product. - Audrey, Assistant Producer

Everyone is at the top of their game, and you're working on the best titles in the industry. - Oge, Associate Producer

Still not a believer? How about a special guest quote!

I have a PS2 with Madden inside in my Limo. Want to play?? - Ray Lewis, LB Baltimore Ravens

Now that you know a little about what people are saying about Tiburon, lets take a look at a couple interesting facts.

Did you know the following logo was Tiburons original logo all those years ago?


why'd you change tiburon!?

Did you know there is already a line formed in anticipation for madden 2006's release?


whoooooa fellas, cool down there the game isn't out for another couple months!

I will end this post by thanking two organizations. First off, thank you EA for having the insight and confidence to put Tiburon in charge of the madden games. But most of all, thank you for securing the NFL license, thereby allowing Tiburon to have access to all the NFL Features football fans have always wanted, but could never have until now (in-depth playbooks, NFL films music, etc).

And finally, thank you to all the men, women and children at Tiburon. without you i would probably not spend much time playing videogames, and thus not form the many, many friendships i have made online. So thank you tiburon, you truly are the king... of kings!


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Isn't Tiburon now striving to make non-Madden games too?
Non-sports games.


John Harker said:
Isn't Tiburon now striving to make non-Madden games too?
Non-sports games.

They make Madden, NCAA Football, NFL Street, NASCAR

And right now they are developing the new Superman game.


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
DMczaf said:
They make Madden, NCAA, NFL Street, NASCAR

And right now they are developing the new Superman game.


Ahh, Superman.
I knew it was something, couldn't remember. Thanks.

p.s. - best football game ever was pro quarterback for snes


I just wanted to stick it in here that I asked via email to have a forum Q&A with Tiburon, all set up in a very professional fashion, so that we could get all of our questions answered... what was there answer?

They didn't even BOTHER to respond. That's right gents, after spending about 18 hours with the Madden Demo at E3, and talking to multiple reps, I, nay, GAF, were not even worth a response. Take a look at this community Tiburon, you've got the most loyal of your followers right here, as well as a very large outlet to media and casual gamers. You'd be fools not to tap into this.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Wellington said:
Take a look at this community Tiburon, you've got the most loyal of your followers right here, as well as a very large outlet to media and casual gamers. You'd be fools not to tap this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... if that's your lifestyle that's all well and good....
They didn't even BOTHER to respond. That's right gents, after spending about 18 hours with the Madden Demo at E3, and talking to multiple reps, I, nay, GAF, were not even worth a response. Take a look at this community Tiburon, you've got the most loyal of your followers right here, as well as a very large outlet to media and casual gamers. You'd be fools not to tap into this.

while i would love to have a Q&A with tiburon, can you blame them? while we probably have a core group of 10-20 guys who are the best of the best in regards to fandom and loyalty, you have a vast majority of GA who just talks trash about madden (and thereby tiburon). if we had an open Q&A it would go something like this:

FMT: How have you improved DB AI?

Tiburon: Well, we have included adaptive AI, as well as giving you a new "shadow receiver" option and playing to the inside/outside of a receiver. next question.

Random GA Member: Hi, how does it feel to be part of an evil corporation who doesn't feel like competing so it buys out all licenses?

Tiburon: Uh... we just make games...

Random GA Member: Hi, I played Madden 2006 five years ago. How does it feel to rape people of $50 every year with roster updates?

Tiburon: -_-


FrenchMovieTheme said:
while i would love to have a Q&A with tiburon, can you blame them? while we probably have a core group of 10-20 guys who are the best of the best in regards to fandom and loyalty, you have a vast majority of GA who just talks trash about madden (and thereby tiburon). if we had an open Q&A it would go something like this:

FMT: How have you improved DB AI?

Tiburon: Well, we have included adaptive AI, as well as giving you a new "shadow receiver" option and playing to the inside/outside of a receiver. next question.

Random GA Member: Hi, how does it feel to be part of an evil corporation who doesn't feel like competing so it buys out all licenses?

Tiburon: Uh... we just make games...

Random GA Member: Hi, I played Madden 2006 five years ago. How does it feel to rape people of $50 every year with roster updates?

Tiburon: -_-

So true :lol

But you forgot one question

Random GA Member: When are you guys adding CRIBZ AND CELEBZ! Seriously, how the hell do you guys call this an NFL game with this?

Tiburon: ...Konex?!


Random GA Member: You're rushing gameplay is broken and it's impossible to get any yardage. You should make it like ESPNs so that we can get accurate and realistic stats!


You're also forgetting the GA members who still think that Tecmo Bowl is the best football game ever made! Or at least the last one they've played. That's always good for some laughs.

With that said.......Madden rocks. I've wasted too many hours playing this game. Madden 2005 lasted most of us from August of 2004 till just a couple months ago. Ridiculous replay value if you understand the game and have a good core of people to play with.


We should do an EA Canada appreciation thread next.

I'd like to appreciate all the hard work they've done in the online arena over the last couple years. Especially in MVP Baseball!


Steroid Distributor
bitwise said:
do you work for EA by any chance

He should work for EA and Tiburon. If they were smart our boy FMT would be in the thick of it.

:lol at the Packers being happy. :lol


Truelize said:
He should work for EA and Tiburon. If they were smart our boy FMT would be in the thick of it.

:lol at the Packers being happy. :lol

Hell no, Niners would be rated 99 and the rest of the NFC West would be rated 0.
Um....ok.....to the whole point of this thread.

I am surprised there hasnt been more backlash in this thread really. With all the EA hate going on out there now, this thread should get interesting.

Now lets get appreciation threads going to ALL developers!

Look! An argonaut thread!
LOOK! A Naughty Dog thread!
LOOK! A Hip Games thread!
Now lets get appreciation threads going to ALL developers!

Look! An argonaut thread!
LOOK! A Naughty Dog thread!
LOOK! A Hip Games thread!

make an appreciation thread for whoever you want. why would you even come into the thread or post if you're going to just bitch about it?


FrenchMovieTheme said:

i wasn't being sarcastic

Sorry man, I thought you were. Not that Tiburon doesn't make quality stuff, but to say they're the best in the world is over-the-top simply cause they don't have the history. Graphically I would like to see them improve (the PS2 being the base platform has lots to do with it). The good thing is that they have the gameplay fine-tuned, so when the graphics come with the new technology, they already have the gameplay to match it.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
make an appreciation thread for whoever you want. why would you even come into the thread or post if you're going to just bitch about it?

I honestly thought you were being sarcastic just like a few others thought as well. I will stop my trolling now. And sorry for stating my opinion on a thread.
Sorry man, I thought you were. Not that Tiburon doesn't make quality stuff, but to say they're the best in the world is over-the-top simply cause they don't have the history. Graphically I would like to see them improve (the PS2 being the base platform has lots to do with it). The good thing is that they have the gameplay fine-tuned, so when the graphics come with the new technology, they already have the gameplay to match it.

well you can say X company is the best developer in the world at X genre. i don't think there is any company who you can say across the board is top dog. my favorite genre is sports (more specifically, american football) so of course i am going to consider tiburon the best. but are they better than atlus at rpg's, or better than (whoever made rallisport challenge 2) at racing games? no. still, they are an awesome company


Excellent thread FMT. Tiburon have provided me with many many many many hours of gaming fun over the years. Respect must be paid.

Bring on Madden 2006 and Buffalo domination.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cousin David thinks Tiburon is #1 and he also loves them for giving him the arm strength of a 1,000 men.

that arm strength is gone this year buddy. thanks tiburon!

p.s. oh wait, the arm strength isn't down, just the fatigue on your receivers is up.... damn :(
FrenchMovieTheme said:

is there any qb with a bigger set of classic pictures? do you have "the Beast" (as i like to call it) running pic of danny?

Dont laugh! D-Wuerf has more Heisman trophies than Alex Smith and Jeff Garcia COMBINED!


Those Redskins uniforms were beautiful... shame the team wasn't

I would appreciate Tiburon a lot more if they fixed this!
Redskins OVR 77 OFF 82 DEF 74

thx guys!
impirius don't pay attention to overall ratings. last season with roster updates, the skins and bills (for example) were given huge boosts, but the "overall" defensive rating stayed the same. i dont know why the number didn't change, but the individual players all got ratings upgrades. so even if you see the skins with a 74 or whatever, know that on an individual basis your players are getting great ratings


Ikaris said:
Yeah, Tiburon is so cool, right now they're making...



Let's not forget the HIGH STANDARD of quality they have to live up to... like Superman 64, for example. What a truly amazing average score on Game Rankings.


Maybe WB/DC Comics wanted the game in good hands? There's a thought.

I'm sure you reacted the same way when Neversoft/Treyarch got to do Spider-Man games, so far all we've seen is quality from that. (Spider-Man 2 being the worst of them and it's still pretty good) But hey let's judge everything based on the past of that franchise!


Just about a month before I start my domination with the Noles in NCAA!

I wonder if we'll have to wait until Madden is released for current systems before we get anymore info on the 360 version? :(


I'm still waitin for one of you guys to play me in MVP with my Phillies.

Who wants it, and what time?
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