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One Angry Gamer (OAG) shutting down?


Is RPG Codex really that bad? I remember the rpg.net forums bitching about them being a bunch of bigots and homophobes back in the day. Not that rpg.net is any better. They're just as bad as ResetEra nowadays.

I've visited the RPG Codex once or twice and have seen the occasional edgelord nonsense but for the most part they're hardcore rpg gamers.

As for One Angry Gamer, I've read some of his articles bashing sjw crap in gaming and other media but have been blissfully unaware of his more hardline stuff.

A lot of people were unaware of just how bad OAG was.
Most people don't sit around and obsess over internet drama or keep a notebook on all of the problematic websites and people etc.
There were people mentioned in his articles that actually thought he was a good dude because he said something nice about them because he agreed with them about something.

In reality he was genuinely a real piece of shit who was actually incredibly racist, misogynistic, transphobic, antisemitic etc. Just think of every worst stereotype about '' Gamers '' ever that you see on Resetera or Twitter and that was him but for real.
A lot of people were just fooled by it because they don't like '' SJW's '' either and didn't see the barrage of weird random articles about Jewish conspiracies or him losing his shit over trans characters in random indie games etc or him spamming the N-word everywhere and his alt-right shit.

I used to visit the site every now and again just because I really care a lot about censorship in games and hate it, and usually he'd cover it when it happened and I wanted to know which games had been censored.
That was until I started to see those weird alt-right articles and when I started being spammed by completely non-gaming related political articles, and I also started to look in the comment section and how he was interacting with people.
Think the absolute worst people in gaming chats you've seen but worse.

OAG was the same as Kotaku, Polygon and the other dregs of internet gaming "journalism", just from the other end of the horseshoe.

Good riddance.

Honestly OAG was worse.
That's probably the best credit I could ever give Kotaku, Polygon and VG247.
Which doesn't say a lot in their favor...
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
But polygon and Kotaku thrive while this website may be in the death throes and certainly never had their influence. I think we really need to examine why I left wing extremism is so much more acceptable the most people than the opposite.

Its more acceptable because those left wing extremists control the gaming journalism industry as we have seen for years now and through their secret little mail lists. Easy to maintain success when you control the narrative.

Honestly OAG was worse.
That's probably the best credit I could ever give Kotaku, Polygon and VG247.
Which doesn't say a lot in their favor...

I can't agree. They are the exact same. Kotaku, Polygon, VG247 are equally as racist, sexist, and horrible trash as OAG - they just hide behind "progressivism" instead. Both are the absolute dregs of the gaming community and we would all be better off if they all closed down.


Gold Member
Is RPG Codex really that bad? I remember the rpg.net forums bitching about them being a bunch of bigots and homophobes back in the day. Not that rpg.net is any better. They're just as bad as ResetEra nowadays.

I've visited the RPG Codex once or twice and have seen the occasional edgelord nonsense but for the most part they're hardcore rpg gamers.
Pretty much this.
I'm a member of RPGCodex since 2007 (yeah, I'm old I guess) and there is no resemblence between it and places like OAG (or ResetEra / rpg.net for the other side of the extremist coin).
There is a politics subforum on the codex and that is definitely more on the conservative side of things - though not only. I voiced pretty left-leaning views there and lo and behold, I wasn't banned. And still talk with those disagreeing with me normally about RPGs.
As GreyHorace said, you can find the occasional nationalist edgelords there, pushing each others insane views in their anonymity, but that's about it.
You can also find commies and all others there.

It is most of all one of the few remaining platforms actually practicing free speech. You'll have to go pretty far to get banned there.
Which is how it got that monicer of a right-wing place - a few crybaby leftists saw some people posting right-wing stuff there without getting banned, so obviously the place must be right-wing :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, I was banned from ResetEra for calling the SJW movement idiotic (yeah, I kind of asked for it lol) and from rpg.net for stating that Borderland 3's writing is agenda-driven and pushing political agendas (which the devs themselves proudly admitted, so it wasn't even opinion, but I guess the fact that I don't like entertainment media pushing agendas was enough).
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Gold Member
Well he was kinda readable during the GG boom, but every time i checked the website in the last year or so i always closed the tab after two or three headlines.

I'm anti SJW as they come, but he was insane. Too much swearing, too much heavy conspiracies.


I have never heard about the guy besides in this thread and I see he got a lot of flak for his traitor list. But could any of you elaborate why? Or just basing your assumptions on leftist bullshit? Where is he wrong in that list? You really don't see that these "protests" are about the destruction of the old values etc.? And if those companies support that, aren't they traitors? I'll be very surprised if there will be any constructive answer to this.


I'm not going to shed a tear over this. When I first heard of this site through KIA 4 years ago, things started to get a lil' bit nutty in there. Like no, not every game with a minority character or a somewhat-capable woman in it is SJW propaganda, calm down. But now, he became full blown mental and a nuisance to everyone who battles against censorship, scummy journalism and "woke culture" in a sane manner. KIA even blacklisted his site AFAIK, he gazed into the abyss for far too long.

I want the pendulum to get back to the middle, not swing to the other extreme end, thank you very much !
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Gold Member
I want the pendulum to get back to the middle, not swing to the other extreme end, thank you very much !

Exactly. There are a lot of right wing racist scumbags out there who use the idiotic progressive far left to bolster their own horrific bullshit. OAG was one of those.

You can hate the Era brigade without having to fall for the right wing bull.


Exactly. There are a lot of right wing racist scumbags out there who use the idiotic progressive far left to bolster their own horrific bullshit. OAG was one of those.

You can hate the Era brigade without having to fall for the right wing bull.

The EXTREME right-wing bull, should I say. I kinda agree with you but it's better to clarify that your average conservative has nothing to do with these lunatics. They despise actual racists as much as you and me. I don't want to lump kind and respectful left-leaning or right-leaning people with their respective extremes, because this does not help our current political climate to get better and saner.

But that's gonna be enough politics for me though, this is the Gaming board after all ;-)
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A lot of people were unaware of just how bad OAG was.
Most people don't sit around and obsess over internet drama or keep a notebook on all of the problematic websites and people etc.
There were people mentioned in his articles that actually thought he was a good dude because he said something nice about them because he agreed with them about something.

In reality he was genuinely a real piece of shit who was actually incredibly racist, misogynistic, transphobic, antisemitic etc. Just think of every worst stereotype about '' Gamers '' ever that you see on Resetera or Twitter and that was him but for real.
A lot of people were just fooled by it because they don't like '' SJW's '' either and didn't see the barrage of weird random articles about Jewish conspiracies or him losing his shit over trans characters in random indie games etc or him spamming the N-word everywhere and his alt-right shit.

I used to visit the site every now and again just because I really care a lot about censorship in games and hate it, and usually he'd cover it when it happened and I wanted to know which games had been censored.
That was until I started to see those weird alt-right articles and when I started being spammed by completely non-gaming related political articles, and I also started to look in the comment section and how he was interacting with people.
Think the absolute worst people in gaming chats you've seen but worse.

Honestly OAG was worse.
That's probably the best credit I could ever give Kotaku, Polygon and VG247.
Which doesn't say a lot in their favor...
This might be the only time somebody claims an individual is "alt-right" and it actually ended up being true. I thought he was decent too at first, but his rightfully controversial articles were exposed to me on Twitter last year. I thought he was only trying to retort the left, what happened? Has he always been like this?

This guy is arguably worse than anybody on Polygon or Kotaku, their headlines in the absolute worst case scenario may merely get someone fired from their job, but OAG's views are genuinely dangerous.
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I used to enjoy reading OAG's content, but noticed how the comments section and the writers became a bit too unhinged for my tastes. Not sure when it exactly happened, maybe 2017 or 2018. Seeing Billy and Kevin editorialize everything they reported was extremely grating to read.


This might be the only time somebody claims an individual is "alt-right" and it actually ended up being true. I thought he was decent too at first, but his rightfully controversial articles were exposed to me on Twitter last year. I thought he was only trying to retort the left, what happened? Has he always been like this?

This guy is arguably worse than anybody on Polygon or Kotaku, their headlines in the absolite worst case scenario may merely get someone fired from their job, but OAG's views are genuinely dangerous.

I don't refer to someone as alt-right easily, but yeah it applies to him.
He has always been like this and his main audience was the same too.

It's why I don't consider someone my friend or ally just because I agree with them on one thing I care a lot about.
And even in that case OAG took everything to over 9000.
I mean in general I probably agree more with the general audience on Resetera than the general audience on Neogaf about social issues, but I still can't stand people on Resetera and it's a similar case where we only probably agree on a pretty surface level but then the why and how we disagree on.
I mean I think that sexual objectification for example is a thing and a problem, but not anywhere remotely like people on Resetera do.
And I hate censorship and pseudo-progressivism but not in the way that OAG did.

There's definitely a lot of right-wing shills and even alt-righters who cash in and try to monopolize narratives and movements against certain extremes on the left.
And it's the same with the left, there's a lot of lunatics who do the same thing I mean look at the whole BLM thing. There's a ton of people trying to use BLM and the police violence in America as a way to push some violent communist revolution.
Just because you might agree that police violence is a problem and the general message of BLM doesn't really mean that the reasoning or goal behind it is the same for instance.

This guy made "Traitors of America" list where he lists borderline everything from porn sites, game companies to IKEA and Dollar stores.


"porn sites"

Was he one of those WNs who think porn is a Jewish conspiracy to keep white people from having kids? I'd love to see his search history - probably lots of Asian and black women (or men lulz).
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Dude replied to me with some dumb anti-semitic BS one time and I'm not the type to see anti-semitism in everything but dude was a legit nutjob. A lot of the 12 year old basement kids with the anime avatars with swastikas always came to his defense.


Is RPG Codex really that bad? I remember the rpg.net forums bitching about them being a bunch of bigots and homophobes back in the day. Not that rpg.net is any better. They're just as bad as ResetEra nowadays.

I've visited the RPG Codex once or twice and have seen the occasional edgelord nonsense but for the most part they're hardcore rpg gamers.

As for One Angry Gamer, I've read some of his articles bashing sjw crap in gaming and other media but have been blissfully unaware of his more hardline stuff.
There's good and bad posters but lots of immature discourse and not enough discussion of actual RPG games, imo.


The mid-'10s were an unpleasant time to have Internet access. I resorted to blogs and Youtube channels that peppered their otherwise informative gaming news, with abhorrent viewpoints that I didn't want any part of. Only because the reliable mainstream sources of the 2000s were corrupted by fringe politics that willfully omitted or mischaracterized specific games, topics and headlines.
I think there are a number of news sources today that don't lean in either direction, and almost hit the pre-2010 sweet spot that isn't too normie, but isn't plagued with zealotry that demands you to pick a side "or else"
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