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Outriders potentially on GamePass


I REALLY hope this si true as aI have a friend who liked the demo and wants to get it..so for free,shit,i'll play it with him,lol
Looks like Square Enix learn their lesson after losing so much money with Marvel Avengers launching to the 20 million gamepass subscribers would be way less risky than before so it a win win situation Square Enix get paid upfront and Gamepass get a 3rd party AAA game launching day 1.
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Kagey K

Destruction All Stars was their own game and it's not AAA. Maquette is indie. It's not the same situation.

Outriders is a multiplatform AAA from Square Enix and it's been in development for years. The hype was good and it's selling well on Steam.

Of course MS don't care but what about Valve/Steam? I wouldn't want to piss them off if I was SquareEnix. It's still in the top 10 right now and the release is in 2 weeks.
Lol first you complain there are no 60.00 games on Game Pass and then get upset when they "potentially" (not even confirmed) add a 60.00 game day 1.

These are some magical mental gymnastics now.

MS buying Square Enix confirmed?

I'd much rather have a game on Game pass day 1 than have a timed exclusive where it is actively blocked from other platforms. I hope this is true and MS does this more often.

Kagey K

I'd much rather have a game on Game pass day 1 than have a timed exclusive where it is actively blocked from other platforms. I hope this is true and MS does this more often.
But then nobody will buy it on other platforms and it actively devalues the game (or so I've been told)

Somehow timed exclusives don't devalue the game on other consoles though, and if people want it they will buy the console it's on.

Just like Tomb Raider and FF7.


I was impressed by the demo, and was actually looking at a purchase at some point after the review cycle. If its on Gamepass, I'll definitely be there day one. I believe its also cross play, so this will keep the population up, even though its not really an online dependent game.

Kagey K

I was impressed by the demo, and was actually looking at a purchase at some point after the review cycle. If its on Gamepass, I'll definitely be there day one. I believe its also cross play, so this will keep the population up, even though its not really an online dependent game.
Having 18 million plus as an initial player base is a great place any game like this should want to start from.

That way you have many players at all sorts of progress in the game, to help new players coming in.

That 18 million is a hard number to ignore when All New Xbox and PS5 haven't even reached half of that yet.
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Kagey K

But why surprise people with this? Seems like they’d have announced it by now.
They usually announce games coming on Thurs on Tues. It's not like they usually give a ton of heads up.

It's not hard to get a refund on Xbox for a pre-order, if this does turn out to be true.

If yiu pre-ordered anywhere else, well I hate to say it, but its your fault. It's not like they are going to run out of digital pre-orders to sell to you.
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Lol first you complain there are no 60.00 games on Game Pass and then get upset when they "potentially" (not even confirmed) add a 60.00 game day 1.

These are some magical mental gymnastics now.
I'm really not upset but of course you are so sensitive about GP you interpret everything as an attack.

I have a one X with GP but this is the kind of game I'd rather play on Steam. Now with this deal I'll just play on GP. I'm sure thousands of people are like me and they will cancel their preorders and get a GP trial instead. It seems like the game is selling good at full price already so I'm just surprised they made this deal.

I don't see what's so controversial about this statement or the mental gymnastics but whatever.

Now you'll be able to say "Outriders" when I ask what game is 60$ on GP instead of ignoring my question lol

Kagey K

I'm really not upset but of course you are so sensitive about GP you interpret everything as an attack.

I have a one X with GP but this is the kind of game I'd rather play on Steam. Now with this deal I'll just play on GP. I'm sure thousands of people are like me and they will cancel their preorders and get a GP trial instead. It seems like the game is selling good at full price already so I'm just surprised they made this deal.

I don't see what's so controversial about this statement or the mental gymnastics but whatever.

Now you'll be able to say "Outriders" when I ask what game is 60$ on GP instead of ignoring my question lol
I already said Dirt 5 last week. Same as it is this week.

I'm not going to do the obvious thing and quote your posts, because I don't really care about embarrassing you.

You canceling your pre-order is exactly what they want, prove to them that Gane Pass is the best model.

I hope 1000 more follow your example, because everybody wins thus way.

The more success games have through Gane Pass the more that will follow. Tell all your friends about how Ourriders was devalued.
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I already said Dirt 5 last week. Same as it is this week. I'm not going to do the obvious thing and quote your posts, because I don't really care about embarrassing you.
Always so confrontational for absolutely no reason. I really don't get why you're so bitter about my innofensive comment. I'll pray for you.

What's even funnier is that I literally bought Dirt 5 last week for 8$ on GMG. It was advertised here and on Era so no you can keep it off the list. There is none at 60$ right now. Bye.

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Well, yeah, because Game Pass maintains only 100 games on rotation so it shouldn't kill software sales. I am sure it has also helped in selling some games but it's hard for anyone to say how much a game would have sold that is on game pass if it wasn't an option.
The 100 games thing hasn't been true for some time. Service gets bigger and bigger, regardless of what trimming of the catalogue they do. They just added a dozen or so Bethesda games yesterday, for example, and didn't take a dozen away to balance the scales.


I hope it’s day one cause I want to play this game and I hate buying a game and then it comes out on gamepass.

Stay calm and enjoy Gamepass. 🙌

Games like Hitman, Cyberpunk and Valhalla will soon drop in Gamepass. In fact, Gamepass is one of the most effective covid release packages for suffering families around the world.

Wonder if Phil Spencer will be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 🤔

Iced Arcade

why do we think it's outriders?

could it be the rumored Godfall is coming to Series X/S? Gearbox putting it on gamepass after selling 34 copies on PS5 would make sense.


Well, if this turns out to be true than its a good thing because that demo was absolute garbage. It’s controls like Gears 1 and brings nothing new to the table. The demo crashed on me 3 times, by then I had enough. Even with my beefy PC, I thought the demo looked like trash. My friend loves it and plays the demo everyday, to each their own I guess!


Well, yeah, because Game Pass maintains only 100 games on rotation so it shouldn't kill software sales. I am sure it has also helped in selling some games but it's hard for anyone to say how much a game would have sold that is on game pass if it wasn't an option.
Dont know if its different on console but PC Gamepass currently has 246 games.


The 100 games thing hasn't been true for some time. Service gets bigger and bigger, regardless of what trimming of the catalogue they do. They just added a dozen or so Bethesda games yesterday, for example, and didn't take a dozen away to balance the scales.
Oh I understand that. I know first party games will be added to service without an expiration date but I was under the impression the running number for rotating games (I totally forgot about EA access) was 100. So what is the number of games that are on rotation (I know EA access/first party don't fit into that). When they do remove titles, how many are they removing? I thought that number was 10? They would add 10 and remove 10.


Oh I understand that. I know first party games will be added to service without an expiration date but I was under the impression the running number for rotating games (I totally forgot about EA access) was 100. So what is the number of games that are on rotation (I know EA access/first party don't fit into that). When they do remove titles, how many are they removing? I thought that number was 10? They would add 10 and remove 10.
We don't know what games are on rotation or not, but around 260 games out of 410 are neither EA Play nor first party, depending on your definition of first party.

There's always more games added than removed, between October and March the net amount of games increased by 76.
Well people were saying that it's not MP-focused, like not a Gaas.
It's a looter shooter IIRC, so in some way it probably still benefits from a GP-style model. That and it's a shooter and, well, there's a big audience for that on Xbox & PC (PlayStation as well but that's mainly for multiplatform releases).
Going to go out on a limb here and say maybe Square Enix isn't too sure about the game's success. Or maybe MS saw the numbers of the demo and went, it's an easy buy and the game is going to be popular. On Era and here it is divisive and Streamers are torn on certain aspects but the gameplay loop is addictive. The demo was downloaded by more than 2 million people so that's good news, and the marketing is finally kicking in.


We don't know what games are on rotation or not, but around 260 games out of 410 are neither EA Play nor first party, depending on your definition of first party.

There's always more games added than removed, between October and March the net amount of games increased by 76.
I wonder how long that kind of thing will be sustainable though. Let's see then. I will have to look into the rotating number, I am interested in knowing what the standard is going to be that we can expect long term (anything extra is always a bonus.)
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Deduplicated total is 410 games now.
I literally just counted them, although i dont have Ultimate with all the EA games.
PC says 252 but there’s always a couple duplicates to remove. And that’s without all the EA ones apparently coming soon-ish.
The number I shared earlier of the count was for Xbox Game Ultimate (including EA Access). I also just counted what I have available to me on PC and the total is 251.

So it's 373 on console and 251 on PC. So we're looking at a total of 624 if you have Ultimate. I didn't add or remove any duplicates. I got the point and was clearly mistaken about it being 100 at a given time (and understood the increase in number to be because of first party titles since they are added but won't get removed.) BUT I get it.

I still maintain that it's going to be hard to figure out how any of the titles would have sold. I am sure MS and related parties are keeping track of that and I would assume the benefits probably outweigh the negatives. But if they keep adding a ton of games to the service, I don't know how long that can last.
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GP is a huge pull factor that at some point has to make sure that the invested money flows back again. Personally i don't like it, because by buying studios to get games for GP Microsoft does not really create value for players, but only for the customers of MS.
This plus value for players is not created, but rather only transferred. What everyone had before, now only a part of all players have. You take something away from everyone and make it available only to your own customers.

Like it or not, but in the end this is not a healthy concept to really generate added value for all players. GP will never innovate. GP will never produce innovative or better games. Neither for GP customers, and certainly not for all the rest of the gamers that don't have GP.

It also doesn't take a genius to know that a new pricing model is coming in the next 6 to 18 months. And not only will prices go up, but there will also be fixed subscription periods. What is happening right now is nothing more than the famous carrot on the stick.


Gold Member
I see after incorrectly predicting the outcome of game exclusivity from the Bethesda aquisitions, the MBA's on NeoGAF have moved on to analyzing the feasibility of GamePass with respect to the rest of the industry (all of this without the necessary data points to make any form of substantiative claim of course).

Its really quite incredible that a trillion dollar company can keep failing upwards when all these pundits keep predicting the opposite. It's almost like they have access to information we don't or something.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
GP is a huge pull factor that at some point has to make sure that the invested money flows back again. Personally i don't like it, because by buying studios to get games for GP Microsoft does not really create value for players, but only for the customers of MS.
This plus value for players is not created, but rather only transferred. What everyone had before, now only a part of all players have. You take something away from everyone and make it available only to your own customers.

Like it or not, but in the end this is not a healthy concept to really generate added value for all players. GP will never innovate. GP will never produce innovative or better games. Neither for GP customers, and certainly not for all the rest of the gamers that don't have GP.

It also doesn't take a genius to know that a new pricing model is coming in the next 6 to 18 months. And not only will prices go up, but there will also be fixed subscription periods. What is happening right now is nothing more than the famous carrot on the stick.

Great job! Keep preaching that Game Pass Doom& Gloom. Meanwhile I'm playing ME:A and discovering it's actually pretty decent and I'm having a lot of fun while I wait to hopefully play Outriders for free on Day 1. If not there's always Skyrim Special Edition now upgraded to 60 fps.

I find that Game Pass is freaking AWESOME for Xbox and PC players.


GP is a huge pull factor that at some point has to make sure that the invested money flows back again. Personally i don't like it, because by buying studios to get games for GP Microsoft does not really create value for players, but only for the customers of MS.
This plus value for players is not created, but rather only transferred. What everyone had before, now only a part of all players have. You take something away from everyone and make it available only to your own customers.

Like it or not, but in the end this is not a healthy concept to really generate added value for all players. GP will never innovate. GP will never produce innovative or better games. Neither for GP customers, and certainly not for all the rest of the gamers that don't have GP.

It also doesn't take a genius to know that a new pricing model is coming in the next 6 to 18 months. And not only will prices go up, but there will also be fixed subscription periods. What is happening right now is nothing more than the famous carrot on the stick.
This here is people is why you never go full Playstation fanboy.

How is GP bad for anybody, they bought an established studio they had a great relationship with the bolster their product, exactly the same with Sony, its called business.


Great job! Keep preaching that Game Pass Doom& Gloom. Meanwhile I'm playing ME:A and discovering it's actually pretty decent and I'm having a lot of fun while I wait to hopefully play Outriders for free on Day 1. If not there's always Skyrim Special Edition now upgraded to 60 fps.

I find that Game Pass is freaking AWESOME for Xbox and PC players.

This here is people is why you never go full Playstation fanboy.

How is GP bad for anybody, they bought an established studio they had a great relationship with the bolster their product, exactly the same with Sony, its called business.

Are you not allowed to say anything in this thread without being a fanboy of XY right away? By the way, I am a GP user myself.

Of course, the value of GP is enormous and currently the best XBOX/PC users can get. Nevertheless, the tendency of the GP currently goes strongly in the direction of buying other developer studios to ensure exclusivity. In this way, you do not create your own value through innovation or own games, but primarily you just throw money around and damage the competition not because you are "better", but because you take games away from their customers.

Of course, exclusivity often has its downsides. I think it's generally stupid when Sony or MS buys exclusivity with money and not through their own(!) studios. Throwing money around and/or buying well-known and big developer studios always hurts a lot of people, because many get something taken away that they would have otherwise experienced and had fun with.


Are you not allowed to say anything in this thread without being a fanboy of XY right away? By the way, I am a GP user myself.
No you are not. That's how it is with these people. They are extremely defensive, they jump and attack at the smallest criticism. Game pass is the best thing that ever happened to gaming. Better toe the line or else get ready for the tears and accusations.

All the Bethesda games were already coming to Xbox and PC. The only difference now is that they might not go to other platforms. That was enough to give them the most intense orgasm ever and it broke something inside them. Maniacs.
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