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[PC Gamer]: Todd Howard says that Starfield's ship AI sucks on purpose so players can actually hit stuff: 'You have to make the AI really stupid'



For Bethesda, the snags started happening when it came to designing enemy AI: "It's very easy … to make the enemies really really smart, forever we were just jousting [with them]. It turns out you have to make the AI really stupid. You have to have them fly, then they need to turn, basically like 'hey player, why don't you just shoot me for a while?' … [once we'd] settled on our pace, and how the enemies are gonna move, that's where it came together."

Honestly, I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I was having some trouble keeping enemies in my crosshairs before I pumped some points into the targeting control systems skill. And that's with an AI that dangles their blastable hulls in front of you like a deer caught in headlights. I love a good FPS, but if you put me behind the wheel of a ship I'm likely to run into the first solid thing I see. Like a chunky metal moth to the sun.

Still, it's interesting to see the kinds of compromises dev teams have to make, especially when designing something completely out of their comfort zone. Given I quicksave before every skirmish (just in case I botch my energy management) I'm personally glad the game's pilots were built stupid on purpose.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Known fact devs dumb down AI to make things more fun.
99% of the time the AI actually already knows where you are and is more than capable of totally fucking you up......but that wouldnt be fun, so they dumb it down till it reaches a level they believe is fun......sometimes they miss that mark.

Bethesda themselves missed the mark in Starfield a stealth build in the stock version of Starfield is basically impossible because the AI is way to aggressive.
Lucky theres a stealth mod for Starfield already that makes stealth actually viable.......im never going to play a stealth build anyway, but im sure someone will like that mod.


Gold Member
Oh Come On Jim Carrey GIF


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I played perfect dark on the N64 and set the difficulty to the highest level, the AI was so good that with a simple pistol from several meters away I could hit Joanna Dark's head.
What, Don't people like flipping and rolling around to hit things? Imagine if the AI was able to avoid you. The battle would never end.
They should have used tactics battle instead of twitch space battles. Then I would have been able to RPG change it up.
Now If I get into a space battle I just load an older save and hope to avoid it.
The space combat is not fun.
I mean it make sense. Even the two time doc disrespect had a very hard time beating them. It was funny watching him go thru pain and complaining that the game was bullshit, yet was slapping his ass around 🤣


Yeah, the AI sucks. I'll have you know that I had no trouble fighting against this AI that totally sucks, and I definitely didn't retry any ship battles multiple times. Haha, what a dumb AI.
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Gold Member
Then why did they dumb down the ship movement as well? There's no Z axis or strafing. Ship combat is reduced to turning in circles and shooting at each other since movement is more like an airplane than a space ship. Everspace 2 nailed this stuff and I didn't see many complaints about dumb AI.


Gold Member
Then why did they dumb down the ship movement as well? There's no Z axis or strafing. Ship combat is reduced to turning in circles and shooting at each other since movement is more like an airplane than a space ship. Everspace 2 nailed this stuff and I didn't see many complaints about dumb AI.
Remember about 2 years ago or less, the leak from the play-testers saying the ship combat was not good?

I remember.


So real gamers have to suffer so the the mass of plebs can hit stuff? This is (another) reason why gaming become so commercial is a very bad thing
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People joke about this then 5 minutes later open a thread here on GAF saying that they "play on easy and are proud".

Those "old family guy" players that complain about anything are the reason that games nowadays are so dumbed down.


Gold Member
Remember about 2 years ago or less, the leak from the play-testers saying the ship combat was not good?

I remember.

Yeah, I remember that as well. And it isn't. I said that early on as when I started playing. Combat and space traversal were the most disappointing aspects of the game for me.


Huh? This is literally the opposite of what Todd and Starfield players are saying though.

I apologize, i meant "to make the game fun".
The point stands, though. You have to make the AI stupid if you want to make the game fun and beatable. You have to have enemies make errors, telegraph attacks, auto-stun themselves or, like in this case, do stupid maneuvers to open their backs to your missiles.

This is usual stuff games do.
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You have to make the AI stupid if you want to make the game fun and beatable. You have to have enemies make errors, telegraph attacks, auto-stun themselves or, like in this case, do stupid maneuvers to open their backs to your missiles.

This is just a ridiculous thing to say and not true at all. Maybe you're just not very good at games?
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Gold Journalism
I apologize, i meant "to make the game fun".
The point stands, though. You have to make the AI stupid if you want to make the game fun and beatable. You have to have enemies make errors, telegraph attacks, auto-stun themselves or, like in this case, do stupid maneuvers to open their backs to your missiles.

This is usual stuff games do.
No, sorry, that's really stupid. You make the AI advanced and clever to make the game fun.

It has nothing to do with a game's difficulty. Otherwise, might as well just put out cardboard cutouts in place of enemy AI to make the game "even more fun."


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
"Honestly, I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I was having some trouble keeping enemies in my crosshairs before I pumped some points into the targeting control systems skill"

Freaking casuals and their retarded sticks.


I've played the Ace combat games. You can make dogfighting fun and challenging. Maybe he means because it's in "space"...🤔
Then why did they dumb down the ship movement as well? There's no Z axis or strafing. Ship combat is reduced to turning in circles and shooting at each other since movement is more like an airplane than a space ship. Everspace 2 nailed this stuff and I didn't see many complaints about dumb AI.
Ship thruster skill turns it into semi newtonian. You can flip your ship around and fire travelling backwards.
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