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[PC Gamer]: Todd Howard says that Starfield's ship AI sucks on purpose so players can actually hit stuff: 'You have to make the AI really stupid'


Sigh... and that's why modern games blow. There's no room for an RPG to be an actual RPG and let you feel the sense of actually progressing and getting stronger. Everything needs to cater to fucking casuals right out of the gate, and then I wonder why I'm running with 1000000 units of ammunition and healing items after just 5 hours of playing.

There's a lot that I enjoy about this game but I would really love it if it actually bothered to have more balanced economy and some meaty challenge, with a tangible sense of progression. Otherwise I'm just zoning out half the time and play the game on autopilot just to blindly tick off items from my checklist of things to do in it.
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What's really stupid is the ship's reticle refreshing at 30 FPS on the PC version.

I know there's a mod for it.
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..Well yeah, all AI is stupid as fuck, you think you're top dog for beating the computer in Street fighter? It decides when you are allowed to hit it, it knows every button you press the moment you do and has a perfect counter dialed in that very instant, it just doesn't because it knows you're soft and are gonna cry about it.


Nft Lying GIF by SuperVictor


..Well yeah, all AI is stupid as fuck, you think you're top dog for beating the computer in Street fighter? It decides when you are allowed to hit it, it knows every button you press the moment you do and has a perfect counter dialed in that very instant, it just doesn't because it knows you're soft and are gonna cry about it.
That reminds me how MK 2 for SNES/Genesis was notoriously hard for no damn reason. That bastard A.I. was doing moves not even programmed (like slide ducking) just to win
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That reminds me how MK 2 for SNES/Genesis was notoriously hard for no damn reason. That bastard A.I. was doing moves not even programmed (like slide ducking) just to win
You should play the arcade versions of these fighting games, they were designed to suck up your money so the AI would just do impossible shit to keep you from winning.


World’s Biggest Weeb
That reminds me how MK 2 for SNES/Genesis was notoriously hard for no damn reason. That bastard A.I. was doing moves not even programmed (like slide ducking) just to win
I saw an interesting video where they showed off the MK2 source code. Basically there’s a 3-frame delay between when you press kick/punch and when the character actually begins their move. The CPU reads that and can literally “counter” your move before your move even happens. The difficulty setting controls the % chance of that happening.

Anyway for ship combat, if you ask me, they should’ve just said “to hell with realism” and made it a shoot-em-up like the Gummi Ship levels in Kingdom Hearts.

There are so many things in Starfield that feel all game-y and immersion breaking anyway. God forbid they add something that unashamedly stops pretending to be all serious and realistic for the sake of fun.


Gold Member
There's dumbing down AI, and then there's making Down Syndrome look like a superpower.

Then there's me at the bottom.


Gold Member
AI is game design. Thats what Todd has never understood, good game design. You don't just make AI dumb and job done. You make great AI that players can compete with and influence

Human level intelligence isn't what matters. AI needs to be predictable to a point, same as if I hit a jump button it needs a predictable jump pattern. But good AI also needs to surprise and respond in ways that don't inhibit or make the game unfair

The best example is something like MGS
2. By all human measurements the AI are dumb as rocks. They walk in circles, can't see past 10 feet and have the memory of a goldfish. But that's all intentional, I can design my play around those expectations. Predictable movement lets me plan how to intercept, lack of memory let's me experiment and reset.
Then the they add layers on top, there is an ocean of ways to influence the AI behaviour. Throw a porn mag to distract them, hold them up to interrogate, you can even make the AI wet their pants. Pointing your gun at their crotch gives a different response. AI behaves differently to finding bodies dead or knocked out, to gun fire or silenced guns. Sounds can draw attention. Eliminating a whole area of people can draw in radio check ins but destroying a radio can stop this. I could go on

That's good AI, made dumb, but focused on game design principles


Imagine defending poor AI.

How about making the AI progressively harder?

..or hire someone how can create deceptively human AI (stupid and capable AI both)..!?

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


I saw an interesting video where they showed off the MK2 source code. Basically there’s a 3-frame delay between when you press kick/punch and when the character actually begins their move. The CPU reads that and can literally “counter” your move before your move even happens. The difficulty setting controls the % chance of that happening.
Yea I can believe it, however, this shit was just plain cheap.



Gold Member
That's gaming.

If AI was super smart and hard, you'd get killed by the first enemy soldier in a COD game. Instead, you can plow through so many kills with regen health it makes a typical Arnold or Stallone action movie look like Mother Teresa.
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