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Police Evict Dakota Pipeline Protesters

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You must really like pipelines... or hate the Sioux
I like logic which these protesters seem to have forgotten.
The oil is moving either way, pipelines are the safest way to move the product.
Cut and dried... These protesters are protesting for the sake of protesting, nothing more



Governments and corporations have always failed the environment and minorities, sometimes a grassroots movement is required
The contrast between this situation and the government building takeover in Oregon is quite telling about American justice and law enforcement.


we need to be discouraging fossil fuel at every turn, not making some of the dirtiest and most environmentally harmful sources of oil more profitable. even disregarding the water safety and indigenous sovereignty issues the pipeline is still a fucking stupid idea.


Related, a beautiful moment happens at Standing Rock when thousands of wild buffalo appear out of nowhere. A powerful symbol of hope to our people.


And no, waiting for 'meetings' while burial sites and sacred land is destroyed isn't going to happen. That's like bitching about people protesting cause they aren't doing it where you can't see them. Sit and wait hasn't worked for us since forever.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Related, a beautiful moment happens at Standing Rock when thousands of wild buffalo appear out of nowhere. A powerful symbol of hope to our people.


And no, waiting for 'meetings' while burial sites and sacred land is destroyed isn't going to happen. That's like bitching about people protesting cause they aren't doing it where you can't see them. Sit and wait hasn't worked for us since forever.

Saw this on my facebook feed and almost thought it was some edited together footage that wasn't real. The crowd of protesters went wild when they saw the Buffalo.


Those people in Oregon were detained and one was killed.

Compared to the level of violence the protesters have faced? Lol, the only reason the one Oregon terrorist was killed is because he rammed a car into a police barricade. If it wasn't for that no one would've been hurt.

How else are you supposed to enforce the law with noncooperators without violence? I do not have the right to protest in your yard.

They did a pretty damn good job of it in Oregon. How long were those armed terrorists in there before the police actually did their jobs? And did they actually do their jobs? Because from what I remember they waited for most of them to surrender. Hell, they were making food runs for gods sake!
Bro, I'm native. This entire protest is fucking huge, with over 300 tribes from across the nation gathered at Standing Rock. No one gives a shit because we're native. Reporters have been arrested, people have been attacked by dogs and denied counsel and arrested for no reason, police have been hurting natives, but again, no one gives a shit because it's the middle of nowhere and we are native.

This is bigger than Ferguson and everything. National news turns a blind eye.

For Christ's sake they have a no fly zone over unarmed protestors. Why?

Also, the land according to a treaty actually belongs to the natives, but no one gives a shit about the treaties either.

Almost amazing how depressing the gap of events has been since the older thread on here when this mess first started isn't it? :/

Even worse now given the Oregon mess as folks are feeling extra emboldened to prop up the status quo as Native Issues are the most finely ingrained dog whistle for a great many people at the deepest and darkest of cores even beyond "black" ones.


I like logic which these protesters seem to have forgotten.
The oil is moving either way, pipelines are the safest way to move the product.
Cut and dried... These protesters are protesting for the sake of protesting, nothing more

yea I'm sure that's it


Tagged as I see fit
I can't say I'm surprised about how little coverage this is getting in the mainstream media, but it sure is disappointing.

To those defending the pipeliners, you do realise that a treaty is being violated here, right???


I can't say I'm surprised about how little coverage this is getting in the mainstream media, but it sure is disappointing.

To those defending the pipeliners, you do realise that a treaty is being violated here, right???

"Oil's gettin' moved one way er' another"
Our police state is such a fucking joke. Considering that all those white people just got off for terrorizing federal property.

Disgusting, and even more so that this won't even get a few pages. But Obama is so cool and lol at Hillary's tweets.

And Hilary still hasn't said anything about the pipeline. She's also spoken really critically in private about environmental activists. It's a terrible situation. It's a good thing so many people are taking the leap and going out there to join these water protectors.


Somebody quickly find a link between this and how it'll affect well-to-do white women. Maybe we'll get something out of it.


Almost amazing how depressing the gap of events has been since the older thread on here when this mess first started isn't it? :/

Even worse now given the Oregon mess as folks are feeling extra emboldened to prop up the status quo as Native Issues are the most finely ingrained dog whistle for a great many people at the deepest and darkest of cores even beyond "black" ones.

Yeah, I gave up hope posting updates in the first thread, since it was obvious only a few of us (mostly native ourselves) cared.

Since there's only like, ten of us here, it ain't gunna gain a whole lot of traction. Look at the Buffalo thread. People cracking jokes.
Yeah, I gave up hope posting updates in the first thread, since it was obvious only a few of us (mostly native ourselves) cared.

Since there's only like, ten of us here, it ain't gunna gain a whole lot of traction. Look at the Buffalo thread. People cracking jokes.

Now now, Neogaf wants to vote for Hillary. That's gotta count for something.


Yeah, I gave up hope posting updates in the first thread, since it was obvious only a few of us (mostly native ourselves) cared.

Since there's only like, ten of us here, it ain't gunna gain a whole lot of traction. Look at the Buffalo thread. People cracking jokes.

I thought about this long and hard yesterday. This challenges people's world views of their country. That's why the threads die. It's clear as day what is happening here, the sogs, suppression, private police, state trying to stop the freedom of the press. People shrug off trumped up charges from officials because "meh they'll be struck down tho.." missing the point that this is intimidation, and that those who aren't as high profile as goodman, are still being pursued. There is no wiggle room to even defend the government here.

So what else are people supposed to do? I'm sure everyone thinks it's bad. But it's far far easier to just move on and know it's only some Indians'. I can't compare it to the new civil rights movement we have going on, because black people usually have situations where there is wiggle room. There you have debates and justifications..as bullshit as they are. There's always a "yeah but maybe.."

Here? You know you can't do shit when the government decides you're getting in the way of its money. That's the fact. Your rights and treaties mean notning. Is it a revelation when that's how our government war machine acts worldwide? Not really. But people are up in arms often about the same basic issues that are happening here. yet, when they all combi e to make the perfect storm, like this instance. Silence.

What can anyone really do? And I think that's why there's just blinders put on. You have to accept this to live here.
God it's sad how little attention is being paid to this.

At the core of it is the average Jill and Joe in American just doesn't give a shit.
I thought about this long and hard yesterday. This challenges people's world views of their country. That's why the threads die. It's clear as day what is happening here, the sogs, suppression, private police, state trying to stop the freedom of the press. There is no wiggle room to even defend the government here.

So what else are people supposed to do? I'm sure everyone thinks it's bad. But it's far far easier to just move on and know it's only some Indians'. I can't compare it to the new civil rights movement we have going on, because black people usually have situations where there is wiggle room. There you have debates and justifications..as bullshit as they are. There's always a "yeah but maybe.."

Here? You know you can't do shit when the government decides you're getting in the way of its money. That's the fact. Your rights and treaties mean notning. Is it a revelation when that's how our government war machine acts worldwide? Not really. But people are up in arms often about the same basic issues that are happening here. yet, when they all combi e to make the perfect storm, like this instance. Silence.

What can anyone really do? And I think that's why there's just blinders put on. You have to accept this to live here.

We can start by raising awareness. If the media won't report it, you can still share on social media. Letting the average Joe know what's going on. Trying to bury it and making jokes about it doesn't help.
Good. It's gone on too long.

Good, they should have evicted them eons ago.

So much drive-by shit posting.

Because they were stalling a pipeline for no good reason.

The Bakken supplies about ten percent of the oil in this country and we currently truck or freight it down to Illinois, which is wasteful. The pipeline was being built to make that more efficient.

Are you insane? If that pipeline bursts, they will have no water. If you don't have water, you die. I don't see how Sioux (or anyone else who needs the Missouri) has any other choice. These pipelines burst all the time.

How else are you supposed to enforce the law with noncooperators without violence? I do not have the right to protest in your yard.

It's not the oil company's yard. The land is sovereign Sioux territory.

They're violating the law.

Um, whose law? Certainly not Sioux law. And even by U.S. law, the pipeline is violating the treaty.

This whole situation is a hostile military invasion of a sovereign nation.

They have a no fly zone because people were flying drones to attack the helicopers. They had to shoot the drones down.

Do you have evidence of this because that sounds a lot like bullshit.

I like logic which these protesters seem to have forgotten.
The oil is moving either way, pipelines are the safest way to move the product.
Cut and dried... These protesters are protesting for the sake of protesting, nothing more

You are a terrible human being. If the pipeline bursts, they will have no water.
I seen someone comment on a friend's facebook that they support both the Bundy's and the Indians for the same reason.

Yeah, some wealthy rancher not wanting to pay grazing fees is the same as long oppressed indigenous people standing up for their future by securing clean water and fighting for land rights on land that's theirs.
North Dakota pipeline protesters’ drone shot after buzzing police helicopter

“A sheriff on board the helicopter reported to law enforcement on the ground that the helicopter pilot and passengers were ‘in fear of their lives,’ and that the ‘drone came after us,’” said the department in a Sunday press release”

Was the drone black?

Also, the drone was shooting video when the police shot at it and the police version of events SHOCKINGLY looks like total lies:


Keep pushing nonsense to support an oil pipeline, though
IMO water trumps oil, always

fuck the private land bullshit argument, no private person should own such a huge wath of land of that magnitude


Was the drone black?

Also, the drone was shooting video when the police shot at it and the police version of events SHOCKINGLY looks like total lies:


Keep pushing nonsense to support an oil pipeline, though

Wait so you're telling, and showing with HD video that the protestors werent trying to destroy a helicopter or make it crash..

But what abut USC fans link. The police said they feared for their lives.

I mean do you belive the police and state that have been terrorizing protestors and have a dog in the fight of disparaging them/getting the to.be viewed as thugs..and who are trying to charge media with prison...

Or the protestors that want water.

Man. I dont know what to believe.


I avoided this topic because I knew it would make me nauseous and depressed. I was right. Fuck everyone who has swept this under the rug, and fuck everyone who thinks that this is the way our country should work. It's sickening.
Wish I could help throw these guys some support. :/ they do need more exposure. I don't know how it's gonna end up going but it's a sad day. The Buffalo were cool though, super symbolic but what's gonna happen? Probably not much.


Wish I could help throw these guys some support. :/ they do need more exposure. I don't know how it's gonna end up going but it's a sad day. The Buffalo were cool though, super symbolic but what's gonna happen? Probably not much.
Write your reps and senators. Seriously.


Wish I could help throw these guys some support. :/ they do need more exposure. I don't know how it's gonna end up going but it's a sad day. The Buffalo were cool though, super symbolic but what's gonna happen? Probably not much.

The camp has some donation pages set up, if you check my thread history you'll find it there. On mobile or I'd link you.
I'll be honest.

The Far Left has taken this up as their pet cause. So... as a result, I'm naturally skeptical that this is a great evil.

The Far Left would like us to believe Hillary is just as bad as Donald. I think this issue serves those interests.


I'll be honest.

The Far Left has taken this up as their pet cause. So... as a result, I'm naturally skeptical that this is a great evil.

The Far Left would like us to believe Hillary is just as bad as Donald. I think this issue serves those interests.

What is "far left" in your definition?


I'll be honest.

The Far Left has taken this up as their pet cause. So... as a result, I'm naturally skeptical that this is a great evil.

The Far Left would like us to believe Hillary is just as bad as Donald. I think this issue serves those interests.

Why not use your mind? And watch footage of what's going on, as well as what's happening to reporters?

Just a thought..this isn't a political issue. It's literally the state crushing people.


I'll be honest.

The Far Left has taken this up as their pet cause. So... as a result, I'm naturally skeptical that this is a great evil.

The Far Left would like us to believe Hillary is just as bad as Donald. I think this issue serves those interests.

I voted for Hilary, and most of my native friends have too. How the hell is this a political issue and not a human rights issue? Did you say the same thing about all the police over reach protests?


Our police state is such a fucking joke. Considering that all those white people just got off for terrorizing federal property.

Disgusting, and even more so that this won't even get a few pages. But Obama is so cool and lol at Hillary's tweets.
But you don't understand: they were standing in the way of MONEY.


Nobody should EVER get between a corporation and their MONEY! To do so is un-American! If you disagree you are a fucking liberal asshole who should be executed for poverty treason.
Also, this is right there on Hillary's website.


The fact that during an election month, she can't be bothered to throw some verbal support their way says a lot.
Far Left = Bernie or Busters, The Intercept, US Uncut. Jill Stein. I think we can safely call that Far Left. If we can't, let me know so I'll quickly exit this thread.

As for the "facts" - I've seen enough within this theead itself to question the "this is evil" narrative.

If anyone wants to have a conversation without that kind of rhetoric, it's possible. However, I think the major reason why this thread won't merit a lot of posts is that the rhetoric here is already incendiary.
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