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PS2 Splinter Cell PT gets killed by IGN


isn't the GC one based on the PS2 one, like the first Splinter Cell?

anyway, while reading that review, all i could imagine is some PS2 dude thinking "boo hoo, this sucks, PS2 hardware sucks, i wish i was playing the Xbox!" odd how through all that, the score was still OK.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Thank the PS2 hardware. I hear the GC one will be on par to the Xbox one and here's hoping.

Thank the Xbox being based on PC Hardware

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Unconfirmed Member
Hiro_Kunimi_80 said:
SC:pT for Gamecube is the worst version by far

Waiting for $20 price point. Thats all the game is worth imo.


Wario Sucks... SC is the best stealth game on any console or PC. I just don't get the criticism in this review. They bitch about more check/save points, but weren't players of the first game bitching about the lack of these things? BLAH

Sho Nuff

$20? Yeah, whatever. Maybe the GC one because half the game is there.

Does anyone know how they pulled off the projected shadows/dynamic flashlights?


not an idiot
I rented it on Xbox and absolutely did not like it at all. It layed around the house for a few weeks while I had it on a game pass at Blockbuster. I kept forcing myself to play it, realizing the whole time I just wasn't having any fun... but for some dumb reason, I kept torturing myself by making myself play. Until I realized, hey, this just isn't a very good game.

It has pretty graphics sure... but bleh to the rest.

Amazing, all of these "pretty graphics" games on Xbox I disliked...

Rainbow Six 3 (dead zone aiming sucked ass)
Splinter Cell: PT
Riddick (<--- this one I *HATED*)
Ninja Gaiden (oh so pretty but oh so unfun)
Brute Force (yaaaaawn)
Otogi 1/2 (wtf is this shit? dumbest fucking game I've seen in awhile)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (complete shit)

Then, I find myself loving games on Xbox with crap graphics...

Obi-Wan (most underrated game this gen)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (has glitches, but it's damn fun)
The Thing (another great game!)
Ghost Recon/Islan Thunder (ugly as sin, but hot damn these games kick fucking ass!)
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex (man, am I the only human who loved this game?)
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (it wasn't great gameplay, but I adored the awesome cutscenes!)


I don't like Splinter Cell for some reason, may be because I expected it to play like MGS, and was sorely disappointed.
shpankey said:
I rented it on Xbox and absolutely did not like it at all. It layed around the house for a few weeks while I had it on a game pass at Blockbuster. I kept forcing myself to play it, realizing the whole time I just wasn't having any fun... but for some dumb reason, I kept torturing myself by making myself play. Until I realized, hey, this just isn't a very good game.

It has pretty graphics sure... but bleh to the rest.

Amazing, all of these "pretty graphics" games on Xbox I disliked...

Rainbow Six 3 (dead zone aiming sucked ass)
Splinter Cell: PT
Riddick (<--- this one I *HATED*)
Ninja Gaiden (oh so pretty but oh so unfun)
Brute Force (yaaaaawn)
Otogi 1/2 (wtf is this shit? dumbest fucking game I've seen in awhile)
Deus Ex: Invisible War (complete shit)

Then, I find myself loving games on Xbox with crap graphics...

Obi-Wan (most underrated game this gen)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (has glitches, but it's damn fun)
The Thing (another great game!)
Ghost Recon/Islan Thunder (ugly as sin, but hot damn these games kick fucking ass!)
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex (man, am I the only human who loved this game?)
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (it wasn't great gameplay, but I adored the awesome cutscenes!)

I think you just used up all your remaining gaming credibility points with this post.


Still Tagged Accordingly
I'm not really interested in Splinter Cell, but how is a score of 8.2 "getting killed"?
shpankey said:
Amazing, all of these "pretty graphics" games on Xbox I disliked...

Then, I find myself loving games on Xbox with crap graphics...

It has nothing to do with graphics. I think you just have crappy taste.


not an idiot
Shogmaster said:
I think you just used up all your remaining gaming credibility points with this post.
I never wanted any cred with you. Call me when having credibility with you means something.

The Shadow said:
It has nothing to do with graphics. I think you just have crappy taste.
I am just one of the few people who doesn't give to much credit to a game with great graphics (as most gamers do IMO) and alternatively, don't put a game down early just because the graphics aren't great (which most people also do).
shpankey said:
I am just one of the few people who doesn't give to much credit to a game with great graphics (as most gamers do IMO) and alternatively, don't put a game down early just because the graphics aren't great (which most people also do).

As I said, it has nothing to do with graphics. It's the first thing I mentioned as a matter of fact.

Plus, you listed "cutscenes" as a reason you loved Oddworld and even said that the gameplay wasn't so great. I really don't think you can stand on the "gameplay" pedestal when you have such a flimsy and shallow reason for liking Oddworld.


not an idiot
Graphics are beside the point, as I said.

Oddworld had what I think was the greatest cut scenes in a game ever. They were not only beautiful technically and artistically, they were absolutely hilarious. I've gone over this game in the past here, stating as such. The gameplay, while not "great" was also not bad. It was good enough. I only mentioned the cut scenes because they should always be mentioned with this game. They were that good.

I think a game can be great in other areas than just gameplay, and sometimes this can merit note. Oddworld is certainly that case. The game is good, the cut scenes are exceptional. Where that leaves the overall rating of the game, I don't know... which is why I specifically made those two points about it.
I thought the Xbox Oddworld got good reviews - a 5/5 by former Extended Play...

It seemed terribly average to me. I guess I would have liked it more if it had super awesome graphics. (pretend there's a rolleyes icon here)

Regardless, I'll reiterate what I said twice before. It has nothing to do with graphics. He's bagging on games that have great gameplay because they also happen to come with great graphics.

I mean "The Thing" over Deus Ex 2? Please. I bitched and moaned about the over-simplification done to DE2 but even with the consolized version we all saw, it pisses over the shallow and vapid "run and gun" gameplay of the "The Thing"

Just my 2 cents.


not an idiot
The Shadow said:
It seemed terribly average to me. I guess I would have liked it more if it had super awesome graphics. (pretend there's a rolleyes icon here)

Regardless, I'll reiterate what I said twice before. It has nothing to do with graphics. He's bagging on games that have great gameplay because they also happen to come with great graphics.

I mean "The Thing" over Deus Ex 2? Please. I bitched and moaned about the over-simplification done to DE2 but even with the consolized version we all saw, it pisses over the shallow and vapid "run and gun" gameplay of the "The Thing"

Just my 2 cents.

You are reading me completely wrong. My whole point in my original post was, that "it has nothing to do with graphics" (as you are saying). You just kind of summed up my point. Just because a game has great graphics, doesn't mean I'll like it. I have disliked some of the prettiest games on Xbox, meanwhile enjoying many games with crappy graphics (for whatever reason - even if you disagree).

I am "bagging on games" that I disliked, despite the graphics. Savy? Not because they had great graphics silly. I don't hate a game just because it has great graphics.... that's kind of dumb for you to even think that. I love all kinds of pretty games (Prince of Persia, Crimson Skies, Halo are some of my favorite games this gen).

I don't understand why you seem to take this so personal. I hated Deus Ex 2 (is this what you're so upset about?). I just didn't dig that kind of gameplay AT ALL. I really digged The Thing. Call it subjectiveness, taste, different styles of gaming or whatever. I am surprised you act so surprised someone could like one game over another. I mean, really... gaming is highly subjective. Tastes differ.

Don't take it so personal bud. :)
shpankey said:
You are reading me completely wrong. My whole point in my original post was, that "it has nothing to do with graphics"

If I'm reading you wrong, maybe it's your presentation. When you say stuff like:

"It has pretty graphics sure... but bleh to the rest."

"Amazing, all of these "pretty graphics" games on Xbox I disliked..."

It gives the impression that you're using "Graphics" as a vehicle to bash the games, as if they lack everything else and the appeal that they have is the graphics and nothing else.

I mean, I actually liked "The Thing" myself but then again I only paid $15 for it. I doubt I would have paid more. It's a very simplistic, short game whereas something like SC:pT and DE2 seem more cerebral and a bit more "meaty" as far as gameplay goes. "The Thing" doesn't really offer anything more in gameplay, graphics, or anything else. As a matter of fact, I'm not really fond of the character models they used in DE2. They didn't look very good at all but I still enjoyed the game (Obligatory: It's a disgrace to the first DE though)

I don't understand why you seem to take this so personal. I hated Deus Ex 2 (is this what you're so upset about?). I just didn't dig that kind of gameplay AT ALL. I really digged The Thing. Call it subjectiveness, taste, different styles of gaming or whatever. I am surprised you act so surprised someone could like one game over another. I mean, really... gaming is highly subjective. Tastes differ.

Don't take it so personal bud. :)

I'm not taking this personal nor am I upset. I'll admit that sometimes my replies seems to be overly combative. That's really not my intention at all though I know I sometimes come off that way.

But really, your tastes blow and you're a retard for liking shit games.

See? I really tried to put that in a diplomatic and polite way. It's late. Sometimes it's just hard to do. ;)


not an idiot
LOL, I don't know what to say to all that.

I guess... I'm sorry I let you down? heh. Sorry for not having your exact tastes I suppose. ;)


I didn't really like the first one, but they keep on playing those PT commercials and man the game sure does look sexy.


Splinter Cell does suck. I recieved a free copy for signing up with Gamespy.
It's a very sterile game. It has that Tom Clancy dullness written all over it.

I am just one of the few people who doesn't give to much credit to a game with great graphics (as most gamers do IMO) and alternatively, don't put a game down early just because the graphics aren't great (which most people also do).

I thought I was the only one out there like this.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Thank the PS2 hardware. I hear the GC one will be on par to the Xbox one and here's hoping.

Heh, have you SEEN the videos of the GC one?! -ugh-

The game looks many times worse than the original version. It doesn't even look remotely "good" anymore...

Do a search and check out the GC vids. The PS2 version seems to look quite a bit better for some reason.

Of course, the GC version lacks the main reason to even buy this game...so I'm not suprised that the visuals were given little attention (it isn't very important to them).

Also, it seems that shpankey is the ultimate proof that opinions can vary quite heavily. His post should be stickied and read by everyone. This way, when someone nearly explodes over the fact that another person doesn't like Zelda...they will understand just how that is possible.


something that bugs me about ign:
For instance, our comparatively lacking hardware
It's an unfortunate side effect of our memory card and limited RAM setup. If this lumbering punch to the face weren't enough, our version is plagued by incessant checkpoints, saves, and other level loads.
all this us vs them crap is irritating. especially in such a widely read publication/website.

i miss next gen.
Kuroyume said:
Wario Sucks... SC is the best stealth game on any console or PC. I just don't get the criticism in this review. They bitch about more check/save points, but weren't players of the first game bitching about the lack of these things? BLAH

Wrong!!! Hitman Contracts is the best stealth game! And I beat both SC PT and Hitman Contracts!


I see even on the NEO-Gaf you are unable to have a different opinion (or tastes in games) without someone telling them how much of an idot they are.

Ahhhhh, I wouldn't have any any other way... wouldn't be as entertaining here if we all agreed on everything
I thought the single player in PT was worse than in the original. The one jungle level is very cool, but the others were not. It definately does not look nearly as good as the original. I came away thinking that it was even more trial and error than the first game. Like someone else said, it was a chore to finish.

That being said, IMO everyone should own this game for the multiplayer part. It is absolutely fantastic. I've had the game for almost 3 months now and I still play it online every night. Fans of mindless running and gunning may not like it, but if you are willing to put in some time to learn the maps and develop some good tactics you will be greatly rewarded with the (IMHO) best online gaming experience ever made.
Well, this stealth series far exceeds the shit that is the convoluted and slow pacing MGG series. I remember picking up both the original SC and MGS 2 for the XBOX. I toyed with SC for a bit, then put in MGS. Only MGS went back to the store. Clunky controls, subpar graphics, unrealisistic presentation, and of course, the "story."

Ubi Soft has upped the ante, and Konami and the wannabe movie director Kojima have failed to reach that plateau.
I don't understand the "points" that a lot of people here try to make about (for instance) SC, saying "I hate this sneaking around crap! SC is teh suxxor!!11" You just said that you hate sneaking around, thus by default you're going to hate SC, MGS, Thief, and everything else that's stealth-based. Christ. I hate soccer games, but there's no way in hell I'm going to bash WE7 as being a "crappy game" because I don't like it. I recognize it as a good game, just one that I don't like.

All this being said, Battlefield Vietnam and Counter-Strike can both lick my balls. God, I've never had less fun playing an FPS (except for when I was reviewing Breed).
HalfPastNoon said:
Well, this stealth series far exceeds the shit that is the convoluted and slow pacing MGG series. I remember picking up both the original SC and MGS 2 for the XBOX. I toyed with SC for a bit, then put in MGS. Only MGS went back to the store. Clunky controls, subpar graphics, unrealisistic presentation, and of course, the "story."

Ubi Soft has upped the ante, and Konami and the wannabe movie director Kojima have failed to reach that plateau.

LOL! You're trying to diss Kojima, the man, the myth, the legend?? Maybe when Sam grows up he could be half the man Snake is.

"I have an Xbox and all Xbox franchises RAWKKKK!! All Playstation franchises SUXXXORS!"


This thread is beginning to be very entertaining. We need an offical Sam vs Snake thread on the GAF if this doesn't completely morph into that.

As for the PS2 review--what did the review expect? This is one of those cases when it really is about what reviewing something for what it is. The adjustments that had to be made should not be considered a punch to the face. Now the atrocity that is the GC version, that's another story all together.
" sonycowboy"


anyways MGS is much more about the crazy ass story then actual gameplay. The two games are really too different to compare.

SC:pT wins for me tho because it has a kick ass online mode.
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