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Quake III source code to be released


This was supposed to happen ages ago, but then the Call of Duty expansion was released.

I'm more than pumped.


Use to be a Quake 3 player up until about 2001...is the game still popular? I really don't know if I could just go back to playing plain deathmatch anymore with all these new cool modes in the current FPS games.


Rage Bait Youtuber
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Forgive me, I'm an idiot, so does this mean people can make games using the Quake 3 engine freely now?

Basically, yes. They did the same thing with their previous engines.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
That's pretty cool.

They can also add 1000 different things to it, like:

- bumpmapping
- DX9-like shaders
- Doom 3-like shadowing system
- physics

It takes time and iron will but someone WILL make it :)


0G M3mbeR
Borys said:
They can also add 1000 different things to it, like:

- bumpmapping
- DX9-like shaders
- Doom 3-like shadowing system
- physics

It takes time and iron will but someone WILL make it :)

I would like to think that, but from all the Doom and Quake 1 and 2 source, Doom is really the only thing people have touched with huge additions. We will see I guess.


Straightballin said:
Anyone think the psp can handle it?
Technically, yeah, but you would need some proper tools (official PSP devkit or something) if you want to bring so much out of the PSP. No way are homebrew people capable of making it work. Why do you ask anyway, you need a mouse with Quake 3. If anything, it should be ported to DS!!!


That's so tight. The Q3 engine still has some long legs, and with the right art team, is fully capable of producing a game I'd spend hard earned dollars on.


Considering the hardware, definitely. But it WAS tough for the developers, I thought, so I wouldn't expect a a great version of Q3A on the PSP reguardless of the effort.

...From a technological standpoint. It'd be unplayable on the PSP, of course.

Quake III Arena X
Playable over XBConnect and Xlink
someone from the xbox scene needs to do that.

Definitely. I'd install it and all, but it'd be hard as hell to play with the Xbox controller.


Tain said:
Definitely. I'd install it and all, but it'd be hard as hell to play with the Xbox controller.

It would use the Halo default control scheme like 99% of the xbox FPS.


It's cool how id releases their source code, even though u'll need to be a freak to understand all of it, it's still cool to know that it's out there.

Does any other company do this?


Tain said:
And Halo isn't a third as fast as Q3 in any way, shape, or form.

Then bump the sensitivity,
anyway I was looking at X-S forums and from the looks of it a port would be near impossible for a homebrew dev. mainly because the graphic engine is OpenGL based and the XDK only works with D3D. :(
mainly because the graphic engine is OpenGL based and the XDK only works with D3D. :(

That would be the case if they just think they can compile and forget, but that is just rediculous if they think that. Of course someone is going to have to write a wrapper around the opengl calls to d3d calls thats not hard to do if you have an understanding of both API's. An alternative would be to use the openxdk, an open source opengl implementation of the xbox xdk that uses SDL.


jboldiga said:
That would be the case if they just think they can compile and forget, but that is just rediculous if they think that. Of course someone is going to have to write a wrapper around the opengl calls to d3d calls thats not hard to do if you have an understanding of both API's. An alternative would be to use the openxdk, an open source opengl implementation of the xbox xdk that uses SDL.

That's why I said that it will be hard for a homebrew developer and the openxdk is too buggy and incomplete that's why every homebrew software for xbox is made with the official XDK.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
FiRez said:
That's why I said that it will be hard for a homebrew developer and the openxdk is too buggy and incomplete that's why every homebrew software for xbox is made with the official XDK.

They did it with GLQuake, they did it with Quake 2... they can do it with Quake 3 =p


DopeyFish said:
They did it with GLQuake, they did it with Quake 2... they can do it with Quake 3 =p

=P, Ok I stand corrected I remember playing Q2 with HW acceleration, but now that you mention it I'm going to search GLQuake for xbox.
This also means I can search around in there and make my own mods without having to work with all the confusing mod tools. Oddly enough, I'm better with just plain old code than figuring out somebody else's UI.
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