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'Question' about Final Fantasy XII's Timeline


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Following paragraph was quoted from a 1up.com preview:

It's an empty gesture, as the Archadian forces overpower and assimilate Dalmasca anyways, but one he felt he had to make "..." We then cut to two years later; 706 B.I., as the game reckons eras. Clearly, Matsuno's trademark narrative intrigue is in full effect.

Maybe this was mentioned before but... Usually, in this context, the 'B' in 'B.I' stands for 'Before'. Then, Dalmaska losing to Archadia should take place in 708. If it does'nt stand for Before, the war happened in 704. I couldn't find a source that mentions a second year. I kinda hate it when game developers mess around with vague terms to describe (time) eras, sometimes they even mess it up. With the fact in mind that especially FFTA and FFXII are related somehow, though Matsuno has denied any obvious relations in-game, I'm the more curious what 'B.I' stands for :)


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
True, it wouldn't make sense, but then again Matsuno did toy around with past & present in Vagrant Story, so It wouldn't suprise me if he did in FXII. Maybe Ivalice isn't such a bad idea. For example, it could mean they started counting when Ivalice was created or something.


JoshuaJSlone said:
It wouldn't make sense for the B to mean "Before" if it's the present in the game. Perhaps the "I" is for Ivalice, though?

Seeing how the game isn't actually out and we don't know anything about it, how do we know the game is really the present? Matsuno's stories have always been set in the past and the narrative is simply a reflection on the "truth" of the events. Like in FFT and Vagrant Story, it is but a retelling of something that already happened some time ago.

Like in a movie where the caption "2 years later, 40 BC..." appears, this might be a similar case. Until we see someone in the story use BI, we won't know anything for sure. The game is at least 6 months if not 10 months away, too early for story speculation.


Unconfirmed Member
I doubt it's counting like it's "Before X" and I'll tell you why. Because they wouldn't know what the X was, so they wouldn't know how many years away from it they are. Rather simple reasoning, really. It likely stands for something else, perhaps in some made up language.

EDIT: I suppose duckroll makes a good point about nobody in game using that phrase yet, but I still find it highly improbable that the game's narrative will present time in one manner and the events of the game will show time in a different manner (remember that year numbers would be completely different between the two systems if this timing system were imposed on the game's events by some future narrator.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I doubt it's counting like it's "Before X" and I'll tell you why. Because they wouldn't know what the X was, so they wouldn't know how many years away from it they are. Rather simple reasoning, really. It likely stands for something else, perhaps in some made up language.

Umm, yeah, but then again, in Final Fantasy Tactics everything is supposed to be told by a historican but they don't bother mentioning in-game years. Then again FFT was a bit of a mess and hard to understand due to the stupid translation and semi-flowing in-game time while travelling (or at least it seemed messy to me) so it might not be the best example. However, if it's told as something from in the past, the 'Before 'bladiebla'' would make sense.

EDIT: I suppose duckroll makes a good point about nobody in game using that phrase yet, but I still find it highly improbable that the game's narrative will present time in one manner and the events of the game will show time in a different manner (remember that year numbers would be completely different between the two systems if this timing system were imposed on the game's events by some future narrator.

I'm not entirely sure if I understand what you mean in your last sentence. You mean the in-game characters would not mention it's 'this and that before 'BI'' but the narrator would, thereby confusing the audience (us)?


Unconfirmed Member
Rei_Toei said:
I'm not entirely sure if I understand what you mean in your last sentence. You mean the in-game characters would not mention it's 'this and that before 'BI'' but the narrator would, thereby confusing the audience (us)?
I'm saying that if "B.I." were some designation added by some later history to mean "Before X" and was used by a narrator telling the story as history like FFT, then characters in game referring to their own time would not only use a different designation than B.I. but also completely different numbers because they would be counting their years from some other point in time. That seems needlessly complicated to me.

I mean, imagine telling a story about Rome in the year 70 BC. The narrator or setting might be described as "70 BC" but the characters in that story would not refer to their time as 70 or BC but rather something COMPLETELY different (probably more like 400 or something like that, counting from the founding of Rome, or some other similar measuring system). The point is the numbering system would be TOTALLY different.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I understand now. Reminds me of the mistakes you sometimes come across in historical movies or flicks that involve time-travelling or stuff like that (for example, Thirtheenth Floor, were someone mentioned First World War were he should say 'The Great War').

Oh well, guess I have to wait and see if Matsuno is going to explain the B.I :)


MetatronM said:
I'm saying that if "B.I." were some designation added by some later history to mean "Before X" and was used by a narrator telling the story as history like FFT, then characters in game referring to their own time would not only use a different designation than B.I. but also completely different numbers because they would be counting their years from some other point in time. That seems needlessly complicated to me.

I mean, imagine telling a story about Rome in the year 70 BC. The narrator or setting might be described as "70 BC" but the characters in that story would not refer to their time as 70 or BC but rather something COMPLETELY different (probably more like 400 or something like that, counting from the founding of Rome, or some other similar measuring system). The point is the numbering system would be TOTALLY different.

The in-game characters wouldn't necessarily have to refer to their own timeline like that though. You can have the historical voice using "70 BI" and the in-game characters saying "Remember when that thing happened 2 years ago?" You could show a cutscene, have some gameplay, show another cutscene and label it "4 years later". That would allow the in-game characters to keep that player informed of where he is in the timeline without causing the needless confusion of having two timelines representing the same period, but using different systems.


I have a feeling some of this timeline stuff is going on in the game, though it's difficult to put a precise finger on it. If you've seen the movie and compared them to the character renders, you'll know what I'm talking about. Ashe in the movie looks way older than her official poster artwork, so I'm tempted to think there is something like "10 years later..." going on in the game.


FFT, FFTA, Vagrant Story and FFXII all take place in world called Invalice. FFTA was essentially a echo of an era of Invalice, not really a part of the history, which leaves you with three games, two of which don't feature the races seen in FFXII and FFTA.

Think of it more in Zelda terms - you can try to rationalize a continuity, but there really might really not be any. Just reused names and character types.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Mock: Everything seems to be pointing to that conclusion. And I think it's a missed chance if Matsuno chooses to ditch continuity and just recycle some neat ideas. IMO that was never the concept of Final Fantasy, except some familiar elements like the Choco's, Moogles and summons.

Sure, one could argue that FFXII's 'Ivalice' isn't looking like FFT's or FFTA's Ivalice at all, but what's then the point of calling it Ivalice again? Just to have an excuse to re-use the Bangaa, Viera etc? That would be meager :/ If it turns out like this, I would be kinda disappointed in Matsuno. Mentioning Durai in Vagrant Story would be nothing more then 'hey that would sure look interesting, let the overimaginative fans eat this!' and repeat the trick with FFXII (FFT text at the beginning). Bleh :).
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