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Rebel Planet: Orion (BIBLE GAME) PC,XBOX




Enter the world of The Rebel Planet. Rebel Planet Creations has taken this mysterious world before the Flood and has created an imaginative fantasy world where the truth of Scripture is our foundation and theme, but only the minds’ imagination our limit in telling the ancient tale of redemption and faith.

In our first tale, Adam is an older man hardened by centuries of dwelling on his own sin and the suffering he has brought upon the world. But into his world comes a young lieutenant named Orion (the biblical Enoch) whose own journey of faith will become the catalyst for bringing Adam back to a place of faith and hope. Indeed our first tale is ultimately the story of Adam’s conversion to faith and hope in the promised Seed to come.



Seven huge levels
A vast world to explore filled with quests, creatures, friends and villains
A living breathing ecosystem
Dynamic day/night cycles
An advanced weather system
State of the art physics engine
Advanced particle system delivers stunning special effects
High polycount character models expertly animated
A deep fictional history underlies a rich storyline waiting to be discovered
Develop your characters physical, psychological and spiritual health and attributes
Advanced artificial intelligence gives Non-Player Characters a life of their own
Superb voice acting with audio for all in-game dialog
An outstanding music score




olimario said:
From the trailer

UH OH! :lol :lol :lol
My religion teacher in high-school went out of his way on many occassions to point out that man walked the earth with dinosaur. Something about the monsters described in the Bible being dinosaurs, but I don't know enough about the Bible to have any idea of what he was actually on about.


BuG said:
My religion teacher in high-school went out of his way on many occassions to point out that man walked the earth with dinosaur. Something about the monsters described in the Bible being dinosaurs, but I don't know enough about the Bible to have any idea of what he was actually on about.

Some people think the giants in Job were dinosaurs. Most think the behemouth was a hippo, though.


olimario said:
From the trailer

UH OH! :lol :lol :lol

How could people stupid enough to believe that man walked the earth with dinosaurs be able to make a game (with good graphics!)?
While I'm not at all against spirituality in gaming... and in fact think that it's an important missing part in the ongoing growth of expression of games, something about that just rubbed me the wrong way.

I don't even think it'd be bad if they'd just made it a game, with spiritual theming. But pushing the point bein to sell it to christians seems insulting and exploitative. Then again, I'll sit back and watch the same people that buy left behind books buy a million plus copies, roll my eyes and shake my head.

So maybe I should just shut-up


This game is fucking stupid. Do christians really believe people lived for thousands of years? Dinosaurs and men living together? lol.


f_elz said:
This game is fucking stupid. Do christians really believe people lived for thousands of years? Dinosaurs and men living together? lol.

Thousands? No
over 600 and under 700? yes.


f_elz said:
This game is fucking stupid. Do christians really believe people lived for thousands of years? Dinosaurs and men living together? lol.

I'm pretty sure that most Christians do not believe this, since most Christians are not young earth creationists who take the Genesis stories literally. For example the official position of the Catholic church supports evolutionary theory. Young earth creationism is primarily a peculiarity of American Protestant fundamentalism.
Rebel Planet Creations has taken this mysterious world before the Flood and has created an imaginative fantasy world where the truth of Scripture is our foundation and theme, but only the minds’ imagination our limit in telling the ancient tale of redemption and faith.

This sounds like a pretty neat concept for a game. I'm not a Christian, but it might be interesting to see how the development team pursues their ideals through the gameplay.


the graphics need some improvement. If the graphics were better and this was coming out on Xbox 360, I'd buy it. but since it's only for Xbox, I guess I'll just rent it, or get it later, super cheap.
This doesn't have an Xbox publisher, does it? Anyway, making a sci-fi game that's thematically Christian is a much better idea than Crave's "family fun" games that bowdlerize the Bible.


(more a nerd than a geek)
pwn3d said:
I'm pretty sure that most Christians do not believe this, since most Christians are not young earth creationists who take the Genesis stories literally. For example the official position of the Catholic church supports evolutionary theory. Young earth creationism is primarily a peculiarity of American Protestant fundamentalism.

Just a note -- the Catholic Church has no "official position" regarding the age of the world, the time frame for the appearance of man, and the like. It's generally accepted by Catholic theologians and leaders that evolutionary theory is the most likely explanation for everything, but it's not officially held as true OR false.


Even though I'm not religious myself, this seems like a sweet idea. Just think about it. There are millions of untapped gamers out there that are part of many different religions, whether mainstream or those out there religions.

What better way is there to milk those people for even more money than they are already getting? Heck if I was leading a religious group and was doing it for the money, making a videogame would seem like a logical way to pull in more. Its not like those fringe religous nongamers have high expectations of games. That way you could pull a rush crap job and still sell millions.


Actually, nearly 53% of the American public believes man and dinosaurs co-existed.

In any case, this is one of the games they showed on a segment on World News Tonight about Christian games. Another one was a FPS where you carried around a cross and ran around using it to convert Roman Soldiers (or something) to Christianity - meaning when you shot them with your cross they bent down on their knees and started to pray. :lol


Enter the world of The Rebel Planet. Rebel Planet Creations has taken this mysterious world before the Flood and has created an imaginative fantasy world where the truth of Scripture is our foundation and theme, but only the minds’ imagination our limit in telling the ancient tale of redemption and faith.

HAHA OMG ROFLMAO Christians believe in The Flood



Creationists.. ugh... how do those people live with themselves.. i mean pure scientific indisputable fact proves them wrong at every turn.


DavidDayton said:
Just a note -- the Catholic Church has no "official position" regarding the age of the world, the time frame for the appearance of man, and the like. It's generally accepted by Catholic theologians and leaders that evolutionary theory is the most likely explanation for everything, but it's not officially held as true OR false.

You're right, thanks for the correction. I was thinking of a speech by Pope John Paul II where he suggested evolution was scientifically supported. I found a link to the speech I was thinking of here.

teiresias said:
Actually, nearly 53% of the American public believes man and dinosaurs co-existed.

In the US, yes, six day creationism is a popular view. A 1997 Gallup poll estimated 47% of Americans believe in a young earth. I know I've read that in the rest of the world, though, young earth creationism is not the prevalent view among Christians. I haven't been able to find where I read this, though, although the link I just provided has a survey that suggests the young earth view is a tiny minority among British Christian ministers.
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