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[Report] Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Preorders 50% behind Ghosts

Given the sheer number of people working on this shit, if it ain't super profitable, prepare for megaton layoffs in January.

It depends on how quickly the franchise deteriorates.

If Activision can stave off severe decline this year...and we see moderate declines...they might keep the high-powered COD machine going for 1 more year...maybe 2.

But if we see a steep -50%+ dropoff, they'll start slashing and shutting down studios for sure.

They'll still continue making them for at least the next 3 years regardless of performance, though. The IP is strong enough to weather any kind of significant decline for quite a while before the games actually become unprofitable to make.
Ouch. I figured this would be getting crazy numbers of preorders with that day zero deal.

But it looks like the combination of lame recent entries in the franchise combined with seemingly big changes to the usual CoD gameplay in this upcoming game is keeping people away for now. I guess we'll find out in November if people really want stuff like hovering and cloaking in their CoD games.
My theory is that a lot of the casual gamers that COD has catered to in the past have gotten more hardcore and have found better alternatives after the disappointment of Ghosts.

Are there really that many cinematic third person shooters?

Uncharted, tomb Rader..... That's all I got? Maybe sunset overdrive?
Good for progress, it might force activision to step up their game. And it might reduce the amount of me to shooters.

But I think the real losers are the investors of Activision. Activision might have the worse year ever if things keep playing out the way it seems. First WOW, then their 500 mil baby and not their Billion dollar angel not doing as predicted. I would sell my stock if I had any of that company.


I disagree. COD is best when you have team firefights in choke points. The abilty to move many different directions, ala Ghost, will get you constantly kill from behind which gets boring and fustrating quickly. Add in TF movements plus larger areas to be able to use it, it will make it even worse.
Nice to see some people get it. COD burning down was inevitable as soon as they decided to design the games centered around myopic player complaints.
If there's any justice in the world more people will be playing halo 2 than AW this fall.

Halo 2 was fantastic durign it's time and i played it religiously but i just don't know how well it will hold up now. I think there's going to be a lot of people shockingly disappointed when they realize compared to what's out there now Halo 2 will seem pretty bland.
Waiting for next Treyarch entry. I played BLOPS2 until max prestige - I think I prestiged once in Ghosts. Treyarch has long been the king in this series. Too bad they're not doing this year's.


I'll just wait for Treyarch's next game in the franchise. Black Ops 1 and 2 are the only COD games I've really enjoyed in recent years. Ghosts was horrible all around.


Halo 2 was fantastic durign it's time and i played it religiously but i just don't know how well it will hold up now. I think there's going to be a lot of people shockingly disappointed when they realize compared to what's out there now Halo 2 will seem pretty bland.

Um what exactly is out there that's so good? I'm really not seeing it.

I think people will love it now just as much as they did back then. Good game design is eternal.

Edit: Swapped out the seizure-inducing gif.


Well about time franchise fatigue sets in. I guess the terrible Ghosts did not help either.

Can't say I will really miss COD should it be gone in a couple of years. What will suck though is the inevitable closure of studios that will come with it.


Gold Member
Funny to see people using Ghosts as the reason for this. Most of the complaints leveled at Ghosts could be leveled at any of the other CoD games. It's just fatigue. A shake up has to happen on grand scale or else sales will continue to slip. And, no, the shake up can't be "hey, we now have jet packs! Weeeeee!"


Funny to see people using Ghosts as the reason for this. Most of the complaints leveled at Ghosts could be leveled at any of the other CoD games. It's just fatigue. A shake up has to happen on grand scale or else sales will continue to slip. And, no, the shake up can't be "hey, we now have jet packs! Weeeeee!"

Naw, Ghosts was trash in it's own special way. At least BO2 did multiplayer right.
if titanfall can remove bots from their game modes and have a pilot skirmish permanent playlist they can kill cod for good. also release on ps4 for maximum damage
Aren't preorders down in general, what with day 1 digital downloads and all? And the fact that nobody is going to sell out of this game and everyone knows that?


Oh shit. Where the hell did I get that idea from Lol

Sledgehammer is developing the next gen versions exclusively while High Moon Studios is porting whatever they can over to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. This isn't a Ghosts situation where one development house is handling all the games.


Cod being on such a steep decline means the MCC could be the real winner this holiday, the return of arguably the greatest console multi of all time.
Funny to see people using Ghosts as the reason for this. Most of the complaints leveled at Ghosts could be leveled at any of the other CoD games. It's just fatigue. A shake up has to happen on grand scale or else sales will continue to slip. And, no, the shake up can't be "hey, we now have jet packs! Weeeeee!"

No, just no. Ghosts was utterly utterly shit. If Infinity Ward had released a Ghosts that was any way close to the perfection that was COD 4 , we wouldn't be having this conversation.


The series has become far too American. Before MW you would play as characters from multiple countries. In MW you played americans, british and a russian. In BLOPS you played americans and russians. In ghosts... all american. In AW... looks like all american again.

The stories and characters need more appeal to people that don't live in the states.
Was only a matter of time. In a few years no one's gonna buy these games anymore, and in 8 to 9 years the series will bee rebooted after everybody has forgotten about it. The reboot will have a major budget behind it, and will sell astronomically well, which will successfully revive the franchise, so a new game can be released each year, maybe 2 new games a year, until they don't sell anymore. Rinse and repeat.


Was only a matter of time. In a few years no one's gonna buy these games anymore, and in 8 to 9 years the series will bee rebooted after everybody has forgotten about it. The reboot will have a major budget behind it, and will sell astronomically well, which will successfully revive the franchise, so a new game can be released each year, maybe 2 new games a year, until they don't sell anymore. Rinse and repeat.
It's down because the previous game was ass, this game will rebound in time just watch, it's inevitable
I don't like things, I hope they fail!

Normally I'd agree that this sentiment is selfish and, frankly, ridiculous; but in this case I agree with who you quoted.

The FPS genre, love it or hate it, has all but dominated the entire fucking mainstream market. It's gotten so bad that games that should clearly not be shooters are pressured by the publishers to be more like CoD/Halo/Gears/etc, and thus directly affecting every genre's market saturation. Bioshock Infinite, fittingly enough, is undoubtedly a much better game in a parellel universe where CoD games share the same level of success as, say, the Need for Speed series.

So, no, I wouldn't go so far as to say I eant them to fail, but I honestly do think it would be better for the industry if at least 50% of its fanbase hopped off its nuts for a long while.


if titanfall can remove bots from their game modes and have a pilot skirmish permanent playlist they can kill cod for good. also release on ps4 for maximum damage
Depends on when Titanfall 2 gets released tbh. If it's next year competing with BO3 then no chance. If it's 2016 competing with Ghosts 2? Then it has a very good chance at "killing" CoD if done right content wise.

I know a lot of people will laugh at us for thinking like this but Titanfall plays very similar to CoD unlike Battlefield etc, if it's a choice between picking up TF2 and Ghosts2 then I'd say the answer is a no brainer to at least half of the CoD population.
Good. Maybe this will mean less homogenization to try and piggyback off of its audience. Until the next big fad comes along at least.
The series has become far too American. Before MW you would play as characters from multiple countries. In MW you played americans, british and a russian. In BLOPS you played americans and russians. In ghosts... all american. In AW... looks like all american again.

The stories and characters need more appeal to people that don't live in the states.

I'm British, and I kind of connected to Captain Price , Gaz and Soap, as I'm sure hundreds of thousands of other Brits that bought the game did too. I think that was the appeal of COD4. It had such an international feel to it. Then, as you say Duxxy - it went all fucking YU ES AY. Why ?. Why?.........


50,000 people use to play this franchise....now its a ghost town.

LMFAO! Good one.

On the subject matter, I am really not liking what I am seeing with Advanced Warfare.

I personally think that all the aerial assault nonsense for the multiplayer is a big turn-off. I can see myself and many others getting really annoyed by it. It may have worked well for Titanfall but it does not belong in a Call of Duty game.

I firmly believe that Treyarch and their next COD title will be the one to truly look out for, and will bring back the umph in sales for Activision.


I'm British, and I kind of connected to Captain Price , Gaz and Soap, as I'm sure hundreds of thousands of other Brits that bought the game did too. I think that was the appeal of COD4. It had such an international feel to it. Then, as you say Duxxy - it went all fucking YU ES AY. Why ?. Why?.........
I agree, even though you never played as a german in COD (except as a nazi :( ) the last few cods (MW3,BO2 and Ghost) were way too much "Murica Fuck yeah" for me.


I love how everyone is spouting their opinion as fact.
There are time when you do indeed need to say "IMO"
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