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Resistance 4 was apparently cancelled due to post-apocalyptic saturation in Sony's line-up


Insomniac is teasing it for quite some time now. Especially that Spider-Man and MM are doing wonders and if R&C will be successful again. They have the leverage to do what they want and Resistance could be rebooted.


Resistance 2 was what got me into FPS games and a remake of the first I'd buy in an instant. Just seems a weird decision and you would think that would due due to lack of FPS games, though I hope we get a remake now as it would look even better.


Are people going to blame Jim Ryan? Joking

anyway I don’t know if people noticed but Sony usually drop IPs quite often. So I’m not surprised. PS3 era was quite hard for Sony exclusives they sold very badly. The trend changed in the late years of the generation. So I assume they wanted more diversity going into the PS4.


I remember when I bought my ps3 and I got resistance 3 with it. The game was horseshit! I remember just thinking, “fucking hell, this game is nothing compared to halo”.
I enjoyed KillZone 3 waaayyy more. At least the MP in that game was fun. So yea, I couldn’t care less resistance series died. I heard 2 was pretty cool for the time. But I was too busy on the 360 which was the undisputed FPS king of that generation.


Writes a lot, says very little
Some posts here are ignoring the big picture, Resistance never did that well. Like Killzone it was a failed Halo Killer that struggles to sell over 1 million.

The real reason for no Resistance 4 is no one was buying the series. At least Killzone 2 and 3 hit the 1 million mark so there was hope for ps4 launch title Shadowfall. But even being a headliner couldnt get that game to sell too well.

Sony dropped FPS for a reason, Destiny was enough.


I'm happy we got what we got from Resistance. That being said, if it didn't work out, it didn't work out. People might be pissed, but come the fuck on, they did 5 fucking games, if it didn't work, move on and let it go, but don't bash them for not continuing something that just isn't moving enough units. Be happy we got several titles.

I think a remaster of all 3 and the PSP and PSV stuff would be great btw. People need to remember this is a business and we've seen IP get canned after 1 release, let alone 5 entries. It got many, many chances, more chances then most IP get of the AAA variety. So I enjoyed the series, but I understand Sony's call to not go forward with another Resistance (if this is even true btw).

Spiderman moved record numbers, Ratchet series is still amazing and likely way cheaper to put out with more units sold, so it makes sense. I also agree with what people are saying with Killzone SF and the Killzone series in general. If its not working out, let them fucking make a new IP and move on. Its not saying I hate Killzone, its not saying I would not buy a remake of Killzone 2 DAY 1! Its saying it had its time to shine, it got many entries, move on. Its done.

Maybe one day we will get another Killzone and Resistance, but I think people need to really look back at those games sales to realize just why they stop putting them out. So I like how they have it set up now, where a IP gets a few entries, then the team does a new IP after and we'll return to that IP IF it was fruitful. This makes much more sense then to lock a team on an IP. If that happens, we never even get that epic ass Spiderman game, you don't know what you don't know..... It was for the best that they were freed up to do that IP when Marvel and Sony came knocking...

Calverz Calverz lol I like both IP and even I have to agree with your post. I completely understand why some might not like Resistance. I think it was a great game, but as someone that also played a shitload of other FPS that gen, I can see just how many might put Resistance 3 on the bottom of that FPS list.

Its not a horrid game, its very solid, but next to the likes of BF3, BF Bad Company 2, Call Of Duty 4, Far Cry 2 and 3, TF2, Killzone 2 etc, it doesn't make the cut. Its just a game with lots of ideas, solid game play, but in a area with sooooooo much others that excel in that space in BOTH SP and MP. Resistance series has a great single player, but in this business, you need a solid both or a massive solid in that single player area, Resistance isn't in the Half Life 2 ball park lol
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What time is it?
Never cared for the series. The tone was probably too serious for Insomniac. Their creativity in weapon design also felt neutered. The enemies and AI aren't particularly interesting either. And then you have the drab color palette which again doesn't feel very Insomniac-like.


but stuff like Days Gone…loved the game but definitely too much overlap with TLOU and I’m glad they are working on a new IP

Days Gone was for sure the craziest "Oh sure, go make that too..." project I can think of, with The Last of Us sure to get a sequel and nothing like this in the developer's past that would indicate that both projects needed to exist at the same time.

I always wondered if the game had a different vibe back when it first was in development as Dead Don't Ride (like, was it more of a motorbiking action game? did it ever have more of a gang system instead of the lone badass story?) It sounds though that they really wanted gritty and earthy and morally gray and Daryl Dixon meets Sons of Anarchy minus the other Sons (they at one point thought of demons instead of freakers but for some reason that was shot down because it was too fantastical,) and it just worked into this story.

(Weird that I always think of it though as TLoU with hoards, whereas Sony Bend saw it as a Guy & His Bike game that just happened to have hoard setpieces amongst its combat scenarios.)



Never cared for the series. The tone was probably too serious for Insomniac. Their creativity in weapon design also felt neutered. The enemies and AI aren't particularly interesting either. And then you have the drab color palette which again doesn't feel very Insomniac-like.

I felt that same way for like 1/4th of Resistance 1, and then there were those tripmines that exploded high and you had to duck (which is a rare mechanic in shooters, sort of a platforming element to it,) and around that time I was getting used to the rhythm of the weapons, and I ended up really liking it. But not enough to play 2 when it looked to be some kind of multiplayer shooter with single-player on MP maps (I still don't know if that's the wrong impression,) and 3 was doing everything it could in its advertising to tell me to stay away...

This was a good timeperiod for portable spin-offs, though, and I was impressed with Resistance Retribution by Bend a good deal.
I’d take Resistance 4 over TLOU2, but hindsight is 20/20, and it’s not like TLOU2 bombed or anything.
TLOU franchise sold more all those games combined but yes Chiggs wants Resistance 4. Sony make it happen. The real take here is Resistance 4 over Days Gone.

Too similar to TLOU, wtf did the decision makers ever even see Resistance?
Resistance is very similar to TLOU. What are you talking about? So is Days Gone. This isnt about gameplay. Hence the “overload of post-apocalyptic games“. Sony made the right call. Seeing that Insomniac‘s family-friendly output has been extremely successful, im not sure how they go back to resistance. Spiderman 2 & 3 are sure things. And I dont see how they arent making a co-op Ratchet & Clank after Spiderman 2. As someone that loves Resistance, I hope Bluepoint games is making a Demon Souls level remake of the first 3.


Imagine releasing a total of one first person shooter all gen and then rejecting the second one because it's too similar to a third person stealth action shooter.

Bizarre decision making over at Sony.

I think it was a good decision due to the timing. But now on the PS5........Resistance 4 would be GREAT!


Ask me about my Stream Deck
If they give you a petty reason like we have too many games with this setting, flip the script. Same game but this time the humans have won and have rebuild society even better with the alien tech. Now that earth is a utopia, humans are taking the good fight to other attacked planets and space.

At least then the decision makers would be forced to say no, it's not the setting, it's the brand we don't want.


I haven't played any of the Resistance games, but it would be nice if Sony diversified their line-up a little bit by adding at least one fpp game to their tpp collection of exclusives.


No evidence to support it but my gut says this is what really happened to Days Gone 2. Too similar to the much more successful TLOU and it's version of post apocalyptic zombie whatever. Of course they are different games, very different games, but from a broader platform portfolio and marketing perspective not so much.
If Dead Dont Ride died, they Resistance should die too. I approve. Bring me post modern, science fiction cities bursting with activity over dour no life post apocalypse.




So many "disappointed" in this thread and I'm confident at least half of them didn't even play most of them. 2 and 3 sold like shit and first one was only appealing as console launch title. What a bunch of hypocrites. Not to mention that this franchise was average at best and waste of time for a talent like Insomniac.
This is SEGA levels of stupid if that is the reason

I bought and still own Resistance 3 good game

sony doesn't seem to care about fun games anymore and cinematic, qte riddin, wokebs
Just released ratchet & clank. Previously released astrobot and sackboy adventure for PS5. Seriously I don't even own a PS and I don't come up with these dumb hot takes.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Bring back Resistance and Killzone.

Fuck it! Bring them back together in an Insomniac x Guerrilla collaboration (Alien vs Predator style) Killzone vs Resistance 🤯
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I remember when I bought my ps3 and I got resistance 3 with it. The game was horseshit! I remember just thinking, “fucking hell, this game is nothing compared to halo”.
I enjoyed KillZone 3 waaayyy more. At least the MP in that game was fun. So yea, I couldn’t care less resistance series died. I heard 2 was pretty cool for the time. But I was too busy on the 360 which was the undisputed FPS king of that generation.
You did everything wrong _ should have bought ps3 with resistance1 the solid fps with less cinematic bull crap. And you should have bought Killzone2 for the same reason, plus the epic multiplayer of the series. In reality you have missed both games.
TLOU franchise sold more all those games combined but yes Chiggs wants Resistance 4. Sony make it happen. The real take here is Resistance 4 over Days Gone.

Resistance is very similar to TLOU. What are you talking about? So is Days Gone. This isnt about gameplay. Hence the “overload of post-apocalyptic games“. Sony made the right call. Seeing that Insomniac‘s family-friendly output has been extremely successful, im not sure how they go back to resistance. Spiderman 2 & 3 are sure things. And I dont see how they arent making a co-op Ratchet & Clank after Spiderman 2. As someone that loves Resistance, I hope Bluepoint games is making a Demon Souls level remake of the first 3.
1. You don’t know how much the series would sale, with things like a remaster for ps4 (like TLOU had to introduce the game to new players) and with the fact that this past Gen everything from hardware to software sold a lot more than ps3 Gen, including exclusives.
2. Resistance is not a survival game in post apocaliptic world _ it is a war game! _ it's the world fighting an ongoing alien invasion, in an alternative time line around WW2.
World at war action first person shooter all the way!


Unconfirmed Member
I remember when I bought my ps3 and I got resistance 3 with it. The game was horseshit! I remember just thinking, “fucking hell, this game is nothing compared to halo”.
I enjoyed KillZone 3 waaayyy more. At least the MP in that game was fun. So yea, I couldn’t care less resistance series died. I heard 2 was pretty cool for the time. But I was too busy on the 360 which was the undisputed FPS king of that generation.
Counterpoint, Resistance 3 was one of the few interesting shooters around that time period because it didn't try to be another Call of Duty knock-off and instead took a lot from Half-Life 2.


I get the logic behind it, but I also don't. Resistance is one of their few first person shooter franchises Sony has. FPS games appeal to a very different audience compared to third person shooters or third person story driven games.


Gold Member
I really liked the first resistance, come to think of it i like all the sony fps, i even played through Haze 3 times when it released lol.

Not enough first person shooters by sony now
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Resistance 1 and 2 were pretty good. Never managed to play 3.

Sony should just reboot either Killzone or Resistance. They need at least one FPS franchise ffs


My avatar says it all, what a fantastic franchise. So my heart is broken when I read this, this is so sad :( But if you really think about it, the post-apocalyptic setting was indeed stacked at the time, but their representation of post-apo world is so vastly different you don't really notice it at first glance, or at all even. So that brings the question if there really wasn't any room left for Res4, which is basically about an alien invasion, and an FPS which even more distinguishes it from the rest of the titles? But then again, Sony shifted entirely on making 3rd party story-driven/cinematic games, so Resistance didn't fit their portfolio.

Some posts here are ignoring the big picture, Resistance never did that well. Like Killzone it was a failed Halo Killer that struggles to sell over 1 million.

The real reason for no Resistance 4 is no one was buying the series. At least Killzone 2 and 3 hit the 1 million mark so there was hope for ps4 launch title Shadowfall. But even being a headliner couldnt get that game to sell too well.

Sony dropped FPS for a reason, Destiny was enough.
Looks like there are Resistance fans here, but that franchise faltered badly (Resistance 3 itself was something of a reboot after R2 was not the blockbuster/online phenomenon it was built to be,) and the third game especially was a dour product that really needed fans to love it for itself because from the outside it was selling a depressing experience compared to the big-monster thrills of even the second game.

Res2 was what killed the franchise, in many ways. The initial reveal trailer of RFoM had this mystery surrounding the story, that some experiments in Russia went wrong, terribly wrong, and somehow you were able to not only survive the virus, but it has actually strengthen you and created this sort of a hybrid. To this day for me it's one of the most intriguing trailer ever:

But then in Res2 turns out the Chimera is just an ordinary alien race from outer space, and Hale is no one special and there are literally armies of people like him in the US. That was the story twist the franchise could never recover from, while I was personally hoping for the sequel to take place in Russia, with an investigation-type of campaign in Siberia or something, discovering all that mistery behind Chimera, what was the experiment about, what/why it went so wrong, who's behind it, and ultimately finding a cure or at least a way to fight back against Chimera.

And then there's the awful gameplay, which turned the game into poor man's CoD clone, with no weapon wheel and two gun limit instead, no HP bad in favor of auto-regen. And the MP with its 60 players was nothing but a chaotic clusterfuck, which was the complete opposite of RFom which remained as one of the most skill-based FPS throughout entire PS3 generation.

The sequel did so much damage on so many fronts that not many people wanted to give Res3 a shot anymore, which was arguably one of the best FPS of PS360 gen in both SP and MP mode. RFom was the very first title made for PS3, and with the console's rough launch it obviously couldn't be god knows how popular, but in 2008 when Res2 launched there were more than enough people to elevate the franchise into something big, but IG dropped the ball, plus CoD4 happened in the meantime which made things even harder. And then like I said, Sony decided to focus solely on TPP games. But rumor says Sony is willing to get back to MP games, and with IG being so successful recently and therefore most likely having a much greater creative freedom, there is a chance for resurrecting or rebooting the Resistance franchise.


My avatar says it all, what a fantastic franchise. So my heart is broken when I read this, this is so sad :( But if you really think about it, the post-apocalyptic setting was indeed stacked at the time, but their representation of post-apo world is so vastly different you don't really notice it at first glance, or at all even. So that brings the question if there really wasn't any room left for Res4, which is basically about an alien invasion, and an FPS which even more distinguishes it from the rest of the titles? But then again, Sony shifted entirely on making 3rd party story-driven/cinematic games, so Resistance didn't fit their portfolio.

Res2 was what killed the franchise, in many ways. The initial reveal trailer of RFoM had this mystery surrounding the story, that some experiments in Russia went wrong, terribly wrong, and somehow you were able to not only survive the virus, but it has actually strengthen you and created this sort of a hybrid. To this day for me it's one of the most intriguing trailer ever:

But then in Res2 turns out the Chimera is just an ordinary alien race from outer space, and Hale is no one special and there are literally armies of people like him in the US. That was the story twist the franchise could never recover from, while I was personally hoping for the sequel to take place in Russia, with an investigation-type of campaign in Siberia or something, discovering all that mistery behind Chimera, what was the experiment about, what/why it went so wrong, who's behind it, and ultimately finding a cure or at least a way to fight back against Chimera.

And then there's the awful gameplay, which turned the game into poor man's CoD clone, with no weapon wheel and two gun limit instead, no HP bad in favor of auto-regen. And the MP with its 60 players was nothing but a chaotic clusterfuck, which was the complete opposite of RFom which remained as one of the most skill-based FPS throughout entire PS3 generation.

The sequel did so much damage on so many fronts that not many people wanted to give Res3 a shot anymore, which was arguably one of the best FPS of PS360 gen in both SP and MP mode. RFom was the very first title made for PS3, and with the console's rough launch it obviously couldn't be god knows how popular, but in 2008 when Res2 launched there were more than enough people to elevate the franchise into something big, but IG dropped the ball, plus CoD4 happened in the meantime which made things even harder. And then like I said, Sony decided to focus solely on TPP games. But rumor says Sony is willing to get back to MP games, and with IG being so successful recently and therefore most likely having a much greater creative freedom, there is a chance for resurrecting or rebooting the Resistance franchise.



Counterpoint, Resistance 3 was one of the few interesting shooters around that time period because it didn't try to be another Call of Duty knock-off and instead took a lot from Half-Life 2.
I can see your POV. I just don’t think it was well done though. I actually still own it and tried to continue it a few months ago but i find it really quite poor. I found the enemy ai was a bit dumb and the weapons a bit lacklustre.


It was the right choice FPS shooter market is overly saturated and it's good Sony moved away from that genre when 3rd parties have it covered. I will say they need to do a VR remaster bundle of Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 campaign modes. (no point doing the entire franchise, or multiplayer).

If Sony ever return to Killzone or Resistance IPs I think they need to turn these games into open world WRPGs similar to Fallout or Borderlands. The weapons in Resistance and upgrading and changing stats would work well in a RPG. The setting in Killzone is great and will also work well in a open world RPG.


Writes a lot, says very little
We should get remaster trilogy's of both Resistance and Killzone as compensation.

Whichever sells the most gets a new game greenlighted.

The lolz, I can't.

Imagine asking for "compensation" using the same fucking thing that literally got Resistance 4 denied development in the first place. So sure, with this logic, whichever sells the most should indeed support a greenlight or not.......as to why Resistance 4 didn't get the greenlight.....

Funny enough, I don't disagree with you btw. If such a thing occurs, maybe it will show Sony a community of fans indeed exist that would buy Killzone 5, Resistance 4 etc.


I had so much fun with this series. Resistance was one of the first game I play on ps3 Resistance 2 is my favourite.


Well, i mean, to be honest i kinda think there is a bit too much such content around so yeah, i understand..

I just feel bad for games coming out which were clearly developed at a time when cyberpunk was expected to be the instant-win setting for games.. i must admit, cloudpunk got my duckets trading on the aesthetic..

(For the record i love Cyberpunk, strikingly similar gameplay to Human Revolution, my all time second favourite game)


Not Banned from OT
It doesn't fit the current Sony first party template so hardly surprised. Sure it was boss can we make a new resistance nope get your ass back to spider man 2 and get planning on Spiderman 3.


Awesome franchise, I only don't like 2. But their weapons were great. Like the sniper rifle with slow mo zoom, or the handgun with remote explosives. R3 was a such a great game, but it ran like shit and the IQ was incredibly low. This game would benefit from a remaster though, considering all effects going on. It has low key one of the best FPS campaigns full stop.

Somehow Resistance and Killzone didn't really sell. Killzone even sold so so on PS4 while nearly everything on that system succeeded. It makes sense for Sony to drop the FPS genre.
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