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RPG advice needed


RPG's in Europe became popular when Final Fantasy 7-8 came in stores... I never putted my hands on a RPG until Final Fantasy X (I'm ashamed of that because I play games since the SNES era)
Since I missed the SNES & PSX (if it comes to RPGs of course) era I missed a lot of great RPGs.. the reason why I started this thread.
I would like to ask you "RPG gamers" which RPGs you recommend me after reading this:

*A MUST: A great (non cliche) story [or: characters you feel a connection with, great dialogs]
If I'm going to "waste" 30+ hours I'd like to have a great adventure with twists and/or adorable characters

* Not a MUST but atmosphere and music are also important for me

* about the battle system.. I don't need a deep/tactical battle system, when I like the world/story/characters I'll enjoy the battles too (of course.. the battle system has to be ok.. no big negative aspects etc)


My RPG history:

Final Fantasy X - I wouldn't rate it 9+ but overall it's ok.. though, the story is.. meh :p

Chrono Trigger - played it in 2003... awesome, I was amazed by the fact that such an "old" game can still compete with recent RPG's.. the characters are adorable (magnus, crono and especially FROG) ... the story/adventure is nicely worked out.. the music, atmosphere, battle system ... everything is great

Chrono Cross - played it last summer.. I didn't play it with the thought "Chrono Trigger sequel" and I enjoyed it.. I really enjoyed the story, how you have 2 worlds where people are different in the 2 worlds. The music is awesome.. though, the biggest flaw were the characters (40+ wtf?).. especially if you compare them with Chrono Trigger


so... which games are a must for me to play? ..judging by the text above
I was thinking about:

Vagrant Story
Valkyrie Profile (yeh I know, it's expensive.. no problem :p)
Shadow Hearts 2
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 4
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

Thanks for your time


"A MUST: A great (non cliche) story [or: characters you feel a connection with, great dialogs]"

You screwed yourself with that wish. Basically all your going to get in replies, at least here is, is Nocturne, Shadow Hearts, Digital Devil Sagas, etc. Yuppie all the dark and depressing stuff. None of them is necessarily less cliche or more character driven then lets say Skies of Arcadia, Grandia etc. But its lighter stuff that somehow gets ripped as being cliched or "kiddie". Really a matter of taste or a weakness that somehow your penis is being threatened by non bleak stuff. :lol


Skies of Arcadia.

Some may say it has a cliche story, but I was enthraled by the whole experience. It does have adorable characters though :)
I would probably single 4 games but one isn't on your list.

Seiken Densetsu 3 - This is a great ARPG for the SNES. The story was pretty good but the awesome gameplay dragged me into it.

Terranigma - It is another ARPG that is very good. I didn't really pay attention to the story but the battling is great.

Xenogears - I had a lot of fun with this game. It lasts a good long time and has a great story and music. Basically you have a giant robot that you can upgrade with new parts that help you get through the games battles and obsticles.

Final Fantasy 6 - One of my favorite games ever. Great story, magic system, characters, and music. All wrapped into a great package. I think it is really hard to find these days though. I mean who would want to part with this game.

Musashi Wins!

Get the hell away from Square games if story and such are an issue.

Get the Shadow Hearts series and any Shin Megami game you can. Persona on psx, valkyrie profile, etc.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Musashi Wins! said:
Get the hell away from Square games if story and such are an issue.

Get the Shadow Hearts series and any Shin Megami game you can. Persona on psx, valkyrie profile, etc.

Your Square hate has become extremely predictable as of late... come on, they aren't THAT bad. Especially not some of the games he mentioned.

Dr. Strangelove

For excellence in RPG execution, track down Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.

Also reccomended: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

It's hard to find either of these games cheap at the moment, but they're certainly worth ponying up the cash.

Musashi Wins!

djtiesto said:
Your Square hate has become extremely predictable as of late... come on, they aren't THAT bad. Especially not some of the games he mentioned.

I do dislike them! I guess it's as predictable as the outpouring of love they get from their fans. Just adding some balance/opinion. I'll try to lay off.


madara said:
"A MUST: A great (non cliche) story [or: characters you feel a connection with, great dialogs]"

You screwed yourself with that wish. Basically all your going to get in replies, at least here is, is Nocturne, Shadow Hearts, Digital Devil Sagas, etc. Yuppie all the dark and depressing stuff. None of them is necessarily less cliche or more character driven then lets say Skies of Arcadia, Grandia etc. But its lighter stuff that somehow gets ripped as being cliched or "kiddie". Really a matter of taste or a weakness that somehow your penis is being threatened by non bleak stuff. :lol
rofl, mostly the lighter stuff appeals me more.. especially if it comes to atmosphere
though, that doesn't say I dislike more darker games.

PS: Until this point.. no one said Vagrant Story? why's that? I heared it has one of the best story's seen in a game?


Himuro said:


Vagrant Story is pretty amazing, but it's not your typical rpg, and didn't fill in the requirements you said you wanted.
what are the requirements for that game? (curious :))


Final Fantasy 9 is still fantastic these days. Great story, music and the battle system isn't too complex, but not just hitting X. I'd suggest Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, but it's more a traditional dungeon-crawler, albeit a very cool and fun one(favorite PSOne RPG).

Xenogears is great fun too, and not a cliche story.


Himuro said:
Well, you said you wanted rpgs this way, that way;etc.

Anyways, VS is a great game. It's more like a western rpg, it's kind of like an action rpg. You can swing your weapon (or shoot arrows or whatever), you target an enemy, and target a body part (head, left or right arm, either leg;etc.), and you do the action, when the action hits the enemy, you can press the attack button again to do another attack, this can create a group of chains. However, the more chains you do, the more damageyou do to your weapon, and the strength from your attacks weaken the more you hit. The battles take place on the field, no random battles, you can walk around freely, jump on boxes, push boxes, jump, solve puzzles;etc.

The gameplay is very polished but takes some getting used to, I have started more than one game of VS because of a single battle a little into the game that I always get stuck on (enemies in the alley...-_-), it can take awhile.

The story and direction of the cutscenes even more so. The story is political, and medieval, a tale for the ages, really. Not to mention, it has like, one of the coolest villian's ever (dude gets shot in the heart by a crossbow, pulls it out, and jumps out of a fucking window, and disappears). It is a pretty dark story, it has to do with religion, the occult, and politics. It is in a fantasy, medival setting, but at the same time it feels sooo realistic because of the long history timeline and so forth.

And the graphics. Best graphics on the psx period.


thanks for your detailed post about Vagrant Story, I'm interested in this game.. I'll buy it :)

+ I'm bumping this thread ;p


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Terranigma and FFIV.

I don't know what it is about Terranigma, but it has a charm that I haven't seen in that many games.

The story isn't anything special (It's basically a tale of the evolution of the world), but it's great fun. I definitely recommend it.

and FFIV is easily the best out of the 16-bit FFs.


Himuro said:
And the graphics. Best graphics on the psx period.

Aside from VS being almost too complicated and way too slow to be really enjoyable, how does it even come close to having decent graphics, never mind "best"?


Gamedude said:
thanks for your detailed post about Vagrant Story, I'm interested in this game.. I'll buy it :)

+ I'm bumping this thread ;p

Allow me to second Himuro on the Vagrant Story recommendation. :)

The game truly is awesome. It gets lots of hate, but that's mainly because of the learning curve. Fantastic story. Do yourself a favor and get it, seriously. It's bound to be cheap by now.


If you loved Chrono Trigger, you will love Final Fantasy 6 (SNES FFIII).

Aside from the annoying end boss, its probably my favorite RPG of all time. I have played probably over 100 of them in my lifetime.

You would be better served to start at the 16 bit era and work forward. You might want to investigate playing a few PC RPGS also (Baldurs Gate II and Fallout 2 come immediately to mind).
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