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RTTP: The Matrix: Path of Neo



Developed by: Shiny Entertainment.
Published by: Atari
Platforms: PC, PS2 and XBOX
Released: November/December 2005.

Originally posted by Wikipedia
This game allows the player to participate in many of the major action scenes in the films. Most of these sequences, picked by the movie directors themselves, are taken from the first film in the series.[2][3]

At the start of the game, the player is hacker Thomas Anderson, and does not possess any of the powers that the character will later discover as Neo. As the game continues, players learn new skills and techniques, equipping Neo for the final showdown with Agent Smith. These additional skills may be levels and in the main game. Many of these skills are used by Neo in the trilogy, including the bullet dodge, bullet stop, and flight. A number of weapons are available in the game, consisting of both melee weapons (including various types of swords, staves, and escrimas) and firearms (assault rifle, submachine gun, pistol etc.).



Video (PC)

Originally posted by Giantbomb

The Matrix: Path of Neo combines aspects of the beat-'em-up and shooter genres. As in the films, Neo is proficient in both martial arts and gun play, and can switch between them on the fly in combat. Neo has both a quick attack button that can be mashed repeatedly to create a combo, and the length of that combo increases as the player progresses through the game. Neo also has a stun attack button, which, if the enemy doesn't resist the blow, can turn into a powerful grab attack move that deals massive damage. The game's melee combat features no "Lock on Targeting" system; instead, Neo can attack in any direction, throwing kicks at enemies behind him and punches to enemies next to him. When surrounded by two or three enemies, Neo can instigate a "link attack" which deals damage to multiple foes. By timing the use of the stun button at the right moment, Neo can "link" with two or three opponents. Pressing the quick attack button at the right time will do heavy damage to all opponents inside the link attack.

When I first played PoN nearly a decade ago, it easily became one of my favourite games of all time.
I enjoyed the gameplay and other additions to the plot such as actually learning Kung Fu.
The Focus meter and progression of Neo's abilities were fantastic as was reliving through personal favourite moments from the movies, e.g. The Agent Smiths encounter from Reloaded.
So how does the game hold up today? Well, graphically, it could use a touch but it doesn't take away from the experience.
Gameplay is still largely fun with the odd glitch (pun unintended) here and there.
Progression (of powers) is still satisfying and makes for great and oftentimes immersive set pieces.
Perhaps the qualms I have today, as mentioned earlier, include the graphics which imo, have not aged that well. Personally, the experience isn't marred but there are definitely noticable moments.
The ending this time around was a little fun but only because I knew what to expect to begin with. I still feel as if this was a cheap way out.
Overall, I still enjoyed the game and felt, after talking to a Twitter acquaintance for a while that this great game truly deserves a remake.
Feature-wise, I'd like to see a more well thought-out ending and incorporation of the Animatrix (maybe side quests).
A graphical overhaul would be awesome too.
Worthy of mention is Enter the Matrix, which many fans hail as the better of the two.
Personally, I'm open to it too receiving the same treatment although I cannot go into details because I played very little of it.
PoN has its critics and rightly so because the trilogy its based on has its critics as well. But even as a game, some have spoken out on how badly implemented certain features were. To each his own.
I'd still recommend this game but what an awesome thing, if we actually got a remake.



I was talking to someone about this game recently and how a remake would be great. Particularly, we talked about what engine would be best suited for it amongst other things like who should develop it and what changes would work.

So, MatrixGAF if a Path of Neo remake were to happen:
  1. What engine would be best suited for it?
  2. Which developer would you want working on it?
  3. What would you add to the game (features etc)?
  4. What would you remove?

Any other input is welcome.



What engine would be best suited for it?
Whatever engine was used for Max Payne 3

Which developer would you want working on it?
1) Platinum Games
2) The Max Payne 3 team

What would you add to the game (features etc)?
Integrate the "real world" and Zion into the game some how. Maybe you leave The Matrix in order to go and program upgrades for yourself or something. Also being able to flow a hovercraft and fight off Sentinels would be nice. I'd also straight up add the Battle for Zion from Matrix Revolutions into the game. I know Neo wasn't there for that, but I found it weird how the most video-gamey part of the movie was skipped out of the game.

What would you remove?
Most of the Merovingian level. Seriously, that went on for so long. I'd also get rid of the stupid
Mecha Agent Smith


The closer you get to the end the more it falls apart. The game was really buggy and hard to look at even back then, but it had some cool gameplay ideas and it toyed with the established universe in fun ways that wouldn't have suited the movies. I would love to see a more polished version on a current console.
This game was janky at times and went to some weird areas (
Mortal Kombat-ish reality
) but I loved it. Did a really good job of progressing through Neo's powers and the combat was really fun.
Returning to the mess, more like it. Even as a Matrix fan, gotta admit that at least.

What engine would be best suited for it?
Whatever engine was used for Max Payne 3

Which developer would you want working on it?
1) Platinum Games
2) The Max Payne 3 team

Disagreed on Max Payne 3 engine or team, don't want Neo controlling like a drunk fool when acrobatics, flipping off walls, and martial arts come into play. The good bits like destruction and hit reactions were done even better in Stranglehold.




On top of just the shooting and destruction, you need a developer that can nail the martial arts. I think Rocksteady's freeflow combat system would be great for this because they'd make performing the ballet of martial arts and parrying against vast amount of enemies simple and empowering.
Disagreed on Max Payne 3 engine or team, don't want Neo controlling like a drunk fool when acrobatics, flipping off walls, and martial arts come into play. The good bits like destruction and hit reactions were done even better in Stranglehold.

Calling bullshit on enemy hit reactions, but the destruction in Stranglehold was one of its best aspects.

Having remotely believable player character physics in a Matrix game would be a mistake, so you're almost right here :)
Is the Matrix still...cool? I loved the first one.

Hell yes. The Matrix is cool in a timeless way.

I wonder why this one was exclusive to PS2 when the previous game was multiplat

I have it on OG Xbox. I think it had a PC release as well. I have Enter the Matrix on PS2 and PC also. ETM is pretty rough around the edges but the CGI movie/scenes they put together are pretty awesome & fill in the gaps between the 1st & 2nd film. Definitely worth a playthru just for those if you're a big fan of the movies. Path of Neo is a way better game, however.
Is rttp supposed to be where a poster plays an oldish game and gives their impressions? Cause that's what I was hopeful for here. Honestly I loved enter the matrix jank, repetitive gameplay and all and I heard path of neo was better in a lot of ways. So fans of enter the matrix, was it actually any good?
[*]Which developer would you want working on it?

If they want the game to have a story that pleases fans and sell two million copies, Rocksteady.

If they want it to be an amazing, challenging action game that'll be replayable until the end of time but a nonsense story, Platinum.


I don't think I'd say Enter The Matrix > Path of Neo. I'd say Path of Neo was more disappointing though because it looked like it was going to be a lot better than it actually was.

Also, small shout out to The Matrix Online... I still miss that game
Is rttp supposed to be where a poster plays an oldish game and gives their impressions? Cause that's what I was hopeful for here. Honestly I loved enter the matrix jank, repetitive gameplay and all and I heard path of neo was better in a lot of ways. So fans of enter the matrix, was it actually any good?

It's been a long time since I've played either. I remember enjoying EtM but recognizing it wasn't a very good game and I was mostly in to it because it was the only Matrix game. Path of Neo though was really cool. It started out kind of weird, but the progression of Neo powers was really interesting and gradual and they had fun with the fact that it was a video game. Like I said earlier, the combat (both melee and shooting) was really fun, included a bunch of stuff you would recognize from the movies, and was a really good representation of what Neo should feel like in a video game.


Would Animatrix-based side missions be cool? With official added content. I would like that to complete the experience.

Is rttp supposed to be where a poster plays an oldish game and gives their impressions? Cause that's what I was hopeful for here. Honestly I loved enter the matrix jank, repetitive gameplay and all and I heard path of neo was better in a lot of ways. So fans of enter the matrix, was it actually any good?

Yeah, Moon, absolutely. Forgot to add that to OP. Will do so after class.
And yeah, Enter The Matrix was pretty kick ass imo but I haven't played that in a while to make a thread about. Maybe I'll look for it and mention it as well...

It's been a long time since I've played either. I remember enjoying EtM but recognizing it wasn't a very good game and I was mostly in to it because it was the only Matrix game. Path of Neo though was really cool. It started out kind of weird, but the progression of Neo powers was really interesting and gradual and they had fun with the fact that it was a video game. Like I said earlier, the combat (both melee and shooting) was really fun, included a bunch of stuff you would recognize from the movies, and was a really good representation of what Neo should feel like in a video game.

Yeah, similar sentiments here as well. I liked Enter the Matrix but I enjoyed Path of Neo a lot. My only gripe was the ending.


I would kill for another Matrix game like this, it would benefit so much from current hardware. I even bought this for my Xbox recently, good memories. Would buy an HD remaster/remake of this and Enter the Matrix instantly.


What I remember most about Path of Neo was the fantastic set of tutorial missions based on classic kung fu films and hard boiled. Longest tutorial ever but the best I ever playd.
Occasionally I think about what I'd want from a redo of this game, because for what it was, it was fantastic fun.

Platinum would make it balls out action.
Rocksteady more or less made The Batmatrix with the Arkham games.

I'm honestly not sure which. Maybe have Rocksteady design the overall game aesthetic and progress, Platinum do the combat.

It would truly be GOAT.


Good lord that Burly Brawl fight, they're like cockroaches. :lol Remember when Shiny made good games? I'm not sure I do.


I remember this being one of the first games I bought when I built my first gaming pc (-.- )"

not saying the game was bad, but that pc port was something! Still could never get a 360 controller to map right with that. Shoot was mapped to the back button or something Oo

having melee and block mapped to the same button is neat. Makes sense! You use hands to block and punch people!
I remember liking this game quite a bit, but that video showed me that I might be looking through a pretty thick lens of nostalgia.
after Enter The Matrix, I totally ignored this one. Maybe I'll give it a go when I'm in the mood for some dumb fun.

Really lame how Enter The Matrix didn't have Neo though. also, it was the one movie cash-in to truly suck me in with "the movie will be so awesome, I bet the game will be too!" Neither of those things ended up being true lol

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Rocksteady would make a much better Matrix game than Platinum Games. The counter system alone in Batman is perfect for the fighting scenes in a Matrix game.


Rocksteady would make a much better Matrix game than Platinum Games. The counter system alone in Batman is perfect for the fighting scenes in a Matrix game.

You're right.

Maybe WB will put Rocksteady to work on that shit when they inevitably reboot The Matrix one day.
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