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RTTP: The Matrix: Path of Neo


Disagreed on Max Payne 3 engine or team, don't want Neo controlling like a drunk fool when acrobatics, flipping off walls, and martial arts come into play. The good bits like destruction and hit reactions were done even better in Stranglehold.

On top of just the shooting and destruction, you need a developer that can nail the martial arts. I think Rocksteady's freeflow combat system would be great for this because they'd make performing the ballet of martial arts and parrying against vast amount of enemies simple and empowering.
Max Payne 3 handled the way it did for a reason. They wanted it to be grounded, and Max isn't an acrobat,. Stranglehold was pretty good, but there's no reason to believe the MP3 team couldn't make a much better version of the same game.

I agree on the Rocksteady combat though.


Neo Member
Spoilers for the ridiculous ending.... but yeah....


Wow uh.. alright then. Every time I got to the level with hundreds of Smiths, my Xbox would tell me the disc couldn't be read, I never made it past that level or even got to play it. I wonder what I would've thought about that ending back then, lol.

Rocksteady would make a much better Matrix game than Platinum Games. The counter system alone in Batman is perfect for the fighting scenes in a Matrix game.

I see where you're coming from, but between all these Batman games, Sleeping Dogs, Assassin's Creed and Shadow of Mordor, i'm pretty bored with that style of gameplay. Its animations sure would look flashy and stylish, but I don't think it'd ultimately make for a very satisfying Matrix game.

I think I'd be most okay with Platinum developing the game. It'd probably end up looking a lot more colorful than The Matrix, but I know they could create some satisfying and fast melee combat mechanics, and after Vanquish, I'm confident they could also give it fun / superfast third person shooting too.


I remember getting heavily involved into this game and bought a new controller to do better with the combos.


Picked up an old school Xbox the other day and this game as well (along with a few others). Looking forward to giving it a try soon.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I see where you're coming from, but between all these Batman games, Sleeping Dogs, Assassin's Creed and Shadow of Mordor, i'm pretty bored with that style of gameplay. Its animations sure would look flashy and stylish, but I don't think it'd ultimately make for a very satisfying Matrix game.

I think I'd be most okay with Platinum developing the game. It'd probably end up looking a lot more colorful than The Matrix, but I know they could create some satisfying and fast melee combat mechanics, and after Vanquish, I'm confident they could also give it fun / superfast third person shooting too.

Well, if we throw subjectivity out the window, there is a stronger base for Warner Brothers and Rocksteady to do a Matrix game, then Warner Brothers and Platinum Games. Secondly, Rocksteady can produce a high caliber game that resonates with a wide audience, while Platinum on the other hand remains a largely niche developer.

Now back to subjective opinion of Rocksteady versus Platinum, the hand-to-hand combat mechanics suit the Matrix much better than the typical action Bayonetta mechanic Platinum uses. I'm sure Rocksteady could add all sorts of extra vehicular and shooting mechanics.



So, do you guys think we'll ever see a new Matrix game? I mean, with this gen being so graphically and technically powerful, I think it's about time we saw a capable developer handling a Matrix game. I wouldn't even mind Path of Neo being completely remade - I was one of the few that actually liked it, bugs and issues aside.

Will a new Matrix game intrigue you guys?



So, do you guys think we'll ever see a new Matrix game? I mean, with this gen being so graphically and technically powerful, I think it's about time we saw a capable developer handling a Matrix game. I wouldn't even mind Path of Neo being completely remade - I was one of the few that actually liked it, bugs and issues aside.

Will a new Matrix game intrigue you guys?

I wish they make anything with the matrix license. But i really dont see it coming back...


There's been occasional talk of a new Matrix movie every so often. I dunno.

I doubt we'd get another game unless it was tied in with a new movie or TV show or whatever.


Neo Member
I actually had fun with this game despite its terrible final boss (and terrible everything else). I'm pretty sure my love of the Matrix made this game more enjoyable than it has any right to be. Stripped of the franchise it's just not very good. Enter the Matrix was much better in my opinion.


the only thing people really know about this game who haven't played it are the ending and that it supposedly is worse than enter the matrix, which already sucks

they're right in that this game is bad but also holy shit it is beautiful in knowing exactly what it wants to be and that is a fucking nonsensical beat 'em up that has bizarre and insane moves that demonstrate the superman-like strength of neo after you get to the 'matrix reloaded' and beyond sections. i think it's a significantly better game than enter the matrix because it sets it's goals obviously and manages to accomplish them decently despite being this weird flaming mess in doing so. enter the matrix sucks all the way down which makes it being a more beloved game something i can't really comprehend

like, the OP mentioning specifically the progression is a really important deal as the game actually manages to capture the absolutely bizarre jump in power from the original matrix sections to the matrix reloaded section- you go from being a hypercompetent martial artist gunslinger dude to straight up this guy:


and enemies you used to have to run from before or had to struggle against before start getting clowned on by how absolutely fucking nonsensical neo is

seriously there is a level where you get sucked into "deep cyberspace" or something stupid like that and fight human-sized ants using the same animation bones as other guys, meaning they're giant bipedal ants wielding swords and light poles and shit


the only thing people really know about this game who haven't played it are the ending and that it supposedly is worse than enter the matrix, which already sucks

they're right in that this game is bad but also holy shit it is beautiful in knowing exactly what it wants to be and that is a fucking nonsensical beat 'em up that has bizarre and insane moves that demonstrate the superman-like strength of neo after you get to the 'matrix reloaded' and beyond sections. i think it's a significantly better game than enter the matrix because it sets it's goals obviously and manages to accomplish them decently despite being this weird flaming mess in doing so. enter the matrix sucks all the way down which makes it being a more beloved game something i can't really comprehend

like, the OP mentioning specifically the progression is a really important deal as the game actually manages to capture the absolutely bizarre jump in power from the original matrix sections to the matrix reloaded section- you go from being a hypercompetent martial artist gunslinger dude to straight up this guy:


and enemies you used to have to run from before or had to struggle against before start getting clowned on by how absolutely fucking nonsensical neo is

seriously there is a level where you get sucked into "deep cyberspace" or something stupid like that and fight human-sized ants using the same animation bones as other guys, meaning they're giant bipedal ants wielding swords and light poles and shit
I hated the ants section. The whole trippy world and all was a nice touch but those ants had to be burned and what not.

Anywho, I really liked Path of Neo and felt it was much, much better than Enter The Matrix. Plus the environmental destruction for a PS2 game at the time was phenomenal. I kept replaying the lobby scene over and over again.

I usually don't like Platinum games that much but maybe only they can do justice to a new Matrix game. (Please don't have disappearing bodies and debris)
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