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Sammy's New Fighter...?




Any information on it other then it's starting testing soon?


I can check with Sammy US, but no one will be in the office until Tuesday. Sorry... maybe someone else will have info in the meantime.

I'd assume Sammy is not doing this one in-house... is it Arc Systems perhaps?


Ken Ju? This sounds interesting, I wonder what it'll be like and why it isn't a new Guilty Gear title.

BTW whatever happened to Sammy vs. Capcom?
Funky Papa said:
There is bad art and there is terrible art *___*

It wouldn't be a Sammy fighter without god-fucking-awful character designs.

They may as well hire that bum Joe Maderieieruerigonorrhea to do character designs for them since he seems to love the BIG FISTS, BIG BOOTS, AND LOTS OF STRAPS AND DOO-DADS HANGING OFF OF THEM art that Sammy favors.


Unconfirmed Member
Drexon said:
Rumblefish, Sammy vs. Capcom, Kenju... COME ALREADY!
I'm getting pretty decent with Kaya in Rumble Fish, actually. I'm not good yet, but I'm decent enough to have some cool fights. I might try somebody new next time, though. :)


Unconfirmed Member
The Take Out Bandit said:
It wouldn't be a Sammy fighter without god-fucking-awful character designs.

They may as well hire that bum Joe Maderieieruerigonorrhea to do character designs for them since he seems to love the BIG FISTS, BIG BOOTS, AND LOTS OF STRAPS AND DOO-DADS HANGING OFF OF THEM art that Sammy favors.
I find Joe Mad put downs offensive.

That said, that is pretty stereotypical/not so good Sammy artwork. I rather like some of the Rumble Fish character designs, though (some, not all), and Guilty Gear has plenty of well-designed characters.


Ok, so you live in japan and iz playing it on the arcade machines? That be pretty cool yah. All I've seen of the game is a couple of 40x40 screens, taken with a 0.4 megapixel camera of a VHS. So I guess there's some movies out now. =) *Goes to get*


Unconfirmed Member
Drexon said:
Ok, so you live in japan and iz playing it on the arcade machines?
Well, no, I don't live here, but yeah it is in the arcades here. In fact, it's in practically every arcade, seemingly.


Holds a little red book
The Take Out Bandit said:
It wouldn't be a Sammy fighter without god-fucking-awful character designs.
That's what I say, only replace Sammy with Midway (i.e. Mortal Kombat).


MetatronM said:
I find Joe Mad put downs offensive.

Don't be offended--the remark's coming from a guy who thinks Shantae is the pinnacle of Western game development. You've gotta take anything he says with a grain of salt. ;)

aoi tsuki said:
That girl looks borderline chubby in Japanese terms, unless they're going for the extreme proportions seen in some hentai doujinshi. At least SF3 Chun Li is a bit bigger on top.

It's good to see a female character design with thick legs and nice, visible hips every so often. :) (Though I wouldn't object to seeing this character drawn a bit bigger up top to balance her out, either.) Chun-Li's about the only other one that comes immediately to mind for me, too.

Funky Papa said:
He is not an artist, he is friggin Craig Mullins (he has done a lot of work for Bungie)

So if you do work for Bungie, you can no longer be considered an artist? o_O;

And as for the character designs themselves, I'd hardly consider them 'terrible'. They're... unexceptional. Not bad, per se, but nothing memorable enough for me to remember years from now, either. They're just sort of... there.
Don't be offended--the remark's coming from a guy who thinks Shantae is the pinnacle of Western game development. You've gotta take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Bite me, asscakes.

Show me a console game from a western developer that isn't based off an existing franchise that's as charming. Not saying such a beast doesn't exist. Heck, I'll offer up the first Earth Worm Jim game.

Nevermind, I just answered my own question.

My Shantae cheerleading is the result of an unknown team coming up with a franchise that was incredibily impressive on the GBC hardware, and it has pirate and zombie chicks. YOU CAN'T LOSE WITH ZOMBIE AND PIRATE CHICKS!!!!

I'm going to keep on cheering long and loud. Similar to Sega fans. Unlike Sega fans, my pet developer hasn't long since worn out it's welcome and screwed themselves out of the industry. Look forward to more Wayforward pimping until they make it big. Then I can kick all you suckers off my bandwagon. :p

It's good to see Joe Mad's crap work ethic got him laughed out of comics, and his pipe dream of working on teh bideo gamez got flushed down the toilet. If anybody sees Joe Mad on a street corner, please tell me where to go to get my knob polish by a former comic icon.



MetatronM said:
I'm getting pretty decent with Kaya in Rumble Fish, actually. I'm not good yet, but I'm decent enough to have some cool fights. I might try somebody new next time, though. :)

I am interested in impressions of Rumble Fish. How is the graphics\animation? Did you talk about it in another thread? I heard it looks amazing, but how does it play?


Ken Ju? This sounds interesting, I wonder what it'll be like and why it isn't a new Guilty Gear title.

BTW whatever happened to Sammy vs. Capcom?

capcom's low res sprites got embarassed and commited seppuku.


Unconfirmed Member
Ryu said:
I am interested in impressions of Rumble Fish. How is the graphics\animation? Did you talk about it in another thread? I heard it looks amazing, but how does it play?
Man, I didn't realize nobody else here played it/knew it was out. It's friggin' everywhere. That said, it's rare that I see anybody playing it, so I guess maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.

Anyway, Rumble Fish is A LOT slower paced than Guilty Gear is. It's at more of a Street Fighter kind of speed and not quite so frenetically paced as GG is. I'm still not all that great at the game, so I can't tell if some of the really powerful characters are really powerful because they are cheap and unbalanced or if I just suck too much and don't know how to fight them, so it's somewhat hard to say. It does definitely look great, though, albeit a bit strange the first time you see it because they animate the characters in such a way as to give the illusion that these 2D sprites have depth. I can't really explain it, but it looked a bit weird the first time I saw it in motion, but it's very cool and very clean looking. And aside from whatever balance issues there may or may not be, it seems like it plays more or less like your typical Street Fighter clone.

I need to drop a few more 100 yen coins into it to be able to give really detailed impressions and get a bit feel for certain parts of the game, but those are my brief impressions so far.


Theres a video if you want to dig around sammy's website.

www.sammy.co.jp BTW

But yeah, the animation is a little wierd. I recall reading somewhere about it being a new technique... really it just looks like they did something akin to flash style animation. Where the character sprites are actually individual cutout pieces and are animated seperately and put togethor later on has a finished sprite , instead of handdrawing each frame of animation. It gives the game an old school flashback/rotoscoped look actually but on the same note it looks kind of cheap and slow...


Word is is that DB is Metal Slug with shit gameplay and slick as hell graphics. But then again, reading isn't the same as playing...
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