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Silent Hill Tease Dropped by Kojima Productions, More Info May be Coming Next Week


Hideo Kojima has been doing a lot of teasing about his next big project recently, and a lot of it seems to be pointing in one direction – Silent Hills, the sadly-cancelled game he was working on with Guillermo del Toro before his ugly departure from Konami. Late last year, Kojima tweeted that he was working his next game concept with the following teaser image.

There’s a lot going on in that picture, but most people zeroed in on the fact that Kojima was sitting alone in a silent office while staring at a hill of sand on his computer. Kojima has also teased a possible return to horror in another tweet. Well, our latest Twitter tease comes from the official Kojima Productions account – at first glance, it just looks like Koji Pro’s head of communications Aki Saito scribbling on a post-it, but look a little closer and there are some telltale clues.

First off, Aki uses the word “silent” in his tweet, and if you zoom in, it turns out he’s using a “Pyramid” brand pencil. Hmmm! Oh, and his note says “Next Week!” Hmmm again! Could we finally be getting some Silent Hill news next week? Or is all just an elaborate red herring to distract us from whatever crazy thing Kojima is actually working on?

It should mentioned that Silent-Hill-related chatter has been heating up in general. Recently, we reported on a rumor that there were actually two Silent Hill games in development – one a “soft-reboot,” the other an episodic adventure game. How would Kojima Productions potentially fit into these plans? Are they making the reboot? Or could a third SH game be in the works?

A lot of questions, and not a lot of answers at this point. Here’s hoping we hear more soon! What do you think is next for Kojima Productions?


Could a mod change the thread's title to "Site jumps to Silent Hill conclusions over nothing"? I mean, really, the only thing even a little bit related is the use of the word "silent". The rest is utter nonsense. A sand dune on a screen in an empty office? Seriously?
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
Just few weeks ago a friend told me Kojima name was still present in Zone of the Enders 2 remaster credits for ps4!
Because it was produced by him.

A lot of people that work in other companies or even is no more in the industry are still credited in some games. It's no surprise
How is this even possible with the way things ended between Konami and Kojima?
It doesn't have to be called silent hill or silent hills. It can be a spiritual silent hill game.
Or maybe Sony greased some hands at Konami and they bought the IP and gave it to Kojima to make a game.


It doesn't have to be called silent hill or silent hills. It can be a spiritual silent hill game.
Or maybe Sony greased some hands at Konami and they bought the IP and gave it to Kojima to make a game.
I'm confused. If they building a spiritual successor, then I get it. But if it's a collaboration with Konami under the Silent Hill name, then that would be a surprise.


It doesn't have to be called silent hill or silent hills. It can be a spiritual silent hill game.
Or maybe Sony greased some hands at Konami and they bought the IP and gave it to Kojima to make a game.

They don't even have to go that far, Konami could just contract KojiPro to do it themselves like they contracted Climax and those other studios to make Silent Hill games back in the day.

Not that I think this is happening.


...lacks reading comprehension.
I doubt Konami would ever want to contract Kojima for anything. If anything, he is using Silent Hill to tease something like it, not the real thing. But more realistically it's just DLC for Death Stranding. Where you run alone and silent across hills. And now they make a sand map DLC with pyramids.


I don't think it would be that big of a surprise if he collaborated with Konami, he's got clout and experience and like it or not they need people to work on their IPs before those IPs rot. Konami is a business, I'd be surprised if they had a personal grudge against him.

Honestly they treated him pretty shitty but the way he was wasting their resources for MGSV wouldn't fly at any other company either. He needed a leash.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
"Sitting in a silent room, with his desktop wallpaper being a hill of sand"

"Saying 'sorry I've been silent' while holding a pyramid pencil"

Why do you guys do this to yourselves?


There's also a skull of an ape. He must be making Ape Escape!

Then again, there's also a mouse in the picture. What do mice eat? Cheese. And who else likes cheese? Wisconsin. Green Bay. Kojima must be working on a new Madden game!!


Hahahaha. I remember when the PythonSelkan “Gray Fox is venom” videos were getting attention, there were a lot more mentions of Gray Fox from Kojima Production staff members.

Who’s your favorite chatacter?
-Gray Fox. His past is so sad.

Hey look, there’s a huge Cyborg Ninja statue by that Venom Snake prosthetic!

Edit: here, if you’re looking for more rumors:

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There is zero percent chance this is Silent Hills, unless somehow that entire fiasco between him and Konami got sorted out, and they came begging him to do it. I don't see how this would be possible. If anything, perhaps he is going to take the ideas and concepts we had already planned for Silent Hills and make his own game out of them.


Kojima wanted to develop Death S. Konami said no but good guy Konami let Kojima find someone crazy to found DE. A wild Sony appeared and we know the story. Kojima fullfilled his dream and after that returs to father Konami to bring Silent Hills.


It’s a picture of a desert and a pyramid brand pencil and y’all are jumping to Silent Hill when it’s obviously an ancient Egyptian mummification and tomb-building simulator.


How is this even possible with the way things ended between Konami and Kojima?
Correct me if I´m wrong, but as far as I know, the end of the relation between Kojima and Konami has never been cleared up. I mean, Kojima left Konami, his name was removed from the MGS franchise (MGSV: GZ, MGSV), but that doesn´t mean Konami treated bad by any means! It was just only speculations, nothing more!!!! Nor Kojima or Konami did an official statement about that. We don´t even know if Kojima was fired like everyone said...., I don´t know, maybe the super god figure of Kojima made gamers think that was the case, but maybe he only want to do something more, I don´t know.

Well, that said, I wish he and Kojima team up and make Silent Hills.
I'm confused. If they building a spiritual successor, then I get it. But if it's a collaboration with Konami under the Silent Hill name, then that would be a surprise.
I don't think Kojima will ever collaborate with Konami again.
With all the drama that happened.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Silent Hill Remake
3rd Person
Semi-Open World
Side Missions
World transforms in real-time( think Silent Hill Movie)
Made with Decima Engine.
PS5/PC only
Coming 2021
I Wish
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Gold Member
considering KojiPro made DS in like 3 years, I have faith they can pull off a new silent hill now,


The blue balls are real, people ! You are as thirsty for SH as James Sunderland is thirsty for sex ! Don't see any innocuous sign as a proof of anything. Calm. Yo. Tits !

And IF that were true, which I doubt, I don't know if I want Kojima to handle it. His writing style is very different from Owaku's or Sato's. Subtlety is not his forte. Not that I dislike that, far from it. It's just that it's not the right franchise for that sort of things.

I simply crave for a remake of the original trilogy. It won't be an easy task (especially with 2), but if they manage to pull it off, they could create something very special.

But right now, it's only the stuff of restless dreams...


Silent Hills mobile

I will put zero hopes into this. I don’t want to get my heart broken again :(
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