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Sony's secret San Diego studio/team that was rumored to be developing an Uncharted game has seemingly been shut down


Quentin Cobb a Sr. game designer who was hyping their game for a long time has apparently left Sony per his linkedin profile:


And another Sr. game designer has also left while tweeting this:

The tweet makes it very clear that at the very least the team that Sony tried to create does not exist anymore, and likely that the game itself has been cancelled.

Really sucks to see a new studio that didnt even get its time to introduce itself get shut down, especially as per the tweet and the linkedin page the game got cancelled around when PS5 has launched.


Please yes, more Uncharted. They shouldn't abandon one of their most recognizable assets. Imagine Nintendo would have said oh we had enough Mario games.
Uncharted was getting stale by 4 imo and The Lost Legacy was a good step in the right direction but these games aren't the groundbreaking masterpieces they once were.

I'd like to see Sony invest in new IPs or reviving other IPs before we get another Uncharted.


Uncharted was getting stale by 4 imo and The Lost Legacy was a good step in the right direction but these games aren't the groundbreaking masterpieces they once were.

I'd like to see Sony invest in new IPs or reviving other IPs before we get another Uncharted.

I used to love Uncharted - but for some reason 4 just didn't click with me and I stopped playing it pretty soon and never went back to it. It was strange because there wasn't anything I actively disliked about it, it just didn't make we want to carry on playing.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Really sucks to see a new studio that didnt even get its time to introduce itself get shut down, especially as per the tweet and the linkedin page the game got cancelled around when PS5 has launched.

Wasn't a new studio, but a new team within Sony San Diego who makes The Show.
Uncharted was getting stale by 4 imo and The Lost Legacy was a good step in the right direction but these games aren't the groundbreaking masterpieces they once were.

I'd like to see Sony invest in new IPs or reviving other IPs before we get another Uncharted.
Let's have again an Uncharted game without development troubles like happened for U3 and U4. Sony owes us a 1970 young Sully adventure.


I don't think there is enough evidence to draw any conclusion.
Even the same premise that the new studio was doing a new Uncharted has never been confirmed, it's not like any artwork, concept or detail about the project ever leaked.
Also if they were determined to set up a new studio I don't think they would give up after a wrong prototype.
Media Molecule was given pretty much a whole generation to get their vision of Dreams done and they knew already it would never be a multimillion seller and if they were actually making a new Uncharted, what was so innovative and difficult to make that they couldn't get past the prototype phase? It should be a totally trusted formula...just change setting, story, make the gameplay a bit more modern and you're set?
So basically I hope for the best but we don't know the full story.
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Gold Member
No more Uncharted, please.

We all know it will be starring his daughter, instead of Nate. Do not want.

Uncharted isn’t Uncharted unless it’s Nate. It never works when people try to keep franchises going without the reason they‘re successful, and uncharted is popular because of Nate’s character.

I’d dig an old grumpy Nate who maybe has to come out of retirement to save his kidnapped daughter, or something... but that probably strays to close to Last Of Us.
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This was a second team within san Diego studio who do MLB:the show. Sounds like something wasn't looking good. Possible the project is still open but will be under new leadership.

Sony seems more intimate with software development. If it's not meeting milestones they will get someone who will.

Wish MS was more like that in Halo infinite development much earlier.
Well that sucks..I was looking forward to another Uncharted more than whatever the last of us turns out to be (after that story was ruined).
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People say nothing was lost but that's a hell of a lot of Dev time if it's all just been scrapped
It is unfortunate but its also a good thing. If something just isn't working it is better to stop even if you are 60% there rather than putting more money into it hoping it works. That's not to say sometimes things don't eventually click at the last minute but often, the opposite is the case.


Maybe someone out there actually did some research and discovered that a new 'big' Uncharted game with Cassie instead of Nate as the playable lead wouldn't sell that well?
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Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Uncharted isn’t Uncharted unless it’s Nate. It never works when people try to keep franchises going without the reason they‘re successful, and uncharted is popular because of Nate’s character.

Lost Legacy was perfectly fine without Nate. I could see a fifth entry with Chloe or Sully as the main characters, taking over the torch from Nate. It would not change the franchise in any drastic way, it would most likely freshen things up a bit.


Maybe someone out there actually did some research and discovered that a new 'big' Uncharted game with Cassie instead of Nate as the playable lead wouldn't sell that well?

That's not what is happening. Nathan story is done. They won't want to show horn Cassie as a lead. She seems not the adventure type. She's more like her mom, and seems to be more about the history than the value. Similar to what Nate and elena found out about each other. Nate loves discovery of historical figures/artifacts.

I can see another adventure with Sam, young sully, chloe, nadine or even charlie cutter.
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I’m kind of annoyed if this was the rumored uncharted game we aren’t going to get. I want more action adventure games like uncharted.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
You’re talking about a well-received franchise, if we have a definitive sequel that’s great but to me spin-offs aren’t a chance worth taking especially with a franchise like Uncharted.


Please yes, more Uncharted. They shouldn't abandon one of their most recognizable assets. Imagine Nintendo would have said oh we had enough Mario games.
Uncharted is pegged 100% by a game like lara croft, which is a better bet in almost every respect.


Gold Member
Honestly, not that surprised. If things were going well, it makes no sense for Sony to not announce that they have a new 1st party studio working on an announced AAA game. The fact that they kept quiet this whole time just showed the lack of confidence they had in this team.
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I'm not sure if I ever believed this secret studio making a new Uncharted, but I certainly want it to be true.

Uncharted 5 is basically my most wanted game.

It's a fantastic series and there's not much else like it, oddly enough.

I'll be gutted if it's over.


Why. Even if ND doesn’t make another, it’s an established franchise and Sony is even making a movie. There’s still nothing else like it.

Plus, it's not like it's exclusive. We can continue Uncharted AND get new IPs.

Series change developers all the time. It shouldn't be that hard really. The formula is very well honed and the world and cast of characters is magical.


They should let the Uncharted IP rest a few more years or at least wait until the movie is out to ride a new wave of interest. I get the feeling there was a bit of series fatigue after lost legacy 4 and the collection


Gold Member
I used to love Uncharted - but for some reason 4 just didn't click with me and I stopped playing it pretty soon and never went back to it. It was strange because there wasn't anything I actively disliked about it, it just didn't make we want to carry on playing.
Same. I was into it until the 50% point and then I just lost interest.


Wouldn't mind more Uncharted. But if it's a new studio making a reboot/spinoff they should take the opportunity to change up the formula a bit.

Less walking and talking, less slow hyper scripted story moments (which they took WAY too far in 4)

Mix up the combat with actual fun and creative puzzles (not crate pushing "puzzles") and real platforming that requires timing, reflexes and observation instead of putting you on autopilot.

Keep the more open areas but instead of having nothing but boring collectables to find in them straight up copy Tomb Raider and put optional puzzles and challenges with gameplay rewards for beating them.
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Wouldn't mind more Uncharted. But if it's a new studio making a reboot/spinoff they should take the opportunity to change up the formula a bit.

Less walking and talking, less slow hyper scripted story moments (which they took WAY too far in 4)

Mix up the combat with actual fun and creative puzzles (not crate pushing "puzzles") and real platforming that requires timing, reflexes and observation instead of putting you on autopilot.

Keep the more open areas but instead of having nothing but boring collectables to find in them straight up copy Tomb Raider and put optional puzzles and challenges with gameplay rewards for beating them.
Sounds nothing like Uncharted heh.
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