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Sony's secret San Diego studio/team that was rumored to be developing an Uncharted game has seemingly been shut down


No more Uncharted please unless they change the formula. Less cutscenes and explosions and more gameplay. Copy Tomb Raider open world formula.
Tomb raider is crap compared to Uncharted 2 3 and 4. I began the last tomb raider and I couldn’t pass from the first hour. Stop to asking for all games being a open world.

Anyway, the tweet is about personal thing from him, the studio is running yet
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I want more Uncharted games, if possible free of the recent ND woke stuff. Give me more top notch action set pieces, epic shooting sequences, stunning visuals, exploration in exotic locations and (I think the series should focus a bit more here) cool puzzles. A game focused on a young Sully would be cool.

Quentin Cobb a Sr. game designer who was hyping their game for a long time has apparently left Sony per his linkedin profile:


And another Sr. game designer has also left while tweeting this:

The tweet makes it very clear that at the very least the team that Sony tried to create does not exist anymore, and likely that the game itself has been cancelled.

Really sucks to see a new studio that didnt even get its time to introduce itself get shut down, especially as per the tweet and the linkedin page the game got cancelled around when PS5 has launched.

'Things didn't work out this time' sounds more related to his personal case. Maybe fired him or he left, and if this is the case they can replace him. AAA games have over a thousand people working on them in these days. One or two persons leaving the project doesn't mean anything. 'Things didn't work out this time' doesn't mean they cancelled the game or shut down the studio.
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Lost Legacy was perfectly fine without Nate. I could see a fifth entry with Chloe or Sully as the main characters, taking over the torch from Nate. It would not change the franchise in any drastic way, it would most likely freshen things up a bit.
Really how much did it sell, u cant have a unchted game without nate, its like metal gear without snake.


Gold Member
Put Chloe for the next Uncharted game and Sony will have their own Tomb Raider game


As stated... no. Lost Legacy sold like crap. They won’t be making Chloe the main character again.
Uncharted isn’t Uncharted unless it’s Nate. It never works when people try to keep franchises going without the reason they‘re successful, and uncharted is popular because of Nate’s character.

I’d dig an old grumpy Nate who maybe has to come out of retirement to save his kidnapped daughter, or something... but that probably strays to close to Last Of Us.
An older white male rescuing a strong, independent young lady? How dare you suggest such a thing!

Personally, I would love for Nate to get a Taken'esque role placed on him. "If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills... I will find you, and I will steal all of your priceless artifacts."
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I don't understand the love for uncharted. I got the drake's collection with PS + because I've heard for the past decade how good this games are, and I liked TLOU so I thought it was going to be good. Couldn't be more wrong, Uncharted 1 turned out to be a really mediocre game, the only thing that kept me going was the story, it was entertaining. After the 10th time I had to fight countless enemies I was done.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Have no interest in Uncharted 5 but really hoping for Lost Legacy 2!!! Come on Sony, make it happen!!!
then they surely were working on some VR project

Sony shut down lots of studios doing VR and are now pretty much shuting down psvr except as legacy tech


I don't understand the love for uncharted. I got the drake's collection with PS + because I've heard for the past decade how good this games are, and I liked TLOU so I thought it was going to be good. Couldn't be more wrong, Uncharted 1 turned out to be a really mediocre game, the only thing that kept me going was the story, it was entertaining. After the 10th time I had to fight countless enemies I was done.

So you played a game from 13 years ago and are surprised it's flawed? It's easily the weakest game in the franchise.
What’s interesting is that Quentin Cobb was mostly a designer on Uncharted’s MP.

Could this be some type of MP-focused project?


I actually like Uncharted 1 more than U3.

I liked 1 a lot, I quoted that post in terms of mechanics and how it can feel dated, because it is dated, not saying its the worst plot wise or anything. I'm a big fan of the franchise, although I think 2 is better than 1 and 3.


I liked 1 a lot, I quoted that post in terms of mechanics and how it can feel dated, because it is dated, not saying its the worst plot wise or anything. I'm a big fan of the franchise, although I think 2 is better than 1 and 3.
I really love the pacing and the environments in U1. U3 was a bit too scripted for my taste and its settings (although very beautiful) were not as interesting as those of U1. I also prefer the more "pulp" story of U1.But yeah U2 is indeed better than U1 and U3.I also loved Uncharted Golden Abyss for Vita. Crazy what Sony Bend managed to do with Vita's hardware especially when you consider Golden Abyss was a PSVita launch title. Makes you wonder what Vita could have achieved in terms of graphics at the end of its lifetime at the hands of capable developers...
But i digress. :p
So you played a game from 13 years ago and are surprised it's flawed? It's easily the weakest game in the franchise.

That's what I thought too, so I decided to download uncharted 4 and give it a try. I can't believe I made the same mistake twice. Just as you start playing the game, you have to drive a boat and fight random enemies again that don't offer you any kind of difficulty, it's just like a playable cutscene. It was so damn boring, more boring than MGS V prologue and that's one of the most boring things I have ever played.


Gold Member
Likely sounds like the team making this secret game were fired.

Sony San Diego makes their baseball game. I doubt the whole studio got shut down.

Weird that another studio would even touch UC as that's a ND studio game.

Agent X

Gold Member
I also loved Uncharted Golden Abyss for Vita. Crazy what Sony Bend managed to do with Vita's hardware especially when you consider Golden Abyss was a PSVita launch title.

It's an amazingly good game, considering the hardware. I started up a new game again a few months ago, and it's still very good even by 2020 standards.

I could have done without some of the camera gimmickry (nice idea, just didn't work well in reality), but the implementation of gyro aiming was ace.

I'd like to see a upgraded remake for PS4/PS5 that's tuned to the capabilities of those systems. It would be nice to have the entire series available for play on a single console. It doesn't need to be a Vita exclusive any longer.


Uncharted was getting stale by 4 imo and The Lost Legacy was a good step in the right direction but these games aren't the groundbreaking masterpieces they once were.

I'd like to see Sony invest in new IPs or reviving other IPs before we get another Uncharted.

Its not like they are putting their big dogs on it. If ND or SSM was doing Uncharted I would be pissed. But a new team would be cool. Let them get their feet in the door with an established franchise before trying something new


Imagine Nintendo would have said oh we had enough Mario games.
They may have made something new and cool and exciting and people may have loved that? How terrible.
It is better to try and fail than keep beating the the same old drum and never dare to be. Those IPs will always be there if you need to go back to them.
Uncharted was getting stale by 4 imo and The Lost Legacy was a good step in the right direction but these games aren't the groundbreaking masterpieces they once were.

I'd like to see Sony invest in new IPs or reviving other IPs before we get another Uncharted.
The lost lesbians was not a step in the right direction. Although I wouldn't call Uncharted 2 a masterpiece ; it was more like a good game that was very polished.

Only way to make things right : Fire Druckmann and hire Hennig back. What Sony and Naughty Dog did to that woman is shameful. And the only reason Uncharted 4 has any redeeming qualities at all is because of her groundwork.
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Quentin Cobb a Sr. game designer who was hyping their game for a long time has apparently left Sony per his linkedin profile:


And another Sr. game designer has also left while tweeting this:

The tweet makes it very clear that at the very least the team that Sony tried to create does not exist anymore, and likely that the game itself has been cancelled.

Really sucks to see a new studio that didnt even get its time to introduce itself get shut down, especially as per the tweet and the linkedin page the game got cancelled around when PS5 has launched.

Damn. I guess no chance of them being absorbed into ND and working on the title?


Writes a lot, says very little
Uncharted game made by San Diego?

I thought Uncharted is a Naughty Dog game?

Well Sony moves things around a lot. A Jak and Daxter and Ratchet title was made by High Impact Games, A Sly title was made by Sanzaru Games and even another Uncharted title was actually made by Sony Bend. So they have a history of allowing other teams to work on established IP after a while. This isn't that shocking.


Uncharted isn’t Uncharted unless it’s Nate. It never works when people try to keep franchises going without the reason they‘re successful, and uncharted is popular because of Nate’s character.

I’d dig an old grumpy Nate who maybe has to come out of retirement to save his kidnapped daughter, or something... but that probably strays to close to Last Of Us.

Lost Legacy worked perfectly well without Nate. Have a team of Chloe, Charlie, Sam, Nadine and Sully as a cameo going forward. Would still make for compelling Uncharted games.


This is the state of a Sony fanboi, jumping at shadows, any shadow, and misinterpreting everything and anything. Going on the defence at the slightest fart in the breeze.

Sounds pretty exhausting and anxiety ridden, why not play some games?

The Alien

I used to love Uncharted - but for some reason 4 just didn't click with me and I stopped playing it pretty soon and never went back to it. It was strange because there wasn't anything I actively disliked about it, it just didn't make we want to carry on playing.
I liked U1, loved U2, hated U3.

U3 burned me out...while I actually enjoyed U4, I was pretty done with the series at that point. Didn't help that U4 went on forever. Unnecessary padding in a game that was too long to begin with.

ULL...was good too, probably even better than 4. But a skin color/gender swap can't hide that its just another Uncharted game.

They need to sit on the IP for a bit and release a reimagined game in 5ish years.
Don't think it makes sense to continue the series without Nate as main character. Unless you want to sorta reboot it and don't expect it to come even near the sales of 4.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Don't think it makes sense to continue the series without Nate as main character. Unless you want to sorta reboot it and don't expect it to come even near the sales of 4.

You are right. It is obvious (Without getting into spoilers) if the series continue going forward, it’ll be an uncharted (pun intended) territory for them.


Simps for Amouranth
Uncharted Movie coming out, it'd make sense to have an Uncharted Game tie in to go with it and i for one would love to see a PS5 Uncharted, i fucking loved the games and id love to see them go back to a more supernatural route with just Drake and Sully wise cracking round the world
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