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Split Over Donald Trump and Cut Off by Culture Wars, Evangelicals Despair

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The phrase "first marriage" is used an awful lot...

Don't they know divorce is frowned upon by the Bible?

(Note: I am not against divorce in any way)

This. It's always funny seeing people complaining about the evils of gay marriage while they're already on their second or third one. Apparently they only care about the sanctity of marriage when it doesn't apply to them.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Poor poor zealots. I feel so bad for them and that they aren't being politically pandered to.
America is securalizing more rapidly than any other country on the planet. These people ARE being left behind. And unbeknownst to them a lot of the blame for that falls at their own feet. They've strayed so far from the teachings of Jesus they're no longer recognizable as Christians.

The ideals of classical Christianity are not diametrically opposed to modern liberalism. The core Christian ideals of loving your neighbor as yourself and forgiveness will always have a place in civilized society. If more evangelicals actually practiced this significantly fewer people would be turning their backs on the church.
Well, given that the alternative of Trump would probably lead to genocide of people who have already been born...

George Carlin:
Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.


America is securalizing more rapidly than any other country on the planet. These people ARE being left behind. And unbeknownst to them a lot of the blame for that falls at their own feet. They've strayed so far from the teachings of Jesus they're no longer recognizable as Christians.

The ideals of classical Christianity are not diametrically opposed to modern liberalism. The core Christian ideals of loving your neighbor as yourself and forgiveness will always have a place in civilized society. If more evangelicals actually practiced this significantly fewer people would be turning their backs on the church.

This is dead on. There is almost nothing related to the teachings of Christ in modern American Christianity.


Sounds to me like we are moving in the right direction, then!

Fuck Trump but I hope the drastic reduction of evangelical influence is here to say in the national race. Now we just need to focus in on the local level, where they do still hold significant power. Let's not forget these people are still all over the lower rungs of the ladder, trying to make life harder for their fellow citizens.

I wish it was here to stay, but just watch the next republican presidential candidate be Cruz.

While other Americans are anxious about the economy, jobs and terrorism, conservative Christians say they fear for the nation’s very soul. Some worry that the nation has strayed so far that God’s punishment is imminent.

Google translate

Other Americans are worried about real things, while some conservative Christians fear about made up things. Watch for falling debris.

You know, I honestly wonder how many years need to pass before they figure out that, no, God's punishment is not imminent.


The shrinking of the fundamentalist influence seems to have come with the growing of the alt-right ridiculousness. So it's like one step forward, one step back.

I don't know what it's called but I know when you are taught how to train a dog. A dog learns that if he barks for example he gets food. Then one day he doesn't get food. The dog will associate that with he didn't try hard/bark right and try harder. Eventually he figures that it no longer works but he has to try harder first before he makes that association. People kinda work this way too. They are used to something working and when it stops the first impulse is to try harder (cause it always worked before). So you'll see people get more ridiculous about this stuff before they give in (but as long as their ridiculousness doesn't work to produce the results they want they'll eventually cave. But, if it does work sometimes, it will reinforce them keeping trying. This is why it actually works better to not always give a positive result to an action to reinforce that action. It works better to not always have that result happen).

I wish it was here to stay, but just watch the next republican presidential candidate be Cruz.

Every presidential election since Bush Jr. I keep thinking the Republicans can't get any lower with their whole spectacle on choosing candidates (at least last time they came to the obvious conclusion vs. one of the crazies. Though this time I'm not sure there was one, sadly another Bush was the closest to that). You gotta wonder what they'll top it with next time. I'm really hoping Trump is the stick that breaks the camel's back so to speak though. At this point I really think the Republican party needs to die and become at best a third party and the moderates need to make a new one (let the crazies stay with the Republican party since they are already so entrenched in it).


is that article supposed to be empathetic

found myself finding very little sympathy for the Odgaards. at some point they should stop what they are doing and ask themselves if they aren't in the wrong, instead of wondering if God will punish their country -tbf the odgaards don't seem to be fearing the punishment themselves-

the point where your family stops talking to you should be a wake up call. I guess they are old people, but still


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

Haha man this photo seems a lot more telling than it should be.


Now, a year later, the Odgaards and other conservative evangelicals interviewed in central Iowa say they feel as though they have been abandoned. Many say that they have no genuine champion in the presidential race and that the country has turned its back on them. Americans are leaving church, same-sex marriage is the law of the land, and the country has moved on to debating transgender rights. While other Americans are anxious about the economy, jobs and terrorism, conservative Christians say they fear for the nation’s very soul. Some worry that the nation has strayed so far that God’s punishment is imminent.

Yeah that's generally what happens when you get caught on the wrong side of history.



And yet, this is the same Christ who said:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10: 34-36)

I honestly wish people would see beyond this popular concept of the lovable, hippie Jesus.


Pragmatically even if you don't like the candidates you're essentially asking for decades of court rulings you hate and entrenched state laws with no recourse
I'm not asking for it, but I'm going to get it no matter what I do.

And after Kennedy basically sped up the course of gay rights in America by five years, easy, I have no idea why people remain ignorant of that.
a Ronaldus Magnus Reagan appointee tho


The phrase "first marriage" is used an awful lot...

Don't they know divorce is frowned upon by the Bible?

(Note: I am not against divorce in any way)

The difference is, that could effect them personally. Christians are excellent at only obeying the laws that don't effect them personally. Everything else can safely be ignored. They are not gay, most of them and even the few that are could never admit it, so that is the sin they stick with as being the ultimate one. They can feel good about following one of them, the one that doesn't have to do with them personally.


And yet, this is the same Christ who said:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10: 34-36)

I honestly wish people would see beyond this popular concept of the lovable, hippie Jesus.

Ehh the modern interpretation of that is not what you're thinking. He was implying that his followers will be prosecuted by non-believers and given what followed his death he wasn't necessarily wrong.


Am I supposed to feel sorry for these people?

This. A million times this. I have little to no empathy for these people.

He expects that more and more Christians will, like the Odgaards, suffer “persecution” for their beliefs.

These people don't even know the meaning of persecution. What entitled little pricks.


“I’m worried for America if we don’t turn away from abortion,” said Mrs. Berkheimer, who is 48. “I think our country is going to be punished, with a nuclear weapon. I don’t think you can mock God forever.”

So God is going to punish our country for murdering babies (in their eyes) by... killing EVERYONE?

Makes sense to me.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
The problem has always been that many in the religious right treat the US like a new Israel and want it governed as such.

The entire New Testament is about how Israel failed as a religious state and that the new church is based on local congregations. Creating a new theocracy and expecting non believers to follow Christian law was never the idea.

Also don't think the idea was to create exclusionary businesses which kinda contradicts the idea of the "great commission".

No true persecution happens for Christians on US soil.
Im sorry but fuck off if you're religion actively discriminates against people who just happen to be born different then you. Yea you dont get a champion now because the world is moving past your decrepit puritan "values"


Didn't finish reading yet but I'm laughing my fucking ass off at the idea of someone being "devastated" over having to treat others with some fucking respect.

Get shit on, idiot!


And yet, this is the same Christ who said:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10: 34-36)

I honestly wish people would see beyond this popular concept of the lovable, hippie Jesus.
Lol Jesus is quoting Micah 7:6

He is talking about the end times.


Man this shit is way weirder than putting your dick in another guys butt, who the hell is he to judge
Who are you to judge him because of this. They're both fine.

That's not to say I agree with him on gay marrage, I don't. But don't judge a person cause they like stuffed animals and shit.
Ironically, the only candidate who seems to have any religion at all is Hillary. She's the only one who goes to church as an adult. Gary Johnson has said he doesn't, Jill Stein is Jewish, but has said she's non-practicing, and Trump seems to just play to the room and pretend he's whatever the people he's talking to are. Two Corinthians, baby, that's the whole ball game right there, ain't it?

Hillary is the only one who has spoken about how her faith reconciles with her modern duties... not only things that the people in the OP tend to disagree with like supporting women's reproductive rights and wanting equality for LGBT people, but also things they DO usually support, like bombing the hell out of foreigners. She's actually put a lot of thought into how to keep her faith in the modern world, and if anyone could be a role model for people like this as they try to navigate such challenges, it's her. None of the others give a shit at all.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
America is securalizing more rapidly than any other country on the planet. These people ARE being left behind. And unbeknownst to them a lot of the blame for that falls at their own feet. They've strayed so far from the teachings of Jesus they're no longer recognizable as Christians.

The ideals of classical Christianity are not diametrically opposed to modern liberalism. The core Christian ideals of loving your neighbor as yourself and forgiveness will always have a place in civilized society. If more evangelicals actually practiced this significantly fewer people would be turning their backs on the church.

Indeed. These people just want to openly exercise bigotry under the guise of religion as some kind of moral authority.

If nothing else, it's nice to finally see that bullshit stance discussions on gay marriage and abortion rights no longer have to come up in a presidential election just to appease this crowd.


lol, their idea of "persecution" is their friends & family not speaking to them..? Because they discriminated against other people in the first place?! WTF, what an insult to people who face actual persecution. I can't wrap my mind around the mental gymnastics that these people contrive to justify their crazy-ass ideals.


Not sure how evangelicals are only "split" on Trump? I guess all they care about is abortion. The fact that he's racist, sexist and morally bankrupt is still A-OKAY for some religious people huh?


So they're worried that God is going to nuke America because we're killing unborn babies and letting gays get married. Right, that's what God would be pissed of at. Not the rampant greed, gluttony, hubris and wrath (mass shootings/murder) that have come to define this nation, it's that pesky liberal stuff that he hates.


I got grudge sucked!
America is securalizing more rapidly than any other country on the planet. These people ARE being left behind. And unbeknownst to them a lot of the blame for that falls at their own feet. They've strayed so far from the teachings of Jesus they're no longer recognizable as Christians.

The ideals of classical Christianity are not diametrically opposed to modern liberalism. The core Christian ideals of loving your neighbor as yourself and forgiveness will always have a place in civilized society. If more evangelicals actually practiced this significantly fewer people would be turning their backs on the church.

But that shit takes work and who has time for that. Much eaier to thump that bible, yell that fags are goin tah hayall and justify your shitty behavior that you're doing the Lord's work. Actually tending to the sick, the poor, the oppressed. Naw, can't do that. Thats why nobody believes them.


I honestly think that if you have a private chapel or whatnot, you can decide whether to let gay couples get married there. If they're against it and you're a gay couple, why would you want to go get married at a place that doesn't like you anyhow? Take your business to the people who don't mind.

Other churches get around that by requiring membership and counseling before use of the venue. Maybe they should have thought of that.
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