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STEAM | November 2015 - Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty Never Changes

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I'm not asking "Oh, what's the motivation of the villain here?" or "I'm not sure if this character will turn out to be a traitor, that sucks"
I literally have no idea what is happening.

You're asking who a character is that was introduced at the beginning of the game.

Half way through the game.

You're playing Call of Duty the way most people watch Game of Thrones.


Well, at least this steam sale gave me the oppurtunity to save money and dive back into League. Blade & Soul is also fun. Thanks Valve.
6 hours in, and New Vegas is so much better than Fallout 3 that its not even a contest, playing F3 on the 360 really soured me on the whole franchise, looking for the people that tried to kill you beats whatever the fuck they were trying to do with the plot in F3.
Bought Dying Light.

Fak it.

I bought it last night for AUD$5 using a convoluted method on CotD, an Aussue site. Now the wait for the actual key! No rush really, not like I don't have other stuff to play.

Also Ep.6 of GoT sucked just as much as the first 5 eps. Will still buy season 2 when it hits <$5 at a sale.

Red Hood

Raul is the bestest companion ever

I agree.



Raul is the bestest companion ever

praise be to Danny Trejo :D

degradation no longer becomes an issue, since once you've gotten your repair skill to a certain point, you can fix them using "similar enough" weapons. Like a unique rifle can be repaired with a common one. Or something. And repair kits are super cheap to make.

I used Boon. He helped with the Deathclaws.


at this point i wholeheartly advice against watching jessica jones. almost over but this second half is such a trainwreck

just when you think it can't get any worse they do a whole kilgrave-less episode

6 hours in, and New Vegas is so much better than Fallout 3 that its not even a contest, playing F3 on the 360 really soured me on the whole franchise, looking for the people that tried to kill you beats whatever the fuck they were trying to do with the plot in F3.

Raul is the bestest companion ever

praise be to Danny Trejo :D
i like cass the best, what with all her fallout 2 connections and all, but yeah, raul's alright

degradation no longer becomes an issue, since once you've gotten your repair skill to a certain point, you can fix them using "similar enough" weapons. Like a unique rifle can be repaired with a common one. Or something. And repair kits are super cheap to make.

I used Boon. He helped with the Deathclaws.
problem with boone is that he's super overpowered, so he just makes the game trivial when he's around. my workaround has been installing this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34915/

or just playing with cass or veronica who are just more fun to keep around. boone is a good character but he's too much of a downer


I bought it last night for AUD$5 using a convoluted method on CotD, an Aussue site. Now the wait for the actual key! No rush really, not like I don't have other stuff to play.

Also Ep.6 of GoT sucked just as much as the first 5 eps. Will still buy season 2 when it hits <$5 at a sale.

Its $30, what's the convoluted method?
Man, I enjoyed Fallout 4 while playing it but going back to New Vegas really shows how simplistic it is and how much they removed from the game in terms of branching. Such simplistic, combat focused quests. Even compared to Fallout 3 it was a major step down. It's impossible to play an evil character, let alone one with any layers to how you approach the world and there are no interesting or unique quests like the introduction of Fallout 3 or the virtual serial killer.

Still think it's worth playing as a good looking action game though, think the combat was rather fun and the cover lean is something all FPS games should have.
Its $30, what's the convoluted method?

The method is here.

First sign up/complete transaction on mobile (phone/tablet) to get $5 off then at checkout use "visa checkout" instead of their merchant account to get another $20 off. Also you have to sign up to Club catch for a 7 day trial, after 7 days you will be billed $69/y, so make sure you cancel the automatic re-bill after the order goes through.


Jessica Jones had flaws, no denying it, but I enjoyed it overall.
i'd say it's the other way around. it's a show that had good things going for it, then threw them all away

i'm literally alt tabbing out every scene that doesn't involve jessica or kilgrave

Man, I enjoyed Fallout 4 while playing it but going back to New Vegas really shows how simplistic it is and how much they removed from the game in terms of branching. Such simplistic, combat focused quests. Even compared to Fallout 3 it was a major step down. It's impossible to play an evil character, let alone one with any layers to how you approach the world and there are no interesting or unique quests like the introduction of Fallout 3 or the virtual serial killer.

Still think it's worth playing as a good looking action game though, think the combat was rather fun and the cover lean is something all FPS games should have.
i still think fo3 is a much better game, even tho i don't think fo3 is a great game either

fallout 4 is the most soulless uninventive thing ever


So I travel less than .5 miles to a friends place to watch football and I get a traffic ticket. Fucking hell steamgaf I can't catch a break.

Anyway, video games....


The method is here.

First sign up/complete transaction on mobile (phone/tablet) to get $5 off then at checkout use "visa checkout" instead of their merchant account to get another $20 off. Also you have to sign up to Club catch for a 7 day trial, after 7 days you will be billed $69/y, so make sure you cancel the automatic re-bill after the order goes through.

Thanks! Said there was 5 left, so I just got in :) also got xcom for 5$ because why not

I need to git gud. I played the demo and it ended poorly for me.

im real tempted to go with that instead of anything else

tho i dunno, i got enough blood with that wolfenstein game i think

i don't like violent games so much

I would advise against dying light. In the short amount of time I played, I maimed quite a few zombies.

So I travel less than .5 miles to a friends place to watch football and I get a traffic ticket. Fucking hell steamgaf I can't catch a break.

Anyway, video games....

git gud....at driving?

But seriously, that blows dude.


What was the name of that Greenlight game where you played a Japanese school girl going around murdering other girls? Anyone remember? I think you could dispose of bodies by burning them in a furnace.
I am not really buying anything this sale as I don't know how much LR is going to be.

A lot of the AAAs I have in mind need to drop in price or get all their DLC anyway.

Speaking of DLC I have realized that I have no desire to play DLC that requires the main game but has a seperate launcher on the main menu. If it was standalone it would be fine; if it integrated into the existing game that would be fine; but seeing it in the main menu just kills the interest with me for some reason.
I am not really buying anything this sale as I don't know how much LR is going to be.

A lot of the AAAs I have in mind need to drop in price or get all their DLC anyway.

Speaking of DLC I have realized that I have no desire to play DLC that requires the main game but has a seperate launcher on the main menu. If it was standalone it would be fine; if it integrated into the existing game that would be fine; but seeing it in the main menu just kills the interest with me for some reason.

Lightning Returns?

$16 on GMG.
Well first time posting in a steam thread so this seemed like a nice thing to do.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (bluesun,exe, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.



XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack -- MB-398F9174EEDA719C - Taken by Jawmuncher. 35 entrants total.
Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition -- MB-44C591BF9382B0EC - Taken by bloke. 37 entrants total.

Um the games are Fallout New Vegas and Xcom's game of the year editions My bad


Does Dying Light run better than Dead Island Riptide? I bought the bundle in the steam sale and it runs like pure garbage on my GTX 970 and i7-4790k and I can run big games on it at 60 FPS and this turd stutter all the time with a poor framerate. The coop always disconnects my partner every 5 minutes so I'm really wary of Dying Light now.


For you.
Does Dying Light run better than Dead Island Riptide? I bought the bundle in the steam sale and it runs like pure garbage on my GTX 970 and i7-4790k and I can run big games on it at 60 FPS and this turd stutter all the time with a poor framerate. The coop always disconnects my partner every 5 minutes so I'm really wary of Dying Light now.

Dying Light runs great on my GTX 970+ 4690K. Smooth 60fps. Never had issues with the co-op system either.

Anyhow, you can download the demo. and see how it goes. If the game chugs, just put the view distance to the minimum. It really doesn't make much of a difference and the game runs a whole lot better.


Dying Light runs great on my GTX 970+ 4690K. Smooth 60fps. Never had issues with the co-op system either.

Anyhow, you can download the demo. and see how it goes. If the game chugs, just put the view distance to the minimum. It really doesn't make much of a difference and the game runs a whole lot better.

I'll definitely try this out to see if there is a difference. Thanks.


Even after Valve said things were changing for this sale?

This isn't the same as a daily. Daily would imply it ends before the sale end.

Probably did it this way so customers aren't swamped with deals I suppose. Easy to let discounts in a batch and it keeps them coming back to check


Everything on sale day one. Customer spends a few hours than never checks again.

My speculation but I noticed this happening with my wishlist. At first like 4 games had discounts. Now almost half do.
They said they'd stop having two tiers of discounts. (Meaning something's always on sale, just at one discount or another.) Now it looks like there are still two tiers, it's just now non-discount and discount.
So basically Valve fucked up. New sale just like the old sale except with less visibility and worse prices.
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