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Taito Legends 2 - What the heck only 6.99?


Goodness Griefness what is the deal here? One of the finest arcade compilations of all time now going for the price of 14 microwave burritos. I would hope that everyone owns this already cause come on this is just absolutely fucking ridiculous.

Seriously let me run down the list of games.

Alpine Ski - You ski and dodge stuff while trying to score a lot of points. It's kind of shitty but who cares let's move on.

Arabian Magic - A very nice hack & slash featuring as you can imagine a bunch of characters from famous 1,001 Arabian Night tales. Gameplay stays fresh as all manner of traps and varying locals help you keep your mind off the hundred or so guys you kill every stage. Great music.

Balloon Bomber - Shoot and destroy bombs dropped from a bi-plane. Okay that's just the description. I didn't play this game..moving along.

Bonze Adventure - This sort of semi-reminds me of games like Pyros/Wardner and Ghouls & Ghosts. Granted it's not as good as either of them but hey it's competent.

Cameltry - This is listed as one of the 50 best arcade games of all time(and I know it's right because it's my list). You've got a ball in a maze, tilt the maze to lead the ball into the goal. It rules.

Crack'N Pop - Stars a bunch of characters from Bubble Bobble...and that's it. In fact go ahead and tell this game to fuck off cause it's really boring.

Cleopatra Fortune - Another one of my 50 best arcade games of all time. Falling Block puzzler where mummies, gems, and whatever whatever keeps things from being a mere Tetris clone. Fantastic.

Crazy Balloon - Guide a swinging balloon to the goal. Yeah late 70s/early 80s Taito was really dull.

Darius Gaiden - Okay this port of DG is riddled with slowdown and is admittedly the worst thing about this compilation. Luckily you can get this game on the Saturn(which is neigh-perfect) for less than the cost of this set.

Don Doko Don - Kind of like Bubble Bobble except instead of playing as two cute dinosaurs that turn enemies into fruit you play as two old men with hammers who hit things over the head and throw them around. Not nearly as fun even though the stage design is a bit better.

Dungeon Magic - Quasi-sequel to Arabian Magic except this time it's all medieval with kobolds, orcs, and an isometric perspective instead of a sideview. Game runs like molasses most of the time though(it's the same way on the Taito Memories version, what the heck Taito?)

Elevator Action Returns - Yet another game from my Top 50 arcade games of all yeah yeah okay whatever. Choose your operative and go on a bloody special effects-laden murdering spree as you take down some wacky eco-terrorist or something.

Football Champ - Yay Soccer Yay!... ....

Front Line - I don't feel like playing it but it looks and sounds like Commando..so it's probably worse.

G Darius - Unlike Gaiden this version is near arcade-perfect. An incredible game all-around and worth the $7 by itself.

Gekirindan - Wacky time traveling won't keep this vertical shooter from mediocrity but you could probably do worse.

Grid Seeker - Speaking of worse check out this little number. This is one of those shooters that's great up until you die, then it just goes all to shit. If you're a fan of bombs though this could be for you as they're rather plentiful.

Growl - Play as Indiana Jones and kill hundreds of evil poachers along with their king who looks something like a clown and an alien. Unfortunately neither this version nor the Taito Memories edition has the gore intact, which actually takes a lot out of this game(since bodies are constantly getting exploded, ran over, and well...just blowing up for no good reason. Otherwise it's a competent beatemup with a fairly brisk pace and it's like 10 minutes long. Nowhere near a classic but eh it's dumb fun.

Gun Frontier - Some could consider this the precursor to Raizing's Battle Garegga and to be honest I wouldn't doubt it for a second(Same director possibly?). In the far future there's a gold rush on a distant planet. People eager to start a new life spend all their savings due to oppressive government taxes or something. In fact these people are so poor now they have to live like they're back in the Wild West. It's a completely nonsensical and wonderful story thanks in part to the great intro(Taito Arcade games have some of the best). Anyway since we're in the Neo-Wild West expect to see lots of ships with revolving cannons, saloons to blow up, and bosses loaded with six-shooters. Like Battle Garegga you gain bombs by collecting pieces of gold(?) from destroyed tanks and such and though you can bomb as soon as you have a single piece the results will suck. Thus to get huge devastating bombs you gotta collect lots of gold. Other than that it's stylish and very impressive for an early 90s shooter. Garegga is better though. :D

Insector X - A horizontal shooter with lots of bugs...errh I mean real bugs...or really futuristic bugs or..ah fuck it.

Kiki Kaikai - Consider this the prequel to Pocky & Rocky. It's charming sure but eh I dunno. Most will consider it a classic along the lines of Space Invaders. Well I think Space Invaders kind of sucks so oh well.

Kuri Kinton - Yikes this really isn't very good at all.

Liquid Kids - Another one of those puzzler platformers. This time you're a furry creature throwing balls of water at everything...yeah

Lunar Rescue - Ancient game where you you dodge asteroids to rescue an astronaut, then destroy aliens while taking him to safety...woo.

Metal Black - For fans of game design and art direction in games this is the title to check out. Really I won't say much more because this is just one of those games I could devote an entire thread to. Absolutely amazing.

Nastar - Sequel to Rastan...well actually it's a prequel. So since it's a prequel let's pretend Nastar came out before Rastan so Taito learned from their mistakes instead of ohhh screwing everything up. The music is awesome though.

Puchi Carat - I admit I've been consistently un-fair to this game but after spending about 5 hours straight last night playing it I gotta say it isn't too horrible. This is another falling block puzzler but it's switched by including a bit of Breakout(or maybe I should say Arkanoid cause that's Taito) In order to score a lot of points and/or kill your rival quickly you have to hit the ball so it'll break orbs at the top of the screen. You can do serious damage by destroying pieces connecting blocks of orbs and your opponent can do the same. Also interesting is that if you miss the ball as it comes back to you(thus letting it hit the ground) the blocks on your screen will scroll downward three lines. Granted this can be all kinds of bad but on the other hand you can do some seriously damaging combos if your aim is true. Then again I dunno, I ran through story mode like four times and I can't imagine this being anywhere near Puzzle Fighter/Baku Baku/whatever. Battles are over in like 14 seconds and all they usually take is a good setup and your opponent is screwed so bad they might never recover. Well at least there's puzzle mode..which is the standard so many lines, so little time. I suck at this mode but that doesn't seem to stop it from killing the crap out of my free time.

Puzzle Bobble 2 - Puzzle Bobble fucking sucks..next

Qix - This is one of those games that's been re-done, re-made, and just all-around re-everything that there's re-ally no point in playing the original anymore.

Raimais - Looks like a Pacman clone, probably is, I avoided it.

Ray Storm - Nowhere near as good as the phenomenal Ray Force(or one of the thousand other names it goes by...like Layer Section) but it's in 3D so that's good for something I guess.

Space Invaders '95 - I still think Space Invaders sucks but when Taito changes everything around so that it still resembles the original but is ten times more fun well...it ain't so bad. 95' is just that. First you can fire not one but TWO bullets at a time. Good lord what is this a Cave shooter? Afraid not I guess but damn if it isn't charming and fun. '95 is just straight wacky with goofy boss fights(second boss is a sushi-plate full of familiar Darius bosses) Granted overall this isn't Space Invaders Extreme but you can see where they were going with this.

Space Indvaders DX - The original classic game(nay) and arranged versons(yay).

Super Space Invaders 91- I think this is also called Majestic 12 or something. Anyway Space Invaders but much better. Boss fights too..neat.

Syvalion - Interesting but shitty corridor shooter where you try to control a dragon. Yuck

The Fairyland Story - Yet another Bubble Bobble-esque game. Turn enemies into chocolate cake and push them off ledges so they suffer a horrifying death(you can also drop cakes on unsuspecting enemies which is completely inexplical but worth way more points).

The Legend of Kage - I heard the DS remake is nice. This on the other hand isn't. I guess they were going for those Ninja movies where everyone is jumping through trees shurikening the shit out of each other. Admittedly that's a cool premise but there's only so much you can do with mid-80s arcade technology.

Violence Fight - This is a bad bad game but it's so good I can't bring myself to hate it. Underground fight clubs in the 1950s! The Mafia! Wreckless Drivers! General businessmen! Dogoon!? Wonderful stuff.

Wild Western- Shoot varmints before they rob the train. Hell I don't know.

Okay now maybe this isn't a list of bonafide classics but dammit there's still more than enough game here to satisfy any arcade fan.

Final score= Too high to be a real number out of 10.


Its constantly shoved in my face, that my PS3 doesn't have BC. My copy of Odin Sphere cries!

(PS - I'm not buying a PS2 for the third time, I can't justify it)


hide your water-based mammals
G-Darius and Raystorm are worth it alone. I wish this package was on PSN/LIVE. I'd pay 10-20 for a DL version.


I approve of this thread.
Taito Legends 2 is the best arcade compilation ever.
There is no excuse not to buy it.
It's a reason why I still play my PS2. It reminds me of walking into a dusty arcade with 39 machines. Variations of Cameltry has appeared on Turn It Around/Furu Furu Park but the original rules. I love the original Qix, too.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Darius Gaiden - Okay this port of DG is riddled with slowdown and is admittedly the worst thing about this compilation. Luckily you can get this game on the Saturn(which is neigh-perfect) for less than the cost of this set.
Say what now? I have the PS2 version and I've had no problems with DG. Easily my favourite game of the collection.
FallenAngelV said:
Say what now? I have the PS2 version and I've had no problems with DG. Easily my favourite game of the collection.

See this is the part where I drop a huge list of all the versions of Darius Gaiden I've played(Saturn, Arcade, Memories) and how the TL2 version just doesn't compare. Which is unfortunate because I love Darius Gaiden and it's one of the only arcade shooters I've ever 1-CCed(the other being...Darius 1)

Actually maybe slowdown isn't the right term. The problem with the TL2 Darius Gaiden is that it's just plain slow. Even the first stage which is perhaps the least cluttered with enemy fire runs at such an obscenely slow rate that the first and second stage song manages to loop. Cause normally unless you force yourself not to kill the first boss ASAP or get killed/continue tons of times you will not hear the end of the first song in Darius Gaiden(which is unfortunate because the end is the best part).
I got this maybe a month ago when I found it for cheap (not quite that cheap, but cheap enough)... pretty good collection with a lot of great shooters.

I agree about Dungeon Magic, though: the horriffic, molasses-like slowdown that you have to suffer through the entire time you're playing cripples the game and makes playing it very, very tedious. I didn't notice slowdown in Darius Gaiden, though... I'm not saying it's not there, just that I couldn't really tell, unlike Dungeon Magic which seemed nearly unplayable.

It is too bad that the four player games (Arabian Magic, Dungeon Magic, Growl, Football Champ) aren't four player on the US PS2, though. They just have the 2-player versions... I noticed that the PC/Xbox version (PC released in both the US and Europe, Xbox Europe only -- though evidently it isn't region-protected and works fine in a US Xbox) has 4-player support for those games.

... And so does the European PS2 version, if you have a multitap! See here...

So essentially, when porting the game from Europe to the US, Bust-A-Move 2 was replaced with the much inferior Bust-A-Move Again, and the four player multitap modes were removed in the four four-player games. How nice. :(

Even so though, it's a great, great collection that any '80s to mid '90s arcade game fan should get. I'm definitely very happy I got it despite the minor issues, lots of good stuff there... :)

Oh yeah, about some of the games...

Dungeon Magic -- slowdown kills it. Seems good otherwise, with original ideas for a beat 'em up.

Arabian Magic -- fun beat 'em up.

Gun Frontier -- incredibly, horribly hard... your ship has weak weapons and moves like a rock, and you get sent back a ways upon game over in 1 player mode.

Metal Black -- also very, very difficult. Both of these games have you in a very underpowered ship facing off against lots of enemies... Metal Black at least has some great art design, though, making it definitely worth playing.

Darius Gaiden -- awesome...

G-Darius -- also really, really good

Puchi Charat -- decent puzzle game, but there is better out there. Still some fun though.

Rastan Saga II (Nastar Warrior) -- I don't like this one at all. It's just not any fun at all... and it's no better on Genesis or TG16. :( You're so, so slow! The original Rastan is good, but not this.

Growl - Play as Indiana Jones and kill hundreds of evil poachers along with their king who looks something like a clown and an alien. Unfortunately neither this version nor the Taito Memories edition has the gore intact, which actually takes a lot out of this game(since bodies are constantly getting exploded, ran over, and well...just blowing up for no good reason. Otherwise it's a competent beatemup with a fairly brisk pace and it's like 10 minutes long. Nowhere near a classic but eh it's dumb fun.

There's a version of the game with gore, really? Huh... pretty fun beat 'em up, though. A bit crazy with the large numbers of enemies and variety of weapons... :)


This is a great compilation, I think I got it at Wal-Mart for $9.99 a few months ago. The first Taito collection was ok, but this one really trounces it. I'd pay full price for a comp with Metal Black, Elevator Action Returns, Darius Gaiden and G Darius on it.


Shit. I didn't think it was possible for Taito to make a compilation of that many games and for me to not like any of them. I thought I was an old school Taito fanboy. I guess they're too busy farming out their good games as single releases.

Come ooooon Bubble Bobble XBLA.


Mar_ said:
Shit. I didn't think it was possible for Taito to make a compilation of that many games and for me to not like any of them. I thought I was an old school Taito fanboy. I guess they're too busy farming out their good games as single releases.

Come ooooon Bubble Bobble XBLA.

Is this a joke?
Worst part about Dungeon Magic is that it's already a slow-paced game. Most of the time you're exploring dungeons looking for loot and everyone moves ever so slowly(most enemies will pause for an entire second before attacking)

But holy shit does the bad emulation kill it.
Couple that with the fact that some of the special effects pretty much cause the game to crawl(like the mist in the second stage) and you have a game that moves so slowly Taito could have advertised it as a turn-based RPG for the arcades. Oh and God Forbid you play as the Elf girl and use her special attack. Last time I did that I left the room, took a piss, washed my hands, and she still wasn't finished.

Ah well who cares, you've got so many other better games that work just fine it's like trading a duck for a phoenix or something.

..Huh? The PAL version of Taito Legends 2 has multitap support? That's odd. Maybe I never noticed it before(yep I actually imported this bitch..thankfully it has 60 hz support)

I still plan on getting the other three Memories compilations since between them I'm missing a small handful of games:

Warrior Blade, Ninja Warriors, Darius 1 & 2, Bubble Symphony, Night Striker, Cadash, and Bubble Memories. Oh and there was this really awesome shooter where you're in the 1920s and it's like a total ripoff of the Untouchables.

Sucks that the other three compilations are going to run about $100 total. But eh it's Taito so I'm sure I'll do it eventually.

PowerSmell said:

Fantastic indeed.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
See this is the part where I drop a huge list of all the versions of Darius Gaiden I've played(Saturn, Arcade, Memories) and how the TL2 version just doesn't compare. Which is unfortunate because I love Darius Gaiden and it's one of the only arcade shooters I've ever 1-CCed(the other being...Darius 1)

Actually maybe slowdown isn't the right term. The problem with the TL2 Darius Gaiden is that it's just plain slow. Even the first stage which is perhaps the least cluttered with enemy fire runs at such an obscenely slow rate that the first and second stage song manages to loop. Cause normally unless you force yourself not to kill the first boss ASAP or get killed/continue tons of times you will not hear the end of the first song in Darius Gaiden(which is unfortunate because the end is the best part).
Mm, I have the Saturn version somewhere, but I can't say I've played either of the others. I'll bust it out and do a comparison soon.


Ramais is excellent. Put some time into it. Best Pacman style game I've played, maybe including PMCE.


I have Taito Legends 1 already. Didn't know they released a 2. Added to cart on Amazon. $15 can't go wrong.
Holy shit Tain is the truth.

Raimais is sweeeeeeet.
It's like Pac-man except there are seemingly dozens of different stages to play through(since you can choose your own stage after completing the first one). Also you've got a rather large variety of enemies that exhibit all sorts of interesting behavior. On top of that you can grab powerups like lasers and shields. Game kicks my ass though...it's like three times faster than Pac-man and farthest I've gotten so far is like stage 6. =/ Definitely gotta recommend this one.

Liquid Kids is also pretty swell. It's like Bubble Bobble in that you gotta smash tons of enemies into each other to get loads of points and bonuses but it's also a straight up platformer. The engrish is also quite nice.

I feel like an idiot for buying all of these next-gen games btw. There's enough game in this set to last me for a looooooooooooooooong time.

Commando and Wild Western fucking BLOW though Good night. They're both dual-stick shooters(like say Smash TV or Robotron) but good luck trying to get shit done. In commando you make this twinkling noise while you run like you're a fairy godmother and for some reasons grenade explosions stay in the same place even if you're moving forward. Wild Western is just...I dunno. I killed a couple dudes but then one of their horses killed me. Next I'm in a bonus round that I thought was a cutscene so I didn't do anything but apparently that's alright because I still got points for being there.

Violence Fight is still horrible but man people were on serious drugs when they thought that one up. There's a fat dude in there called LICK JOE and one of the win quotes is "SAMMY YOU". What does that even mean? And who the hell considers fighting in the streets "in vogue"? Completely lost.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Worst part about Dungeon Magic is that it's already a slow-paced game. Most of the time you're exploring dungeons looking for loot and everyone moves ever so slowly(most enemies will pause for an entire second before attacking)

But holy shit does the bad emulation kill it.
Couple that with the fact that some of the special effects pretty much cause the game to crawl(like the mist in the second stage) and you have a game that moves so slowly Taito could have advertised it as a turn-based RPG for the arcades. Oh and God Forbid you play as the Elf girl and use her special attack. Last time I did that I left the room, took a piss, washed my hands, and she still wasn't finished.

Ah well who cares, you've got so many other better games that work just fine it's like trading a duck for a phoenix or something.

I know, I managed to finish it, but the excruciatingly slow pace made it very, very boring... it would be a lot more fun faster, though as you say, even at full speed it's kind of slow. Not that slow, though.

..Huh? The PAL version of Taito Legends 2 has multitap support? That's odd. Maybe I never noticed it before(yep I actually imported this bitch..thankfully it has 60 hz support)

Why, because the European version came out well before the US one did?

As for the multitap support, the US version should have had it too, given that the European version did and they are four player games... oh well.

I still plan on getting the other three Memories compilations since between them I'm missing a small handful of games:

Warrior Blade, Ninja Warriors, Darius 1 & 2, Bubble Symphony, Night Striker, Cadash, and Bubble Memories. Oh and there was this really awesome shooter where you're in the 1920s and it's like a total ripoff of the Untouchables.

Sucks that the other three compilations are going to run about $100 total. But eh it's Taito so I'm sure I'll do it eventually.

Cadash and Bubble Symphony are in the European Xbox version (and the US/Europe PC version) of Taito Legends 2... those others are only in the Japanese collections, though. There are four of them, right, versus two here? I'd think there'd be a lot more than just a few games not brought over... though who knows how good they all are. :)

As for Ninja Warriors and Night Striker, the gameplay is far from arcade-perfect, but the Sega CD versions of both games are really interesting. Night Striker has a Sega CD-exclusive Arranged CD audio soundtrack (um, why in the world wasn't it in the Playstation and Saturn versions too? Oh well, at least it had other extras on Saturn (though not Playstation), as the HG101 article details.)

Ninja Warriors... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez01Tpbstws

While I like Night Striker quite a bit, though (harder to play on Sega CD than on the others considering how horribly blocky the Sega CD version is, but it's still good rail-shooter fun), the original Ninja Warriors is kind of boring. I have the SNES sequel and think that one is pretty good, but the original... it's extremely repetitive and quickly gets dull, really. That Sega CD-exclusive prologue is pretty awesome, though. It's like they were trying to make it a noir film or something... so weird... :lol

Commando and Wild Western fucking BLOW though Good night. They're both dual-stick shooters(like say Smash TV or Robotron) but good luck trying to get shit done. In commando you make this twinkling noise while you run like you're a fairy godmother and for some reasons grenade explosions stay in the same place even if you're moving forward. Wild Western is just...I dunno. I killed a couple dudes but then one of their horses killed me. Next I'm in a bonus round that I thought was a cutscene so I didn't do anything but apparently that's alright because I still got points for being there.

Hey, at least Commando led to Bionic Commando, so it did some good at least... :)
anyone know a good site to import the XBOX version from? I got it on PS2 because I had access to one over the summer, but I'm more comfortable playing on XBOX
akilshohen said:
anyone know a good site to import the XBOX version from? I got it on PS2 because I had access to one over the summer, but I'm more comfortable playing on XBOX

You know the differences between PS2 and Xbox, right? Beyond the 'no 4-player on US PS2, but on both European releases' and 'Puzzle Bobble 2 instead of Bust-A-Move Again' things, four games are exclusive to each system (the PC version has the same game list as the Xbox one).

Bubble Symphony
RayForce (aka Galactic Attack, Layer Section, or Gun Lock, depending on version and region)
Pop 'n Pop

Balloon Bomber

The other 35 games are in both collections.

Oh, because US roms are used, some games have different names from the ones PepsimanVsJoe used in the first post. With the first four it's just a name change, not gameplay.

Elevator Action Returns (EU) -> Elevator Action II (US)
Super Space Invaders '91 (EU) -> Majestic Twelve (US)
Football Champ (EU) -> Hat Trick Hero (US)
Nastar Warrior (EU) -> Rastan Saga II (US)
Puzzle Bobble 2 (EU) -> Bust-A-Move Again (US, except it's some bizarre version with no characters; the actual US BAM Again game is the same as Puzzle Bobble 2, but they messed up somewhere.)
A Black Falcon said:
Hey, at least Commando led to Bionic Commando, so it did some good at least... :)

Oops my mistake. I meant to say Front Line.
Commando is good, plus we got Mercs out of that, which is great! But Front Line? I think it got someone fired and not much else. =/

Oh yeah and Taito's homeports never make much sense.
You have the PC Engine CD port of Darius 2 which features a godly arranged soundtrack so what does Taito do for the Saturn port? Leaves it out entirely. No really it's almost Sega levels of dumb.

Instead of putting all of this crazy shit(like the Mega CD Ninja Warriors intro..what the heck) in some Taito Museum box-sets or something they just sort of forget about it then turn around and release barebones compilations of their games.

Another thing that bugs me is that with Square Enix in control I somehow doubt we'll ever see 99% of Taito's library ever again.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Oops my mistake. I meant to say Front Line.
Commando is good, plus we got Mercs out of that, which is great! But Front Line? I think it got someone fired and not much else. =/

Oh, Front Line... *tries it*

Hmm, more "horribly underpowered characters versus the massive horde"?

I mean, I liked Ikari Warriors (the NES version of first one), but yeah, that game is just not that good... not necessarily TERRIBLE for 1983, but not good.

Instead of putting all of this crazy shit(like the Mega CD Ninja Warriors intro..what the heck) in some Taito Museum box-sets or something they just sort of forget about it then turn around and release barebones compilations of their stuff.

Evidently many/most of the actors in the Mega CD Ninja Warriors are Zuntata team members... which makes sense, considering how it centers around Zuntata... :)

Though I find the gameplay pretty boring, as I said, in addition to the awesome promo (you watch it by selecting "Zuntata" from the main menu) Mega CD Ninja Warriors, like Mega CD Night Striker, also has an awesome Arranged soundtrack I don't think you can hear anywhere else. It's so good it's better than the game, really... Oh, and unlike on TG-16, it does have 2 player simultaneous.
Insector X sucks btw. I guess you could call it a cute-em-up but man is it ugly(bad art). Also the game design is just total ass. The checkpoints are wonky as hell, if you die you're screwed Gradius-style, You have to mash not one but TWO buttons to keep a constant rate of fire.

Ninja Warriors isn't a great game, I'm aware of that. The SNES sequel is actually quite good though(shame it may never see a re-release). Problem with the SNES version is that it's missing style.

Ninja Warriors had style to burn dammit. Everytime you got hit your clothes and skin would be torn away and all that would be left is your robotic limbs. When you die you fall on your knees and explode in a slightly delayed fashion which is awesome.

Well there were a bunch of other things that just made the game such a unique experience(course it also helps that it was one of the few Arcade games to use a multiple screen format).

PepsimanVsJoe said:
Insector X sucks btw. I guess you could call it a cute-em-up but man is it ugly(bad art). Also the game design is just total ass. The checkpoints are wonky as hell, if you die you're screwed Gradius-style, You have to mash not one but TWO buttons to keep a constant rate of fire.

Weird thing about Insector X... in the Japanese NES port, you can select from two characters, male or female... but they aren't the same. The girl character has autofire and a spread-shot gun, while with the male character you start with only a peashooter and have to mash the button like in the arcade. Wha... that's really stupid.

The actual gameplay of both versions is just as flawed as you describe, too.

Instead of putting all of this crazy shit(like the Mega CD Ninja Warriors intro..what the heck) in some Taito Museum box-sets or something they just sort of forget about it then turn around and release barebones compilations of their stuff.

Evidently many/most of the actors in the Mega CD Ninja Warriors are Zuntata team members... which makes sense, considering how it centers around Zuntata... and how you watch it by selecting "Zuntata" from the main menu... :)

Though I find the gameplay pretty boring, as I said, in addition to the awesome Zuntata Mode, Mega CD Ninja Warriors, like Mega CD Night Striker, also has an awesome Arranged soundtrack I don't think you can hear anywhere else. It's so good it's better than the game, really... Oh, and unlike on TG-16, it does have 2 player simultaneous.

But still, even though it's single player only, SNES Ninja Warriors (Ninja Warriors Again in Japan) is a way better game. It's a lot more varied and, as a result, more fun. Oh, and the endings in both games are weird stuff... quite depressing...

Ninja Warriors isn't a great game, I'm aware of that. The SNES sequel is actually quite good though(shame it may never see a re-release). Problem with the SNES version is that it's missing style.

Ninja Warriors had style to burn dammit. Everytime you got hit your clothes and skin would be torn away and all that would be left is your robotic limbs. When you die you fall on your knees and explode in a slightly delayed fashion which is awesome.

Well there were a bunch of other things that just made the game such a unique experience(course it also helps that it was one of the few Arcade games to use a multiple screen format).

Yeah, as I said I have the US SNES version, and it is good. Why do you say it has less style, though? Other than the fact that the Arrange soundtrack is even better than the solid SNES one, what about the original is better? Just the multi-screen thing? That is unique, I'll admit... but the original is all flat, you just walk right. At least on the SNES you go up and down and such, and the enemies are more varied and more fun to fight, I'd say.

Oh, and in the original (all versions of it), it's weird how the Kunoichi doesn't look female until its clothes tear, and then suddenly it does... on SNES the Kunoichi looks female from the beginning, though of course they are all robots.

Oh yeah and Taito's homeports never make much sense.
You have the PC Engine CD port of Darius 2 which features a godly arranged soundtrack so what does Taito do for the Saturn port? Leaves it out entirely. No really it's almost Sega levels of dumb.

Yeah, seriously. Why go to the trouble to make an awesome CD soundtrack for your game and then leave it out of most of the ports? PCE Darius II, MCD Ninja Warriors, MCD Night Striker, all with exclusive optional Arrange CD soundtracks (all also give you the option of listening to the original chip soundtrack as well)... I'm seeing a pattern here...

Another thing that bugs me is that with Square Enix in control I somehow doubt we'll ever see 99% of Taito's library ever again.

Weirded out. I just noticed in that Ninja Warriors screen that all of the enemies have red eyes and the two good guys have blue eyes.


However once the skin is gone note it has red eyes...yikes.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Weirded out. I just noticed in that Ninja Warriors screen that all of the enemies have red eyes and the two good guys have blue eyes.


However once the skin is gone note it has red eyes...yikes.

Read what I just edited into my last post, there are definitely some weird things about the character designs in the original Ninja Warriors... (I mean seriously, the two characters look identical until their chest clothes rip off, and then suddenly they look totally different... it's just odd.)

... that red eyes thing is weird, though. Why would the enemies all have red eyes? Are they all supposed to be cyborgs or something? Strange.
I got this for PS2 at release. A must-have for shooter fans, although mainly for me it obviates the need to bring out the individual copies of the PSX games such as G.Darius.
A Black Falcon said:
Read what I just edited into my last post, there are definitely some weird things about the character designs in the original Ninja Warriors... (I mean seriously, the two characters look identical until their chest clothes rip off, and then suddenly they look totally different... it's just odd.)

... that red eyes thing is weird, though. Why would the enemies all have red eyes? Are they all supposed to be cyborgs or something? Strange.

Thing about the character designs in the original NW is that more likely the male and female ninja looking eerily similar had more to do with budget constrains/difficulty in getting the animation right. Like the masked dudes in that same screenshot, they animate almost exactly like the main characters.

Oh whoa check out the cabinet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elYTb6q1RmY&feature=related

Note how the blue ninja has blue eyes and blonde hair(or at least...blonde eyebrows).
Also the final boss(the corrupt president) has red eyes and bleeds(not to mention nearly everything you kill gives a slight fleck of blood.
A Black Falcon said:
You know the differences between PS2 and Xbox, right? Beyond the 'no 4-player on US PS2, but on both European releases' and 'Puzzle Bobble 2 instead of Bust-A-Move Again' things, four games are exclusive to each system (the PC version has the same game list as the Xbox one).

Bubble Symphony
RayForce (aka Galactic Attack, Layer Section, or Gun Lock, depending on version and region)
Pop 'n Pop

Balloon Bomber

The other 35 games are in both collections.

Oh, because US roms are used, some games have different names from the ones Pepsiman Vs Joe used in the first post.

Elevator Action Returns (EU) -> Elevator Action II (US)
Super Space Invaders '91 (EU) -> Majestic Twelve (US)
Football Champ (EU) -> Hat Trick Hero (US)
Nastar Warrior (EU) -> Rastan Saga II (US)
Puzzle Bobble 2 (EU) -> Bust-A-Move Again (US)

oh wow Rayforce is on the xbox version? BUY IT PEOPLE.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Thing about the character designs in the original NW is that more likely the male and female ninja looking eerily similar had more to do with budget constrains/difficulty in getting the animation right. Like the masked dudes in that same screenshot, they animate almost exactly like the main characters.

Oh whoa check out the cabinet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elYTb6q1RmY&feature=related

Note how the blue ninja has blue eyes and blonde hair(or at least...blonde eyebrows).
Also the final boss(the corrupt president) has red eyes and bleeds(not to mention nearly everything you kill gives a slight fleck of blood.

That tank boss is hard...

Hmm, maybe... but if it's a budget or animation issue, why do they have different chest designs after the cloth comes off and you see the metal robot body? That doesn't quite make sense, really... animation-wise, though, you're probably right that they're all using essentially the same animations.

Oh yeah, and that's a pretty cool cabinet. No home version can reproduce the triple screen... Darius I and II have the same problem.

Here's a video of the Sega CD version with the Arrange soundtrack.

No red eyes there... there is blood when you kill enemies, though. And limited continues, making it hard...

On another note, Ninja Warriors Sega CD and Night Striker Sega CD would have been extremely easy to release in the US. Both have fully English menus and interfaces, Ninja Warriors' voice acting is 100% English and the only Japanese text in the game is the subtitles in Zuntata mode, Night Striker has no voice acting but its on-screen text (story, level names, etc) is all English-only... it's too bad they didn't release either one here. :(

Sgt. Killjoy said:
oh wow Rayforce is on the xbox version? BUY IT PEOPLE.

G-Darius is pretty good too, each version definitely has something to recommend it...
A Black Falcon said:
You know the differences between PS2 and Xbox, right? Beyond the 'no 4-player on US PS2, but on both European releases' and 'Puzzle Bobble 2 instead of Bust-A-Move Again' things, four games are exclusive to each system (the PC version has the same game list as the Xbox one).
yeah I know. I only have an XBOX, my roomates have a PS2, but it's not mines and all my other collections are on XBOX (CCC 1 & 2, Taito legends 1, Midway Arcade 2 & 3, etc)
Himuro said:
I hate the US version's Bust a Move. What the hell? :(

Yeah, it is weird. It's the same game though, just without characters... I wonder where they found this version, given that the actual US Bust-A-Move Again game is exactly identical to Puzzle Bobble 2 as it appears in the European collection, except with a different name on the title screen. What weird version of the game removes the characters? It's not the Neo-Geo MVS version (that is, the original arcade version), for sure... where did they manage to find this characterless version?

akilshohen said:
yeah I know. I only have an XBOX, my roomates have a PS2, but it's not mines and all my other collections are on XBOX (CCC 1 & 2, Taito legends 1, Midway Arcade 2 & 3, etc)

Ah. Both collections are great, it just depends on which console you have or which set of four exclusives you prefer... but given that both sets have some good ones (RayCrisis and G-Darius for the PS2, Cadash, Bubble Symphony, and RayForce for the Xbox...), it would be great if they all had all of them, for sure... too bad it wasn't possible. :(

As for Cadash, it's two player only I'm sure. The original arcade version did have a four player mode, but it used two linked systems with two players on each, not a four player cabinet. Sadly, I don't know of one single arcade collection that models linked-system (splitscreen for sure, possibly online too) multiplayer... now if there's one thing that arcade collections need, that's it!

Seriously, what in the world is the point of playing a one player only versions of Off-Road Thunder? Yet that's how it is in Midway Arcade Treasures 3, thanks to this...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Balloon Bomber is awesome, probably my favorite pre-80's game of all time. Like the bassline in the theme song. This is such a great collection, I also got quite addicted to Liquid Kids and Fairyland Story.


butthurt Heat fan
I scored the PC version for $5, but never installed it. Do I have to worry about DRM?

Anyways, hopefully, there's a Taito Legends 3 with some Arkanoid and Chase HQ games...


Picked it up new for £8 a while pack, one of the best retr collections I've ever played: so many great underrated games on it that you would have to pay stupid money for if you imported the Japanese saturn/PS1 ports of some of them. A bit gutted that they didn't put Bubble Symphony on the PS2 version, though.
twinturbo2 said:
I scored the PC version for $5, but never installed it. Do I have to worry about DRM?

Anyways, hopefully, there's a Taito Legends 3 with some Arkanoid and Chase HQ games...

The following and other sources past that I checked before buying Taito Legends 1 PC from EBGames (for $4.99--worth it for ZooKeeper alone) suggested Taito Legends 2 added in Starforce...

"Boycott Starfoce" - Released Starforced games

Add: and still available for $5 from EB
To be honest I'm starting to second-guess myself about the exalted status I've tossed onto Cleopatra's Fortune.

Thing about this game is that for many many stages it's easy peasy and with little effort you can get a whole string of "PERFECT!" bonuses which dole out shitloads of points.

And although you get a point bonus for starting with the harder(and thus more interesting since that's when the mummies come into play) difficulties it's really nowhere near enough to balance out the fact that you'll have a retardedly high score for playing from Easy onwards.

Since so much of your score rides on these Perfect bonuses there's really no benefit to getting those huge complicated setups because they'll more than likely just kill your game off.

Hmm this sucks. How could I be such an idiot to miss such an obvious game design issue? Yeah Top 50 material this ain't. oh well. CF probably makes a better versus puzzler I imagine which would automatically disqualify it from the list(since mine focuses on arcade games that don't have a heavily competitive element..thus fighters and primarily versus puzzlers get the boot).
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