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The future of EA’s Bioware


Tag, you're it.
Can modern day BioWare save this sinking ship?


EA’s Bioware is currently working on three different games, with one of them being the remastered trilogy of Mass Effect. The other two are new chapters in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series.

Bioware’s latest looter-shooter did not perform well. EA was clearly not pleased, thus Anthem 2.0 has been officially cancelled, and the game is now resting in peace.
In addition, Mass Effect Andromeda, which was Bioware’s previous title, was disappointing as well.

Bioware created some of the best role-playing games ever made.
Games like Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, and of course Mass Effect. Bioware were once among the best, but now it seems they lost their way.

Most of the veteran developers have left the studio, along with more than 150 senior developers. Bioware Montreal was basically shut down, and many of the developers moved to Motive and Bioware Austin.
Evidently Bioware had several problems during the last few years. Also, EA has a long history of closing down studios.
Bioware’s next game might be the last, or maybe it will be a new beginning for the studio.

Unfortunately, based on their last two games the future of Bioware looks uncertain. Hopefully, Bioware will not waste this opportunity to please the fans by delivering an excellent remastered version of the original trilogy.

On the one hand, I don't think the Bioware of today is capable of producing something I'll want to buy, so if they went away it would be no great loss to me. On the other, I like having all of 'those people' under one roof - it makes it easier for me to bulk ignore their work. If Bioware gets a bullet from EA, all of their devs are going to disperse amongst the general games industry populace, spreading the infection as they go.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Screw a Mass Effect remaster, I just played through the trilogy on the X1X last year and it's still great.

They need to concentrate on making a NEW Mass Effect in the same caliber as the originals. I would dearly love to see Bioware survive and if they can make a great new Mass Effect they will have a good chance of that happening.


There doesn't appear to be much of a ship to save. It's like the first day in a game of Raft. We're talking the Mass Effect and Dragon Age franchises, neither of which are in good shape. Neither of which are reliant upon the current iteration of Biowere for future titles.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
They will be fine. I remember being told last week that EA allow their studios the freedom to make the games they want.

Seriously, the next Mass Effect or Dragon Age will be good review wise, just not reaching its sales target. Then Bioware gets Old Yellered.


I like the thread title "EA's Bioware" to separate this Bioware from the one that made great games.

As far as I'm concerned they need to prove themselves. I hope the new Mass Effect and Dragon Age are good but I think the current Bioware is too concerned with politics to be able to actually make a good game.


Can modern day BioWare save this sinking ship?


EA’s Bioware is currently working on three different games, with one of them being the remastered trilogy of Mass Effect. The other two are new chapters in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series.

Bioware’s latest looter-shooter did not perform well. EA was clearly not pleased, thus Anthem 2.0 has been officially cancelled, and the game is now resting in peace.
In addition, Mass Effect Andromeda, which was Bioware’s previous title, was disappointing as well.

Bioware created some of the best role-playing games ever made.
Games like Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, and of course Mass Effect. Bioware were once among the best, but now it seems they lost their way.

Most of the veteran developers have left the studio, along with more than 150 senior developers. Bioware Montreal was basically shut down, and many of the developers moved to Motive and Bioware Austin.
Evidently Bioware had several problems during the last few years. Also, EA has a long history of closing down studios.
Bioware’s next game might be the last, or maybe it will be a new beginning for the studio.

Unfortunately, based on their last two games the future of Bioware looks uncertain. Hopefully, Bioware will not waste this opportunity to please the fans by delivering an excellent remastered version of the original trilogy.

Bioware made EA dinosaurs extinct.

Now EA trying to recreate dinosaurs.

End result: Fallen Kingdom.


Writes a lot, says very little
Can modern day BioWare save this sinking ship?


EA’s Bioware is currently working on three different games, with one of them being the remastered trilogy of Mass Effect. The other two are new chapters in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series.

Bioware’s latest looter-shooter did not perform well. EA was clearly not pleased, thus Anthem 2.0 has been officially cancelled, and the game is now resting in peace.
In addition, Mass Effect Andromeda, which was Bioware’s previous title, was disappointing as well.

Bioware created some of the best role-playing games ever made.
Games like Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, and of course Mass Effect. Bioware were once among the best, but now it seems they lost their way.

Most of the veteran developers have left the studio, along with more than 150 senior developers. Bioware Montreal was basically shut down, and many of the developers moved to Motive and Bioware Austin.
Evidently Bioware had several problems during the last few years. Also, EA has a long history of closing down studios.
Bioware’s next game might be the last, or maybe it will be a new beginning for the studio.

Unfortunately, based on their last two games the future of Bioware looks uncertain. Hopefully, Bioware will not waste this opportunity to please the fans by delivering an excellent remastered version of the original trilogy.

Maybe..... I think Electronic Arts gets a lot of hate but to their credit and in their defense they're also a company that is able to listen and change things over time regardless of how many feel about them.

So a lot of the things we saw them do at the very beginning of last generation we didn't really see them do near the ending. For example the way Battlefield 4 was rushed and the way Battlefield 6 is delayed to make a proper version (or Battlefront 2 and BFV having all free DLC) or forcing BioWare to work with frostbite with Mass Effect Andromeda, then learning that lesson and allowing the teams to be more open on what engines they use like Star Wars Fallen order using Unreal Engine 4.

I think lots of these costly mistakes forced electronic arts hand to make these type of changes because it was not benefiting them to lose that much money. The fact that Dragon Age 4 is no longer going to have some online component to my understanding goes to show clearly they're listening to something if they're allowing the development team to have more freedom and to even remove features that people did not agree with to allow the game to Simply exist as is.

I think all of that is a very good sign.

If anything if they were still rushing out games like Battlefield 6 and it was a launch game and still had a season pass, Need for Speed also rushed out to be a launch game and Dragon Age 4 was going to have a multiplayer component and Star Wars Fallen order would use frostbite or something like this that I could argue sure Bioware is going to go down a very dark Road, but because what's happening is just the opposite I think they're going to be okay at least for a few releases.

As of right now I simply don't see enough to hurt Dragon Age 4 or the next Mass Effect game. A lot of the issues that truly hurt those games are also things that have been rectified by them allowing the developers to use the engines they feel like it and to be okay removing a unnecessary multiplayer mode. So the fact that they're even delaying games and giving developers time and even saying they're going to give them more freedom tells me you're probably not going to see the same results compared to the previous games.

That however does not mean BioWare cannot end up a casualty and closed down because for all we know the damage has been done but as far as I could see the moves being done are for the better.

MP being removed from Dragon Age, Mass Effect collection, them giving more creative freedom. I'm ok with all of this.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
Can you imagine the amount of backlash Bioware would get from REEE and the like if they had morally ambiguous questlines like the genophage, batarians choice, or actually attractive female characters? I don't think Bioware or their nu-fans would like that
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