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The People Vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story - S1 - FX Tues - 90 on Metacritic


There is something slightly divisive about it like the personal conversations but it is OK so far. Cuba does not embody O.J but he is fun to watch. Everyone else is also great except for maybe Travolta. I'm not feeling Marsha's hair though, it was more of a Jeri Curl.
I enjoyed the episode enough. Don't think it was really that good but it was a decent starting point. I'm not sold on Cuba and Travolta yet, and I don't think I ever will be.

The Kardashian mentions felt totally forced.

EDIT - Thought it was just an hour, never mind this lol
So far so good, I think they've really hammed up the kardashian relationship to help make it more relatable for people who don't really know the kardashian angle with the oj trial. The scene where Kris tells khloe to stop playing or whatever is really forced, but overall I thought it was good.

But I think that's just me being old.
It's funny that I know most of the details at 32, but my wife at 27 knows the general parts but much less.

Also never knew oj before he was oj the criminal, where I remember him in the naked gun and commercials. Some of the cheesy writing is done to help ground how famous he was throughout the 70s and 80s
OJ? The OJ who rushed for like 2,000 yards and starred in some commercials and the Naked Gun? Oh, THAT OJ? Lol

The script is so dumb but I was too entertained to care honestly.

People should look for 30 for 30: June 17, 1994 on Netflix.
please fill me in even if by PM I just don't remember the details

this is what I wanted to know. he never (though a good actor) seemed like the right fit in my mind.

He acts fine he's just not a believable OJ to me. I can't look at him and not see Cuba. Although that describes Ross from Friends and Travolta for me too. They're all doing a good job acting, but youre not seeing the people you're seeing the actors.

OJ is very hard to do because of the charisma and how recognizable he was.
I had the first episode set to record at 10pm, but I had to delete it because it saved in parts and some was missed due to my power going on and off repeatedly as the result of a windy storm.

I've got it set to record again at 1am, and will watch it soon. I've been cautiously optimistic about this one, despite hating what American Horror Story has become.


Really enjoyed the first ep. It was definitely over the top at times, and yet it didn't bother me at all. Most of the acting performances were great. I dig the cast a lot.

I'm in for the rest of the season.
Really into it, thought the first episode was great.

I'm only 25, and I only know the case by few specifics, mostly general knowledge.

I remember my family made a home movie recreating the trial, lol.

I think most of the cast is doing great, but again, I don't really know the personas of all the players involved so I wonder if that conflicts with people who knew everything about the case and OJ celebrity.
Really into it, thought the first episode was great.

I'm only 25, and I only know the case by few specifics, mostly general knowledge.

I remember my family made a home movie recreating the trial, lol.

I think most of the cast is doing great, but again, I don't really know the personas of all the players involved so I wonder if that conflicts with people who knew everything about the case and OJ celebrity.

what lol


Much better than I thought it'd be. Travolta sticks out because he feels like Travolta playing a guy with funny eyebrows whereas everyone else kinda melted into their characters. Great ending to the pilot too.


Pretty good episode. I only really remember some of the bigger details as I was pretty young when this happened. I find Travolta kind of distracting in this though (Toothless' description of him is pretty accurate... haha).

Yeah, I was only like 4-5 and I wasn't in it, but it was like all of my cousins getting together during a family bday and just recreating the trial with over the top caricatures of everyone involved. Like a bad SNL/MadTv skit or something. Also, all the on screen actors were 8-12, with the older cousins dubbing in their lines. Crazy how much that trial seemed to matter to everyone.

I haven't seen the tape in over a decade at least....last I heard it was in a relative's house in Mexico somewhere.


Like many others, the only one I'm having trouble with is Cuba Gooding Jr. I grew up on the Naked Gun movies, so it's hard not to see the actor instead of the character.

I had to video tape the trial everyday for my mother because she was gone for the summer, but I really hardly remember anything. The trial sounds like a real shitshow after all they had going for them :lol


Legit legit, good good.

Love Cuba Gooding Jr. as well, he's doing a great job. The only guy I can't get behind is Travolta, he's a little too... melting.

I completely forgot the bodies of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman were out in the yard. Crazy. I was about 13 when this was going down, I remember when the verdict was going to come in I had my Sony Walkman with the earbuds going up my sleeve and was listening to it live. When the verdict came in I jumped up during class and yelled "NOT GUILTY" and the whole room of jr. high schoolers all jumped up and cheered and the teacher had this look of abject horror. It was great.


Is this show supposed to be 100% accurate? Just curious about expectations. Mostly want to see how much nostalgia kicks in.


The show is what I expected it to b , but I enjoyed it nonetheless. However, it is unfortunate for the family and friends of the murder victims have to endure another sensationalized depiction of a man who allegedly killed their loved ones.


Eh, as someone whose seen / met Shapiro irl it's a pretty fair portrayal of him.

Yeah I was gonna say that I remember Shapiro coming off as creepy and weird. I really like Travolta here.

Acting across the board is really good. I think Cuba is great but he doesn't have the physical stature of OJ. Or at least it isn't coming across.

The Beard

Yeah I was gonna say that I remember Shapiro coming off as creepy and weird. I really like Travolta here.

Acting across the board is really good. I think Cuba is great but he doesn't have the physical stature of OJ. Or at least it isn't coming across.

I agree with all of this. I think Travolta is doing great. Cuba is a good actor but he doesn't look or sound anything like OJ, it's a little distracting.

I thought the first episode was very good. I'm looking forward to watching more.


I thought all the major actors did fine. I felt that the manner in which they introduced some characters was a little forced, but I can forgive that because of how much ground they had to cover in an hour.
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