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The Witcher Community Thread: Where we discuss what politics and sex have in common

I don't think they will show him in game. Old Jaskier narrated loading screens was mostly just a narrative way to remind gamers about what is going on when they come back to the game after some time, a story summary..that was its primary reason for existence.

Hey one can always hope:

Oh yeah, not that I remember, what about Síle de Tansarville lol
Hey, you went your way and save her in The Witcher 2, lets show her 3 minutes with not even a substantial dialogue because she is fucking dying already?
Letho as a returning character was much better done.

Any idea if the upcoming expansions will be compatible if the main game if we've already completed it?

They are side sotries form what we heard. We still do not know if the happen before or after, but something tells me is before
even if they could actually happen after, which would be great to show characters like iorveth or saskia
Any idea if the upcoming expansions will be compatible if the main game if we've already completed it?

I don't see why not. Would be lame otherwise, I hope they don't do that.
I'm so excited to visit Toussaint!!!

Speaking of which, I finished reading the spanish version of Lady of the Lake (was the only book of which I still hadn't read an official version) and it needs to be said, the damn book is a masterpiece.
The way each story arc is told through multiple perspectives, some even in the far away future, and the way it all comes together, is brilliant.
The battle of Brenna is epic, long awaited confrontations finally happen and many dear characters tragically meet their demise.
I've really come to appreciate Sapkowski's writing style and I think it reaches its peak here.
Actually, looking at the 5 books of the saga (the short stories are a different beast and hard to compare directly), I think they get better with each book, which is remarkable.

The book is sold out most of the time on amazon, fnac, etc despite Spain's ridiculous book prices which is fantastic.

It's a shame we'll never know
how a fight between Geralt and Bonhart would've turned out, that would've been something else. That was always going to be Ciri's fight of course, but I can't help but wonder.
I don't see why not. Would be lame otherwise, I hope they don't do that.
I'm so excited to visit Toussaint!!!

Speaking of which, I finished reading the spanish version of Lady of the Lake (was the only book of which I still hadn't read an official version) and it needs to be said, the damn book is a masterpiece.
The way each story arc is told through multiple perspectives, some even in the far away future, and the way it all comes together, is brilliant.
The battle of Brenna is epic, long awaited confrontations finally happen and many dear characters tragically meet their demise.
I've really come to appreciate Sapkowski's writing style and I think it reaches its peak here.
Actually, looking at the 5 books of the saga (the short stories are a different beast and hard to compare directly), I think they get better with each book, which is remarkable.

The book is sold out most of the time on amazon, fnac, etc despite Spain's ridiculous book prices which is fantastic.

It's a shame we'll never know
how a fight between Geralt and Bonhart would've turned out, that would've been something else. That was always going to be Ciri's fight of course, but I can't help but wonder.

About the books, love all the small details CDPR added for the fans of the books. In the 1st and second games they were a few, but here is at every step you find a nice think about them, directly or inderectly.
Loved the part when Geralt and Phillipa are talking about her eyes and Geralt says
that he remebered about the "building" eyes Vilgefortz had before he killed them and how grotesque they were, and if Phillipa was the same lol

Like I laughed at that moment but then I thought, people will be like, who the fuck is Vilgefortz lol
About the books, love all the small details CDPR added for the fans of the books. In the 1st and second games they were a few, but here is at every step you find a nice think about them, directly or inderectly.
Loved the part when Geralt and Phillipa are talking about her eyes and Geralt says
that he remebered about the "building" eyes Vilgefortz had before he killed them and how grotesque they were, and if Phillipa was the same lol

Like I laughed at that moment but then I thought, people will be like, who the fuck is Vilgefortz lol

Playing the games after reading the books is just a completely different experience, especially TW3.
I'm really enjoying the final stretch of the game just for the fact that
Geralt and Ciri get to spend time together and kick some ass.
I was afraid that the game would end shortly after they reunited.
Like you said before, CDPR really nailed Geralt's facial expressions when interacting with her, we really see that side of Geralt that he only shows to Ciri.
The quest with
Avallac'h surprised me. I wasn't expecting to see Tir Na Lia in the game. All the jumping through worlds reminded me of when Ciri was trying to get back, which was cool.
As for Vilgefortz, CDPR could've gone the easy way and written a story where he and Bonhart get ressurected for some lame reason, but they came up with some great plots that make sense and are believable, stories that make you think "yeah, I could see this happen".
We also get better closure for the whole thing with the Wild Hunt which we really didn't get in the books.
Bringing Geralt back would always feel a bit forced of course but nothing you can do about that.
Playing the games after reading the books is just a completely different experience, especially TW3.
I'm really enjoying the final stretch of the game just for the fact that
Geralt and Ciri get to spend time together and kick some ass.
I was afraid that the game would end shortly after they reunited.
Like you said before, CDPR really nailed Geralt's facial expressions when interacting with her, we really see that side of Geralt that he only shows to Ciri.
The quest with
Avallac'h surprised me. I wasn't expecting to see Tir Na Lia in the game. All the jumping through worlds reminded me of when Ciri was trying to get back, which was cool.
As for Vilgefortz, CDPR could've gone the easy way and written a story where he and Bonhart get ressurected for some lame reason, but they came up with some great plots that make sense and are believable, stories that make you think "yeah, I could see this happen".
We also get better closure for the whole thing with the Wild Hunt which we really didn't get in the books.
Bringing Geralt back would always feel a bit forced of course but nothing you can do about that.

As much a Sapkowski says the game are not canon, CDPR did a such great job to make it belivable, that I dont give a fuck, for me thats how really the story continues.
It could have been done so badly, becuase of how the original books ended, but it all makes sense and you just go with it. Its also funny we get closure to a bunch of thing that didnt get any in the books.
I wouldnt say the books are unifinshed (they do finish a little abruptly though) but damn if you are leaving out half of the story by no reading the books and playing only the games and viceversa.

The Avallac'h quest is pretty surprising as we said, even more for fans of the books,
the time as space jumping is really cool, although there was already one screenshot near release that spoiled that a little

And Im glad they didnt resurrect Vilgefortz as you said. And then there are cool things like basically making Radovid their own character, groomed since the first game, and culminating it with Phillipa and Dijkstra scenes to go with him in the Witcher 3. So goood.
As much a Sapkowski says the game are not canon, CDPR did a such great job to make it belivable, that I dont give a fuck, for me thats how really the story continues.

Yeah, same for me.

Have you read Season of Storms yet? How is it? I need more Witcher in my life but I can't afford it right now.
I wish I had all the spanish hardcovers sitting on my shelf but damn, they cost 4 times as much as the softcover english versions. Maybe one day I'll be able to replace them all with the hardcover versions.
I don't see why not. Would be lame otherwise, I hope they don't do that.
I'm so excited to visit Toussaint!!!

Speaking of which, I finished reading the spanish version of Lady of the Lake (was the only book of which I still hadn't read an official version) and it needs to be said, the damn book is a masterpiece.
The way each story arc is told through multiple perspectives, some even in the far away future, and the way it all comes together, is brilliant.
The battle of Brenna is epic, long awaited confrontations finally happen and many dear characters tragically meet their demise.
I've really come to appreciate Sapkowski's writing style and I think it reaches its peak here.
Actually, looking at the 5 books of the saga (the short stories are a different beast and hard to compare directly), I think they get better with each book, which is remarkable.

The book is sold out most of the time on amazon, fnac, etc despite Spain's ridiculous book prices which is fantastic.

It's a shame we'll never know
how a fight between Geralt and Bonhart would've turned out, that would've been something else. That was always going to be Ciri's fight of course, but I can't help but wonder.

Heh, I have always wondered about that fight too.
My thought is that Bonhart would have a slight swordmanship advantage over Geralt. However Geralt, with his mutation advantage and being a smart fighter, he would win. Very, very close match though.
Yeah, same for me.

Have you read Season of Storms yet? How is it? I need more Witcher in my life but I can't afford it right now.
I wish I had all the spanish hardcovers sitting on my shelf but damn, they cost 4 times as much as the softcover english versions. Maybe one day I'll be able to replace them all with the hardcover versions.

Nah, still need to buy the book.

And yep, books in spain are too expensive. I suppose is the mentality of, "will get as much as we can from people that like to read books instead of trying to make more people actually read books".

Heh, I have always wondered about that fight too.
My thought is that Bonhart would have a slight swordmanship advantage over Geralt, but Geralt being the smart fighter that he is, he will be able to win. Very, very close match though.

Speaking of Geralt fight in the books, I LOVE how th first fight against Vilgefortz is explained in the books
the one were Geralt is asking to himself were he did wrong in a flashforward, only to know he didnt do anything wrong, its just Vilgefortz was out of his level. Good stuff in the one is told in the books. The easy way out would have been write the fight as Sapkowski always does, and then explain that, but he does an interesting flashfoward technique, to just convey how stong is Vilgefortz during that moment
Nah, still need to buy the book.

And yep, books in spain are too expensive. I suppose is the mentality of, "will get as much as we can from people that like to read books instead of trying to make more people actually read books".

Which is fucking ridiculous. And sad.

Heh, I have always wondered about that fight too.
My thought is that Bonhart would have a slight swordmanship advantage over Geralt. However Geralt, with his mutation advantage and being a smart fighter, he would win. Very, very close match though.

Yeah, in the end I think geralt would win but it would be close. I was thinking that signs could give him an advantage but he doesn't really use them during fights in the books which is a shame.
I love the cutscene at the end of the fight with
, Geralt uses signs in a really smart way to get the upper hand. The fights in the books are described with fantastic detail, especially the sword techniques, and are always exciting to read, but I always feel that it's a shame he doesn't throw signs into the mix.
Nah, still need to buy the book.

And yep, books in spain are too expensive. I suppose is the mentality of, "will get as much as we can from people that like to read books instead of trying to make more people actually read books".

Speaking of Geralt fight in the books, I LOVE how th first fight against Vilgefortz is explained in the books
the one were Geralt is asking to himself were he did wrong in a flashforward, only to know he didnt do anything wrong, its just Vilgefortz was out of his level. Good stuff in the one is told in the books. The easy way out would have been write the fight as Sapkowski always does, and then explain that, but he does an interesting flashfoward technique, to just convey how stong is Vilgefortz during that moment

Yeah that was a nice touch. I liked how their encounter panned out and how it made me go from one emotion to another.

When Vilgefortz pulled out a sword I actually laughed and wondered if he lost his mind. Geralt's instant loss did baffled me a lot. It paints a perfect picture of what kind of world the Witcher Saga is happening in and what kind of a person Geralt is. He is not the strongest, the most important or even the most likable guy. But he is a man who is driven by the affection he has for his loved ones. Crude, but surprisingly charming.

Which is fucking ridiculous. And sad.

Yeah, in the end I think geralt would win but it would be close. I was thinking that signs could give him an advantage but he doesn't really use them during fights in the books which is a shame.
I love the cutscene at the end of the fight with
, Geralt uses signs in a really smart way to get the upper hand. The fights in the books are described with fantastic detail, especially the sword techniques, and are always exciting to read, but I always feel that it's a shame he doesn't throw signs into the mix.

Personally though, I prefer a good sword fight against human, which I always do in the game itself. Signs are used against monsters only :p Only a personal preference.
Yeah that was a nice touch. I liked how their encounter panned out and how it made me go from one emotion to another.

When Vilgefortz pulled out a sword I actually laughed and wondered if he lost his mind. Geralt's instant loss did baffled me a lot. It paints a perfect picture of what kind of world the Witcher Saga is happening in and what kind of a person Geralt is. He is not the strongest, the most important or even the most likable guy. But he is a man who is driven by the affection he has for his loved ones. Crude, but surprisingly charming.

Vilgefortz was fucking OP.
Regis got the jump on him and was still dispatched in a matter of seconds, in the end their victory came down to luck.


Oh yeah, not that I remember, what about Síle de Tansarville lol
Hey, you went your way and save her in The Witcher 2, lets show her 3 minutes with not even a substantial dialogue because she is fucking dying already?
Letho as a returning character was much better done.

CDP had to pick their battles. I was glad to even meet Sile, even if it was heartbreaking. It made sense what happened with her, following from TW2.
But yeah it would be nice if every character from TW2 could be included, but it is hard to justify the resource expense when huge number of players will have the character dead and thus not present anyway.

Yeah, same for me.
Have you read Season of Storms yet? How is it? I need more Witcher in my life but I can't afford it right now.
I wish I had all the spanish hardcovers sitting on my shelf but damn, they cost 4 times as much as the softcover english versions. Maybe one day I'll be able to replace them all with the hardcover versions.

I read Season of Storms during my last book readthrough in january and it was great. It felt wonderful reading new Witcher book that I did not know yet after so much time. Very atmospheric and fun. And I like that CDP managed to get a reference to it into the game.

And yeah Sapkowski left Aen Elle plotline completely unresolved/abandoned. Ciri just jumped away and Wild Hunt was no more (on pages of Lady of the Lake). It made perfect sense for CDP to finish this.
I read Season of Storms during my last book readthrough in january and it was great. It felt wonderful reading new Witcher book that I did not know yet after so much time. Very atmospheric and fun. And I like that CDP managed to get a reference to it into the game.

And yeah Sapkowski left Aen Elle plotline completely unresolved/abandoned. Ciri just jumped away and Wild Hunt was no more (on pages of Lady of the Lake). It made perfect sense for CDP to finish this.

Awesome, I look forward to reading it.

As for the Wild Hunt
I guess Ciri was doomed to run from them for the rest of her life, which is pretty much what she's doing at the start of TW3.
Awesome, I look forward to reading it.

As for the Wild Hunt
I guess Ciri was doomed to run from them for the rest of her life, which is pretty much what she's doing at the start of TW3.

I suppose that he wanted to give a really gloom felling to the ending
ininfite scaping of Ciri while her loved ones are dead, thats fucking worse than death
, but I dont think it worked that well, it just seem a little unfinished. The rest of the Lady of the Lake is masterfull though.
Finally finished it.
Like I said above I messed up Geralt's relation with Yen and Triss by romancing both which was sad.
As for the rest, I think I got the best options, going by what I've read in the guide.
Ciri became an empress, which I think is ideal, she's meant for great things and will become a great ruler, making much more of an impact on the world than as a Witcher. In my version of the ending it just sucks that Geralt is alone, but normaly he would go on to live with either Triss or Yen, so I think that overall it's the ideal scenario.

In the other aspects I got the best outcomes:

Cerys rules in Skellige.
Nilfgaard won the war and Temeria got sovereignity.
Keira and Lambert are ploughing their heads off.

I really couldn't have asked for more from this game, it's a monumental achievement and a love letter to Witcher fans.

I finished the game yesterday after 140 hours.
Loved it.

My ending was
rather positive, radovid is dead (fuck trying to help him in the first two games), Temeria is free again (a pity not knowing if its going to be ruled by Foltest daugther that I gave to John Natalis), Nilfgaard returns home, the mages can live again, Ciri becomes a witcher (Witcher 4 pavement im sure) and Geralt retires with lady Yeneffer.

I have some qualms with the ending, but nothing too big. My biggest one, and its not really that important.
So I thought the final image, or scene of the ending, would be an old Jaskier (the whole game is narrated by an old voice you think at the beggining is Vesemir, but then he talks in first person about Jaskier) writting the narration he is doing druing the whole game, like a camera pan of him in a room with Priscilla. Would be a good final touch. But nope, after the mission of avenging Priscilla interaction with Jaskier is zero, even when you are asking your friends to save Kaer Morhen, which seems a little strange. Would have liked to know if Priscilla got well and Jaskier stayed with her.

And also the super heel turn of
Dijkstra, I think is too forced. He is an A grade asshole in the books and I thought his recreation was perfect in the game up until that moment, but I dont think he would do what he does at the end as he is not bad per se, leaving you the option of killing him or let him live and make Roche and Thaned be killed.

Apart from that great ending. Im pretty sure I did like 98% of the sidequests, leaving some obscure sidequest here and there. Got the majority of the treasure hunts, but not
all the sea icons around skellige, becuase who has the time for low level repetitive objects.

GOTY 2015.

Also LOVED the family moments of Ciri, Geralt and Yeneffer. Geralt's faces when he talk with Ciri are amazing, no really, amazing animation that conveys parenting feeling.

Now that I've read your version of the ending I want to point something out:

You do get to know what happens to Priscilla, you need to talk with Dandelion and Zoltan at the start of the epilogue, he tells you everything and thanks you for helping them.
Also, Temeria isn't free and Nilfgaard doesn't retreat. Though the war is over, Nilfgaard rules over the North, Temeria just has a certain degree of sovereignity unlike the other kingdoms.
Finally finished it.
Like I said above I messed up Geralt's relation with Yen and Triss by romancing both which was sad.
As for the rest, I think I got the best options, going by what I've read in the guide.
Ciri became an empress, which I think is ideal, she's meant for great things and will become a great ruler, making much more of an impact on the world than as a Witcher. In my version of the ending it just sucks that Geralt is alone, but normaly he would go on to live with either Triss or Yen, so I think that overall it's the ideal scenario.

In the other aspects I got the best outcomes:

Cerys rules in Skellige.
Nilfgaard won the war and Temeria got sovereignity.
Keira and Lambert are ploughing their heads off.

I really couldn't have asked for more from this game, it's a monumental achievement and a love letter to Witcher fans.

Now that I've read your version of the ending I want to point something out:

You do get to know what happens to Priscilla, you need to talk with Dandelion and Zoltan at the start of the epilogue, he tells you everything and thanks you for helping them.
Also, Temeria isn't free and Nilfgaard doesn't retreat. Though the war is over, Nilfgaard rules over the North, Temeria just has a certain degree of sovereignity unlike the other kingdoms.

Hahaha, yep I knew about the priscilla thing after I beat the game, so I didnt get a chance to talk to Jaskier furing that segment.
And yeah, I understanded badly the first time I saw the custcene
nilfgaard doesnt retreat, it just leaves temeria alone and Emhyr sends all the tropps back to nilfgaard to treat the internal affairs that he wins in that scenario.

About Ciri being the empress instead of a witcher, even if I think that would resolve the whole world and be the happily ever after ending, I dont think is the way the world that created Sapkowski would realistically end. Theres alway a statuos quo there of good people and bad people ruling the world, and never getting a whole world peace. Ciri wouldnt like being an empress, as she has always been a free soul like Geralt.
For me the more "canon" version would be she being a Witcher, and would be a good way to make a Witcher 4 without Geralt.

And yep, is absolutely the best thing ever done for fans of something in another media. Thousands of people would love to have their favourite series, anime, comic... has such a good series of games that respect the source material so much, as CDPR has done with the Witcher saga.
Hahaha, yep I knew about the priscilla thing after I beat the game, so I didnt get a chance to talk to Jaskier furing that segment.
And yeah, I understanded badly the first time I saw the custcene
nilfgaard doesnt retreat, it just leaves temeria alone and Emhyr sends all the tropps back to nilfgaard to treat the internal affairs that he wins in that scenario.

About Ciri being the empress instead of a witcher, even if I think that would resolve the whole world and be the happily ever after ending, I dont think is the way the world that created Sapkowski would realistically end. Theres alway a statuos quo there of good people and bad people ruling the world, and never getting a whole world peace. Ciri wouldnt like being an empress, as she has always been a free soul like Geralt.
For me the more "canon" version would be she being a Witcher, and would be a good way to make a Witcher 4 without Geralt.

And yep, is absolutely the best thing ever done for fans of something in another media. Thousands of people would love to have their favourite series, anime, comic... has such a good series of games that respect the source material so much, as CDPR has done with the Witcher saga.

I agree that it isn't ideal for Ciri, just for the world.
It does give this ending a bittersweet feel though, which seems more fitting for the saga than a 100% happy ending for the main characters, which like you said isn't something Sapkowski would do.
I do agree that becoming a Witcher is more fitting for Ciri, but I like the idea of her becoming a great ruler like Calanthe.
She has royal blood and a power that has no equal in the whole universe, she's fated to do bigger things than roaming sewers killing monsters, even if that would make her happier.
Besides, we can't just assume that with her on the throne the world will automatically be all unicorns (see what I did there) and rainbows. There will always be conflicts and fights for power, racism wont disappear, the strong will always prey on the weak.
Lovely article. Im reading the con cept art book that came with the collectors edition now that im finished with the game. Lots of concepts there.

I still need to check the artbook and the comic that came with the game, was afraid of spoilers before.

Just ordered Season of Storms! Really looking forward to it.
Holy shit, less than 24 hours between placing the order and receiving the book in Portugal from Amazon.es.

Amazon.es is fast as hell.

The birthday present my mother bought me through amazon was bought at 8pm (and the website already said it will not be home until 2 days after that) and the next morning was already at my home. It was something like 15 hours between placing the order and it arriving.
About 80 pages into Season of Storms. It's really good.
I was wondering how it would feel to go back to a story where there's no Ciri and no war with Nilfgaard and it's actually refreshing.
It's like reading one of the short stories from the first 2 books except this one is pretty damn long lol. Just Geralt and Dandelion getting into all sorts of trouble.
A few posts back we were talking about how it's a shame Geralt doesn't use his signs more often during fights. Well, I don't know if seeing footage from the games had any influence on Sapkowski but Geralt uses them constantly here which is awesome.
One of the signs he uses is called Heliotrope which seems to be the equivalent of Quen.

So yeah, I'm really liking it so far.
About 80 pages into Season of Storms. It's really good.
I was wondering how it would feel to go back to a story where there's no Ciri and no war with Nilfgaard and it's actually refreshing.
It's like reading one of the short stories from the first 2 books except this one is pretty damn long lol. Just Geralt and Dandelion getting into all sorts of trouble.
A few posts back we were talking about how it's a shame Geralt doesn't use his signs more often during fights. Well, I don't know if seeing footage from the games had any influence on Sapkowski but Geralt uses them constantly here which is awesome.
One of the signs he uses is called Heliotrope which seems to be the equivalent of Quen.

So yeah, I'm really liking it so far.

Yes I remember in one of the book, which I think is the first short stories one, the sign was called Heliotrope.

I guess I should start reading the fan translation. Or learn Polish.
About 80 pages into Season of Storms. It's really good.
I was wondering how it would feel to go back to a story where there's no Ciri and no war with Nilfgaard and it's actually refreshing.
It's like reading one of the short stories from the first 2 books except this one is pretty damn long lol. Just Geralt and Dandelion getting into all sorts of trouble.
A few posts back we were talking about how it's a shame Geralt doesn't use his signs more often during fights. Well, I don't know if seeing footage from the games had any influence on Sapkowski but Geralt uses them constantly here which is awesome.
One of the signs he uses is called Heliotrope which seems to be the equivalent of Quen.

So yeah, I'm really liking it so far.

Oh wow, that sounds super interesting.
The signs thing, its probably only coincidence. Sapkowski seems to be and old grumpy man that doesnt give two shits about the games, he said something about the games being their own thing on an interview, but how the interview was written it seem like it was bothersome for him. Probably lots of people asking him the same thing during book signs.
Yes I remember in one of the book, which I think is the first short stories one, the sign was called Heliotrope.

I guess I should start reading the fan translation. Or learn Polish.

Oh, you're right, he used it before, I forgot.

I also just remembered that this sign is actually in TW2, but has to be unlocked. The effect is completely different though, it's definitely a shield type sign in the books, while in TW2 Heliotrope slows down your enemies for a short while.
Hm, this just made me realize that they dropped the sign for TW3, completely forgot about it until now.

Oh wow, that sounds super interesting.
The signs thing, its probably only coincidence. Sapkowski seems to be and old grumpy man that doesnt give two shits about the games, he said something about the games being their own thing on an interview, but how the interview was written it seem like it was bothersome for him. Probably lots of people asking him the same thing during book signs.

I know he doesn't care about the game, but it's almost impossible that he didn't see footage/trailers. I dunno, I haven't even read a third of the book and he already used signs more often then in all the other books combined.
Truth be told, there's a point where he's kinda forced to rely on them for story reasons.
Oh, you're right, he used it before, I forgot.

I also just remembered that this sign is actually in TW2, but has to be unlocked. The effect is completely different though, it's definitely a shield type sign in the books, while in TW2 Heliotrope slows down your enemies for a short while.
Hm, this just made me realize that they dropped the sign for TW3, completely forgot about it until now.

I know he doesn't care about the game, but it's almost impossible that he didn't see footage/trailers. I dunno, I haven't even read a third of the book and he already used signs more often then in all the other books combined.
Truth be told, there's a point where he's kinda forced to rely on them for story reasons.

Maybe he is an alan moore type of guy.
At least he doesnt say publicly directly that he hates them (and glad he is not, as I think he got the best case of a studio respecting the original material in videogames).
Nuuvem has the first expansion for 5 euros and change, use VPN to checkout.
Really looking forward to the scenes with Shani and spending more time in Oxenfurt which was definitely underused in the main story. Apparently Velen's map will be expanded as well.

Almost done with Season of Storms, Geralt fights some cool creatures in this book, would be cool to see them in the game, maybe in the second expansion...
Come on, use vpn shenanigans on CDP's game?

Pffff, never.

I wouldn't call it shenanigans, most PC gamers here on gaf buy games at Nuuvem, they have great prices and are a completely legit site, if I can buy cheaper from another region I'll do it, it's not like I'm pirating the game or getting a key from a shady site like G2A.
The keys aren't region-locked, you just need the vpn to checkout when you buy them.
I'm so broke that I shouldn't even be spending a measly 5 euros on this expansion so every cent counts for me.

Glad to see you're back btw.
I want to get into the series and I'll start by playing the Witcher 2 on 360 followed by 3 on PS4. Should I bother youtubing the first game?


I wouldn't call it shenanigans, most PC gamers here on gaf buy games at Nuuvem, they have great prices and are a completely legit site, if I can buy cheaper from another region I'll do it, it's not like I'm pirating the game or getting a key from a shady site like G2A.
The keys aren't region-locked, you just need the vpn to checkout when you buy them.
I'm so broke that I shouldn't even be spending a measly 5 euros on this expansion so every cent counts for me.

Glad to see you're back btw.

Oh I know nuuvem are legit, I got few games there myself. I was being facetious a bit. Thanks btw.
I want to get into the series and I'll start by playing the Witcher 2 on 360 followed by 3 on PS4. Should I bother youtubing the first game?

I think you should. Though the rest of the plot isn't relevant to TW2, the ending is. You'll also get a better understanding of a lot of important characters like Triss, Dandelion and Geralt himself in particular which should allow you to be more familiar with everything when you start playing the second game.
I definitely recommend it.
It would be great if CDPR ever decided to remaster the first game with TW3's engine and gameplay, I don't see it happening though.
Nuuvem has the first expansion for 5 euros and change, use VPN to checkout.
Really looking forward to the scenes with Shani and spending more time in Oxenfurt which was definitely underused in the main story. Apparently Velen's map will be expanded as well.

Almost done with Season of Storms, Geralt fights some cool creatures in this book, would be cool to see them in the game, maybe in the second expansion...

GoG version or steam?
Good good, never used nuveem though (I have hola! to do the VPN thing though), and if this werent CDP I wouldnt even think it twice doing this, but being them, i dont know if it will better to wait and buy it as 25 euros pack when the two expansions are released.

I don't see the season pass paying off, the second expansion would have to cost more than 20 euros for it to be worth it. Hell, even on GoG the first expansion only costs 8 euros because of the pre-order discount, unless the second expansion is crazy expensive I doubt it will be worth it even on GoG itself.
Also, don't use Hola, it wont work, use flyvpn. You only need it active when clicking the checkout button, you can turn it off when you're actually paying.
I don't see the season pass paying off, the second expansion would have to cost more than 20 euros for it to be worth it. Hell, even on GoG the first expansion only costs 8 euros because of the pre-order discount, unless the second expansion is crazy expensive I doubt it will be worth it even on GoG itself.
Also, don't use Hola, it wont work, use flyvpn. You only need it active when clicking the checkout button, you can turn it off when you're actually paying.
Counting both expansion for 25 euros doesnt seem like a rip-off to me, 30 hours for that price is pretty good in this day and age. Also i think of playing both expansion at the same time.
And as I say, is more about rewading CDP for the work they have done, than trying to get it cheaper and them not getting all the money.
Counting both expansion for 25 euros doesnt seem like a rip-off to me, 30 hours for that price is pretty good in this day and age. Also i think of playing both expansion at the same time.
And as I say, is more about rewading CDP for the work they have done, than trying to get it cheaper and them not getting all the money.

Oh I'm not saying it isn't worth 25, just that in this case it'll probably be possible to get each individual expansion cheaper than buying the pass.
Usually the benefit of the pass is that it's cheaper than buying each dlc separately.
OK, finished Season of Storms.
That epilogue...

Hey Denton, you read the book right? Let's talk about that ending.

OK, was that an ilusion from the Fox or was it actually Geralt? At the end when he does the sign you hear the exact words the fox spoke when she made the ilusion of Yennefer appear to Geralt.
Why would she do that though?
If it really was Geralt, it's interesting that Nimue actually met him when she was still young and on her way to become a sorceress.
So even in Sapkowsky's version Geralt comes back eventually. It's a good thing this scene takes place so many years later since it actually makes sense if you consider the story of the games as well. It doesn't mess with the continuity which is great.
One thing that bothers me is that Geralt was still hunting the monsters created by Rissberg. Wouldn't he have done that sooner? During the time that is portrayed in TLW and TSoD where he's basically just hunting and isn't busy with Ciri yet? If it was such a priority for him you'd think he'd get around to it right after the events of SoS.

Anyway, the book was great.
Now I'm sad lol, that was really the last one, unless Sapkowsky surprises us.
At least we still have the TW3 expansions.


Yeah the epilogue was written very ambiguously as Sapkowski likes to do it. It could have been a dream or illusion or reality. And since reality explanation is most interesting (and mundane at the same time, heh), I took that one.
Geralt is alive, doing his job hundred years later. Yeeeeeah :D

Regarding the monsters, I saw that as just some straggler who took long time to get, but maybe I am misrememembering.
Yeah the epilogue was written very ambiguously as Sapkowski likes to do it. It could have been a dream or illusion or reality. And since reality explanation is most interesting (and mundane at the same time, heh), I took that one.
Geralt is alive, doing his job hundred years later. Yeeeeeah :D

Regarding the monsters, I saw that as just some straggler who took long time to get, but maybe I am misrememembering.

He does say it's the last monster he was missing. It's not a big deal but I don't think he would've stopped until he tracked them all down, though on the other hand they were probably all over the world so he'd probably just go back to his routine while simultaneously keeping his eyes open for clues, which actually makes more sense.
But yeah, I'll go with reality as well, I don't see the point of it being the Fox, maybe he learned that illusion sign from her and that's why he quoted her when using it? Makes sense.
Their meeting also explains why Nimue is so obsessed to learn Geralt's story. She was already fascinated by it at that point but after meeting him like that and not even being sure if it was real or not, she'd definitely become more obsessed than ever to figure out what happened to him in the end, which would justify her actions in Lady of the Lake.
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