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Trump claims Obama, other presidents never called families of fallen soldiers


According to Huckabee Sanders, we're going to be begging for Trump to be reelected.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders predicted Tuesday that President Donald Trump will be so successful in the remainder of his term that Americans are “going to be begging for four more years of President Trump.”

“You know, I don’t know if that’s even being talked about yet, but I have a lot of confidence that that shouldn’t be an issue for the president to be renominated,” Sanders said. “He’s had an incredibly successful first nine months in office, and I think the next 3½, or 2½, three years, are going to be equally as successful, including getting tax reform done, which is going to be a big deal and make a really big impact on most Americans.”

“And they’re going to be begging for four more years of President Trump,” she added.

Is there an official thread of Trump lasting four years? He might not make it through his term if he keeps up the antics. At some point the rest of America turns on Trump and his approval rating dips below 20%. How does he remain in office with an approval rating that low and the Mueller investigation looming? He's made my life worse since he took office via his policies and it burns my pillows every time I think about it.


Why are you and some others assuming that Kelly isn’t on board with this talking point? Where do you think the information that Obama potentially didn’t call Kelly came from in the first place?

Because we've seen Trump lie even after someone else tells him the truth.


"Me and my daughter use to fuck."

*Day 2*

"I didn't fuck my daughter this past weekend."

*Day 3*

White House press: "The accusations against the president from the media are disgusting and repugnant. No further comment."

*Day 4*

Tweet: "The lying failing dishonest fake news media is spreading lies about me and my daughter!"

Fox News: "Tonight, the origins of incestuous relationships among royal families. And, could there be any health benefits to having sex with family members?"

*Day 5*

"I never said I've had sex with my daughter, but she gives great handjobs. The best."

The media is being unfair towards Trump.
Of course he did. This is literally Trump throwing shit at the wall knowing Kelly can't just come out and say otherwise and that the media will report on it like it's a proven fact.

I wonder what will happen when the media asks Kelly about it directly. They are going to keep asking until he comments on it.


A very small detail that I'm sure went unnoticed, he also said in the same speech that Ireland is talking about dropping it's corporation tax rate down to 8%.

Ireland has never talked about this. The budget was presented to parliament last week and the rate was confirmed unchanged at 12.5%. He just totally made it to suit his position that the US is a high tax country. Was going to say in the hope nobody noticed but I don't think he cares about that.
I wonder what will happen when the media asks Kelly about it directly. They are going to keep asking until he comments on it.

Who knows. I'm actually expecting him to 100% deflect "My son is too painful to talk about" which would be a fair point. The thing is, all reports from insiders say that Kelly is sticking around out of a sense of duty to the country to try and prevent Trump from doing damage to the country in as many ways as Kelly is personally capable of.

If that's how he perceives the situation (And I think that's almost certainly the case), I don't think he'll be able to just come out and say "President Trump is lying. President Obama spoke with me and my wife and gave his condolences." If he does Trump will make him resign and the end result could be completely destabilizing the Unite States domestically and externally.
Who knows. I'm actually expecting him to 100% deflect "My son is too painful to talk about" which would be a fair point. The thing is, all reports from insiders say that Kelly is sticking around out of a sense of duty to the country to try and prevent Trump from doing damage to the country in as many ways as Kelly is personally capable of.

If that's how he perceives the situation (And I think that's almost certainly the case), I don't think he'll be able to just come out and say "President Trump is lying. President Obama spoke with me and my wife and gave his condolences." If he does Trump will make him resign and the end result could be completely destabilizing the Unite States domestically and externally.

That's some bullshit. At some point he has to realize that "not saying something" is doing more damage then anything he can stop by sticking around.


I noticed Politico is covering for his lie


That's not his claim... This is:

“So the traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls,” Trump alleged. “A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I’m able to do it.”

Where is the word always?
I noticed Politico is covering for his lie


That's not his claim... This is:

Where is the word always?
As I said earlier it's very difficult to not believe the press is being wilfully stupid by allowing the goal posts to always be moved this way. Also see Trump's wiretap claim.
I noticed Politico is covering for his lie


That's not his claim... This is:

Where is the word always?

Given that it's Politico, I don't know if they're "covering for his lie" more so than we're just seeing the game of telephone play itself out on a grand scale.
Given that it's Politico, I don't know if they're "covering for his lie" more so than we're just seeing the game of telephone play itself out on a grand scale.
Maybe all this craziness is turning me in a left wing conspiracy nut but after that recent Bannon/Milo/Gameegate revelation I'm not going to blindly trust any of these news outlets. They may seem like they're allies but most of them are being run by Trumpets like NBC and CNN.


According to Huckabee Sanders, we're going to be begging for Trump to be reelected.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders predicted Tuesday that President Donald Trump will be so successful in the remainder of his term that Americans are “going to be begging for four more years of President Trump.”

“You know, I don’t know if that’s even being talked about yet, but I have a lot of confidence that that shouldn’t be an issue for the president to be renominated,” Sanders said. “He’s had an incredibly successful first nine months in office, and I think the next 3½, or 2½, three years, are going to be equally as successful, including getting tax reform done, which is going to be a big deal and make a really big impact on most Americans.”

“And they’re going to be begging for four more years of President Trump,” she added.

Amerikkkans will be begging for it, Americans and most of the rest of the world will be not.


Trump uses the death of soldiers exclusively as tool to attack Obama.

Obama did call families and hosted them.

Trump keeps the logs secret to be able to lie about what he does.

And of course, people get played like fiddles.

Mike M

Nick N
I noticed Politico is covering for his lie


That's not his claim... This is:

Where is the word always?

He walked it back slightly.

“President Obama, I think, probably did sometimes, and maybe sometimes he didn’t,” he said. “I don’t know. That’s what I was told. Other presidents did not call, they’d write letters. And some presidents didn’t do anything.”

Mike M

Nick N
He really needs to be called out more for his bullshit tactic of saying an outright lie and immediately following it with "but I don't know. That's just what I heard."

I want to say that he is frequently called out on it, but it's hard to tell as it gets lost in him b constantly being called out for the neverending bullshit spewing from his butthole lips.


He really needs to be called out more for his bullshit tactic of saying an outright lie and immediately following it with "but I don't know. That's just what I heard."

Trump likes to pay hookers to pee on him.

Now I don’t know for sure, he may or may not it’s just what I heard. He does.

the chris

Yeah.....this is going to be pretty bad for him. What a sociopath.

I've given up thinking that anyone from his base really cares about whatever horrible things this moron says. They are just interested in being told what to think, and who to hate that week to distract from whatever big other issues are going on.
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