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Trump/Russia dossier author is former head of MI6's Russia desk + Russia specialist

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There's been some misinformation spread about the origins of the Trump/Russia dossier, so I think it's worth posting this to help clear up any confusion:
Intelligence sources vouch for credibility of Russia dossier author
Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele, named as writer of Donald Trump memo, is ‘highly regarded professional'

Former colleagues of Steele describe him as ”very credible" – a sober, cautious and meticulous professional with a formidable track record.

One former foreign office official who has known Steele for 25 years and considers him a friend, said: ”The idea his work is fake or a cowboy operation is false, completely untrue. Chris is an experienced and highly regarded professional. He's not the sort of person who will simply pass on gossip."

The official added: ”If he puts something in a report he believes there's sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering. Chris is a very straight guy. He could not have survived in the job he was in if he had been prone to flights of fancy or doing things in an ill-considered way."

That is the way the CIA and the FBI, not to mention the British government, regarded him, too. It's not hard to see why.

An Oxford graduate, Steele was one of the Secret Intelligence Service's (MI6's) more eminent Russia specialists. The Guardian understands he focused on Soviet affairs after joining the agency, and spent two years living in Moscow in the early 1990s.

This was a period when Russia, and the breakup of the eastern bloc, was still the prime focus for Britain's intelligence agencies and a successful spell in the region was a good way to get on.

By all accounts, that's exactly what Steele did. And his interest in Russia did not diminish as he continued to rise up the ranks, which at the time included his friend and contemporary Alex Younger – now head of MI6.

Over a career that spanned more than 20 years Steele did a series of different roles, but always appeared to be drawn back to Russia; he was, sources say, head of MI6's Russia desk. When the agency was plunged into panic stations over the poisoning of its agent Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, the then chief, Sir John Scarlett, needed a trusted senior officer to plot a way through the minefield ahead – so he turned to Steele.

It was Steele, sources say, who correctly and quickly realised Litvinenko's death was a Russian state ”hit".
The Foreign Office official who spoke to the Guardian on Thursday acknowledged that the Steele dossier was not perfect. But he pointed out that intelligence reports always came with ”gradations of veracity" and included phrases such as ”a high degree of probability". ”You aren't dealing with a binary world where you can say this is true and this isn't," the official said.

He added: ”The strongest reason for giving this report credence is that intelligence professionals in the US take it seriously. They were sufficiently persuaded by the author's track record to find the contents worth passing to the president and president-elect."

He was also previously hired to uncover the corruption at FIFA:
The Reuters news agency, citing former British intelligence officials, reports that Steele supplied the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with information on corruption at Fifa, international soccer's governing body.

It was his work on corruption in football that lent credence to his reporting on Trump's entanglements in Russia, US officials said on Wednesday.

According to reports, in the summer of 2010, members of a New York-based FBI squad assigned to investigate "Eurasian Organised Crime" met Steele in London to discuss allegations of possible corruption in Fifa, the Swiss-based body that also organises the World Cup tournament.

People familiar with Steele's activities said his British-based company, Orbis Business Intelligence, was hired by the Football Association to investigate Fifa.

Amid a swirl of corruption allegations, the 2018 World Cup was awarded to Moscow and Qatarwas chosen to host the 2022 competition.

The FBI squad whose members met Steele subsequently opened a major investigation into alleged corruption that led to dozens of US indictments, including those of prominent international football officials.

Senior Fifa officials, including long-time president Sepp Blatter, were forced to resign.

You can see why the US intelligence community is taking the dossier seriously.


I hope all of this explodes in Trump's & Putin's faces. That is the only thing I want for Christmas.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
So, basically everything about Trump is true. Good to know.
The Guardian and the Telegraph. Everyone is making a big to-do about CNN and Buzzfeed but whilst candidate Trump has been able to get the US media under his thumb, world leader Trump isn't going to be able to do the same with journalists worldwide. The story isn't going anywhere if there's even an iota of truth in it.


That report is going to have some possibly inaccurate information but if you think an ex-MI6 agent, who is well respected by the US intelligence community and has worked with them in the past, is going to compile and submit a dossier to his clients that is 100% false, then you're wilfully putting your head in the sand.
Putin's playing with house money. At this point, there is literally no outcome in which he does not benefit.

Completely disagree. As bad as Trump is, Putin is even worse, and he's shady as shit. If the U.S. Intelligence community goes after Putin hard because of all this, they should be able to uncover some really damaging evidence. It's speculated that Putin is embezzling billions from Russia, so much so that some suggest he may be the richest man in the world. Then there's the whole 1999 apartment bombings in Russia that Putin may have orchestrated, and the hits he's ordered on people trying to uncover the truth on that as well as those who generally oppose him.

Putin's playing a dangerous game unless he's 100% certain he has all evidence of his wrongdoing on lockdown.
Dude seemed to know his stuff.

And he knows how screwed he is now that WSJ exposed him. Nothing short of a complete change of identity will save him now. Russia doesnt mind waiting a few years to get to you.

The message this sends to others is loud and clear though.


Fake.... uh....chan?

But seriously, this guy is legit as fuck, I feel so bad that he's in hiding but I can't wait to see how they cast him in the movie about this election.

It's a golden opportunity for the world that I hope explodes in Trumps face.




Desk? He didn't even have an office! I have the most tremendous office. Very official. Incredibly classy. You wouldn't believe how great of an office I have.


You have your super spys..

Then you have God Tier spy like Christopher Steele.

But Hurr Durr..it is a 4Chan hoax.


Channers would love to believe they were in the know while everyone was fooled... while they're actually gullible idiots. Or, as the proper word for them historically is, 'useful idiots'.

In the old days they used to be western idealistic hippies who thought living in the USSR would be a paradise on Earth. Now they're nihilistic teens but essentially the same thing.
Completely disagree. As bad as Trump is, Putin is even worse, and he's shady as shit. If the U.S. Intelligence community goes after Putin hard because of all this, they should be able to uncover some really damaging evidence. It's speculated that Putin is embezzling billions from Russia, so much so that some suggest he may be the richest man in the world. Then there's the whole 1999 apartment bombings in Russia that Putin may have orchestrated, and the hits he's ordered on people trying to uncover the truth on that as well as those who generally oppose him.

Putin's playing a dangerous game unless he's 100% certain he has all evidence of his wrongdoing on lockdown.

I've seen numbers in the 40 billions passed around but Putin is careful. He's been in power for a long time. I think if they could Agencies would have done so long ago.


This guy is obviously a bamf, but now it rests on our intelligence to do something about trump before the 20th, if anything can be done that is.

Unfortunately I think the only thing that can happen is that enough terrible shit comes out that the congress will impeach trump, I doubt anything can stop him from being president.

Deft Beck

Channers would love to believe they were in the know while everyone was fooled... while they're actually gullible idiots. Or, as the proper word for them historically is, 'useful idiots'.

Let's be clear about the fact that it's /pol/ over calling it an operation by the entire website.
The Guardian and the Telegraph. Everyone is making a big to-do about CNN and Buzzfeed but whilst candidate Trump has been able to get the US media under his thumb, world leader Trump isn't going to be able to do the same with journalists worldwide. The story isn't going anywhere if there's even an iota of truth in it.

Eh, I don't think that is fair as of yet. There's still a lot of negative stuff being written about Trump. The only one you can maybe make this case for is CNN, but I think despite their note, while clearly on the side of cowardly and in response to Trump's fake news tirade, is still going to publish negative material about him.

For the time being, anyway. Who knows what the future holds and how long the free press can hold out.
Photo of him found
Man, will Trump even make it to inauguration?

He will.

If anything I see the Republicans use this to control him more while also getting through even more extreme laws.

Once he has outlived his usefulness or steps out of line too much they can drop the hammer.

Until then they can use Trump as the face of every voter rights stripping, anti LGBT, pro gun, anti science, anti environmental law they can think of.
Completely disagree. As bad as Trump is, Putin is even worse, and he's shady as shit. If the U.S. Intelligence community goes after Putin hard because of all this, they should be able to uncover some really damaging evidence. It's speculated that Putin is embezzling billions from Russia, so much so that some suggest he may be the richest man in the world. Then there's the whole 1999 apartment bombings in Russia that Putin may have orchestrated, and the hits he's ordered on people trying to uncover the truth on that as well as those who generally oppose him.

Putin's playing a dangerous game unless he's 100% certain he has all evidence of his wrongdoing on lockdown.

But who will punish Putin, really? He basically has the government on lockdown from what I understand. Other countries could impose insane sanctions like we've never seen before, but he clearly doesn't give a shit, since he's spending the country into the ground with the amount of sanctions he has now.

The only ways I see Putin going down at this point is if there's a massive revolt from the people, or there's an unknown force within his government and military that is willing to take him down dirty style with this as the prime excuse.
He will.

If anything I see the Republicans use this to control him more while also getting through even more extreme laws.

Once he has outlived his usefulness or steps out of line too much they can drop the hammer.

Until then they can use Trump as the face of every voter rights stripping, anti LGBT, pro gun, anti science, anti environmental law they can think of.

This too. They are just as evil, if not more so.


He will.

If anything I see the Republicans use this to control him more while also getting through even more extreme laws.

Once he has outlived his usefulness or steps out of line too much they can drop the hammer.

Until then they can use Trump as the face of every voter rights stripping, anti LGBT, pro gun, anti science, anti environmental law they can think of.
Nah, I don't buy this. If there is substantial proof that links Trump to the claims outlined in the dossier, Republicans aren't going to risk tarnishing their entire party for future elections by not taking action. That would be a huge mistake on their part.
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