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Ubisoft suing SomethingAwful for fake porno image of Jade Raymond on its forums

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Neo C.

Mike said:
That's incredibly degrading.

And there's not even a joke, it just presents her as a tramp. What the hell did she do to deserve that?
So...what about all the GAF photoshops of Perrin Kaplan? It seems there's a double standard.
SomethingAwful's legal threats are usually hilarious... go to the website and check them out if you have a laugh.

However, they usually deal with morons who have no legal knowledge, which is probably not the case here.


DrXym said:
I feel sorry for Jade for getting so much juvenile and unwanted attention (including on this forum). But on the other hand, it's not like it should come as a shock or surprise that she does get it.

If the Maxim issue thing is true plus the way she is portrayed as the "face" of the game , then she and Ubisoft want that kind of attention. And if you are looking for that kind of attention then you will also get these kind of images. It may be "terrible" but they opened themselves for it.

Edit: Ok, the Maxim thing is false. I guess the image of women in videogames and the industry has long ways to go before the objectification stops.
AshStrife said:
If the Maxim issue thing is true plus the way she is portrayed as the "face" of the game , then she and Ubisoft want that kind of attention. And if you are looking for that kind of attention then you will also get these kind of images. It may be "terrible" but they opened themselves for it.
The maxim thing is false.
Tieno said:
While the comic isn't all that funny, this exchange between Ubi and SA is very interesting.

Ubisoft letter

Somethingawful reply
From: Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka (webmaster@somethingawful.com)
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:06 PM
To: 'Anderson, David'
Subject: RE: NOTICE: Infringement of ASSASSIN'S CREED Mark and Jade Raymond's Personal, Privacy, and Publicity Rights

Please let it be known that hereforth I have read the express mail and email sent thereforth by Famous Lawyer David Anderson of the Famous Lawyer Law Business of Nixon Peabody LLP, and furthermore a declaration shall be expressed on the part of Internet User Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka that thatforth herethrough I have conducted rigorous tests implemented through a vigorous barrage of legal studies, and furthermore hitherthrough these rigorous tests have therefore proven Famous Lawyer David Anderson of the Famous Lawyer Law Business of Nixon Peabody LLP shall be recognized as a man of the fag persuasion.

Pursuant to the United Dairy Council

Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka

OMFG!!! :lol :lol :lol


Tieno said:
Somethingawful reply
From: Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka (webmaster@somethingawful.com)
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:06 PM
To: 'Anderson, David'
Subject: RE: NOTICE: Infringement of ASSASSIN'S CREED Mark and Jade Raymond's Personal, Privacy, and Publicity Rights

Please let it be known that hereforth I have read the express mail and email sent thereforth by Famous Lawyer David Anderson of the Famous Lawyer Law Business of Nixon Peabody LLP, and furthermore a declaration shall be expressed on the part of Internet User Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka that thatforth herethrough I have conducted rigorous tests implemented through a vigorous barrage of legal studies, and furthermore hitherthrough these rigorous tests have therefore proven Famous Lawyer David Anderson of the Famous Lawyer Law Business of Nixon Peabody LLP shall be recognized as a man of the fag persuasion.

Pursuant to the United Dairy Council

Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka

PepsimanVsJoe said:
Really not seeing the big deal here.

Too late. Defense forces have been assembled...

I agree though. If you don't like it fine. If you do think it made a valid point fine. What is there to argue?

Cue 10 page thread...


Tieno said:
While the comic isn't all that funny, this exchange between Ubi and SA is very interesting.

Ubisoft letter

Somethingawful reply
From: Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka (webmaster@somethingawful.com)
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:06 PM
To: 'Anderson, David'
Subject: RE: NOTICE: Infringement of ASSASSIN'S CREED Mark and Jade Raymond's Personal, Privacy, and Publicity Rights

Please let it be known that hereforth I have read the express mail and email sent thereforth by Famous Lawyer David Anderson of the Famous Lawyer Law Business of Nixon Peabody LLP, and furthermore a declaration shall be expressed on the part of Internet User Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka that thatforth herethrough I have conducted rigorous tests implemented through a vigorous barrage of legal studies, and furthermore hitherthrough these rigorous tests have therefore proven Famous Lawyer David Anderson of the Famous Lawyer Law Business of Nixon Peabody LLP shall be recognized as a man of the fag persuasion.

Pursuant to the United Dairy Council

Rich “Lowtax” Kyanka


um... wow. Down with Somethingawful!


Pretty much reinforces my belief that gamers in general are retarded idiots. A lot of the replies in this thread are equally idiotic.

That reply is, however quite amusing.


Law of the West

This picture is part of the problem IMO. When you put a producer (especially an attractive female) ahead of the team/game you are basically presenting HER as the product. Though the attack takes it too far I feel like Ubi is getting a taste of their own medicine here.

That studio is massive but I cringe to think of the "office atmosphere" right now, however since most of the team is on vacation they might not even notice...


I don't see how this is different from the millions of cartoons and 'shops for any female celebrity you can think of that litter the 'Net.

(Not saying it's okay.)


Persoanlly I didn't know about this comic, and it seems the same goes for many here and we are pretty "into" gaming news. What exactly was the point of Ubisoft doing this? All this would have done is got a few chuckles and faded away, and people wouldn't remember it, all they've done is make a big issue of it and expose it to many, many, more people than if they hadn't

This comic will do more harm now thanks to Ubisoft than if they had done nothing


Junior Member
Wait... I think I know that artist...

I've seen his work on his site.

Yeah, thats pretty much *normal* from him.


Das-J said:
This picture is part of the problem IMO.
Maybe it is because she's a spokesperson for the game?

I really don't get the attention she gets...from the press or from the disgruntled gamers.
Xenon said:
Its obvious that she is finding this whole thing hard to swallow


Neo C. said:
So...what about all the GAF photoshops of Perrin Kaplan? It seems there's a double standard.

well, she's not exactly what young men would consider an 'attractive' woman in the fap-worthy sense, so any attempt to objectify her should be viewed as a compliment.



Das-J said:
This picture is part of the problem IMO. When you put a producer (especially an attractive female) ahead of the team/game you are basically presenting HER as the product. Though the attack takes it too far I feel like Ubi is getting a taste of their own medicine here.

That studio is massive but I cringe to think of the "office atmosphere" right now, however since most of the team is on vacation they might not even notice...
It doesn't help that they didn't even angle the picture right so you can see anyone beyond a couple rows deep.

Sorry, but a good producer wouldn't put themselves in that sort of situation that could create team/office morale issues, even if the marketing goons keep pushing the point. The team and the project as a whole should come first.


Also, regardless of whether it makes the material more popular by shining the spotlight on it, Ubisoft HAD to do something - they can't have people being degraded, and be seen not doing anything about it. Man, it'd hurt if something like this happened, and your company didn't do anything to help you (if even token or for appearance).

Yes, a lot of stuff has been done, even on this forum, regarding photoshops and poor taste in the name of humour (wii-players comes to mind), but those were very under the radar in a single thread on a gaming forum - and often a single photoshop maybe a moment of poor judgment. Even all the Perrin stuff that is inappropriate somehow doesn't feel as bad - this comic, and any related material is actually attacking her character (as a person) as opposed to an amusing face or position.

Anyone who doesn't see it as offensive, at least for her, has been around porn a bit too much.

(but the reply is hilarious).


I love all of you who are tripping over yourselves to announce how degrading and disgusting the comic is. If it were instead directed at somebody you couldn't give a shit about (President Bush, Paris Hilton, Brittney, whomever), you'd love it.
If that is damaging to her career, I'd hate to think about the live-action animated gif (as seen on GAF) of Allard (or was it Moore) and Reggie having buttseckz while Kuturagi took pics. :lol


beermonkey@tehbias said:
If that is damaging to her career, I'd hate to think about the live-action animated gif (as seen on GAF) of Allard (or was it Moore) and Reggie having buttseckz while Kuturagi took pics. :lol
BU-bu-bu-but "teh gay == funnay" or some shit.


Gold Member
This is interesting. There have been many crude Photoshops of various gaming personalities throughout the years, so why legal hub-bub? Does Ubisoft think that highly of Jade Raymond? Are they trying to play white knight here? Either way, they won't win.

This picture is part of the problem IMO. When you put a producer (especially an attractive female) ahead of the team/game you are basically presenting HER as the product. Though the attack takes it too far I feel like Ubi is getting a taste of their own medicine here.



The physical form of blasphemy
Borys said:
You people act like you don't really know SA.

There's no holy for them.

I'm not even suprised. Hell, this isn't even the lowest for them.

on a side note: I don't get why people knock what she does, Never have. Yea, she takes up the face time, but, so does everyone else in every other industry, in her position. Look at the movies and television. It takes a lot more than the actors to get things rolling, and people are finally starting to realise that, because of the strikes. If you ask me, if you were to go up and ask random person A, how movies were made, before the strikes, they would just say the Producer/director, actor/actress, and a video camera. Same thing with music. Let the song writers go on strike, and their will be a shit load of people going...bu bu but, I thought they wrote their own stuff?! Doesn't work like that. Some people want a face behind the work being put out, and sadly, a lot don't give a damn about the artist that made the jumping animation. It sucks, but, thats the way it is. A lot of the people responsible for the end product, work in the shadows. Always has worked that way. And, we already covered the various jobs people have to do, and, hers is most definitely one of the most important ones.

Back on topic: tasteless it is, and yadda yadda yadda, but, gaf ain't exactly angelic. I've seen shit just as bad, and people would do stuff exactly like that, if the ban hammer wasn't present. Thank god it is.

Neo C.

xaosslug said:
well, she's not exactly what young men would consider an 'attractive' woman in the fap-worthy sense, so any attempt to objectify her should be viewed as a compliment.

Somehow I think there's truth in it.:lol

Its obvious that she is finding this whole thing hard to swallow
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