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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!

i've been wanting to play you mango! we only played once and you were using your b team.


weird glitch with morrigan.

Wow that is some goofy shit.

I definitely wanna play again, but I have to go my buddies house to do so. It's not really an issue since he lives 2 min away, but I don't have the copy on hand which is why I always play on PS3 now. Though I'm welcome to go to his place anytime.

A team or B team probably won't matter much, haha. Your team is composed of all of my bad matches. I remember it was 7-0 once I realized that I had to use a MUCH stronger team and even after that I got 1 win. Sure the other 4 matches were close, but it still ended up being 10-1. Hawkeye isn't an issue if I start Chris, but then you start Haggar and I'm screwed. I can get away from Haggar if I start Dante, but then goddamn Taskmaster. It's just an all around disaster, haha.
i actually like starting task vs chris. i can usually bully him and not let him get anything started.

I'd much rather see Task than Haggar. I mean sure if I can make space against Haggar then I'm fine, but I usually can't against good Haggars. When Haggar is plink dashing towards me, I'm usually just shitting my pants.


I would get hit by those mix ups all day long.

Can't wait for all the Doom players to run this mix up into the ground until people get tired of watching this.


Neo Member
Hello everyone, I'm in Beijing China now. A few down sides to living here is there is no Marvel scene that I know of and I can't see youtube videos so I may be behind in the technology. Plus side is I have all the time I want to work on my Ryu tech.


tagged by Blackace
Hello everyone, I'm in Beijing China now. A few down sides to living here is there is no Marvel scene that I know of and I can't see youtube videos so I may be behind in the technology. Plus side is I have all the time I want to work on my Ryu tech.
Can you play online in China?


Cross posting from FGW because this was way too cool not to post here:

Flying High said:
Someone found an unused feature in UMVC3, basically it was called Fast Swap, that at the cost for 1 meter, you could combo with one character, use the move, and have your point character switch spots with your middle or anchor character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-_EB440WNE

This is a true free form switch combo that requires 1 bar and continues the HSD scaling of the previous combo. These two features makes it 1000000x better than the current TAC which requires no bar, subjects you to a rock/paper/scissor guess, steals meter and resets HSD into basically infinite HSD.

Patch list needs to just say "remove TACs, replace with this mechanic".

Azure J

I actually really like the idea behind this mechanic but at the same time, I just know that in Marvel's current design there'd be some really easily exploitable shit that'd come from it.


tagged by Blackace
How safe is it? I feel like on the ground at least, it should be super unsafe (just not as unsafe as a raw tag) or you can get some super silly stuff like a free tag into bionic arm -> XF -> etc. or something that can make Marvel even more volatile.

Better yet, restricting it to the air would be even better, which preserves TAC design whereby you need to already have landed a combo before you are given a tag opportunity.


How safe is it? I feel like on the ground at least, it should be super unsafe (just not as unsafe as a raw tag) or you can get some super silly stuff like a free tag into bionic arm -> XF -> etc. or something that can make Marvel even more volatile.

Better yet, restricting it to the air would be even better, which preserves TAC design whereby you need to already have landed a combo before you are given a tag opportunity.
Yeah I agree with this. Currently it's basically an extremely safe 1 meter safe tag which in theory isn't that bad but 1 meter to safe tag in the neutral is still way too good when your other 4 options to tag include raw tag (unsafe), DHC (2 bars), TACs (requires you to hit the opponent plus they make the wrong guess) and crossover counter (requires block stun and 1 bar).

It should be restricted to hit stun only. I am fine with it being accessible in the air or on the ground.

you can get some super silly stuff like a free tag into bionic arm -> XF -> etc.
I don't see how that's super silly considering you can basically do something like this already (DHC out with a super, Bionic Arm XF). You still need the one bar to do the fast tag and then another bar for DHC plus XF.

This shouldn't be available in the neutral simply because 1 bar to safe tag from neutral is far too strong. You should have to work to switch characters or at least make a risky play.


tagged by Blackace
I don't see how that's super silly considering you can basically do something like this already (DHC out with a super, Bionic Arm XF). You still need the one bar to do the fast tag and then another bar for DHC plus XF.

This shouldn't be available in the neutral simply because 1 bar to safe tag from neutral is far too strong. You should have to work to switch characters or at least make a risky play.
Well, if it is fast enough (which it is by the looks of things it may be) you potentially get a situation where characters who didn't have supers with fast enough startup before now have access to that. So you could have a 1 meter escape on your hands that gets you out of the situation quicker than a 2 meter DHC when you add both of the super's startups together.


How safe is it? I feel like on the ground at least, it should be super unsafe (just not as unsafe as a raw tag) or you can get some super silly stuff like a free tag into bionic arm -> XF -> etc. or something that can make Marvel even more volatile.

Better yet, restricting it to the air would be even better, which preserves TAC design whereby you need to already have landed a combo before you are given a tag opportunity.

That's two bars and x-factor to escape a bad situation. That's worse than a lot of DHCs that are already in the game. It seems like a feature that would used about as much as cross over counters in neutral.


Nah this is far superior to crossover counters.

It does not require you to be in block stun and it doesn't make you go through the animation of a move that is usually unsafe or slow start up.

The application of this would mostly be a very cost efficient character switch in neutral which would make stuff like DHCs useless in comparison for switching characters.

Needless to say, this should not be available out of hit stun.


Crossover Counters allow me to go from blockstun to Hard Drive Hyperfreeze, while being 100% invincible. Crossover Counters are hella underrated.

But this looks gdlk.


Crossover Counters allow me to go from blockstun to Hard Drive Hyperfreeze, while being 100% invincible. Crossover Counters are hella underrated.

But this looks gdlk.
That's two bars required to bring in a character safely which can only be done through block stun.

I do agree that CCs in general are hella underrated and underused.


I wouldn't call "Turning your perfect blockstring mixup into a happy birthday for me because I can turn my blockstun into an invincible attack" -> "bringing in a character", but yeah. I get what you're saying.

For most characters, the 1 bar switch would be much more useful, but if you've got someone with a great air hyper on your team, crossover counters can seriously alter your opponent's safe options.


Which begs the question...

Is this options available in the air as a "fast switch" without hitting the opponent? Because that would definitely lead into "fast switch, Hard Drive/Nova Hyper" bull shit stuff.


So now can you save edit the game to give each character an air dash as well?

Where does the rabbit hole end with this? I honestly never knew you could do so much with just save edits.


Did you see airdash tech somewhere?

But unselectable input options is pretty cool. Yes, it would mean you could use that online, if you set a button to it.

I'd have to swap out my XF button to mess with it though, and I don't think I'd do that when I'd only be pulling it out to troll friends 2% of the time.


Finally getting to mess around with that new Marlinpie Doom incoming set-up- It's so good! Haven't really explored the depths of it since I'm still trying to get more consistent at timing it correctly and not fucking up the tiger knee flight mode, but at very least it's pushblock-proof/xf guard cancel-proof solo meaty (no happy birthday risk) that works in any corner incoming situation (fast enough to work on snaps, as videos demonstrate) which at least against some characters can lead to a three way mix-up (not sure which characters the high options work against) once you've brought the opponent's character to the ground (same side low, either side high). I'm sure once assists get added into the equation you will get another mix-up after everything I just mentioned.


Finally getting to mess around with that new Marlinpie Doom incoming set-up- It's so good! Haven't really explored the depths of it since I'm still trying to get more consistent at timing it correctly and not fucking up the tiger knee flight mode, but at very least it's pushblock-proof/xf guard cancel-proof solo meaty (no happy birthday risk) that works in any corner incoming situation (fast enough to work on snaps, as videos demonstrate) which at least against some characters can lead to a three way mix-up (not sure which characters the high options work against) once you've brought the opponent's character to the ground (same side low, either side high). I'm sure once assists get added into the equation you will get another mix-up after everything I just mentioned.
Do you know if it works on everyone? I was trying it against Strider, I had to delay it a bit to crossup, and Strider could double jump/Excalibur out of the situation. Maybe I'm just mistiming it, but I don't think it works on characters with slightly short hurtboxes on incoming. MarlinPie and the video had it against Strange, who is fairly tall, so I dunno.

Learning it so I can deal with it - I already have a few ways that get away from it, but it's kind of hard to tell if I'm actually doing the setup 'right'. Either way, from the video, I'd say that the rushdown characters have harder to block mixups still, and I feel like Doom himself has better mixups on incoming with other options. *shrug*


Do you know if it works on everyone? I was trying it against Strider, I had to delay it a bit to crossup, and Strider could double jump/Excalibur out of the situation. Maybe I'm just mistiming it, but I don't think it works on characters with slightly short hurtboxes on incoming. MarlinPie and the video had it against Strange, who is fairly tall, so I dunno.

Learning it so I can deal with it - I already have a few ways that get away from it, but it's kind of hard to tell if I'm actually doing the setup 'right'. Either way, from the video, I'd say that the rushdown characters have harder to block mixups still, and I feel like Doom himself has better mixups on incoming with other options. *shrug*

It's a really difficult set-up to lab out by yourself! I was traveling for a bit so I only just began learning it properly today. Next time I play with some of my regular practice buddies, hopefully I'll be able to find the holes in the set-up. I would be surprised though if any but the smallest characters had outs from the initial meaty portion of it- I intend to test more and maybe make a video. When explaining it during the brokentier stream, Marlinpie himself said that the basic meaty set-up into air dash down -> low was the thing to keep people honest and once people respected that, you could go nuts. I suspect he's aware of the gaps in the set-up.

edit: the real teeth to the mix-up will come when assists are properly integrated, imo


Neo Member
Can you play online in China?
I don't think I can against people in N. America which is sad. I'm just being a bit of a lab monster right now and am slowly falling in love which a Ryu/IronMan shell. It's a great beam for projectile battles (Of course besides against Morrigan), keeps my opponent grounded, fuzzy mix ups galore, TAC infinite to gain meter for Ryu. Sadly the DHC isn't Ultra safe.
I don't think I can against people in N. America which is sad. I'm just being a bit of a lab monster right now and am slowly falling in love which a Ryu/IronMan shell. It's a great beam for projectile battles (Of course besides against Morrigan), keeps my opponent grounded, fuzzy mix ups galore, TAC infinite to gain meter for Ryu. Sadly the DHC isn't Ultra safe.
Ryu/Iron Man/ Shuma-Gorath will not win games.


Neo Member
Ryu/Iron Man/ Shuma-Gorath will not win games.
That is most likely very true. Shuma is my Anti Run away assist because that is Ryu's biggest weakness. I'd use Strider's if Ryu had a way to combo off of it. I was just searching for an assist to help win projectile battles with while being able to lock down my opponent. That way I can control as much screen as I can.


tagged by Blackace
I don't think I can against people in N. America which is sad. I'm just being a bit of a lab monster right now and am slowly falling in love which a Ryu/IronMan shell. It's a great beam for projectile battles (Of course besides against Morrigan), keeps my opponent grounded, fuzzy mix ups galore, TAC infinite to gain meter for Ryu. Sadly the DHC isn't Ultra safe.
I used Ryu/Iron Man for a long time. Is fun, but outside of just helping you clear the screen, it doesn't end up doing much for point Ryu.


I used Ryu/Iron Man for a long time. Is fun, but outside of just helping you clear the screen, it doesn't end up doing much for point Ryu.

I messed around with Ryu/Iron Fist/Ironman for awhile. It was fun as fuck with all the DHC stuff. Not gonna get you far unless you're psychic as fuck with footsies, but boy is it fun to do combos. Definitely one of those training room video kind of teams.


tagged by Blackace
I messed around with Ryu/Iron Fist/Ironman for awhile. It was fun as fuck with all the DHC stuff. Not gonna get you far unless you're psychic as fuck with footsies, but boy is it fun to do combos. Definitely one of those training room video kind of teams.
Yeah that was my team, and the DHC stuff is so damn satisfying indeed.


Yeah that was my team, and the DHC stuff is so damn satisfying indeed.

Iron Fist and Ryu DHC so well and the Beam helped a lot for them, but man the whole team required you to be so good at spacing and reads. Not easy given the range and amount of pixies floating through teams. Still though...so fucking fun to use. Be fun to see some highlight vids from that team. Ya know it never came up, but I have no idea what Ironman could get off of Iron Fist assist. They always snapped in Ironman to kill the team's mobility.
I don't understand how people can play with IF. I think he's even worse than Wright. I like the idea, but he can't do anything (at least in my experience).


Neo Member
I'm also looking for assists that can do all of the following: help win projectile wars, keeps opponents grounded, and allows for mixups.


I don't understand how people can play with IF. I think he's even worse than Wright. I like the idea, but he can't do anything (at least in my experience).

Run him second with Arthur Daggers on Anchor. Point character's role is to be good at cornering. It worked well with Taskmaster, Modok, or Hawkeye on Point for me and the Iron Fist/Daggers options on point character made the screen control really harsh. Modok and Tasky converted that Rising Fang the easiest for me and DHC/Tac-ed well for him.

Remember...Arthur daggers can be wave dashed inside of with Iron Fist and that suddenly makes him a LOT more useable. Still think all he needed was an airdash and for crescent heel to not friggin bounce them so he wouldn't be so limited on openers due to holding that in reserve so he could do crumples for damage.


IF has one of if not the best ground dash in the game, some respectable normals, and high damage.

That by itself makes him better than H-Ko, GR, PW, etc.


IF has one of if not the best ground dash in the game, some respectable normals, and high damage.

That by itself makes him better than H-Ko, GR, PW, etc.

I wouldn't go so far as to put him above Phoenix Wright. That ground dash doesn't do as much as you'd think for him and he has NO way to get around in the air. Like NO air mobility. Kind of sucks for a guy who can be zoned rather easily on the ground that he has no real tool to get in and over. Thats why I developed the Arthur/ Iron Fist setup. It allowed him to punch through and since daggers are out so long it allowed him a path that was open to dash in longer. God the Magneto matchup for Fist is hell though if you lose Arthur. Ever seen F. Champ troll on a Haggar? Its like that but with beams too.

PW is easier to make teams and setups for than IF IMO. I'd still put Iron Fist above Hsien Ko and Ghost Rider though.
PW is easier to make teams and setups for than IF IMO. I'd still put Iron Fist above Hsien Ko and Ghost Rider though.

Yeah, and PW has Turnabout Mode with unblockables, crazy damage and all that stuff, making him at least marginally less useless.
Who's a good IF player? I've heard JWong used to play him, right?


I wouldn't go so far as to put him above Phoenix Wright. That ground dash doesn't do as much as you'd think for him and he has NO way to get around in the air. Like NO air mobility. Kind of sucks for a guy who can be zoned rather easily on the ground that he has no real tool to get in and over. Thats why I developed the Arthur/ Iron Fist setup. It allowed him to punch through and since daggers are out so long it allowed him a path that was open to dash in longer. God the Magneto matchup for Fist is hell though if you lose Arthur. Ever seen F. Champ troll on a Haggar? Its like that but with beams too.

PW is easier to make teams and setups for than IF IMO. I'd still put Iron Fist above Hsien Ko and Ghost Rider though.

If Magneto is keeping you out with Repulsion, you need to work on your movement. So I'd say that's your problem right there.

No offense, but IF's dash is 10x better than Haggars, and if Magneto tries to lame him out with Repulsion he's getting slapped in the face. That's why IF is better than PW or H-Ko, by a large margin.

Having a good ground dash makes his air movement issues less relevant as well. A slow character, like H-Ko, can't catch you no matter what you do, even with her air dash and delay specials. Iron Fist can catch you when you land, if you choose to try and use air mobility to avoid him, and there's nothing you can do about it because he's too fast on the ground.

PW and H-Ko are both awful characters with bad gimmicks and terrible damage to fall back on, by comparison.
If Magneto is keeping you out with Repulsion, you need to work on your movement. So I'd say that's your problem right there.

No offense, but IF's dash is 10x better than Haggars, and if Magneto tries to lame him out with Repulsion he's getting slapped in the face. That's why IF is better than PW or H-Ko, by a large margin.

Having a good ground dash makes his air movement issues less relevant as well. A slow character, like H-Ko, can't catch you no matter what you do, even with her air dash and delay specials. Iron Fist can catch you when you land, if you choose to try and use air mobility to avoid him, and there's nothing you can do about it because he's too fast on the ground.

PW and H-Ko are both awful characters with bad gimmicks and terrible damage to fall back on, by comparison.

I'm still not conviced.
I mean, ok, H-Ko can't do squat, but at least PW has Turnabout which covers half of the screen just with the heavy attack. In my (limited) experience IF has a much harder time getting in that Turnabout PW.
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