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Valedictorian barred from his graduation due to having facial hair in Louisiana

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this bullshit can fuck right off. they want him to look his "best" or "neat" or whatever for his graduation. Comes by in a suit, in his ceremonial regalia, "your face ain't shaved, boy. you ain't graduating today."

honestly spekkeh?

it shouldn't even be a hill to die on, but some people keep raising these hills so they can kill people on them for some reason.

I dunno if you ever went to a private school but tons of them have rules against beards. Sure it is a strange rule now that beards are coming back in style, but I can definitely understand the rule when so many dudes have gross unkempt beards. It is easier to put a blanket rule "no beards/facial hair" than to go to individuals and go "yeah your beard looks gross, you gotta make it look good or shave."
It is somewhat discriminatory, for certain. For instance, what about people whose beard grows in more quickly? Would that person have to then shave throughout the day?

Either way, this is an entirely arbitrary rule to have. People will say that the reason is people's beards becoming unruly or unseemly, but that's true of anything, allowed or not.

Sounds like something from the Onion

This is what I came to post, in part.
It is somewhat discriminatory, for certain. For instance, what about people whose beard grows in more quickly? Would that person have to then shave throughout the day?

Either way, this is an entirely arbitrary rule to have.
You aren't wrong but at the same time this is a very common rule to have for men along with no earrings. I experienced it myself.


Ads are on point.



Report should have included some pertinent facts:

1. Was this 'no facial hair' policy clearly stated? Was he aware of the policy?

2. Were any other students similarly punished for having facial hair?

If the policy was clear, if he was aware of it, and if it punishment was uniformly distributed, I really don't see the issue. Past classes are a small indication of whether or not the policy was enforced then, but only goes toward if he believed he would be punished or not.

Finally, when he arrived in cap and gown and facial hair, did they just say get lost? Or did they tell him to go shave and he refused. If they said "Shave or do no participate" and he chose not to shave, that's really on him.

Furthermore, his family says he was the valedictorian. The school declined to comment on his academic standing. If he was, and they're trying not to say it, that's complete bullshit. But some confirmation would be nice.
Either way, this is an entirely arbitrary rule to have. People will say that the reason is people's beards becoming unruly or unseemly, but that's true of anything, allowed or not.

I dunno if you ever actually went to a school with a dress code, but usually the dress code is more than "no beards". Like, they explicitly state your uniform/clothing must be neat and tidy. So your example is kind of really bad.
Just so I'm clear, he was aware of the no beard policy ahead of time and chose not to shave, correct? If he was expected to give a speach of course they wouldn't let him up there in front of everyone. It'd be a slap in the face of everyone that did shave to follow the rule.


Junior Member
It's a dumb policy but apparently he was warned well before and a number of times. Personally I'd choose another hill to die on. Especially considering it's not that farfetched they'd want people to look to the nines on such a formal occasion.

Yeah, we should just follow the rules, no matter how inane. It's what has gotten us this far with schools.
Since people seem to not understand why a "no facial hair" rule might be in place:

1. Not all beards look neat. A lot of guys do not put the effort into maintaining a well groomed beard.

2. Private schools as a rule require their students to look neat/proper. Complain about that all you want, but it does prepare children to deal with actual real life since you know, you also often have to not look like garbage at a workplace.

3. Combining 1 and 2, it is easier to have a blanket "no beards" rule than to call individual students out on "your beard looks like shit, either you need to groom it, or shave."

Yes, how inane. Very unreasonable.


Yeah, we should just follow the rules, no matter how inane. It's what has gotten us this far with schools.

if you're gonna stand up to something you think is wrong, more often than not you're going to deal with some shit for it too. that's life. he had plenty of chances to go shave like the 13 others who were going to be denied the chance to walk that day

he got a better story out of his HS graduation than I got. HS graduation was lame.


Junior Member
No beards isn't inane. Did like nobody in this thread ever go to a private school?

Not the student.

http://www.wdsu.com/news/local-news...m_campaign=WDSU News - wdsutv&linkId=13328134

Caution and optimism is in Tangipahoa Parish as a 50-year-old federal desegregation lawsuit appears to be inching closer to resolution.

This week, attorneys for both sides in the suit agreed on a student assignment plan for desegregating the Tangipahoa Parish School System.

The president of the Tangipahoa Parish Chapter of the NAACP, Pat Morris, has spent most of her adult life involved in the desegregation battle. For Morris, the history is important.

"You can't fix it unless you realize that there was a problem from before," Morris said.

This school system took 50 years to desegregate. They just completed it last year. Actually, I will correct that. They were inching closer to resolution last year. Their conflict resolution skills and facial hair standards are far behind.

It's a public school who hasn't heard of people from other countries. It would literally be illegal to enforce this against someone's religion. No beards is inane in 2016.
I dunno if you ever actually went to a school with a dress code, but usually the dress code is more than "no beards". Like, they explicitly state your uniform/clothing must be neat and tidy. So your example is kind of really bad.

Not really. It still fails to demonstrate value beyond simply "I do not like it." A blanket ban is an easy decision, but not for people who need to shave halfway through the day in order to keep up with the ban.
This was the right decision. This valedictorian could've had nefarious intentions with that horribly unkempt facial hair of his. Who knows what he was hiding in there?
Not really. It still fails to demonstrate value beyond simply "I do not like it."

Sure, there's no inherent value in looking neat/proper. What is there inherent value in? If you went to get pedantic about it.

Feel free to do interviews in track shorts and a wife-beater since clothing/appearance doesn't matter.


I'm all in favor of the dude being allowed to have a beard, but he should probably shave those chin pubes anyway.
Since people seem to not understand why a "no facial hair" rule might be in place:

1. Not all beards look neat. A lot of guys do not put the effort into maintaining a well groomed beard.

2. Private schools as a rule require their students to look neat/proper. Complain about that all you want, but it does prepare children to deal with actual real life since you know, you also often have to not look like garbage at a workplace.

3. Combining 1 and 2, it is easier to have a blanket "no beards" rule than to call individual students out on "your beard looks like shit, either you need to groom it, or shave."

Yes, how inane. Very unreasonable.
I don't know of any job outside of the military or other hazardous work that requires a man to be clean shaven. Everything from finance to tech to the arts, even doctors and surgeons are able to have full beards. Not allowing them goes against the zeitgeist.
Sure, there's no inherent value in looking neat/proper. What is there inherent value in? If you went to get pedantic about it.

Feel free to do interviews in track shorts and a wife-beater since clothing/appearance doesn't matter.

For it to not be arbitrary, you need to show that as a matter of fact, beards cannot be neat or proper. Trying to create the synthesis of "beards can be unkempt, therefore beards are unkempt" is a bad argument.


They were that petty that a black man was valedictorian. Smh.

But it could just be a coincidence that this particular incidence was in fact not racially motivated in any way! We can't be sure!

And then it will happen again, and people will continue to say it's all just a coincidence and fail to recognize the clear underlying pattern. And even if there are the few occasional outliers where it really is all just an unfortunate coincidence, it doesn't change a general trend.

This willful ignorance seems to have had the side effect of stopping the right from doing anything to make their party palatable to the changing demographics, so I suppose if they'd like to keep pretending that the majority of people can't see the clear trends of what's going on and making the increasingly thin claim that it's all always just a coincidence, they can keep on digging that hole.


Or, unless you need to work in a sterile environment or have a gas mask fitted to your face it shouldn't fucking matter if you have facial hair or not.

But it does because that was the school policy. Logical or not, if you break the rule you're risking it being a problem. If they were invoking some esoteric rule of the dress code to fuck with this guy then ok but they let the kids know it WAS going to be a problem.

At what point do you just say, "I'm gonna shave for the day"?


I support schools having no facial hair policies if they want (the amount of horrible scraggly goatees among college freshmen is all the evidence I need), if they never made an issue out of it during the school year then they can get fucked for making an issue out of it at graduation.


Junior Member
Well even public schools can have uniform rules.

1. I imagine exceptions are made for religious reasons. That's always been the case.

2. No beards is not inane. See above explanation. Or this post: http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=204451180&postcount=114

You can't discriminate against religion in this country. I know most people haven't met people from other countries but some religions prevent you from shaving. It's simple. Not this guy's excuse but a lawsuit pending. They don't have many people with this problem, or better yet, probably force people to adapt to their rules and shame them.

You can point to any post but if it doesn't consider the religious freedom of every american in a public school system, it's inane. Illegal. Wouldn't hold up in court. Depends on homogeneity to be a successful rule, which is a terrible standard.

Stop talking about private schools. They make their rules up out of thin air. A large number of them probably ban very reasonable activities just because. They are not a gold standard. Just a bunch of teachers who made up some rules they liked.


Saw this on the news yesterday and immediately read the article.

DUMBEST SHIT EVER. He looks fucking fine. I can understand the concern about facial hair becoming a distraction, but his facial hair is neat, clean, and well-managed. This is just a horrible, horrible decision by administrators.
I had to shave when I graduated with honors in high school. I just wanted the paper and get out.

He has a clean/trimmed look. I looked like robin williams jumanji tier.


Old Member
I don't know of any job outside of the military or other hazardous work that requires a man to be clean shaven. Everything from finance to tech to the arts, even doctors and surgeons are able to have full beards. Not allowing them goes against the zeitgeist.

Ever heard of the New York Yankees?

If Louisiana is anything like Mississippi, where I went to high school, a no beard policy isn't unheard of. My high school didn't allow facial hair whatsoever except for mustaches. No exceptions.
I got suspended from school for not shaving my beard when i was in high school. Follow the goddamn rules, I'm sure this isn't the first time anyone had ever told him that having a beard was a violation of school dress code.

Why didn't you follow the goddamn rules in your high school?

Like you, I'm sure one day he'll think this wasn't a stand worth taking, but I'm fine with young people sticking up for what is important to them at the time. I don't think the policy is racist, though I think it's out-dated and don't understand why mustaches are allowed.


Doesnt surprise me in the least.

Every Louisiana school I went to and knew of had no facial hair policies and regulations on hair length and coloring. Public and private. At least around New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

This seems a bit different in that this particular school seemed to allow it and then arbitrarily banned it at this moment in time.

In my experience(and with a relative that served as one) the disciplinarians and principles are dicks. There is often some severe ego issues fueled by the power they yield.

With that said I'm not sure I would of made this my line in the sand moment. The rules are silly and clearly they were just changing the rules on a whim, likely for no real good reason, but I would of just did it and grown it back over the next week(s).
Ever heard of the New York Yankees?

If Louisiana is anything like Mississippi, where I went to high school, a no beard policy isn't unheard of. My high school didn't allow facial hair whatsoever except for mustaches. No exceptions.
I don't believe they still have that policy. Also, it's illegal for employers to require men to be clean shaven without good reason (health and safety usually).
For it to not be arbitrary, you need to show that as a matter of fact, beards cannot be neat or proper. Trying to create the synthesis of "beards can be unkempt, therefore beards are unkempt" is a bad argument.

Oh cool I see we're just ignoring what I said in favor of maknig things up.

I never said ""beards can be unkempt, therefore beards are unkempt""

I said "beards can be unkempt, and schools find it easier to make a blanket ban on them rather than singling out individual students."
That rule can get fucked. Schools have no place telling students what to do with their hair. So long as a student is practicing good hygiene, their grooming preferences are nobody's business but their own.


This seems a bit different in that this particular school seemed to allow it and then arbitrarily banned it at this moment in time.

Nah, they said they made sure people knew before graduation and it appeared to me that they took this dude aside and told him specifically. Seems like they just normally let it slide but wanted to make sure the kids were clean shaven on graduation day at least.

Kolwe told ABC News that Jones — and several other male students — had been warned many times before graduation to remove all facial hair. Even moments before the actual ceremony, Kolwe told CBS affiliate WWL, the students were given the opportunity to go to the restroom to shave.


That might be why I said "I'm sure exceptions are made for religious reasons."

There are. We had a few Muslim girls in our school and they were given exceptions to wear their religious wear. Pretty sure all the males still shaved though. Almost certain of that.
There are. We had a few Muslim girls in our school and they were given exceptions to wear their religious wear. Pretty sure all the males still shaved though. Almost certain of that.

At least at my school, the rule was clean shaven. But there were religious Jewish students who did not shave their beards during certain months because of a religious holiday.


Nah, they said they made sure people knew before graduation and it appeared to me that they took this dude aside and told him specifically. Seems like they just normally let it slide but wanted to make sure the kids were clean shaven on graduation day at least.

Just re-read what I thought said that facial hair was allowed if properly groomed. You are correct. Parish rules say beards aren't allowed.

Seems open and shut in that case.

Rules are certainly stupid but they are what they are. Good luck wasting outrage calories on raging at this, Louisiana prides itself on backwards shit like this.


I was taught in school that the Louisiana purchase was a great deal for America.

As I read more and more stores coming out of LA I am starting to think that the textbooks are wrong...
Oh cool I see we're just ignoring what I said in favor of maknig things up.

I never said ""beards can be unkempt, therefore beards are unkempt""

I said "beards can be unkempt, and schools find it easier to make a blanket ban on them rather than singling out individual students."

I also never said anything about wife beaters or job interviews. Please don't complain about people making things up while you actively make things up yourself. Most places, as long as you keep your beard clean and neat, going into an interview won't ruin the deal. In fact, I would just as well argue that arbitrarily saying "no beards" prevents people whose beards grow in quickly better understand how to maintain facial hair properly in their adult life.
The absurdity of that quote from the American Mustache Institute is off the charts.

I could see if it was for religious or cultural reasons (ie, schools that don't allow people of color to wear their hair naturally), but if it's a universal policy that's part of the dress code, and you knew all year, why would you call their bluff?
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