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Wait But Why: It's Going to Be Okay

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Okay - I haven't heard a single convincing argument for why African Americans or Hispanics suddenly aren't "safe". That's where the hyperbole comes in.

This is bad for all Americans, and even the rest of the world. But aside from speculation, what is Trump going to do that will cause actual harm to minorities?

So the fact that he ran on an anti-Black, anti-Hispanic, anti-Muslim platform and that his VP believes in conversion therapy for gays doesn't give you pause?

If that's not convincing, then I got nothing.


Trump is going to dismantle the EPA!

"The system is working."

Pence believes in conversion therapy!

"An adult choice of a running mate."

Trump is repealing Obamacare with no solid replacement plan!

"This is reality."

Black, Hispanic, and other minorities are terrified!

"America has never been so alive!"

Shut the fuck up, please.

you forgot DACA
It's a decent, level headed article. It's shameful that racist dismissals ("White male!") have become acceptable reactions on GAF. Look at the arguments, not at the guy's skin color. Is that so hard?

I hate Trump and I think this is a really sad time for the world, but the hyperbole needs to stop. Minorities aren't going to suddenly be rounded up and shot. There was a small surge in hate crimes after Brexit, but it died down, and so will this.

I made no such dismissal. And frankly it's valid all the same when so many white guys are posting the same schlock.

And you don't know it's going to get better. These things are happening. It's not hyperbole.

Why don't you read a few blogs posted by women and people of color and compare them to what this person is saying.


Okay - I haven't heard a single convincing argument for why African Americans or Hispanics suddenly aren't "safe". That's where the hyperbole comes in.

This is bad for all Americans, and even the rest of the world. But aside from speculation, what is Trump going to do that will cause actual harm to minorities?

A guy who spits on the idea of equality and respect for all races and creeds has been elected President. A guy who signals a green light to neo-fascists, racists, and misogynists. We have a man who is President-Elect of the United States of America who represents hatred, divisiveness, xenophobia, sexism, racism, and a complete lack of dignity and human decency.

Okay? No, we're pretty fucking far from okay, Tim. We're mad as hell and we're going to take back our country from people who wish to degrade it with their moral debasement.
No guys everything is fine because trump has to have people educated on the matters. The fuck do you mean educated, the soon to be leader of the epa will be somebody who does not believe in climate change. Nothing is fine and shit like this shows it by trying to reassure people that they didn't elect a monster made of hair with a body attached to it into office.


America has been run by morons and closeted racists before (see GWB). Things weren't that different in the daily lives of people. Trump is seemingly worse, but let's dial down the hyperbole.

Stop telling people how to respond to having rights taken away from them as soon as the Trump government is in place. This isn't hyperbole, it's life ffs. Just attempt empathy.


Stop telling people how to respond to having rights taken away from them as soon as the Trump government is in place. This isn't hyperbole, it's life ffs. Just attempt empathy.

I'll be right there with you when we actually know anything. Anyone's rights being taken away is just speculation so far.


user-friendly man-cashews
"Not that afraid by possible upcoming facism in my country"
By dude that totally won't get targeted by elected fucktard.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Okay - I haven't heard a single convincing argument for why African Americans or Hispanics suddenly aren't "safe". That's where the hyperbole comes in.

This is bad for all Americans, and even the rest of the world. But aside from speculation, what is Trump going to do that will cause actual harm to minorities?
Trump has normalized white nationalist rhetoric::

How White Nationalists Learned To Love Donald Trump
Meet the Horde of Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Other Extremist Leaders Endorsing Donald Trump
Even If Trump Loses, White Nationalists Say They’ve Won
Alt Right Rejoices at Donald Trump’s Steve Bannon Hire
KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
The Complete History Of Donald Trump's Relationship With The White Nationalist Movement

Trump supports Stop-and-frisk:

Trump: Stop-and-frisk would 'overwhelmingly' save black and Hispanic lives
What Donald Trump Means When He Talks About Stop-and-Frisk
What Donald Trump Got Wrong on Stop-and-Frisk
Trump praises stop-and-frisk, says people in inner cities are 'living in hell'
Stop-and-Frisk: Trump's Bad Idea for Fighting Crime

LGBT rights & discrimination:

President Trump could undermine LGBT rights
Pandering to Catholics, Trump Announces He Will Sign Anti-LGBT 'Religious Freedom' Legislation
Senator Lee Introduces a Bill to Protect Religious Liberty, Trump has promised to sign it, if he wins
Why an upside-down rainbow flag is dangerous for LGBT people


Donald Trump has made it clear: in his America, Muslim citizens don’t exist
Being Muslim in Donald Trump's America
Muslim-Americans React to Donald Trump Winning the Election: 'I Fear for My Muslim Family'
Donald Trump: The Islamophobia president
“My heart literally hurts”: Muslims, women, and people of color on Donald Trump’s victory


Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Won’t Just Overturn Gay Marriage and Abortion Cases, It Will Strangle the Federal Government
Here's where Trump stands on abortion and other women's health issues
Trump on Reproductive Rights and Women's Equality
Donald Trump took 5 different positions on abortion in 3 days
I really do love WaitButWhy, but listen man, it isn't. It's a worst case scenario for so many people in so many fucking ways.

Social progress, environmental progress, economic progress. It's all going up in smoke, and we might not be able to get it back.


Nothing about climate change, on path to doom our civilisation by end of the century

Nothing about the power of a psychopath with possible Alzheimer's, now able to wage nuclear war

Nothing about the weakness of the constitution such that it allows a president to effectively ignore the Supreme Court

Nothing about mass surveillance of every smartphone and laptop and server delivered right into his lap by people who should have known better, now able to be used to destroy his political opponents


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
Seeing all the white people thanking him for this on twitter is grossing me out, frankly.

I really dislike this article. I wish I could experience life in the white liberal bubble.


I appreciate the sentiment but I have a feeling it's not going to work out so well. GAF is in full meltdown mode right now. Another guy started a thread about trying to stay positive and most all the responses are overwhelming negative.

That's a reflection of GAF itself not reality.
GAF seems to be made up primarily (not exclusively) of young, super liberal introverts who are overly anxious and overly dramatic.

Reading GAF you would literally think that Hitler is now in power, America is fucked, the world is doomed and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Maybe thats reality in NeoGAF land but luckily life is not a gaming forum.


That's a reflection of GAF itself not reality.
GAF seems to be made up primarily (not exclusively) of young, super liberal introverts who are overly anxious and overly dramatic.

Reading GAF you would literally think that Hitler is now in power, America is fucked, the world is doomed and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Maybe thats reality in NeoGAF land but luckily life is not a gaming forum.

I agree completely. Minorities (especially SJWs on GAF!) should suffer the fear and pain they are experiencing in absolute silence.


Gold Member
Apparently, Pence is a 'surprisingly adult choice' for VP.

Embarrassing, Tim. You were one of the good ones.
Nothing has actually happened yet except his election ....... none of the horrible things people are freaking out about have actually happened.

How will these people survive when things actually happen?


Nothing has actually happened yet except his election ....... none of the horrible things people are freaking out about have actually happened.

How will these people survive when things actually happen?

sure man, racists haven't been emboldened at all
Ctrl+F: black
Ctrl+F: women
Ctrl+F: gay
Ctrl+F: trans
Ctrl+F: climate
Ctrl+F: gerrymandering
Ctrl+F: voter suppression
Ctrl+F: sexism
Ctrl+F: racism
Ctrl+F: homophobia
Ctrl+F: hate

0 results

+ Christian conservative values making headway into law and schools, like abstinence-only education, creationism etc.

Abortion access:

Trump wants to completely ban abortion, with exceptions only for rape, incest, or when the life of the woman is in danger. He's backed this up by showing support for a ban on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Trump says he'll make it a priority to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The ACA has made it possible for millions of people to get health insurance that includes coverage for birth control at no additional cost and prenatal care.

Trump would have preferred to shut down the government rather than fund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides low-cost family-planning services, cancer screenings, and other health care to millions of people every year.

Trump has pledged to nominate anti-choice justices to the Supreme Court. He reiterated this promise to Bill O'Reilly after becoming the presumptive GOP nominee. This could destroy access to reproductive health care for generations.

Mike Pence said he wants to see Roe v. Wade on "the ash heap of history", and has a long record of attacking reproductive freedom in his state.

"It's going to be alright", pfft. Republicans already introduced bullshit with abortion access under Obama.


What a disgustingly terrible piece of garbage. Minorities certainly aren't gonna be okay. And it's not as if its been easy road to travel as is in America. Things just got much harder.


I agree completely. Minorities (especially SJWs on GAF!) should suffer the fear and pain they are experiencing in absolute silence.

Not silence no, but GAF is so far skewed to its hivemind agenda that you simply cannot get an accurate reflection of reality by reading this forum alone.

This place is insufferable with its negativity sometimes and any attempt to look at things in a different light or any attempt to try and promote some kind of positivity is shut down by a wall of fear and hate.


Trump can do his worst to US for the next 8 years and the country will still be way way ahead of China on economy, tech and military.


Another guy started a thread about trying to stay positive and most all the responses are overwhelming negative.

That's because he wrote it as if we're in some post-nuclear fallout zone that's under rule by a mutant cockroach dictatorship.

It had over-dramatic ellipses and metaphors.
I love Tims blog but he is wrong on this one. No it's not going to be okay. People need to come out of their bubbles and eco chambers and face the harsh reality that it probably wont be ok for a while.


It is pretty interesting to see what will happen next, to see this good vs. evil fight unfold. I'm sure millions of people woke up today with a new fighting spirit inside them, ready to take on the new government and more willing than ever to become politically active. That's good.

It's a shame though that minorities will have to suffer, the enviroment will have to suffer, science will have to suffer and the economy will have to suffer.
I believe people need to realize that acting so aggressively and negatively will be about as effective for Trump supporters as the aggressive "new atheism" movement was towards people of faith. Being hostile and intimidating/intense doesn't help the other person or group in either listening or understanding. It will either cause more backlash or ear plugging.

Earnest gentleness wins the day in our personal day to day lives. No matter what side we are on we need to try to be loving and stop bringing so many damning assumptions into our discussions with or about others who disagree with us.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay - I haven't heard a single convincing argument for why African Americans or Hispanics suddenly aren't "safe". That's where the hyperbole comes in.

This is bad for all Americans, and even the rest of the world. But aside from speculation, what is Trump going to do that will cause actual harm to minorities?

Let's take the Ferguson protests as an example.

What happened under obama was he took away the military toys used to intimidate protests, deescalated the situation a little bit by giving a well reasoned middle of the road response that took understanding of both sides of the issue, and started a DoJ investigation that maybe didn't find the cops accountable for manslaughter, but did find enough evidence of systemic racism to cause cops to get fired and replaced.

What I'm worried Trump will do is give cops all the military intimidation toys they ever wanted, dehumanize the protesters on television, encourage the police to crush the protests any way possible, and then sweeping the whole thing under the rug like nothing happened. Meanwhile police departments that are racist will know they don't even have to worry about the chance of a DoJ coming down on them, and are more brazen with their racist policing.

Is this reading of the situation in any way unreasonable or pessimistic? It seems like Trump basically ran on handling situations like that in that way.

Maybe there's something to reminding people that most people will not be personally affected most of the time, and that even if Trump does things that are unfair and painful, we as individuals will probably make it through Trump's presidency ok. People should try to remind themselves of that to help calm down and maybe step back from the entire political conversation and pay more attention to the other aspects of life, but a lot of these optimistic articles read as if they want people to completely ignore and shut up about these issues that will have real world effects, and I think that's what makes a lot of people want to call it out as white privilege.


Trump is going to dismantle the EPA!

"The system is working."

Pence believes in conversion therapy!

"An adult choice of a running mate."

Trump is repealing Obamacare with no solid replacement plan!

"This is reality."

Black, Hispanic, and other minorities are terrified!

"America has never been so alive!"

Shut the fuck up, please.

Yes and yes.
Attempting to pacify us with nonsense like in the OP only makes our jobs harder.


Trump is going to dismantle the EPA!

"The system is working."

Pence believes in conversion therapy!

"An adult choice of a running mate."

Trump is repealing Obamacare with no solid replacement plan!

"This is reality."

Black, Hispanic, and other minorities are terrified!

"America has never been so alive!"

Shut the fuck up, please.

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