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Want to catch up on PSone RPG games

Like the title goes what PSone rpg games do you recommend that i should play.

Final Fantasy is not my thing so i may or may not get FF7. (unless convinced otherwise)

List away gaf i'm gonna have a whole 2 months to catch up.


Has problems recognising girls
Vagrant Story
Chrono Cross
Valkyrie Profile
Tales of Destiny II

And it's in my opinion that you should at least try FFVII. It is one of the best RPGs around and quality wise still good. If you do swallow the pill, grab FFVIII and FFIX just to even everything out.


If you can stomach the VA (or turn it off, as I learned was possible that whole time recently), check out Grandia. Fun battle system.


I'd recommend FF9 before FF7, but that's just a personal preference. I've played through both again recently, and realized how much more I like FF9 (mainly because it has an FF6-feel to it). There are others who would beat me for saying such a thing, but alas, I never liked FF7 all that much.

I second Chrono Cross as well.


fugimax said:
I'd recommend FF9 before FF7, but that's just a personal preference. I've played through both again recently, and realized how much more I like FF9 (mainly because it has an FF6-feel to it). There are others who would beat me for saying such a thing, but alas, I never liked FF7 all that much.

I second Chrono Cross as well.

FFIX was great, and I don't get why it receives so much hate.

And Chrono Cross was pretty good too. Different than Trigger, but you'll get used to it.


Has problems recognising girls
AniHawk said:
FFIX was great, and I don't get why it receives so much hate.
I don't get the hate towards it either. FFVII was great from the first get go, FFXI from the middle section and FFVIII was absolutely pandemonium on the 3rd disc.

I also forgot Grandia sorry. It is a definite classic.


Gold Member
AniHawk said:
FFIX was great, and I don't get why it receives so much hate.

needless to say, I loved all 3 of them. 7,8 and 9 rocked. And it didn't take 4 years between the games either. Square at their golden days.


SantaCruZer said:
needless to say, I loved all 3 of them. 7,8 and 9 rocked. And it didn't take 4 years between the games either. Square at their golden days.

No shit. This FFXII nonsense boggles the mind. Hell, it was a lesser period of time between IV and VI. :|

But back to the topic at hand..


Gold Member
Final Fantasy is not my thing so i may or may not get FF7. (unless convinced otherwise)

Get 7, or else you would miss out one of the best games ever. Dated or not, the game is still great fun.


I really just wish Square would go back to the more "toony" look of FF1-6, 7, and 9. FF8, 10-12...while graphically impressive are just too..."real"...for me.

I also feel that their character design is limited when they attempt to be realistic. Compare the characters in the toony FFs versus the real ones. At least in my case, I got much more attached to the toony ones. Their stories seemed simpler, more varied, and interesting.


Hates quality gaming
Get Star Ocean 2.

Do Not Get Final Fantasy 7, Do Not trust anyone who says to get Final Fantasy 7.
great list...i may try ff7 as the last rpgs on the list but...now where to go to get all these games....probably stop over at gamestop or gamecrazy to pick it up. OR PIRATE THEM....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................ok no that sucks/


Has problems recognising girls
EclipseGST said:
great list...i may try ff7 as the last rpgs on the list but...now where to go to get all these games....probably stop over at gamestop or gamecrazy to pick it up. OR PIRATE THEM....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................ok no that sucks/
Why not? I do :lol


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Star Ocean 2, Valkyrie Profile, Grandia, FF7, BOF3, Vandal Hearts, Suikoden, Tales of Destiny II


Here's another vote for Vandal Hearts.

Xenogears is very good, but also text-heavy and you can't increase the text speed. On the other hand, Yasunori Mitsuda's ingame music is godly :D

I haven't finished Suikoden 2 yet to give a good opinion, but Suikoden 1 was alright.

Harvest Moon is more of a simulation than an rpg (There isn't much of a story in the Ps1 version). FFT is a strategy game, but it does have a good story.


I personally wouldn't pirate them. I did at the time and I really regreted it because then I never actually took the time to really play most of them. Of course games like Valkyrie Profile or Suikoden 2 that cost quiet a bit on ebay would be a must to try before purchase.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, even if its slightly cliche - another recommendation for Wild Arms. The game is rather long with some nice music and cool puzzles. Doesn't hold up as well as Lufia 2 but I really liked the game when it came out.


Don't play Xenogears, it's way too long and the gameplay is not so hot. Not worth the 80 hour sit-through.

I recommend FFVII, partially because it's one of those landmark games that everyone has played, had a huge influence on the genre, and there's a reason for that... It's like the Star Wars of JRPG's.


Play Xenogears, you'll be glad you did.


Suikoden 1 and 2
Final Fantasy VII and 9
Vandal Hearts 1 and 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Wild Arms
The Lunar Games if you never played them before. Nice packages too if you can find them whole


Yawn. Yawn. YAWN.

Here, check these out

Guardian's Crusade
King's Field
King's Field II
Shadow Tower
Legend of Legaia
The Granstream Saga

That's all you need.


speedpop said:
Vagrant Story
Chrono Cross
Valkyrie Profile
Tales of Destiny II

And it's in my opinion that you should at least try FFVII. It is one of the best RPGs around and quality wise still good. If you do swallow the pill, grab FFVIII and FFIX just to even everything out.

That's a good list but most of those games are going to be difficulty and/or expensive to come by. I'd like to play VP myself but I don't want to pay through the nose for it.
demi said:
Yawn. Yawn. YAWN.

Here, check these out

Guardian's Crusade
King's Field
King's Field II
Shadow Tower
Legend of Legaia
The Granstream Saga

That's all you need.

terrible! Legend of Legaia? Isn't that a lame Final Fantasy clone? Don't listen to demi.


Doom_Bringer said:
terrible! Legend of Legaia? Isn't that a lame Final Fantasy clone? Don't listen to demi.

Lame Final Fantasy clone?

Wait let me scroll up












It's like clockwork, I'm actually giving him choices!

Dr. Strangelove

Legend of Legaia is a crappy RPG about trees that regenerate the Earth. Somewhere between the bad character design and lame story lies a somewhat interesting battle system. But that's about it.

With that said:

Persona 2
Final Fantasy IX
Star Ocean the Second Story


demi said:
Yawn. Yawn. YAWN.

Here, check these out

Guardian's Crusade
King's Field
King's Field II
Shadow Tower
Legend of Legaia
The Granstream Saga

That's all you need.

Holy cow, some of the most boring RPG's on PSone and you are yawning at everyone else?

I can't believe you put Granstream Saga on your list, everyone literally laughs when they see the models on that game.


"Why do I play this game and fight and never see anyone from the front?


"Because they have no faces! AHHHHHHH!!


Mashing said:
demi how would you know what's good or not since you don't actually play your games?


How would he?


Holy cow, some of the most boring RPG's on PSone and you are yawning at everyone else?

I'm yawning because it's the same SHIT I see every fucking thread! There ARE other games.

on topic

I strongly recommend:

Final Fantasy IX - epic, charming, excellent soundtrack
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - urban, 'cyberpunk' style RPG; amazing character designs


demi said:
How would he?


I'm yawning because it's the same SHIT I see every fucking thread! There ARE other games.

on topic


I agree with this but there was such a deluge of shitastic RPGs on PSone that most of hte ones that are recommended are well known and quite obvious. Myself, I didn't play many PSone rpgs mainly because I was a late adopter to the Playstation (well console gaming in general at that point in time I was a hardcore PC gamer). There are quite a few I want to try now mostly becuase of this forum's praise for them.

If those games you posted are actually good that's fine and dandy but I suspect you just listed some crappy rpgs becuase, as you stated, the same rpgs always come up in these lists.


Check them out and then determine them stupid, at least.

You are conforming to GAF Groupthink. Stop.


I just suspected you were posting in jest... I guess I was wrong.

However, I probably wouldn't play that rpg that has characters with no faces. Doesn't do much for immersion.

I've heard pretty good things about Kings Field... what's it like?


I never said Granstream was good, the topic says recommend some, so I threw some games out there that AREN'T in every other fucking PSOne topic. If they're crappy, they're crappy. Assuming they've played them, of course. Advent Rising Syndrome, you could say.

King's Field is a RPG in the first person view, that's about it. You're probably better off playing the PS2 version, however. But go on, have a go at the originals.


Legend of Legaia is very good and underrated. It's one of the only PS RPGs to feature full body armor on character models as well.

Granstream Saga is a fun little game. It's not great but it's worth a leisurely play and the two endings were great IMO.
If you play only 1 RPG in the 2 month period play,


They are not making a Final Fantasy 7 movie for nothing, this is my favorite of all time, it has a great story, memorable characters, and the best magic system of any RPG I have ever seen (materia kicks ass).

If you decide to not play FF7 for what ever reason, I could not care less, I am just highly recomending that you play it.

Edit: Not to mention this game revolutionized the RPG in America, If ff7 never existed I doubt we would have seen as many RPGs come to America from Japan.


I was just watching my collection of XG cutscene reels wich reminded me what a work of art this game was, absolutely great game, a little cliche by now, but the origional impact it had on me is still there after several replays. If you don't like text/story heavy RPGs or heavy-handed plolines, this one definitely isn't for you though, of course that would pretty much eliminate FFVII too. If nothing else: Valkyrie Profile compels you (if you can find it). Awesome, awesome game, the art direction, the music, the gameplay system, it has its' flaws, but the premise is impressive, and dungeon exploration and combat is a blast.)
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