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WaPo: FBI has questioned Trump campaign adviser Carter Page at length in Russia probe


FBI agents have repeatedly questioned former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page about his contacts with Russians and his interactions with the Trump campaign, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Over a series of five meetings in March, totaling about 10 hours of questioning, Page repeatedly denied wrongdoing when asked about allegations that he may have acted as a kind of go-between for Russia and the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with Page’s account.

The interviews with the FBI are the most extensive known questioning of a potential suspect in the probe of possible Russian connections to associates of President Trump. The questioning of Page came more than a month before the Russian investigation was put under the direction of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

Page confirmed Monday that the interviews occurred, calling them “extensive discussions.” He declined to say if he’s spoken to investigators since the March interviews.
Because it is against the law for an individual to lie to FBI agents about a material issue under investigation, many lawyers recommend their clients not sit for interviews with the bureau without a lawyer present. Page said he spoke without a lawyer and wasn’t concerned about the risks because he told the truth.
The FBI’s questioning of Page came during a tumultuous time for Trump and the Russia probe. On March 20, Comey publicly confirmed that the FBI was investigating “the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.’’

A few days after that statement to Congress, Trump separately asked Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers to publicly deny the existence of any evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians, according to officials. Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate, according to two current and two former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private communications with the president.

Over a four-week period in March, Page met repeatedly with FBI agents, who pressed him on claims made in a secret dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer, according to people familiar with the probe.
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...1_story.html?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.d569bf433889
10 hours of Carter Page in a room with the FBI and without a lawyer present is almost certainly going to end up in him perjuring himself.


Over a series of five meetings in March, totaling about 10 hours of questioning, Page repeatedly denied wrongdoing when asked about allegations that he may have acted as a kind of go-between for Russia and the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with Page's account.

So they were at a point where they were grilling a suspect with an accusation?

We can't know for sure, though, right? What if Wittes had the same scoop but the WaPo got it first?

It is the type of thing he could be in the know about. That being said, check if he posted boom, cause he usually does so after these stories drop.


Because it is against the law for an individual to lie to FBI agents about a material issue under investigation, many lawyers recommend their clients not sit for interviews with the bureau without a lawyer present. Page said he spoke without a lawyer and wasn’t concerned about the risks because he told the truth.

And they still interviewed Page multiple times. I wonder if it's meant to sound as ominous for him as it does after reading that passage.
Of course he'd talk to FBI agents without a lawyer. Of course.

For anyone who hasn't paid attention thus far: we are not dealing with smart people.


Of course he'd talk to FBI agents without a lawyer. Of course.

For anyone who hasn't paid attention thus far: we are not dealing with smart people.

I almost feel bad for him. He appears to be so sure of himself. Or maybe it's just that perpetual grin that's throwing me off, lol


This is what we call "foreshadowing."

Indeed. I look forward to the callback because this is going to sound like 'supporting evidence' if a case is substantiated. This guy reads like a stool pigeon. Or one of the people who incriminates himself just by breathing, ahem.
Where's my BOOM Wittes?

Think about it this way:

If this questioning were a nothing burger, then why did it a last a grand total of TEN HOURS and involve multiple meetings?

I'm guessing that they managed to flip Carter Page and that was ten hours in which they were able to get a shitload of confessions. Otherwise they probably would have only had one meeting with him and then had given up on getting info from him.
Think about it this way:

If this questioning were a nothing burger, then why did it a last a grand total of TEN HOURS and involve multiple meetings?

I'm guessing that they managed to flip Carter Page and that was ten hours in which they were able to get a shitload of confessions. Otherwise they probably would have only had one meeting with him and then had given up on getting info from him.

Asking him what his favorite Bourne movie was obv.
Think about it this way:

If this questioning were a nothing burger, then why did it a last a grand total of TEN HOURS and involve multiple meetings?

I'm guessing that they managed to flip Carter Page and that was ten hours in which they were able to get a shitload of confessions. Otherwise they probably would have only had one meeting with him and then had given up on getting info from him.

Clinton only had one meeting with the FBI right?
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