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WaPo: Half Of GOP Voters Would Support Postponing 2020 Elections


We need some major election reform. Drop the Electoral College, it obviously doesn't do what it was designed to do. Lower age of candidacy for the House from 25 to 18, Senate from 30 to 25, and Presidency from 35 to 25. Add experience requirements, like at least one term in any state or federal level elected office, x number of years as a commissioned officer in the military, or a bachelor's degree in American history or political science. We have to make sure that any futire president has some understanding of how our government functions.

I'm not sure about the lowering of the age. People do actually mature just in general as they age. I'm not sure I want an 18 year old in federal politics and I know I don't want a 25 year old leading the country (I could maybe go with 30). They've even shown studies that people change a lot from 20-30 and more solidify around 30. Yes, that means that the younger politician would be more malleable, but it also means you may not know what you are voting for later on. And they haven't had time to really experience life and understand things better (I know even at 25 there are things I'm wiser about now).


Who are you talking about? You can't make up strawmen just for the sake of your bizarre comparison

I need receipts when Dems or Obama claimed that the 25th Ammendment was fake news, or that the existence of White people at polling stations was an existential threat to the Republic.

But the Trumps and his GOP ball-washers claimed, without evidence that there are millions of fraudulent votes in CA and NY. GTFO

Well, here are two threads on the matter.

But in retrospect I do regret going off on this tangent as its really a thread derail. Feel free to PM (if you want a response) or reply to this if you like, but my apologies for take it this direction. I'll edit out in the interest of thread peace.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'm pretty sure the President only has the right to suspend habeas corpus under a rebellion or invasion when the public safety requires it. So I don't think he could do that in this circumstance.

"OMG Muslims are invading! Sad! Check Breitbart.com and FoxNews.com for the latest updates! #MAGA"

Is there anything in the constitution that mandates that a threat to our public safety has to be real, or is a tweet from an asshole toward his droves of cult-like followers sufficient?


Wondering how the outrage here measures with those wishing there were no term limits and keeping Obama in for life...

That idea and this idea are both bad. A postponing of an election should need an actual emergency and not a manufactured one. And certain line a half-assed floater of an idea like 'ensuring that only eligible votes will vote'.

I will admit I've joked about it (mainly after Trump won) but I don't seriously think it's a good idea. I mean I fully admit I emotionally wouldn't be as outraged if it were Obama but I know on principle it's still a bad idea and I'd still protest it. Because the rule is a good one and yes sometimes it means some one you like is in shorter than you'd like but it also means a bad president can't stay there too long either and I think that latter part is more important. It's called being able to think past the present (when some one you like is in charge) and look at what effects it also has later on as well.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Proof that only fortune prevents the stupid from turning every country into a dictatorship.
Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan these countries have the same kind of people among them and all of those countries are an example of what happens when they succeed.
I'm expecting 2020 to be most blatantly rigged US election in history, if Trump isn't impeached before then. The shit Russia pulled in 2016 is going to be dialed up to 11 if Trump and the GOP believe it will fall in their favor.

Probably, yeah. Unless the American public turn against him so much by then (still plenty of time for that) that he has no chance of winning even with mass fraud in his favour. The whole fake news shit is going to be dialled up to 1000% though.


Again with news about Trump its more concerning to me what a portion of the general population is willing to accept and get behind that is more scary than what Trump is actually doing.
This is precisely why democrats need to get out and vote like crazy in 2018, considering the very real possibility that Republicans can get all they need for a total supermajority and can create and ratify constitutional amendments unchecked. If that happens, I guarantee you that the 22nd amendment is going bye-bye.


Yeah... NO. This get the Trump administration will not be stopped. His approval rating hit 39 percent six months in. Imagine how bad things get in 2020. He and this administration want to postpone the elections because they realize he's going to lose the popular vote by at least 10 million votes. At that point it's going to be damn hard to justify a 30 point victory in the electoral college.

The audacity of this in light of an ongoing criminal investigation into his family and campaign members is laughable. He really thinks the American people are idiots.


One of the worst things Democrats have done is letting Republicans have patriotism.

Because the modern Republican Party is blatantly unamerican at this point.


Yeah... NO. This get the Trump administration will not be stopped. His approval rating hit 39 percent six months in. Imagine how bad things get in 2020. He and this administration want to postpone the elections because they realize he's going to lose the popular vote by at least 10 million votes. At that point it's going to be damn hard to justify a 30 point victory in the electoral college.

The audacity of this in light of an ongoing criminal investigation into his family and campaign members is laughable. He really thinks the American people are idiots.

ehh...i mean whats an acceptable amount? He got elected, he still has defenders, he still has a base. I'm not sure I can keep giving fellow Americans credit when they keep letting me down time and time and time again. Living in Florida doesn't help.
"OMG Muslims are invading! Sad! Check Breitbart.com and FoxNews.com for the latest updates! #MAGA"

Is there anything in the constitution that mandates that a threat to our public safety has to be real, or is a tweet from an asshole toward his droves of cult-like followers sufficient?

He could try it I suppose. However, The Suspension Clause isn't clear about whether the power to suspend habeas corpus in times of Invasion or Rebellion lies with congress or the president. So in theory, congress may be able to stop such a suspension. And I can't see even the most conservative of courts upholding such a loose interpretation of the Suspension Clause.

I'm not a lawyer or an expert in constitutional law though.


Unconstitutional. Which if Drumpf can pack the SC it won't matter.

My thoughts exactly. If that happens, people need to GTFO out of this country. I already wish I could leave. Republicans are fucking pure evil and a threat to this country's founded principles. A threat to the future of the planet, really.
I can't believe how stupid some people are. They buy this voter fraud shit. Whatever man, I have family in Canada if we are heading towards dictatorship.
these people are fucking stupid.

if this actually happens (it won't) I'm illegally crossing the border to Canada, no joke. Consequences be damned.
these people are fucking stupid.

if this actually happens (it won't) I'm illegally crossing the border to Canada, no joke. Consequences be damned.

The country would likely break apart if this came to pass. The states of California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Washington, Oregon etc. would announce plans to leave the US and become Canadian provinces. So you'd likely only have to move to a state that joined Canada.


these people are fucking stupid.

if this actually happens (it won't) I'm illegally crossing the border to Canada, no joke. Consequences be damned.

I mean, didn't Trudeau say something about people being welcome who are seeking asylum? In reference to Trump.


Fuck leaving.

That said, I'd send my wife and kids elsewhere if it got really, really bad.

I don't plan to stick around when the Repubs start proposing camps for people who aren't Christian, straight, cis, white, etc.

They've already embraced a shit ton of extremist fascist qualities. Hell, some have even proposed genocide and earnestly fucking meant it. These people are subhuman monsters.


No, fuck that. I will literally go into the streets and start tearing shit down by myself if I have to. That is a line you do not fucking cross.


No, fuck that. I will literally go into the streets and start tearing shit down by myself if I have to. That is a line you do not fucking cross.

But then how will we create a perfect dictatorship theocracy with Trump as our God, geomon?

I don't plan to stick around when the Repubs start proposing camps for people who aren't Christian, straight, cis, white, etc.

They've already embraced a shit ton of extremist fascist qualities. Hell, some have even proposed genocide and earnestly fucking meant it. These people are subhuman monsters.

I feel you, and absolutely won't judge a single soul for high tailing it.

Not saying it'll get that far, but I do acknowledge that some of what's being proposed isn't discount villainy. It's straight up nefarious.
I don't plan to stick around when the Repubs start proposing camps for people who aren't Christian, straight, cis, white, etc.

They've already embraced a shit ton of extremist fascist qualities. Hell, some have even proposed genocide and earnestly fucking meant it. These people are subhuman monsters.

I completely understand this.

If the unthinkable were to happen I would also recommend my wife leave, but I am a cis White (passing) man with an advanced degree. I would consider sabotage of a fascist America to be my patriotic duty.
The country would likely break apart if this came to pass. The states of California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Washington, Oregon etc. would announce plans to leave the US and become Canadian provinces. So you'd likely only have to move to a state that joined Canada.

I don't know about all that. If we were to honestly get to the point of "halting" elections in the interest of "national security" or "constitutional integrity," or whatever inane excuse they come up with, we will legitimately be facing a national crisis.

I really don't know what would happen to the country if we got to that point. I seriously doubt any of this will happen though, so I'm not going to worry about it too much.

I mean, didn't Trudeau say something about people being welcome who are seeking asylum? In reference to Trump.

I imagine this doesn't make the legal immigration process any easier? Because I will actually be starting that soon (yes really).
If this happens, I imagine the United States would dissolve because there are some states where the majority of their residents do not want a dictator. (Either through peace or civil war.)


This thread needs spoiler warnings.
I want to actually be able to feign surprise when this happens and Americans continue to shrug their shoulders in collective indifference.
Republicans were all about conspiracy theories about Obama postponing elections near the end of his terms to secure power.

Sadly like most of of their crazy, they're actually fine with it as long as it's their guy.

Everything the Republicans worry about is projection of their own evil desires.

Look at the evil Republican fucks in the North Carolina state government, trying to limit the power of the governor when a democrat wins, These people are authoritarian/theocratic pieces of shit.


Everything the Republicans worry about is projection of their own evil desires.

Look at the evil Republican fucks in the North Carolina state government, trying to limit the power of the governor when a democrat wins, These people are authoritarian/theocratic pieces of shit.

Exactly. They just don't want to be beat to the punch when its all said and done. They're deathly afraid of the boogeymen in their head that will do all the things to them that they're trying to do to the country as a whole.


This doesn't surprise me in the least. And I wouldn't be surprised if it actually came to pass either. A lot of Americans now have that uncomfortable feeling somewhere in the rational part of their brain that a democracy is not so effective if there are more brown and yellow people than white. The only way to ensure white superiority is to ignore numbers entirely and make sure the white people in charge stay in charge. Losing democracy is worth it to a racist.
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