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WaPo: Ivanka takes her father’s seat at world leaders’ table during a G-20 meeting


Monica Alba‏Verified account

President Putin holding press conference at end of G20 summit here in Hamburg. President Trump not expected to have one today.


Putin won
This is really sad. The United States now looks like complete clowns, a government run by children who have absolutely no idea what they're doing.


Merkel was asked about Ivanka during her press conference. She basically said she doesn't care.
We have a president who doesn't want to have anything, to do with real diplomacy. So, he puts his daughter and son-in-law in place to do his job.

Has anyone heard of his plan to privatize housing, i.e the projects.


Merkel was asked about Ivanka during her press conference. She basically said she doesn't care.
Nothing comes as a surprise with this administration. I think world leaders probably do care. This dude having the First Daughter take his place? Putin is probably the only one who loves it.
POTUS about to leave #G20 without holding full news conference. Merkel, Putin and others took questions at end of summit. But not Trump.

— Jim Acosta‏ (@Acosta) July 8, 2017
That moment even Putin is putting up a better show for the press.

Merkel was asked about Ivanka during her press conference. She basically said she doesn't care.
Merkel and Macron have probably already given up on dealing with Trump and are going their own way.

Hope I'm not the first to think of this, given the history of both families.


Seems like he doesn't want the job. He should quit.

No, he's just a giant orange pussy with a disgustingly fake merkin.

I can hear the SCREEEEEEEEEE from Republicans in the timeline where "Ivanka" is "Chelsea" punching through the space time continuum it's so loud.


Also 19 out of 20 countries agreed on climate change and importance of Paris Accords.

Feel free to guess which country didn't agree.


Seems like he doesn't want the job. He should quit.

He just didn't want to answer questions, and we all know why. They would be nothing but the Putin meeting, and how come he didn't take a firmer stance with him.

Its obvious he is just a pussy & traitor.
God, if/when the USA gets through this phase of idiocy and incompetence, you guys need to take a lot of the 'traditions' about how the government is run and make them law in some fashion. Otherwise another wannabe like Trump'll come along and push them to their limit again.


HAMBURG, Germany — President Donald Trump said Saturday that it might be easier for daughter Ivanka if her last name wasn't Trump.

Heaping praise on her at the launch of a new women's economic empowerment event, Trump said: "I'm very proud of my daughter Ivanka, always have been from day one. I have to tell you that. If she weren't my daughter it would be so much easier for her.


She's got it rough.
Came into this thread expecting "America is doomed" overreaction type posts, was not left disappointed. Still doesn't change that Ivanka is a real bitch.

Seems like the majority don't care.

Also why the fuck are the Dems completely silent these days?

The majority aren't paying attention 100% of the time because they have their own "lives" to attend to, so to say. More people likely dislike Trump then like him though. Also Dems are silent likely because there's nothing they can right now.


Homeland Security Fail
Matthew A. @MatthewACherry

Ivanka: I try to stay out of politics.

*Ivanka at the G20*


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
When the time comes for him to account for his crimes, she should be held just as liable. Only fair.
The thing about third world countries is that people in power rarely are held accountable, and when it happens it tends to be through violent means.
Dem politicians are such weakling pussies for heavens sakes.

They should be amping up the rhetoric throwing out wild accusations already.

If the dems and repub position were switched, ted cruz would have war paint on screaming in the Senate 24/7.

And when the fuck are we getting some info on the collusion investigation it's been months since Comeys announcement and no official word
Why doesn't Trump always get a slap in the face when he pulls off dumb shit like this?
It's like "Oh well, here he goes again" and nobody does shit or even critizes him.
This guy needs a constant 24/7-contra for every single point/argument/etc. he does.


Why doesn't Trump always get a slap in the face when he pulls off dumb shit like this?
It's like "Oh well, here he goes again" and nobody does shit or even critizes him.
This guy needs a constant 24/7-contra for every single point/argument/etc. he does.

Because GOP holds all the power in the government and they have absolutely zero incentive or want to fuck with Republican President as long he isn't absolutely off the rails.

EasyD is new to this, let him learn as he goes.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Why doesn't Trump always get a slap in the face when he pulls off dumb shit like this?
It's like "Oh well, here he goes again" and nobody does shit or even critizes him.
This guy needs a constant 24/7-contra for every single point/argument/etc. he does.
Because journalists that actually have access to him are too scared of losing coverage privileges
Because the position of POTUS is mostly one held back by conventional norms and not actual laws


Gold Member
It's a power play. Imagine how the Merkel, Putin and Jingping feel when they sit in a session Trump has deemed not worth his full attention. If you've ever worked in a corporation, it's like being in a corporate offsite where a colleague at your level sends someone from their team, because they have better things to do. You'll feel like an idiot, and perceive the other manager is actually at a higher rank than you.


CSPA is still in place, Obama didn't revert it. He waived the arms deal rule (I think it's arms deal) portion and I'm pretty sure the waives are temporary as part of the law
CSPA is still a thing. It seems Obama waived the selling arms portion, because "in national interest", which is by design.

An explanation from the U.S. Department of State: https://www.humanrights.gov/the-facts-on-child-soldiers-and-the-cspa.html

The Child Soldier Prevention Act signed into law in 2008, requires the Secretary of State to identify countries that have governmental armed forces or government-supported armed groups that recruit and use child soldiers. The CSPA requires that the Secretary of State publish a list of those countries in the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report. The governments of CSPA-listed countries may not receive certain forms of U.S. military assistance. The President may waive these restrictions in full or in part, if he determines that doing so is in the national interest of the United States.

In the countries that received full or partial waivers, much of the security assistance provided by the United States is aimed at working with their militaries to promote needed reforms and professionalize their armed forces to be more respectful of human rights, democratic values, and civilian control of the military. Rather than granting “blanket waivers,” we try to link specific policy actions with partial or full waivers, transforming the CPSA into a strategic and diplomatic tool. This year the President has determined that it is in the national interest to waive the CSPA restrictions in full for Rwanda, Somalia and Yemen and in part for the CAR, DRC and South Sudan. Not all governments on the CSPA list are waived; the President has determined not to waive Burma, Sudan and Syria. The Central African Republic (CAR): CAR was named on the CSPA list in 2013 and 2014 for unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers by groups that are no longer in power. A partial waiver to the Transitional Authorities is contingent on it meeting its obligations to the UN Peacekeeping mission, which includes support for the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former armed elements, with specific attention to children.

More in the link.
HAMBURG, Germany — President Donald Trump said Saturday that it might be easier for daughter Ivanka if her last name wasn't Trump.

Heaping praise on her at the launch of a new women's economic empowerment event, Trump said: "I'm very proud of my daughter Ivanka, always have been from day one. I have to tell you that. If she weren't my daughter it would be so much easier for her.

Because he'd be grabbing her by the pussy while she rides his name?



*freeze frame/disc scratch sound*

"Yep, that's me. You probably wonder how I got here."

"Angela I'm telling you, ok? I looked at the files, first thing I did when I got in the White House, first thing I did. You wouldn't believe it but it's true, it's totally true; aliens have been visiting this planet for decades, maybe even longer for all we know, we don't know for sure, but for a long time for sure ok? They have been visiting us for a long time. Even China knows, China! And now this might sound even crazier, but JFK... JFK was killed... Angela! Obama went to Mars in the 80s! To Mars! It's real! Listen!"


And when the fuck are we getting some info on the collusion investigation it's been months since Comeys announcement and no official word
All of Trump's cronies are busy cutting deals and giving themselves retroactive foreign agent status to exonerate them from any culpability for treason. That shit takes time.
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