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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III |OT| This one really is Warcraft 4


CDKeys has it for 36 right now... is this site legit?

I was kind of wavering and gonna wait a bit, but if I can get it for 36 I will right now.
Holy shit. Thanks for sharing. Voice actor (Nathan Constance) makes me enjoy that character even more just from watching him do the lines. He really gets into it in the recording booth. That's awesome.
CDKeys has it for 36 right now... is this site legit?

I was kind of wavering and gonna wait a bit, but if I can get it for 36 I will right now.
Legit. I've purchased a few keys from them in the past, including Dawn of War 3. Never had a problem.
Time for mission 12. I'm prepared for frustration based on the vague comments people have made a few times. I just hope it is finally Space Marines. We haven't had a Space Marine mission for ages now.


All the main characters are the strongest DOW characters. We need Bluddflagg back too so he and Gorgutz would troll eveyrbody else.
I'm liking this game the more i play it.
I always thought DoW 2 was a massive disappointment after DoW 1 and its expansions. DoW2 played completely different and the multiplayer had the terrible retreat button which made your troops run 100mph back to base horrible mechanic Imo. Still i played the single player DoW 2 and its expansions' to completion just because it was 40k, but i much preferred the single player and multiplayer of the original game. Last stand in DoW2 was fun though.
I think with a few adjustments and an expansion the game will be brilliant, right now it's pretty good but feels slightly unfinished.


Neo Member
played the first 2 campaign missions, kinda enjoying it tbh, its not blizzard quality, but warhammer never was on that level.

enjoying it for what it is, hopefully it doesnt take a complete nosedive later on.
Mission 12 done. That wasn't so bad. I kind of rocked 'em, but only because I'd had warnings that micromanagement was going to be heavy, so for the first time I actually broke my team up into groups. Put my 3 heroes as button press 1, my regulars as 2, and my whole army as 3. Went pretty well!


CDKeys has it for 36 right now... is this site legit?

I was kind of wavering and gonna wait a bit, but if I can get it for 36 I will right now.
Fuck it, I bought it. I was going to wait until a price drop, but $36 is probably going to be the best deal for the next 6 months.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
People who have issues with the game, have no obligation to disappear.

I've never been hyperbolic with my disappointment.


I really like the Multiplayer when I'm playing with friends.

There's much stuff I don't get yet or find OP but it's too early to blame balancing.

Very enjoyable


I had forgotten about this game until I saw the Steam pop up for it and was disappointed to see the mixed reviews on there and here as I really enjoyed the first two games.

Hopefully, the devs use the mixed reception as an incentive to improve the game. The silver lining is that I don't have a problem waiting for a sale now.


Just had the weirdest match with Tec right now.

We had literally no points into minute 5 in the game and were pretty fucked.
Then we decided on a russian specials tactic: Rush B.

So we grouped up and in one push we killed the shield gen (Ironmaw + Rocket Launcher OP!). Got it but lost everything we had.

After a few more minutes we did THE SAME strat but with more units+ some awesome drops and finished the game by minute 11


No, I am sorry, but this game is a turd.

Maybe a nice looking piece of polished turd, but it's a turd.

They have taken everything that was wrong with Dow 1 and 2 and made a ugly mess of it, instead of taking everything they did right. With a slice of Soulstorm tossed in.

I am sorry, but a Terminator will never make airflips, and a Eldar Knight will never slide..

It's just a affront to the genre, a grab for a MOBA, and a total rip on lore.

Imho, they should have gone towards a proper RTS. Or even a return to Dow 1, but with a Star Wars Galaxies map, turning it into a proper 40K Epic game? That would have been, well, epic?

But naw, instead we get another no sense piece of garbage, because, hey, Star Craft became a E-game hit, so we want to make it too.

Gawd damnit Relic, return to your roots, dare to be different again.


I don't really see the moba aspect everyone is talking about tbh.

Okay - the maps have 3 lanes and you gotta destroy objectives - but it's really not that different from standard RTS where you could instead just rush the bases.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The only MOBA like aspect is the shared "base" for each team in the form of the power core. The maps are *not* divided into "lanes" any more then any RTS map with choke points and terrain are. The elites are important but don't overshadow the need to control your army.

It's a bunch of bullshit. Game's got issues, but calling it a MOBA is just moronic.


After a few days I think my biggest gripe with the game is still the menus. The animations slow everything down and the text/font is just so hard to read sometimes. If they could add essential options (e.g. keybinds) and fix the menus to make them feel responsive then I think it would go a long way.

I will say that I do think the single-player in DoW2 was much better, though I prefer the multiplayer in DoW3.

a harpy

I totally agree about the weak campaign. It really knocks the game down. For my personal tastes, I think it has the most fun MP of the whole series. But the game is just not anywhere close to $60 for the campaign. $20, maybe 30. If anyone out there is getting it for the campaign, you either need to wait for a good sale or be a diehard fan.
The MP is proving to be fantastic... when you get matched up with people who know how to play. Unfortunately, if you're in 2v2 or 3v3 and your allies are idiots, theres not much one person can do to turn things around. Not that it isn't still fun to try.

Also starting to think i should probably take up Eldar at some point here. Getting thrown into matches with two other SM allies is really starting to get annoying.
...We got some good hits in though...

a harpy

Also starting to think i should probably take up Eldar at some point here. Getting thrown into matches with two other SM allies is really starting to get annoying.

Do it! Eldar seem great. I've been mostly playing 1v1s but I had an 8 win streak with them earlier today.


Did the first couple campaign missions, orks had me laughing the whole time.

Really looking forward to multiplayer with my friend, the elites approach seems really interesting.

a harpy

The elite exp is a pretty bad mechanic too considering what it unlocks.

I don't even understand why it's in the game. The skull system is a classic case of "unlock the stuff you want first and then forget that there's more stuff to unlock" except it sort of discourages playing around with interesting loadouts. The doctrine unlocks via leveling elites isn't good. It'd feel slightly better of XP was based on the game and not the use of the actual elite. It's gonna be so hard to level up 10-point elites.

They should have just made all of the gameplay elements unlocked from the start and let you use skulls to buy elite skins, army paints, profile portraits, hell, maybe even victory screens that your opponent sees when you win.


The multiplayer is really good guys. We've just scratched the surface of the depth offered by the unit/elite combinations and abilities. Game really doesn't deserve the hate it gets, it's really well made and balanced so far.

The Ork super elite Beauty is so amazing to use. Shoot his Klaw at the enemy army and pull the whole fucking blob to him xD
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