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We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men

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Right, but they don't come to it because of that . There are other things - such as sexual frustration or (seriously) economic anxiety or whatever - that causes them to look for a scapegoat. If things were going swimmingly for them they'd be less likely to become radicalized. They'd stay diet racist, sure. But theres usually an impetus that causes then to become fascists.

As for me, I never had a personal dislike of minorities because my sister was adopted from a third world country and I grew up in a diverse location so I always had nonwhite friends. I was just totally ignorant about the things they faced though. At most I was nervous about Islam for a while in the post-9/11 period and I had the general uncomfortableness going into majority nonwhite areas that all white people have.

The diet racism helps fuel them though. They can see that those without the personal problems they themselves have feel the same way about minorities and women, and falsely attribute their success to their hatred of minorities and women.
I don't disagree with that, but I think you're discounting personal causes. I was a nerdy, sheltered, socially stunted white conservative kid and I would not be shocked if I would have ended up in the alt right were it not for some good liberal friends turning me away from that path years ago. When you're privileged but not aware of it and things don't go your way, you latch on to things that explain why that's happening. So yes, you're right, the underlying cause is white supremacy, but young men often don't come to that simply because they hate black people. That gets slowly seeded into them afterwards, though the suspicion may exist beforehand.

I did end up getting into radical politics in the end, just in the other direction.

are you me? am i you?
All these articles about radicalization seem to point out the sexual frustration of these men.
There's seems to be some kind of testosterone-radicalization link.

On a more macro scale, I would say the underlying issue is an inability to acquire something that they feel they deserve or are entitled to. Sex certainly falls under that umbrella, but I think that mentality defines their world view beyond just frustrations with women.


I said what I said.

It was alt-right of him to use almost the exact same words as an alt-right leader, even if its in the opposite direction.

Jane Elliot been had the answers to both of these things.

Well either way, I agree with your main point. You won't see me argue that White people like myself do shit, we don't. Certainly not enough collectively. The majority are fine or even take pleasure when minorities are shit on. There are those of us that don't but I don't think it's unfair to generalize all of us because it is mostly true.


are you me? am i you?

Well I was the same way, except for me it wasn't friends, it was education (I went to college for psychology) and it was also a willingness to listen at places like GAF where I initially was so angered I would put people with the same beliefs I have today on ignore. But eventually, their perspective reached me.

All White people are not a lost cause, if there is a desire to learn.
Well either way, I agree with your main point. You won't see me argue that White people like myself do shit, we don't. Certainly not enough collectively. The majority are fine or even take pleasure when minorities are shit on. There are those of us that don't but I don't think it's unfair to generalize all of us because it is mostly true.

You basically did an #NotAllWhitePeople, and luckily someone in the past has crafted a perfect response to that.

Mohammed Ali said:
There are many white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right. If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good... Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?


My instagram account was largely fitness related in the beginning. That's how I became accustomed with radicalized white guys on the misc forum on bodybuilding .com aka #aware. I feel like the common thread in all these toxic environments is outright and open sexism. Some let their feelings on race be known and these 4chan/misc/reddit/gamergaters are invariably trash. Sexist, racist, homophobic trash.

Elliot Rodgers comes to mind.


I know a couple people like this who hide their toxicity well in day to day interactions but are truly terrible, deeply prejudiced, young white males. They are easily among the worse people I know and they cannot be reached thru empathy or reason.
Can we just ban white nations from immigrating to the US to keep out the radicalization? Until they can figure out what the hell's going on, at least.
Neuroscience is the why the brain works the way it does, but unless neuroscience is saying white supremacy is in brain chemistry, we will need more than neuroscience to explain how we end up with 2 different reactions.

White supremacy is a form of tribalism which is a part of evolutionary psychology. Tribalism is not a unique white people trait.


Pick out the isolated, weak, defeated, and those who feel like outcasts and then call them to blame someone else.

We literally saw this shit happen during the fucking election with Trump.


You basically did an #NotAllWhitePeople, and luckily someone in the past has crafted a perfect response to that.

I think you read my post wrong because I was agreeing with you that White people deserve it. What exactly do you want me to say then? Unless you have a problem with me just pointing out that most are horrible, though some aren't. If so you don't really want a conversation with me anyway but I don't think that's how these forums work, if you're White you can shut up.
I think you read my post wrong because I was agreeing with you that White people deserve it. What exactly do you want me to say then? Unless you have a problem with me just pointing out that most are horrible, though some aren't. If so you don't really want a conversation with me anyway but I don't think that's how these forums work, if you're White you can shut up.

LOL #DatWhiteFragility

It's more like "acknowledge that what is happening isn't new, isn't novel, and has been a part of American history since day 1, and white people need to realize this is a central cornerstone of whiteness and white culture, and take drastic steps to solve this issue."

Yall can't even do the first part of acknowledging the root cause in any meaningful way, which is what I'm trying to push yall to do. But then yall react with white fragility and "you just want us to shut up". No, I want yall to talk about what's been happening since the 1600s and stop pretending its because of porn and the internet.
No, this is my country.

Yes. That is also your country. This is not relevant to either of my posts in any way. It's just a deflection appealing to emotion, which you're good at. And which I am going to ignore.

Also when MLK Jr died, his approval was at 28% nationwide, so if anyone is insulting the Civil Rights movement, it would be you and your whitewashing of what actually happened.

I have said nothing of MLK Jr. and am generally annoyed by people who preemptively throw him out in a discussion as if he's a pokemon. I will point out that he had no problem working with many white activists, which you claim never existed. His frustration that so much of white America passively allowed oppression through apathy and an unwillingness to earnestly look at themselves and their communities in the mirror is one I share. But even when that frustration bleeds into anger it does not prevent me from acknowledging (and being grateful for) the fact that a large portion of this country continues to fight for civil rights.

Speaking of which, what happened to our Civil Rights leaders?

Oh they were all murdered, most of them by the state and white supremacy.

These white people are nowhere to be seen when its black bodies in the street.

White and NBPOC just now getting on the train and now they want a cookie?


Just getting on the train? Yes, many civil rights leaders were murdered. There are 38 civil rights martyrs honored at the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama. Nearly a third of them are white. I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge that your "white people never lift fingers" comment was unnecessarily toxic and, worse, just damn right historically inaccurate.

The type of activism we saw over the weekend (and will continue to see) did not start when Trump became president. It did not start with BLM. Internet message board militancy is great, but once you become involved in any actual activism with actual people you quickly realize just how many "lifted fingers" there are in opposition to white supremacy from white Americans. I don't think it's enough, and my post history is replete with emotional rants about my issues with the white majority in the US. That almost half the white voters backed Trump is still a huge problem. But that's another topic.

So, since you've moved the goal post from "white people don't do anything" to "white people just started so whatever", allow me to again rebut you with photos.









I anticipate your toxic and likely inflammatory rejoinder.


I think you read my post wrong because I was agreeing with you that White people deserve it. What exactly do you want me to say then? Unless you have a problem with me just pointing out that most are horrible, though some aren't. If so you don't really want a conversation with me anyway but I don't think that's how these forums work, if you're White you can shut up.
Essentially what Iron Man is saying is that white people are cigarettes and they're not trying to get cancer. So we have to somehow find a way to be tobacco free on our own without they're or anyone else's help, even though we're literally manufactured with it.

Which i think is doable over time but obviously Iron Man has every right to use the same isolationist strategy that we've been using towards the oppressed people of this country


LOL #DatWhiteFragility

It's more like "acknowledge that what is happening isn't new, isn't novel, and has been a part of American history since day 1, and white people need to realize this is a central cornerstone of whiteness and white culture, and take drastic steps to solve this issue."

Yall can't even do the first part of acknowledging the root cause in any meaningful way, which is what I'm trying to push yall to do. But then yall react with white fragility and "you just want us to shut up". No, I want yall to talk about what's been happening since the 1600s and stop pretending its because of porn and the internet.

I literally agree with you on all of that. Read my post again. Us White people are pretty shitty, historically, today also. We don't do shit and never have. But, I don't think that means White people can't have conversations about these issues because we're all the same, which amounts to all White people can shut up about this.


Saying white people have done nothing is false, white people for years have been allies to minorities, now have a lot of them been bystanders or instigators when it comes to minority issues? Yes. But many also choose to stand by us even if their lives are at stake because they wish to see their fellow man or woman equal to them one day. I may shit on white people sometimes, but I ain't gonna ignore facts. That'd be like ignoring the great impact Asians had in regards to the BPP. Just wrong to ignore that shit.

The problem isn't that they aren't getting laid. The problem is that they are being mocked and bullied for not getting laid.

Even your post contributes to this by emphasizing how easy it is to get laid - for them it isn't easy, because they lack some of the basic social tools that you and I have. If it is so easy and simple, then how fucking inadequate and pathetic must they be to fail at it?

To be clear, I'm not pointing my finger at you personally. It's a societal problem.

My whole point was that it ain't that serious. I'm in high school and no one cares if you a virgin or not really. No one cares so it ain't that serious for you to blame women for ya troubles. That was my point


Essentially what Iron Man is saying is that white people are cigarettes and they're not trying to get cancer. So we have to somehow find a way to be tobacco free on our own without they're or anyone else's help, even though we're literally manufactured with it.

Which i think is doable over time but obviously Iron Man has every right to use the same isolationist strategy that we've been using towards the oppressed people of this country

I agree completely. Can you explain to me how this post was offense to him? Out of all that I said, was it just those bolded words there?

Well either way, I agree with your main point. You won't see me argue that White people like myself do shit, we don't. Certainly not enough collectively. The majority are fine or even take pleasure when minorities are shit on. There are those of us that don't but I don't think it's unfair to generalize all of us because it is mostly true.
I said what I said.

It was alt-right of him to use almost the exact same words as an alt-right leader, even if its in the opposite direction.
You seem a little confused. You're rapidly going back and forth between stating I'm using neo-nazi talking points and claiming you never insinuated I was. It makes it a little difficult to address that accusation when you don't seem to be sure what is is you're saying yourself.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
Ok, I'm not well read in this. Embarrassingly ironic.

I've seen reports accuse this phenomenon of being a result of copying simulated aggression, through media like porn, games, movie and whatnot. I've also seen reports saying it stems from an "epidemic" of people with low self esteem and insecurity. Some say its a result of a power expectation projected from media on to these people.

Why not all of the above.

Beware a lot of non-expert pseudo-psychology below

We have a pretty common social construct of young white boys being told they are special. That they are better than everyone else and will be heroes and saviors of their world when they grow up, by their parents. They tell them that they are, and will be, the very best at whatever they want and if anyone says otherwise (like a teacher for example) then they are wrong and will give them a piece of their mind.

This sets an astronomically, and stupidly, high expectation for these people, and since they obviously aren't all Reagan Einstein Jrs, the reality is a stark contrast.

Since disappointment is the disparity between expectation and reality, which is quite large here, and that disappointment is internally aimed which is the base of low self esteem, you get a recipe for instability.

People with low self esteem have only a few options really.

1) Accept the disparity and take action to bridge that disparity (lower expectations and/or self improve)

2) Accept the disparity and take no action. (despair, which isn't a stable state of its own)

3) Deny the disparity and take no action. (avoid introspection all together and avoid problems)

4) Deny the disparity and take action. (Blame your situation on other people or things and take action against them)

We have an epidemic of people not willing to accept they aren't special. No matter how blatant reality is they aren't equipped with the mature human tools to deal with reality. The reality that they are just another human.

Trump is definitely one of those people. Can't accept he is anything less than god but blames the disparity on everything but himself.

Solutions? I guess...

1) Stop giving children an expectation that they are born great. People aren't born great, they grow, learn, struggle, and work towards greatness.

2) Those already trapped in insecurity but not yet in denial, teach them the tools of acceptance, resilience, resistance, and habit. Give them the psychological and emotional tools to improve their situation in a healthy manor.

3) Those in denial but without action, provide support and a welcoming environment so that they can someday turn to the possible tools of self improvement

But most importantly

4) Those in denial but taking action to blame and harm others, need to be stopped. Physically if need be. If they are off the deep end, they may need help, but they need to be stopped from spreading the damage like a virus before they themselves can be helped.

Those are just my unsolicited thoughts. Probably full of holes from me just talking out of my ass but it's what I believe. Definitely not an expert, and if I'm wrong I'd love some correcting and educating.


I agree completely. Can you explain to me how this post was offense to him? Out of all that I said, was it just those bolded words there?
re: "Unfair to generalize us"

Sounds like Iron Man just doesn't want us to defend ourselves or deflect in any way and just come to terms with the fact that we are all sewer scum. Some of us realize we're from the sewers but it needs to be all of us being collectively shamed if we stand a chance at getting clean. afaik
Yes. That is also your country. This is not relevant to either of my posts in any way. It's just a deflection appealing to emotion, which you're good at. And which I am going to ignore.

Yeah, notice how all those people are nowhere to be seen when it comes to black lives. Miss me with your nonsense fam.

I have said nothing of MLK Jr. and am generally annoyed by people who preemptively throw him out in a discussion as if he's a pokemon. I will point out that he had no problem working with many white activists, which you claim never existed. His frustration that so much of white America passively allowed oppression through apathy and an unwillingness to earnestly look at themselves and their communities in the mirror is one I share. But even when that frustration bleeds into anger it does not prevent me from acknowledging (and being grateful for) the fact that a large portion of this country continues to fight for civil rights.

First off, it was about the approval of him and the Civil Rights Movement, and you just gloss over the fact that the facts disagree with your whitewashed "we are the world" narrative from a 6th grade history textbook.

First it was the majority of white people, now its the majority of white activists.

Keep moving those goalposts there homie. I ain't buying it.

Just getting on the train? Yes, many civil rights leaders were murdered. There are 38 civil rights martyrs honored at the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama. Nearly a third of them are white. I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge that your "white people never lift fingers" comment was unnecessarily toxic and, worse, just damn right historically inaccurate.

And how many black people who were a part of those movements that weren't leaders that were murdered and lynched? Lets look at population statistics versus deaths related to that time. Something tells me they will look a lot like police death stats, extremely lopsided.

The type of activism we saw over the weekend (and will continue to see) did not start when Trump became president. It did not start with BLM. Internet message board militancy is great, but once you become involved in any actual activism with actual people you quickly realize just how many "lifted fingers" there are in opposition to white supremacy from white Americans. I don't think it's enough, and my post history is replete with emotional rants about my issues with the white majority in the US. That almost half the white voters backed Trump is still a huge problem. But that's another topic.

So, since you've moved the goal post from "white people don't do anything" to "white people just started so whatever", allow me to again rebut you with photos.

Oh, so now I'm an "internet activist".

Member of BYP100 in Chicago

Was on the ground in Ferguson day 1.

Organized marches in Chicago and NYC.

Oh, and I speak at conferences in my field about diversity and how racism fucks us all.

Your turn, Mr. "I've made long-form emotional posts on GAF before".

I can tell you, ain't that many lifted white fingers when it comes to anti-blackness and when it comes to black lives.

Also, white people DON'T do anything meaningful when it comes to black lives, and yes, white people are now out there using chants WE created, doing work WE started, using our methodologies for resistance and protest, and yet couldn't be assed to show up for the people who created those tools. Couldn't be bothered to show up for the black lives they take so much from.

I literally agree with you on all of that. Read my post again. Us White people are pretty shitty, historically, today also. We don't do shit and never have. But, I don't think that means White people can't have conversations about these issues because we're all the same, which amounts to all White people can shut up about this.

Shutting up about it is exactly the issue that led us here.

Didn't want to talk to their relatives and friends that want to vote for Trump.

Don't want to talk to their racist and sexist friends and confront them on their shit.

The wrong people are talking too much, and the right ones don't want to talk at all with crazy ass positions like this.

re: "Unfair to generalize us"

Sounds like Iron Man just doesn't want us to defend ourselves or deflect in any way and just come to terms with the fact that we are all sewer scum. Some of us realize we're from the sewers but it needs to be all of us being collectively shamed if we stand a chance at getting clean. afaik

Basically stop deflecting from the obvious giant blinking sign in the sky, which is white supremacy. It's amazing that solutions have been discussed in this very topic for every other cause come up with, but when white supremacy is brought up as a root cause, its deflection and white fragility instead of solution talk.


Pure evil thinking right here:

Yeah that's why I get pissed when people say that it's just trolls. The comments on yahoo, youtube, twitter, it's just trolls out for a laugh or children.

No, it's grown ass men and women that would be all too happy to back a Hitleresque regime if they could harm minorities. They would be the first to sign up. There would be millions. They are just waiting for the call.


re: "Unfair to generalize us"

Sounds like Iron Man just doesn't want us to defend ourselves or deflect in any way and just come to terms with the fact that we are all sewer scum. Some of us realize we're from the sewers but it needs to be all of us being collectively shamed if we stand a chance at getting clean. afaik

So it was just poor wording on my part. I should have went with, it's fair to generalize, which is what I meant and said. What I said was, I don't think it's unfair to generalize us. The key word being "Don't" which seems to be throwing people off.


So what strategies have been developed to combat online radicalisation of young Islamic men,and how do we apply them to this?
Big data and micro targeting allows you to find people more likely to be receptive to your ideas. It could be possible to identify young men who are at risk.
But the question is once you find them, how do you stop them from buying in to the bullshit?


So it was just poor wording on my part. I should have went with, it's fair to generalize, which is what I meant and said. What I said was, I don't think it's unfair to generalize us. The key word being "Don't" which seems to be throwing people off.
Actually I understood what you were saying. But yeah I think it seems like we aren't fully acknowledging that its just part of being a white American, even if its seems to be an insignificant part of our lives.

At the risk of sounding insensitive I will just say that I go great lengths to support minority groups in this country because its the right thing to do. I would also hope that they would help us no matter how privileged we may seem. But totally understandable if they're like fuck it because we deserve it. That's all.
So what strategies have been developed to combat online radicalisation of young Islamic men,and how do we apply them to this?
Big data and micro targeting allows you to find people more likely to be receptive to your ideas. It could be possible to identify young men who are at risk.
But the question is once you find them, how do you stop them from buying in to the bullshit?

You would need buy in from the law enforcement arm of the government, and good fucking luck on that.


Actually I understood what you were saying. But yeah I think it seems like we aren't fully acknowledging that its just part of being a white American, even if its seems to be an insignificant part of our lives.

At the risk of sounding insensitive I will just say that I go great lengths to support minority groups in this country because its the right thing to do. I would also hope that they would help us no matter how privileged we may seem. But totally understandable if they're like fuck it because we deserve it. That's all.

Not gonna lie, the amount of times the words fuck white people have crossed my mind is astounding. Reached it's peak during Baltimore and me being petty knowing the amount of white people at a Black protest would be so much lower than at women's or LGBTQ protests.


Actually I understood what you were saying. But yeah I think it seems like we aren't fully acknowledging that its just part of being a white American, even if its seems to be an insignificant part of our lives.

At the risk of sounding insensitive I will just say that I go great lengths to support minority groups in this country because its the right thing to do. I would also hope that they would help us no matter how privileged we may seem. But totally understandable if they're like fuck it because we deserve it. That's all.

I got ya, I agree. Well I'm still going to be here and there, talking shit about racist White people that deserve it, even if others think I shouldn't because I'm just as bad. I am surrounded by racists even in my own family and I'm just tired of it all. We need to do better as a race in America.
Basically stop deflecting from the obvious giant blinking sign in the sky, which is white supremacy. It's amazing that solutions have been discussed in this very topic for every other cause come up with, but when white supremacy is brought up as a root cause, its deflection and white fragility instead of solution talk.

White supremacy groups aren't the only ones targeting and radicalizing lost youth on the internet. This isn't solely a white supremacy issue. What you are talking about is a very valid discussion that should also be had but doesn't invalidate this one.
White supremacy groups aren't the only ones targeting and radicalizing lost youth on the internet. This isn't solely a white supremacy issue. What you are talking about is a very valid discussion that should also be had but doesn't invalidate this one.

In America, the most dangerous groups are white supremacy groups, and this "whataboutism" is foolish at best.
I was thinking that some of these people used to be "nice guys" who were rejected. Obviously, not all of them though.

It makes sense if you considering the extreme focus on being against feminism and some of their views of women in general.
In America, the most dangerous groups are white supremacy groups, and this "whataboutism" is foolish at best.

I agree with you but we can and should do both. Improve mental health and society for ALL the youth in this country and fight adamantly against the spread of white supremacy and stuff like "Men's rights Activism" which also target the same demographic but isn't solely white people.
I agree with you but we can and should do both. Improve mental health and society for ALL the youth in this country and fight adamantly against the spread of white supremacy and stuff like "Men's rights Activism" which also target the same demographic but isn't solely white people.

Yeah, but who exactly is the one burning down mosques, shooting up black churches and movie theaters?

Yeah, notice how all those people are nowhere to be seen when it comes to black lives. Miss me with your nonsense fam.

First off, it was about the approval of him and the Civil Rights Movement, and you just gloss over the fact that the facts disagree with your whitewashed "we are the world" narrative from a 6th grade history textbook.

First it was the majority of white people, now its the majority of white activists.

Keep moving those goalposts there homie. I ain't buying it.

It seems you might need to reread what you're replying to, IIM.

And how many black people who were a part of those movements that weren't leaders that were murdered and lynched? Lets look at population statistics versus deaths related to that time. Something tells me they will look a lot like police death stats, extremely lopsided.

Yes, it's hugely lopsided. My citing the white civil right martyrs was in direct response to your comment that white people have never contributed to helping black Americans. I was clearly not attempting to claim that they bore the brunt of Jim Crow era oppression.

But you knew that. So why are you bogging me down with strawmen?

Oh, so now I'm an "internet activist".

Member of BYP100 in Chicago

Was on the ground in Ferguson day 1.

Organized marches in Chicago and NYC.

Oh, and I speak at conferences in my field about diversity and how racism fucks us all.

Your turn, Mr. "I've made long-form emotional posts on GAF before".

I'm from Chicago. I was on the ground for the BLM Laquan McDonald protest on Roosevelt and Halsted. There were white people standing with us, locking arms with us. Anyone would know this, had they been there. The Michigan Avenue protest last Black Friday, ditto. The first major Trump protest in Chicago last year when we scared his ass from holding a rally in our city? White people were easily the majority of protesters. Here in ABQ, where I've relocated? I've been a minority in crowds full of white, Hispanic and Native BLM rallies. That has been eye opening for me especially, to be surrounded in a crowd of people who are not black but still braving tear gas and police nonsense to shout slogans in our collective name in a place where there are barely any black people to begin with.

You can not claim white people or NBPOC don't lift fingers when the evidence of the contrary is evident to any person who involves themselves in civil liberty activism in America. So if I doubt that you are such a person, IIM, don't post your credentials. Make me believe you actually have them by not spouting blatantly dishonest bullshit.

I can tell you, ain't that many lifted white fingers when it comes to anti-blackness and when it comes to black lives.

This is progress. You've moved from "they don't" to "they just started so it doesn't matter" to "it's not enough." You continue moving goal posts but that's fine because we're slowly reaching a point where we agree. No, it isn't always enough. As long as the majority of white people in this country are fine with voting for (or not voting against) someone like Donald Trump it won't be enough. But that's not the fault of the people who already do what they can, who come out to protest, who vote progressively, who raise hell when the President signs discriminatory E.Os. Ask the Muslims who were allowed to enter the US over the weekend if the people you're shitting on here in this thread mattered.

Also, white people DON'T do anything meaningful when it comes to black lives..
And here I thought we were making progress.


I was thinking that some of these people used to be "nice guys" who were rejected. Obviously, not all of them though.

It makes sense if you considering the extreme focus on being against feminism and some of their views of women in general.

"Nice guys" have always been shitheads. It's always been bound up in misogyny and a sense of entitlement and superiority.
They obsess over a woman until they find out she's hooked up with someone else at which point she becomes a slut.
They claim to be nice people and yet they bitch about being in the "friendzone" because to them a woman's only value is for sex. They'll act as if all those other guys who treated her bad are assholes who only cared about fucking her, but the only reason they do "nice" things for her is that they expect to get sex in return.
They are obsessed with the idea that all other men are inferior to them in some way (usually intellectually) because they have massive superiority complexes.

These are the guys who bitch that the only reason they can't get a girl is because girls hate gamers, while ignoring the millions of men and women around the world who play games and yet manage to sustain happy relationships.

There's some very interesting articles about self-proclaimed "introverts" who are actually covert narcissists. That fits "nice guys" perfectly.


contribute something
This is depressing.

Alt-right types have pretty much no empathy for people outside their bubble. Their worldview is so limited that they are unable to view black and brown people with anything but contempt.

Earlier today, I saw some edgy shithead Tweet about how Trump should end all aid and trade with third-world nations in hopes of causing a famine.

I think geographic segregation is the biggest causes of this hatred. White kids, influenced by a 400-year heritage of white supremacy, have so little meaningful contact with people of color that have no moral qualms against hurting them. White people who regularly interact with people of other races are the least likely to be racist.
PREVENT radicalisation has some good videos on case studies that we watched at work. There are a couple on white radicalisation/far right extremism.


Usually, the signs are the person doesn't talk much to family, is isolative, just got unemployed, doesn't spend much time at home (going to secret white nationalist meetings), has a poor relationship with parents, don't have friends to just chat to about anything, or have a skewed perspective based on a trauma related to people of a certain race (robbery, assault) and generalise that experience to millions of people of that race. You'd be surprised of who in your family can be radicalised if you don't spend much time with them or know what they get up to.

What helps is those people spending more time with family, the parents or family being more interested in them, joining groups that do activities which involve interacting with people of different races, finding career opportunities, and not spending too much time on the internet. I'm no expert at this kind of stuff, but that's just my take on preventing white radicalisation.


Yeah. Online radicalization is one of the downsides to the internet. Everyone gets to be in their own echo chamber. Everyone gets to be a victim. Until most people had easy access to the internet, this form of white radicalization was kept to small inner circles, and stoked by AM radio.

The SPLC has been putting out some great reading for a while now on this. As America becomes more diverse, the old ruling class is losing their minds coping with it.

The reason I posted that gif was to remind IIM that there are white Americans disgusted by and utterly opposed to the new surge of white nationalism. The fist that knocked the fuck out of Spencer was white, and the writer of the OP's article that this very thread is founded on is as well.

International Iron Man continues to make the same mistake conservatives do when they demonize all of Islam and every Muslim, and I'm a little disappointed that no one called him out for claiming white Americans wouldn't "lift a finger" to oppose bigotry as if this weekend hadn't proved such a statement completely false.

Because the post was directed sufficiently upwards.
It seems you might need to reread what you're replying to, IIM.

Yes, it's hugely lopsided. My citing the white civil right martyrs was in direct response to your comment that white people have never contributed to helping black Americans. I was clearly not attempting to claim that they bore the brunt of Jim Crow era oppression.

But you knew that. So why are you bogging me down with strawmen?

I'm from Chicago. I was on the ground for the BLM Laquan McDonald protest on Roosevelt and Halsted. There were white people standing with us, locking arms with us. Anyone would know this, had they been there. The Michigan Avenue protest last Black Friday, ditto. The first major Trump protest in Chicago last year when we scared his ass from holding a rally in our city? White people were easily the majority of protesters. Here in ABQ, where I've relocated? I've been a minority in crowds full of white, Hispanic and Native BLM rallies. That has been eye opening for me especially, to be surrounded in a crowd of people who are not black but still braving tear gas and police nonsense to shout slogans in our collective name in a place where there are barely any black people to begin with.

You can not claim white people or NBPOC don't lift fingers when the evidence of the contrary is evident to any person who involves themselves in civil liberty activism in America. So if I doubt that you are such a person, IIM, don't post your credentials. Make me believe you actually have them by not spouting blatantly dishonest bullshit.

This is progress. You've moved from "they don't" to "they just started so it doesn't matter" to "it's not enough." You continue moving goal posts but that's fine because we're slowly reaching a point where we agree. No, it isn't always enough. As long as the majority of white people in this country are fine with voting for (or not voting against) someone like Donald Trump it won't be enough. But that's not the fault of the people who already do what they can, who come out to protest, who vote progressively, who raise hell when the President signs discriminatory E.Os. Ask the Muslims who were allowed to enter the US over the weekend if the people you're shitting on here in this thread mattered.

And here I thought we were making progress.

Once again, I've been on the ground. Where were you?

I was also at those protests sans the Trump Chicago protest because I was living in NYC and was at those, but guess what? I went there WITH a white coworker. It wasn't that many white people fam. It just wasn't.

I don't need to make you believe a goddamn thing to be 100 with you. I was there. My name is known. No one knows you. Try that shit with someone else who doesn't know what's happening on the ground, in the meetings with protestors, who works with activists, who has multiple members on BLM on speed dial.

You're arguing with the wrong dude on this one.

And no shit white people were the majority in a place where the racial makeup of the MSA was 69.74% White, 2.47% African American, 5.53% Native American, 1.64% Asian, 0.10% Pacific Islander, 16.37% from other races.


And I didn't move from "they don't" to "they just started".

THEY DON'T show up for black lives in any way comparable to how they show up for their own.

AND THEY JUST STARTED DOING THAT (as in showing up for their own), using shit they took from our protests and using our chants, but couldn't show up for us.

Do you get it now, or are you going to keep misunderstanding me to score internet brownie points?

So once again, white America lifting fingers as a whole for black lives is a dishonest lie, and I wish you'd quit perpetuating it. Most don't give a fuck or are apathetic to our struggle and our lives.

You'd know that if you weren't from the Gold Coast or Evanston. Try being with real folks from the south side and the west side, who haven't seen a single finger lifted to help them.
The most depressing thing is how it seems to be the bullied and unpopular kids turning to this because they need to blame someone else over not being able to get laid.

I mean, wait till they actually get some and realise that sex isn't even that great compared to like, Skyrim.
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