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What are the big new arcade games right now?

I dont get out to the arcade much, but am thinking about starting to make it out to an arcade once a week or so and get back into that scene a bit..

any new good arcade-only games to look for?

has sega put anything out new in the arcades lately thats sweet?

SEGA, now that it has a hard time keeping customers brand loyal with games across so many systems, needs to really focus on their arcades i think.. they are still profitable in the arcade, and they should really try to build more arcade brand awareness amongst their fans.. IMO

and also, less "experience" arcade games ala wave runner/top skater/etc, and more traditional 3 button and a joystick games like die hard arcade.. was just playing that on my saturn, and i love that game.. hopefully one day I can get an STV system and get the Die hard cartridge as well as a few other of the titan games..


Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned should be out later. I'm looking forward to going back to arcades for that.
CAPCOM should make some special Street Fighter game, maybe Street Fighter 4, and make it arcade exclusive... or maybe not SF4, but some game that the capcom faithful would love, and would have to go to arcades to play..


Unfortunately, Capcom has pretty much halted all arcade development. Any special SF release would be solely a console affair.
so who basically makes the arcade games these days... namco, sega... snk??

guess arcade operators dont care that much, the games i still see people playing the most are Daytona USA and any of the shooting games (those machine gun old SEGA ones in LA and NY, silent scopes, etc)..

daytona usa is still the king of the arcade..


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Arcades are dead. You know it's true as even Japan isn't getting anything. What happened to VO:Force?

Not getting the love that VO : OT was?


if you're looking for the new hotness in arcades, there isn't one. just new revisions and editons of the same old, ie konami's bemani games, pseudo sequels of ggxx and vf4.

initial d arcade was insanely popular a while back, but has died down a bit now. though with the english release of ver.3, it might come back a bit; good for competition. it's fairly shallow game, though with no real technique to master, just precision gas and turn better than the next guy.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
LuckyBrand said:
CAPCOM should make some special Street Fighter game, maybe Street Fighter 4, and make it arcade exclusive... or maybe not SF4, but some game that the capcom faithful would love, and would have to go to arcades to play..

Arcades = Dead, so that would be financial suicide for Capcom. What's really surprising to me is that Capcom Fighting Evolution is actually getting an arcade release after all. :p But then again, it's probably only going to see release in Asia and perhaps Mexico, with it being imported everywhere else.
i wonder what it would take to get arcades jumping again..

i bet HALO 2 in arcades with an awesome setup (huge screen, great speakers, kicking connection to xbox live) and you'd be able to bring in your xbox memory card with your xbox live account on it..

i'd pay to play in an awesome setup like that, if they had 4 side by side, hell yah i'd go there with buddies for deathmatch and shit..

bet alot of halo 2 clans and what not would too...
i know this game has been around for a while but lately i been playing derby owners club by sega..great game...little expensive but its fun training horses and race them...they even race them for cash....:)..other wise i agree with defensor..streetfighter 15th anny game..or tournament editon of rush 2049


Outrun2 - just played it this weekend - SO awesome. They had it linked to 4 sit-downs but people were packing in the Initial D v3 machines right next to it. The graphics and draw distance are INSANE, and powersliding is a breeze. Can't wait for my Xbox port :)


Good question LB. The only arcade games I've looked forward to in the last year were SNK vs. Capcom, F-Zero and Outrun 2. And I have haven't seen the latter 2 games.

Arcades are on the decline...while many internet gaming cafes are doing well. Competitive gaming is moving from one platform to another.

It's time to move towards VR gaming!


force push the doodoo rock
DaCocoBrova said:
Arcades are dead. You know it's true as even Japan isn't getting anything. What happened to VO:Force?

Not getting the love that VO : OT was?

V-on force was really big in japanese arcades actually.
I thought the F-Zero method of having two similar games but with different levels in arcade and home was a good idea..

but i would have left it so you couldnt unlock the arcade levels at home...

it conserves development costs, and if you love the arcade game, youll love the home one with all new levels to play..

What is tournament edition of rush 2049? that sounds pretty cool..

i still end up playing T-Mek at any arcade that has it, i love that game... only reason i really want to hook up my 32x, too... poor game only got ported to 32x...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The arcades serve no purpose. Back in the day, the hardware was well ahead what was available at home. Until they do something w/ holograms or something similar, I don't see them coming back.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
arcades are not dead. Chuck E. Cheese's is still big, and Dave and Busters if a successful and growing franchise. And every mall has a stand alone arcade it seems. What may be dying is traditionally controlled arcade games, most everything now has propiertary controllers, dance pads, fishing rods, steering whells etc.

original question: Derby Owner's Club is one of the bigger money makers for high end arcades like D&B.
Dyne said:
Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned should be out later. I'm looking forward to going back to arcades for that.

Can't wait for this to come out. Even though i'm still working on Evo i'm interested in seeing what they've done to FT.



Heard of Wartran Troopers before? Neat pseudo-military sim/gun game. US Army is stereotyped to all hell. Neat artstyle. Probably a Japan-only game though.

There's also the doozy arcade release, Tekken 5, on the way this fall.


Unconfirmed Member
LuckyBrand said:
SEGA, now that it has a hard time keeping customers brand loyal with games across so many systems, needs to really focus on their arcades i think.. they are still profitable in the arcade, and they should really try to build more arcade brand awareness amongst their fans.. IMO.
For the record, Sega has HUGE arcade presence in Japan. There are Club Segas all over the place. I just got home from spending time in Joypolis Sega, the largest arcade in Tokyo (well, they call it an arcade, but there are actually more rides and things like that than actual arcade games).

That said, there's very little new stuff in the arcades. Rumble Fish and Z Gundam seem to get a lot of play (especially Gundam), and then the rest seem to play some of the more gambling style games like the horse race betting game or the various variations of pachinko and other such silly games.

Oh, VF: Final Tuned is out, but I've only seen it get serious attention in Akihabara, where I know at least one arcade has it in like a VIP sort of area for the elite players or something. It's kinda weird.


sasimirobot said:
Anyone play "Ollie king" yet, impressions?
A LOT OF FUN for a Top Skater-type game. Think of SSX with skateboards and no known secret paths, and more mature JSR-type artwork. There are 8 characters to choose from with varying degrees of strengths and weaknesses, and the 3 tracks are in San Francisco, London and Kyoto. Each city has you facing against rival skaters you have to beat on the particular track. The tracks are pretty linear as far as I know. You slam your foot on the back of your skateboard off a ramp to jump and do tricks for points/ranking. There are also grind rails, one of them being the rails of London Bridge. You get a letter grade for overall performance and for types of tricks. Graphics aren't as good as any JSR game but I think OK is more stylish overall, with blur effects and graffitti arrows trailing you when you pick up speed or do a trick.


Isn't it the most successful (profitable) arcade game of all time at this point?

I don't know...but if it is, it would have to beat out NBA Jam, which beat out Pac Man (or a Pac Man varient, I'm not sure).
i've been thinking of trying to get into the arcade scene myself. i live five blocks from an amusement park and they've got a great set-up this year. they have deluxe cabinets (40-some inch screens with the attached joystick stand several feet back) for tekken 4, vf4 evo and one of the capcom vs snk games (i'm not even sure what the hell it is...). there's linked daytona and daytona 2 units, sega gt... just a whole bunch of stuff. plus, they've got old school classics like rolling thunder, tmnt, ninja warriors... there's really too much stuff to list.

the only problem is that it's 99% tourists there on any given day so you don't really know who's going to be there playing. i'd love to get back into the scene, but there doesn't seem to be anything out there that's grabbing "casuals" and getting them into it the way sfII, mkII, and mkIII did back in the days...


FortNinety said:
Isn't it the most successful (profitable) arcade game of all time at this point?

I think SF II will always hold that title....


={<SMOKE>}= said:
i'd love to get back into the scene, but there doesn't seem to be anything out there that's grabbing "casuals" and getting them into it the way sfII, mkII, and mkIII did back in the days...
Which is screwed up because the current arcade scene is as casual as casual gets. Other than fighters and shmups, virtually all arcade games have totally braindead, common-sense, 'pick up and play' learning curves.
yah i have a season pass for a six flags near my house, and that arcade looks good when I walk by, but havent stopped in yet.. there are always people in there playing the games however, so could be fun to play against someone..

havent played against someone since VF3:TB was in my college's arcade.. and I whooped some ass.


And even i am moderately surprised
MegatronM - ah, you are out here too? Where abouts are you etc etc??

Arcades, well - pre-VF4 the arcades were really on the verge of croaking. I mean, they were deserted. But VF4 brought a lot of the interest back and things picked up for a good year or two.

But yeah, interest looks to be on the decline again. It's not like you can get an experience in the arcades in Japan that you can't get at the home.


I don't know if this is new to the arcades, but it's new to me. It's one of the most original light gun games I've played. With random dungeons each time. Similar to House of the Dead, but all ancient egypt themed. And there are unique powerups like arm bands and an explorer hat.

But the best part of this game is the controller, it's a pharoahs staff.

for more info check out The Maze of Kings


2000-2001 wasn't that bad in the arcade, GGX caused a big stir, and VOOT was still WILDLY popular (along with other recent Model 3 games like Sega Rally 2). Gundam Federation vs Zeon drew small crowds at most arcades I visited. Other stuff like Capcom NAOMI games, Metal Slug 3 and Mark of the Wolves didn't set the world on fire but got decent enough playtime. VF4 was by far the biggest event I've seen in Japan arcades in the past 4 years tho.

And Maze of Kings is wack.


And even i am moderately surprised
Give me a shout next time you are down this way. I keep meaning to meet up with a few of the GA crew that i haven`t met yet.

Cheers, dc.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
It's a arcade in the Greyhound Station here. Last time I went, I got pwnd in Super High Impact Football. Then I retired from the arcade circuit.
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