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What are the odds both the DS and the PSP flop?

I'm starting to have my doubts. I've never believed in the PSP, I think Sony is making a huge mistake by trying to beat Nintendo on their home turf, but I am also starting to think that NIntendo reacted poorly to the initial rumors of the PSP.

Gameboys are great because they are cheap & have TONS of great titles. I have laways stated the whole concept of the PSP is flawed, but perhaps the DS is as well. Why would I buy a expensive DS for just a few new titles on the market, when I can still get a GBA SP for super cheap? I know DS is backwards compat, but as a consumer I try not to look like a complete chode when I'm gaming, and the 2 screen thing is just geeky as hell. If I want t play me some Zelda, I'll stick with the SP, especially in public.

If I were Nintendo, I would have just upped the resolution on the GBA, up the color pallate and tweak the sound. Super sharp sprites could be remade from old NES/SNES classics. The money would pour in.

If people arent lining up to buy Metroid Prime, who is to say they will do so to play it on a portable? A high priced 3D portable is just not feasable imo. People want to turn a blind eye to the Ngage, but it didn't work for a number of reasons, and a lot of those reasons are compounded in both the DS and the PSP. What Sony should have done was skip the UMD BULLSHIT and make a PS2/PS1 player in about a year or 2, when it's ready for the market. RIght now with battery issues and cost, this is a huge gamble. The UMD aspect is the nail in the coffin imo. The case is closed as far as I am concerned with the PSP, it just isnt going to happen.

But does anyone else wish Nintendo just put out a SUPER GBASP? Something tells me they have that project already in the works, the DS is a gamble in it's own right and success is no guarentee.


Junior Member
Becuase we have a new generation that has grown up on 3D only. ...Maybe. I started on the release of the NES and I have long since tired of 2D. 2D is dying, face it.

Ranger X

Nintendo should have go Gameboy then after GBASP and in 2-3 years GBA2.
But they like your wallets and want to sell you as much as useless portable systems as they see fit.

I'm happy with the SP. The DS is brigning new possibilities but most of them will stay a possibility. 2 screens alone don't revolutionnise anything. The Touchscreen and Stylus is also quite an issue because it's gonna be awkward while holding your system with basically one hand. Voice recognition? --- yeah right, i wanna shout at my DS in front of the people in the bus... WI-FI? --- for what? You think i'm gonna invest in some wireless network at home to play my fucking DS???

The DS is indeed flawed. But it will benefit from the SP userbase so it's almost sure it sells even if no devellopers (or next to none) will take advantage of it's functions.
If i ever buy a handheld in the next year to come, i guess it would be the PSP and this is only if the price AND the batterie life is reasonnable.
2D will never die, as long as Super Mario Bros 3 is more fun than Super Mario 64.

An all 3d portable with a handful of titles, remixed ports with tons of technical issues does not pose a threat to the Gameboy Advanced.

Sony SHOULD have introduced a PS1/PS2 emulator in at least 2 to 3 years time, when the price could be lower and the tech would be a lot less battery hungry.

Sho Nuff

Again, they both suck.

First people are like "GBA technology suxor! It looks like SNES!"
Then they release what's essentially a portable PS2 and everyone's like "All it will have are ports!!! Gay!"
Then they're like "This DS has shitty sub-N64 hardware but it has a PEN!!! OMG!"


DS will succeed simply because it's a Nintendo portable; Sony just has to flash the 3D card a couple of times to get their millions


Sho Nuff said:
Again, they both suck.

First people are like "GBA technology suxor! It looks like SNES!"
Then they release what's essentially a portable PS2 and everyone's like "All it will have are ports!!! Gay!"
Then they're like "This DS has shitty sub-N64 hardware but it has a PEN!!! OMG!"

Exactly what I think every time I see a DS jerk-off thread
I think you are greatly overestimating things belgurdo.

Do people buy the GBASP because it's NIntendo? Or because of it's capabilities? IF that were the case then why don't people buy more NIntendo consoles? People go where the quality is.

Will people buy a SOny portable just bcause it says 'sony'? Again, it's a question of quality.


Sho Nuff said:
Again, they both suck.

First people are like "GBA technology suxor! It looks like SNES!"
Then they release what's essentially a portable PS2 and everyone's like "All it will have are ports!!! Gay!"
Then they're like "This DS has shitty sub-N64 hardware but it has a PEN!!! OMG!"

Damn good post, sir!
Gattsu25 said:
Damn good post, sir!

Not really, it pertains to the fanboy quotient of the gaming population, which is next to nothing. Being critical of both systems isn't just going to be a fanboy thing.


meh I say.

DS backward compatability isn't even an issue (for me) because I have a fucking SP for that and it not only looks better, but is smaller and (I would imagine) be more 'portable'

So i'm looking at these handhelds on their own merits and I'd say it goes something like this:


neither of the two newer handhelds look to be offering anything new that I consider a must own...and while the games for the PSP interest me more, the unknown battery life and price drop it back down to DS levels of anticipation


i dunno i love handheld gaming and i hope they both succeed though i do think it will be an uphill battle for both. It all really depends on the price of the machines if it is not right then they will fail. if the revisions on the ds are enough like adding a jotstick and not just a stylus holder i can see that handheld doing very well. it is just enough 3d and just enough 2d for it to be a compareble handheld to a new Gameboy comes out.


hyperbolically metafictive
dunno, but i'm pulling for it! gba is the first handheld i've really liked, and it seems like it'll be the last.


No chance the DS will. Out in time for Christmas with a competitive price and compatability with the GBA = a few million sold in the US gauranteed. Essentially should sell them out as fast as Nintendo can produce them I'd imagine.

The PSP is much harder to predict.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
What Sony should have done was skip the UMD BULLSHIT and make a PS2/PS1 player in about a year or 2, when it's ready for the market.
And make it the size of a portable DVD player? No thanks. That's not a handheld.


There is little chance that DS will flop considering it has immensely popular franchises like Pokemon and Megaman Battle Network in the pipeline.

But it would be kind of cool if they both flopped. It would show how immeasurably strong GBAs straightforward design and brand is.


I don't think that either of them are a guaranteed success. I have my doubts that the DS will be much of a success. The dual screens seem like a gimmick so far. I've yet to see anything that truly takes advantage of them in an innovative way, but we'll see. I don't really see the point of the DS to be honest. Nintendo should have just waited to release their next handheld a year or two after the PSP is released. I guess they still plan to do that, so why even bother with the DS? The PSP is already more powerful.

I see PSP having a better chance to succeed, but it will take awhile. It offers a lot more than the GBA from a technical standpoint, but early on it's likely going to be too expensive to really catch on. The piss poor battery life won't help it either. Once it starts to become affordable, however, it could easily take over the handheld industry. Then again, by that point Nintendo should have their next generation Game Boy out.


For me PSP is a winner.

I'm one of those people that Sony targets. I play my GBA 95% at home. If I'm bored while outside of home, I usually have a book/magazine or MP3 player. Even this is very rare because whenever I'm outside of home, I usually (90%) go with someone else (if I have to be alone, I'd rather be at home). So I dont really need anything to keep me busy other than chatting with that person(s).

In conclusion, battery life means nothing to me.

Now, why would I prefer PSP? It has extra functionalities, and the software support sounds like its going to be like PS2.

Though, I'll probably end up getting DS too (I own pretty much all major consoles/gameboy since 32-bit days).


The PSP will sell on looks alone. If Sony even just makes a decent release (1 must have game, and no short supply) and the price isn't overly outrageous, it will sell well.
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